Ubuntu :: Kmymoney Stuck On "checking For Overdue Scheduled Transactions / Fix It?

Feb 23, 2011

Kmymoney is freezing on start up with the above message. Processor running at 100%. Only way out is to kill the process.
I tried removing the programme and reloading via the software centre but no joy. If I re-name my date file to a different file type the programme loads normally but of course asks to start a new account.

It would seem that my data file is corrupted in some way?

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Ubuntu :: After Rebooting - Stuck At Checking Battery State ?

Oct 26, 2010

Updated from 10.04 to 10.10 about 2 weeks ago and it worked just fine until today. After rebooting, it's stuck at "* Checking battery state" and nothing happens. I've tried with power cord inserted/out and without battery but with no success.

What I did before rebooting was that I tried to fix my iphone tethering problems with the following commands:

And also a system update. And here I am. Anyone knows what could have happened? I'm on a Acer Travelmate 8371.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Stuck On Checking Battery State After Installing Nvidia Driver 10.10

Apr 21, 2011

I just installed ubuntu on my m11x and am completely new to ubuntu. After installing the latest driver for the 335m I am stuck at checking battery state and there is no way I can get to the gui anymore. The only access I have to are the tty's and I don't know what to do. I have already tried finding a solution for a couple of hours, but cannot find any. Please help me solve this problem, I do not want to reinstall again.

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Ubuntu :: Stuck At "checking State Of Battery" Screen?

Nov 13, 2010

i am running ubuntu 10.10 i tried installing nvidia drivers earlier. it said something about configuring X server as root. so i restarted my laptop and now i get stuck at the screen that says "checking state of battery" i know i can press ctrl alt F2. and i tried a few commands but nothing works.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installation Stuck At "checking For Packages To Remove..." Safe To Restart?

Jun 3, 2010

i was trying to install ubuntu 8.04.4 LTS on my dell latitude c800 and the install is hanging at "checking for packages to remove..." and i was wondering what steps followed this, and if any of the steps that follow this one are critical to the laptop functioning... so, is it safe to restart my laptop when the install is only at 96% ?

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Ubuntu :: Kmymoney Broke After Install KDE 3.5?

Jan 28, 2010

I have just installed KDE 3.5.10 on Kubuntu 9.10

I found that kmymoney is not working and after inspecting the packages I found the following

$ sudo apt-get install kmymoney2
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done


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Ubuntu :: Kmymoney Freezes When Account Is Clicked On?

Jul 24, 2010

I'm able to open up kmymoney and create a new file, click on the new accounts, enter data, etc. When I try to open an existing file, it opens fine, however as soon as I click on any of the accounts it freezes. I ran the consistency checker and it resolved 10 errors, but still will not open.

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Ubuntu :: Checking Disk Mean Checking All Partitions On Hd?

May 10, 2010

Sometimes at startup I get this message "Checking disk 1 of 1". Does that mean it's checking all partitions on the hd? After a bad shutdown there is no prompt for fsck to run and the system just boots up. In fstab I have both options set to "1" for the partition Ubuntu is on, all others set to "0". Any ideas on both?

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OpenSUSE :: KMyMoney - OFX Import Missing - How To Find It

Jan 19, 2010

I have the latest packages for kmymoney and kmm_ofximport installed on my system, but the 'file->import->ofx' menu item is not showing up as the kMyMoney manual leads me to believe it should. I do have the menu to 'map to online account' when right clicking an account, but it is not enabled for some reason. The plugin (KMyMoney OFX) is in the plugins list under the configure menu, so I'm kind of stumped.

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Fedora :: Kmymoney - Unable To Setup An Online Account

May 11, 2010

I was wondering if anyone uses kmymoney? I am trying to setup an online account but I get errors when I try to map to an online account.my bank is M&T bank and quicken 2007 is no longer supported.

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Fedora :: Yum Are Unfinished Transactions Remaining?

