CentOS 5 Server :: Slow File Transactions On 5.5 Nas-box?
Jan 17, 2011
we got a dell nf600 network storage server which functions as headnode for our little computing-grid and network storage system
i did a normal install of centos 5.4, upgraded to 5.5 and so far there haven't been any problems with one exception:there are 2 harddisk configurations present on the box:
- a raid system where i store all the data with 4TB, mirrored
- a harddrive where the system files are stored
the network access happens via samba and nfs and is fast enough, but when i want to copy something from the raid to the single harddrive or vice-versa, or make some bigger file operations on the raid, the system slows down VERY much and is not responsive at all that there should be some extra-configuration for the filesystem/raid controller/... but i don't know where to start looking i would appreciate it very much if someone could help me further - and i will ofc provide all the configuration files you need for that (i just don't know which ones to post here in the first place)i'm not too lazy to read through some manuals, if you know a good one for setting up a fileserver in centos (with info how to tweak performance)
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Apr 28, 2011
I am having a problem with 5.4 that I did not have with 4.5. The problem happens only sometimes but in specific instances. Basically a summary of the problem is that certain network transactions timeout. The specific instances are with wget, rpm, http. The problem usually, but not always, occurs with pptp stuff. (NOT running pptp but getting pptp stuff). For instance, the following command, which finishes in seconds on non-5.4 OS's:
wget [URL]
downloads about 20% then gets stuck. About 5 minutes later it downloads another 20% and then gets stuck, etc. The same thing with rpm:
rpm -ivh [URL]
waits about 3 minutes and then gives an error. I think it does the same thing as the wget but
wget will keep trying, while rpm gives up. The error from rpm:
Retrieving [URL]
..five minutes later:
I can wget the above as I mentioned before and install it that way. Before I do it, yum works fine. Afterwards, yum exhibits the same behavior of timing out (because it is using the pptp repository). Also visiting the pptp web site from Firefox times out on certain pages. I originally thought it was some problem with the pptp site, but I notice that log into hotmail.com. Does the same thin (fine on other operating systems). A view with Wireshark on the wget (pptp) shows the my machine receiving a reassembled TCPPDU from (Sourceforge), sending an ack, receiving a reassembled PDU, sending an ack, receiving, sending followed by the 5 minutes or whatever of nothing. Then sourceforge sends an RST and a SYN and the process is repeated.
When I put the machine directly on an AT&T IP connection (12.147.X.Y) everything worked fine. Same with Comcast on a direct link. The times I am having problems is when our router is hooked up to a Comcast IP (70.88.X.Y) and assigns 192.168.5.X addresses to our machines. So when I was doing the above from going through the router through Comcast is when I had the problem. So it is probably something with the router, but it is hard to figure out since CentOS 4.5 and Fedora do not exhibit this behavior, nor does 5.4 on most sites (mail.yahoo.com for instance). I did verify, at least from what I could, that ICMP type 3 and 4 are not being blocked. If they were, the same problem would happen on other op systems. And I was able to ping, albeit just locally, but we looked at the router settings and ping was not blocked.
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Jul 14, 2010
Anyone know why my fresh installation of centOS server is so slow? Seems like it takes over a minute to execute a command, im not doing anything complicated either. Secondly, how come at times when I type reboot the machine starts to beep, one long loud annoying beep.
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Feb 11, 2010
in my office I've setup a centos server which uses no GUI only the console with apache & mysql for testing purpose, notice that I haven't setup any vhost or any mysql db yet, so the load is 0.00 The strange thing that suddenly one day I tried to login to this "server" from my windows pc (in the next room) via putty , and since that day the "server" is very very slow. What do i mean? when I try to login with SSH it makes 15 seconds or more to ask me about login, and then about password (like it happens in a server with massive load). then when I type the command in the konsole it always delays between letters.
I run top -c and everything is dead (0.00) so there is no load. even If I ping -t localip the machine , after 3-4 pings I get "Request timed out". so I think something is wrong with the local network. If I get connected physicaly in the "server" and start pinging my windows pc it works great, everything is going fast, the konsole is fast (as it should be) and if I ping any other servers it also goes withoute a problem. The I think its not a problem with the "servers" network connection.