Sep 4, 2010

I get this message when I run yum update kernel*

There are unfinished transactions remaining. You might consider running yum-complete-transaction first to finish them.
--> Running transaction check
---> Package kernel.x86_64 0: set to be installed
--> Processing Dependency: linux-firmware >= 20100806-2 for package: kernel-
--> Running transaction check


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Software :: Kill Old Transactions In GNUCash

Mar 30, 2010

I recently transferred my old Quicken data to GnuCash. That data includes some very old (15 years ago) transactions and accounts. How can I get rid of all transactions prior to, say, 1/1/2004? I would guess that the Close Book tool is relevant, but there's no documentation on it that I can find. I also want to get rid of ancient accounts, but when I try, I get a message to the effect that I can't delete read-only transactions. More generally, is there a place for asking GnuCash questions?

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General :: Is Using Ubuntu Live CD Safe For Online Financial Transactions

Jul 26, 2010

use a Live CD of Ubuntu to do all my financial transactions online, I figure thats the safest way since any virus/trojan cannot infect the Live CD?Just one question, how safe is it to use Linux as a whole for this kind of use?(I mean, Linux and all the apps are open source and written by just about anybody, so how can I be sure that even the Ubuntu Live CD doesnt have any sort of keylogger etc installed? After all, with so many lines of code, I'm sure someone could have sneaked in something like that?)

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Slackware :: Get Kmymoney Working With HBCI Support On Slackware64-13.37 System?

May 8, 2011

I am trying to get Kmymoney working with HBCI support on my Slackware64-13.37 system. My understanding is, that there are three dependencies for Kmymoney 4.5.3:

AqBanking 5.0.5
Gwenhyfwar 4.0.9
KMyMoney Plugin (kmm_kbanking) 1.0

I used to believe, that the plugin wasn't needed anymore in recent version of KMyMoney, but it seems, that I was wrong. With src2pkg I was able to compile AqBanking and Gwenhyfwar:


# src2pkg -e

Then I used the SlackBuild script from SlackBuilds.org, modified the version to 4.5.3 and started it with ARCH=x86_64. Compilation ran through smooth, and I installed the package. However, HBCI support is disabled.
After some web research I came to the conclusion, that the KBanking module is still needed. So I grabbed it from the original source. Unfortunately I can't properly compile this one. Although I installed KDE3 and Qt3 compatibility packages from Slackware64-13.1 I get:


checking for Qt... configure:
error: Qt (>= Qt 3.2 and < 4.0)
(headers and libraries) not found.
check your installation!

Has anyone managed to get through the whole process and to activate HBCI support in KMyMoney?

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Software :: YUM Clean All - Unfinished Transactions Remaining

Oct 28, 2010

I tried a yum clean all but this still comes up when installing:
There are unfinished transactions remaining. You might consider running yum-complete-transaction first to finish them.
The program yum-complete-transaction is found in the yum-utils package. How to clean the cache? I don't want to run any of the transactions.

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CentOS 5 Server :: Slow File Transactions On 5.5 Nas-box?

Jan 17, 2011

we got a dell nf600 network storage server which functions as headnode for our little computing-grid and network storage system
i did a normal install of centos 5.4, upgraded to 5.5 and so far there haven't been any problems with one exception:there are 2 harddisk configurations present on the box:

- a raid system where i store all the data with 4TB, mirrored
- a harddrive where the system files are stored

the network access happens via samba and nfs and is fast enough, but when i want to copy something from the raid to the single harddrive or vice-versa, or make some bigger file operations on the raid, the system slows down VERY much and is not responsive at all that there should be some extra-configuration for the filesystem/raid controller/... but i don't know where to start looking i would appreciate it very much if someone could help me further - and i will ofc provide all the configuration files you need for that (i just don't know which ones to post here in the first place)i'm not too lazy to read through some manuals, if you know a good one for setting up a fileserver in centos (with info how to tweak performance)

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Transactions Timeout - Yum / Wget And HTTP