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Mar 1, 2011
I am not an expert and have only been managing my server not too long. My server is running kind of slow so someone suggested running the 'top' command via shell, and I found a few things using major resources, but I don't know what they are or how to fix them. can someone suggest some things.
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Dec 23, 2009
I am using CentOS and sending mail through php mail function. It is taking too much time to send a mail.
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Mar 28, 2010
My server is really slow. When I did a top -c or ps aux, below shows up. Shouldn't there be only one? Shall I kill all those processes and leave only one?
3135 nobody 15 0 15900 5232 1860 S 0.0 0.1 0:00.17 /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd -k restart -DSSL
3173 nobody 16 0 15900 5244 1848 S 0.0 0.1 0:00.05 /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd -k restart -DSSL
3174 nobody 15 0 15900 5232 1860 S 0.0 0.1 0:00.15 /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd -k restart -DSSL
5153 nobody 15 0 15900 5228 1860 S 0.0 0.1 0:00.04 /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd -k restart -DSSL
7598 nobody 16 0 15900 5228 1872 S 0.0 0.1 0:00.20 /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd -k restart -DSSL .....
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Nov 16, 2010
I have CentOS 5.5 x86_64 with Apache, php and mysql.
I have just installed OTRS (helpdesk - trouble ticket system) on that server and no users.
This system works with perl, apache and mysql.
I notice that is slow to respond and at times unresponsive the apache welcome page. code...
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Jun 28, 2010
I am new to Centos and linux in general. I have just got myself a Dell 1950 server with 2x 1T SATA2 hard disks in it. now the server comes with a PERC5i Raid card with 512Mb. Well I put these in raid 0 and the raid card initilzed the disks to 128 writeback and read ahead. When I loaded centos it did not recognize the dell layout so therefore wanted to initalize it again, so I done this as it wanted. Now I created a 80gb boot and o/s partition and a 100gb swap the rest was created into LVM space to run solus vmwear. But I found the raid 0 to be getting extreamly slow read and write speeds.
Example same disks
Desktop PC max 214mb/s windows vista 64
Server with centos 104mb/s
Now I am not sure but I am told that I need to align the o/s with the raid card settings but I have no idea how to do this. How to do this in plain easy step by step instructions. I mean how to calculate it, how to format the disk this way, and what files to edit where if needed. I have spent hours trying to figure out why my raid 0 is slower than a single disk.
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May 22, 2010
I'm trying to set up a fileserver on my 10.04 machine, and access the files from Windows 7 via wifi. I can see everything alright, but the transfer speed to Windows never gets higher than 70KBps. Both computers can access the web at 800+KBps. I've also checked with an OS X machine on the same network, which was also extremely slow, so I'm fairly sure that the problem is on the server's side.
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Aug 18, 2011
It stores all my important stuff, as well as some music and movies.I use a second linux box in my living room to "stream" content via NFS or SAMBA share.The streaming tends to stop several times during playback, and needs to fill up its buffer again before continuing to play.I also have some Windows XP and 7 based computers that connect to this file server.I have noticed that directory listing is VERY slow, and there is a huge lag when I want to save/read a file from/to my home directory.
This is my setup:Ubuntu Server 10.10 64 bit (I have the same problem with 32bit ubuntu)
3 RAID5 arrays with 4 hard drives eachLVM on top of the 3 raid5 arrays.The Logical Volume i use is about 6.5TB, and I use the ReiserFS file systemThis LVM has grown over the years, and has had som replaced disks. So I have used the pvmove, and extend commands a bit.I have tried using IOTop and top to check if there is not enough resources available, but that doens't seem to be the problem.I haven't been able to find out why streaming over the network stops, but I know it is the server that causes the problem.Does ReiserFS have any performance problems with large logical volumes? Would changing to EXT4 or some other FS give any performance gain?
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Mar 6, 2010
I have set up a file server (Ubuntu Server Edition) for our lab. People can connect to common Samba file shares from their personal laptops/desktops, which run either Windows Vista or Mac OSX. The guys with OSX have upload/download speeds of ~2 MB/s, while the Vista machines are slogging away at ~200kb/s for downloads and ~400kb/s for uploads. In both cases, the connection are through wired ethernet ports which should function identically. Since the Macs work fine on the same network, I assume this is a Vista issue.
I have tried troubleshooting one of the Vista machines by:
1. Turning off the Remove Differential Compression feature
2. Disabling autotuning following these instructions
3. Adding a registry key following the same link above.
But nothing has improved. Anybody have any advice on addition tweaks to the Vista machine? Is there a chance that this is actually a server-side/samba issue?
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Apr 11, 2011
I am running an application that requires use of my /etc/hosts file. In it, I have my machine name and its LAN ip address. The program creates a service on a specific port, then attempts to connect to it based on the host name. So my hosts file has to be correct.I added the nameservers to resolv.conf and now my application will not run. My guess is that the computer is checking the name servers first, timing out then checking the hosts file.Is there a way I can tell the system to check the hosts file first, then DNS. I thought it should behave that way by default, but it does not appear to.
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Jan 11, 2010
I have good experience in microsoft enviroment, now tiring to use linux, i tried Ubuntu 9.10, OpenSuse on different computers bur there is same big problem: Very slow download speed compared to microsoft.same file at same time downloaded by microsoft winxp toke incomparable short time. for example file 5.5MB attached to e-mail on Yahoo toke ~1minute to download on winxp computer,same file at same computer but with Ubuntu takes more thane 30minutes!
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Jan 14, 2010
What i want to be able to do is create a custom kickstart for my centOS 5 server. I want to create a bootable cd that I can pop in my server and basically walk away for 45 minutes and I come back and its fully installed. All the directions I have read so far tell me that I have to create a seperate ks.cfg and then I need my original centos cd to get it booted. Then the cd will ask for where the ks.cfg file is and I have to type the location. I just want to pop the CD in and type in linux_clean or something and have it perform a custom install based on the information and specification in my ks.cfg. How can I go about doing this?
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Jul 13, 2010
I've a webserver with a lot of documentary to serve. Some of the users have problems with the new microsoft documents like docx. Internet explorer 7 want to open the file like a zip-file not as word document. I've googelt around and found a solution that didn't work for me: [URL] I've added at /etc/mime.types
After a restart of httpd , nothing chance, always the same failure with internet explorer 7.
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Nov 16, 2010
In case that NFS client of fedora is set to cache nfs file handle, where is the cache stored such as /var/lib/nfs?If it's stored in memory instead of directory tree, what command can I know the combination of file names and file handles with?OS in my test environment: Fedora Core 6
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Sep 4, 2010
I get this message when I run yum update kernel*
There are unfinished transactions remaining. You might consider running yum-complete-transaction first to finish them.
--> Running transaction check
---> Package kernel.x86_64 0: set to be installed
--> Processing Dependency: linux-firmware >= 20100806-2 for package: kernel-
--> Running transaction check
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Mar 30, 2010
I recently transferred my old Quicken data to GnuCash. That data includes some very old (15 years ago) transactions and accounts. How can I get rid of all transactions prior to, say, 1/1/2004? I would guess that the Close Book tool is relevant, but there's no documentation on it that I can find. I also want to get rid of ancient accounts, but when I try, I get a message to the effect that I can't delete read-only transactions. More generally, is there a place for asking GnuCash questions?
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Sep 18, 2009
I have a Centos 5.3 server with Samba file shares and a shared Samba printer. I am not running a domain.
I recently changed my windows desktop pc from an XP machine to a vista 64 machine... It has a different user name. Everything went pretty smoothly - and the and the vista machine found the smba printer - and even downloaded the driver from the samba server. he printer works OK - and the file shares are fine.
The only thing which is quite odd - is that the Printer Properties dialogue takes more than 30 seconds to come up - and every action you attempt with the dialogue takes a similar amount of time.
I will include below the essence of my smb.conf:
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Nov 3, 2009
I have a CentOS + Samba server and Windows XP client machines. Users, passwords and permissions are entered on the server machine.users and passwords ( same as on the server ) are entered in the XP client machine.When attempting to access a public file on the server using a XP client machine and the IP address of my server, I am asked a user name and password and none of the already entered seem to work. I cannot access the server file (prompted again and again to enter user name and password). What did i miss
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Feb 25, 2009
I have a weird performance issue with a centos 5 running a nfs server and a rh8 client. I think the fact that it is rh8 client should be downplayed. It is just that with rh8 client the performance degradation seems more clear. See test details below OS in server is Centos 5 x86_64 kernel 2.6.18-92.1.22.el5
1Gb connection between machines File to test over NFS is a 1GB file. First of all I wanted to measure how the network alone performs while using NFS. So in the server side I run a "cat" command on the 1GB file to /dev/null. Please note that the disk read speed is about 98MBs. At this point the file system has the 1GB file cached in memory. In the client side a "cat" on the same file gives me a speed of about 113MBs. It seems then that the bottleneck in this instance is the network and it is very close to nominal speed. So the network performance is really good. (BTW I know that the server got that file from cache because a vmstat or iostat shows no disk activity.)