Apr 28, 2011

I am having a problem with 5.4 that I did not have with 4.5. The problem happens only sometimes but in specific instances. Basically a summary of the problem is that certain network transactions timeout. The specific instances are with wget, rpm, http. The problem usually, but not always, occurs with pptp stuff. (NOT running pptp but getting pptp stuff). For instance, the following command, which finishes in seconds on non-5.4 OS's:
wget [URL]
downloads about 20% then gets stuck. About 5 minutes later it downloads another 20% and then gets stuck, etc. The same thing with rpm:
rpm -ivh [URL]
waits about 3 minutes and then gives an error. I think it does the same thing as the wget but
wget will keep trying, while rpm gives up. The error from rpm:
Retrieving [URL]
..five minutes later:

I can wget the above as I mentioned before and install it that way. Before I do it, yum works fine. Afterwards, yum exhibits the same behavior of timing out (because it is using the pptp repository). Also visiting the pptp web site from Firefox times out on certain pages. I originally thought it was some problem with the pptp site, but I notice that log into hotmail.com. Does the same thin (fine on other operating systems). A view with Wireshark on the wget (pptp) shows the my machine receiving a reassembled TCPPDU from (Sourceforge), sending an ack, receiving a reassembled PDU, sending an ack, receiving, sending followed by the 5 minutes or whatever of nothing. Then sourceforge sends an RST and a SYN and the process is repeated.

When I put the machine directly on an AT&T IP connection (12.147.X.Y) everything worked fine. Same with Comcast on a direct link. The times I am having problems is when our router is hooked up to a Comcast IP (70.88.X.Y) and assigns 192.168.5.X addresses to our machines. So when I was doing the above from going through the router through Comcast is when I had the problem. So it is probably something with the router, but it is hard to figure out since CentOS 4.5 and Fedora do not exhibit this behavior, nor does 5.4 on most sites (mail.yahoo.com for instance). I did verify, at least from what I could, that ICMP type 3 and 4 are not being blocked. If they were, the same problem would happen on other op systems. And I was able to ping, albeit just locally, but we looked at the router settings and ping was not blocked.

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Software :: Split Transactions In GNUCash - Giving Gripe

Jun 2, 2011

I've been trying to get a family member to switch over to Ubuntu, and as of now his computer is dual-booting Ubuntu and Windows. He uses Quicken and I wanted to give him as few reasons as possible to boot windows. I installed GNUCash, and he started using it just fine until he tried entering a split transaction.

It was like this: Person A donated w amount of dollars, Person B x amount of dollars, Person C y amount of dollars, and Person D z amount of dollars. These all were deposited at the same time to form a deposit of d dollars. How would this be entered? Please try to show the exact output if possible.

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Ubuntu :: Finding The Equivalent To Microsoft Money Where Can Access Online Account And Download The Transactions

Sep 13, 2010

I've found the office equivalent to MS office that I was currently using and have acclimated myself to those programs. Now, I'm looking for the closest equivalent to Microsoft money where I can access my on-line account and download the transactions as I have been doing with Microsoft Money. I've recently downloaded kmymoney, but I don't know how to set up the on-line account download.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Scheduled TV Recording ?

Apr 3, 2010

I use Kaffeine to record live TV to disk for later playback. I've been putting up with Kaffeine's little foibles for the last little while, but tonight (for the second night in a row) I accidentally closed it and consequently it didn't record anything.

Is there any software I can use to construct a recording schedule which will then not be dependent on me remembering to leave a particular app running? I don't really need this in MPEG4 or anything. The PC stays on 24x7 - I just need it to launch a recording at the correct time.

I've avoided MythTV in all it's incarnations because I want the computer to still function as a normal PC most of the time, and from my admittedly brief trial of MythTV it took over the PC and wouldn't let me open a web browser or a mail client.

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Ubuntu :: Can't See Results Of Job Scheduled With The 'at' Command

Oct 5, 2010

I scheduled a job, 'ls -a', with the at command, 3 minutes in the future. It looks like the job ran, but I cannot see the results of 'ls -a'. I accessed my mail with the 'mail' command and saw that the output of my scheduled job was message 1. I typed in '1' after the & prompt, and saw that the subject of the message was the output of my job, scheduled at the time specified with the 'at' command. I cannot see the output of the 'ls -a' command that I scheduled though. How do I see the contents of the message, and the actual output of the job.