The second test is reading from disk with no caching involve. In the server I flushed the 1GB file from the memory. For instance by reading another 5GB file and I repeat the same thing as above in the client (a cat on the 1GB file). Now, the server has to go to disk.(vmstat or iostat shows the disk activity). However the performance, now, is about 20MBs, I was expecting something closer so 90MBs. (since the reading speed in the server in the first test showed 98MBs).
This second test was repeated for ext2, ext3, xfs with no significant differences. A similar test using a RH8 NFS server and client gets me close to 60MBs for a 1GB file not cache by the file system in the serverSince network speeds and disk read speeds are not the bottlenecks ... what or where is the limiting factor then?
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Oct 28, 2010
I tried a yum clean all but this still comes up when installing:
There are unfinished transactions remaining. You might consider running yum-complete-transaction first to finish them.
The program yum-complete-transaction is found in the yum-utils package. How to clean the cache? I don't want to run any of the transactions.
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Jun 2, 2011
I've been trying to get a family member to switch over to Ubuntu, and as of now his computer is dual-booting Ubuntu and Windows. He uses Quicken and I wanted to give him as few reasons as possible to boot windows. I installed GNUCash, and he started using it just fine until he tried entering a split transaction.
It was like this: Person A donated w amount of dollars, Person B x amount of dollars, Person C y amount of dollars, and Person D z amount of dollars. These all were deposited at the same time to form a deposit of d dollars. How would this be entered? Please try to show the exact output if possible.
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Jul 26, 2010
use a Live CD of Ubuntu to do all my financial transactions online, I figure thats the safest way since any virus/trojan cannot infect the Live CD?Just one question, how safe is it to use Linux as a whole for this kind of use?(I mean, Linux and all the apps are open source and written by just about anybody, so how can I be sure that even the Ubuntu Live CD doesnt have any sort of keylogger etc installed? After all, with so many lines of code, I'm sure someone could have sneaked in something like that?)
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Feb 23, 2011
Kmymoney is freezing on start up with the above message. Processor running at 100%. Only way out is to kill the process.
I tried removing the programme and reloading via the software centre but no joy. If I re-name my date file to a different file type the programme loads normally but of course asks to start a new account.
It would seem that my data file is corrupted in some way?
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Sep 9, 2009
I have an MSI K9A2 Platinum mobo, which has a 10/100/1000 Fast Ethernet Realtek 8111B built-in, a D-Link DIR-655 Router and a DSL modem. Compared to Windows Visya and other Linux distros ( Fedora 11, Suse 11.1, Mandriva 2009.1 ) access to the internet is much slower. It seems there is a noticeable delay when running CentOS 5.3. before internet access kicks in each time I am surfing the web or updating my system.
Is there any way I can speed things up, or determine why CentOS 5.3 seems much slower ?
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Sep 13, 2010
I've found the office equivalent to MS office that I was currently using and have acclimated myself to those programs. Now, I'm looking for the closest equivalent to Microsoft money where I can access my on-line account and download the transactions as I have been doing with Microsoft Money. I've recently downloaded kmymoney, but I don't know how to set up the on-line account download.
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Jan 15, 2010
Whenever I modify my pam file as shown below I can no longer log into my centos; I have to go into single user mode and undo the changes. What I want to do is log all failed authentication attempts but I don't want it to affect the root user account.
# vi /etc/pam.d/system-auth
auth required pam_tally.so no_magic_root
account required pam_tally.so deny=3 no_magic_root lock_time=180
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Mar 15, 2011
I am using cent os 5. I My server daily shutdown at 7:00 PM.I want to see the log file of my cron activity what the process is successfully started or not
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