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Ubuntu :: Run A Script With Scheduled Tasks?

Jun 27, 2011

i have made a search on this subject and i always find the cron to be the solution for me. But i am asking because i think what i want can be done differently. i have a command line to grab stream and save it. i want this command to be run at different time (hours) on specific days. i should use the "at", as far as i saw here on the forum. But are there other way to do it? can i have a simple script that i run the day of the event, before this occur?

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Ubuntu :: Scheduled Copy Folder Task?

Jan 10, 2011

i was reading on how to do scheduled tasks, however i couldnt find anything that was a scheduled task to copy a whole folder to a NAS(Network Storage) thats linked on my ubuntu desktop every 4 hours or so.

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Ubuntu :: Want To Set Up A Scheduled Task To Take A Screen Shot?

Feb 13, 2011

I have my background as a satellite picture of the earth. Right now I have a scheduled task to grab that picture off the internet (the website updates it every three hours) so my background is a 'live' snapshot of the earth.

I want to set up a scheduled task to take a screen shot every three hours, so that I can see, for example, the way the earth changes over the course of a day...a week, etc. I already have the Scheduled Task Manager from Gnome, but would anyone know what command I could use to do this?

My biggest problem is figuring out how to change the name of the picture it saves it as every time. (e.g. earth1.jpg, earth2.jpg, earth3.jpg, etc.)

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Ubuntu Servers :: Get Scheduled Task To Run A Bash Script?

Sep 10, 2010

I am trying to get Scheduled Task to run a bash script (which runs an rsync command) but it does not seem to be running. I can run the script from the command line with out a problem, but I have it scheduled in Scheduled Tasks to run once everyday and I can't find any evidence of it running or any indication why it does not run. is there a better GUI for scheduling tasks? I am running 10.04 server with xbuntu desktop

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Launch Scheduled Tasks Application

Nov 7, 2010

When I try to launch it from the System Tools sub folder, I see it appear for a second and then it disappears. What should I do? This is the code displayed when I try running it from the Terminal.

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Ubuntu :: Status Of Cron Scheduled Tasks While Computer Off?

Apr 29, 2011

Basically what I wanted to know is, if we turn the computer off (or hibernate/standby) - what will cron do with the tasks that were suppose to be scheduled during that time period the moment u turn it back on? Reason I ask is because i have a backup scheduled for every single hour. And another one I want to schedule for every 15mins. If I turn my comp in standby overnite, I certainly don't want to turn it on in the morning to find cron doing like 30 back up jobs!

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Ubuntu :: Cron Or Scheduled Tasks Not Working Properly

May 23, 2011

I am running a series of operations on executable matlab scripts which are connecting python and fortran scripts. I schedule the executables in cron. The problem:

- My original matlab scripts work perfectly.
- My executables work perfectly if I run them from the terminal. - Using the gui scheduled tasks and running the scripts once from a button, everything also works fine.
- But when I leave the scheduled tasks run on their own, I get an error! The error can be that the script hangs in general (I have some text logs exported every step to track the progress), or I get an error which never appears when I run the script with any of the other mentioned ways.
- I tried both cron command prompt or the GUI scheduled tasks
- I am running on Ubuntu 64 bit

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Slackware :: Scheduled Downtime For The Website?

May 5, 2010

Is [URL] down right now? It seems to be.

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Ubuntu :: Automated Scheduled Backup System Waking Up Computers

Mar 24, 2010

I am looking for an automated backup system and I like bacula. I have 3 Notebooks and a Desktop computer that need regular backup. Now I don't want to let them run all night just to do the backuping, so I was thinking I could use wake-on-lan to have bacula wake up the machines, then do the backups, and shut them down afterswards. While this may work with devices on the ethernet, it won't work with the Notebooks on the wifi. So is it possible to have the Notebooks schedules to automatically wake up from suspend or shutdown ? Or is it possible to interject a shutdown command if it is after a cerain hour and call the bacula director to start the backup now?

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