Ubuntu :: Is There A 64 Bit Intel Distribution?

Nov 13, 2010

I just bought a computer from a company that was having a fire sale. Anyway I figured that I'd give Ubuntu another shot. I installed 10.10 yesterday without any real idea of what was in the box.Is this the right distro for this box? I'm not sure if the distro is 64 bit. There's an AMD64 version, but is that only for AMD chips? How do I tell if I'm running a 64 bit or 32 bit distro?

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General :: Install A Distribution On Stand Alone (possible On A VM And An Intel-based)

Dec 7, 2010

I am a new member on this site. I come from a Windows background and want to take the RedHat System Admin class. I want to install a Linux distribution on my stand alone (possible on a VM and an intel-based). My question is which one is better suited for me in preparing for the training. Should I install RHEL 5, Centos, Fedora or Ubuntu?

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General :: Installing Code For One Distribution To Another Distribution?

Mar 5, 2009

I would like to install a program (R for statistical computing). I am using Slackware. On the download page of R (The Comprehensive R Archive Network) there are options to download the code for Debian, Redhat, Suse, and Ubuntu. Which one should I download in my case (using Slackware)? Is there any of them which I should not download?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Intel Wireless Cards Compatible With Non-intel-based Laptops?

Feb 22, 2010

Are Intel wireless cards compatible with non-intel-based laptops? In my case I wish to upgrade the current Atheros-based mini pci express wifi card with the Intel 4965agn. It is an Asus 4520 with an AMD Athlon X2 processor and nvidia nForce chipset.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Rebuild Status Raid 1 Intel Isw Fakeraid Intel?

Oct 1, 2010

I have recently installed Ubuntu 10.04.1 lts server on my Intel "fakeraid" (software raid) (2x250 sata).To test my RAID 1 I turned off one HD and start the system.The first screen (Intel software screen) show Status = Degraded, but the system starts normally with just one HD.Then I turned off the system and turned on the HD again, so the first screen (Intel software screen) shows Status = Rebuild. If I enter in the software raid panel the folowing message is showed: "Volumes with "Rebuild" status will be rebuilt within the operating system"The system starts normally... but this message status stays permanently even I restart the system again

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: 11.3 On Intel Core I5 With Integrated Graphics + Intel H55 Express Chipset

Aug 18, 2010

! I'm thinking of buying a corei5-660 on a motherboard with an Intel H55 Express Chipset. Does anyone know if it's fully compatible with OpenSUSE 11.3? I mean video (that comes from the processor, not an off-board PCI), audio (HD Audio), networking (Intel� 82578DC Gigabit), SATA Controller, USB, etc. I've tried to google but didn't find much info so I wonder if anyone is using or knows where I can find more info about it...

I have found this thread on the forums about the H55 chipset: Core i3 Intel Clarkdale graphic controller problem But the problems were facing on 11.2, I don't know about 11.3...

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Intel HD Graphics (Intel Core I3) With Suse 11.3 - Poor Resolution

Jan 2, 2011

I've installed Suse linux 11.3 (kernel on my brand new computer HP all in one 5130. Everything worked incredibly well : Wifi, wireless keyboard and mouse, sound, webcam.. There is only one remaining issue : I get a very poor resolution (1280x1024) instead of the 1920x1080 allowed by the screen. The graphic card is an intel chipset (HD graphics) integrated to an intel core i3 CPU. Here is (part of) the X11.org log :

X.org X Server 1.8.0
Release Date: 2010-04-02
[ 15.124] X Protocol Version 11, Revision 0
[ 15.124] Build Operating System: openSUSE SUSE LINUX
[ 15.124] Current Operating System: Linux linux-7xhd #1 SMP PREEMPT 2010-10-25 08:40:12 +0200 x86_64

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Fedora Installation :: Intel Xorg Driver Kills Screen (black) And Keyboard On Intel GMA X4500?

May 12, 2009

I am wondering, what is the status of Intel GMA X4500 driver on Fedora 10.

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Ubuntu :: Looking For Distribution Software?

Feb 5, 2010

My company has over 230 servers in the field (running Windoze Server 2003 with cygwin). I frequently write small admin utilities (in Bash or Java) and need to deploy them (new and updates) to all of the servers over ssh. I run Ubuntu (9.10) on my laptop (don't ask about the Windoze servers -- it was NOT my decision).

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Ubuntu :: How To Upgrade Distribution

Mar 18, 2011

I have an old copy of Ubuntu Feisty Fawn 7.04 in a virtual machine that I haven't used in a long time. I want to update the distribution to the latest but I'm not seeing an option to do so under the upgrade manager or the synaptic package manager. When I attempt to refresh my package information I get an error message talking about how the repository is no longer valid. I've even tried to open the terminal and type: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade and it doesn't do anything.

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Ubuntu :: Want Best Server Distribution

Jun 24, 2011

Which is the best server distribution?

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Ubuntu :: Customize The Installation For Distribution?

Jan 17, 2010

How to customize the Ubuntu Installation for your Distribution - TUTORIAL I have looked a lot in almost every page in Ubuntu, Google and some other Linux Distributions Forums, Help Guides and Tutorials, and have never been able to customize, or even find a valuable source on customzing the Ubuntu Installation, also known as Ubiquity. Now if you are planning on creating a LiveCD or Ubuntu-based Distribution using Remastersys or some program like that, then you will love this tutorial, as do I. First of all, make sure you have Ubiquity installed.Quickly goto Synaptic now, and check. Once you have that, go inside a terminal and type sudo nautilus.Then goto /usr/share/ubiquity. You will see some system files which I will now mention again in this tutorial for the sake of my tiredness.

Here you will see the images that are presented when you select your region in the installation process. You may customize it, but I hardly recemmond it as the areas I tell you to customize are far more rewarding. Now, just go inside the "ubuntu" folder and see the "logo.png". Customize it to have your own Logo and Distribution Name. After you finish that come out of it, all the way back to /usr/share. Now we go inside the big area, where we customize a LOT. Go inside "Ubiquity-Slideshow" folder. In this folder you will see the images and text that pop up during the installation of Ubuntu. Do you remember?

Now just go into Slides/icons and here you will see the beautiful icons of all the slides. You may notice the extroadinary graphics and input the Ubuntu team has put into most of these, and so I have decided not to customize this, but you can surely go ahead. However, for legal sake, I had to customize the logo which I have changed it to be mine (that is I deleted the Ubuntu logo and replaced it with a High-Quality version of my logo). Once you feel you have done enough, please go out of that folder and scroll straight down to customize the writing on the slides in the installation.

Here you will see 13 .html files. HTML is simple, you do not have to know anything in HTML to customize these files, however you must understand to not go out of the boundaries. Stay in the templates, because saying too much will look un-Professional and dodgy when it comes to size issues. I prefer Cutting huge paragraphs of writing in between the "" and starting to type about the subject in My Distributions way. Making sure that I do not exceed the previous 3-4 sentence that Ubuntu already had. Ok, to customize these .html files I will quickly show you one of them and customize it before I fall asleep on my keyboard. Right-click "accessibility.html". Click OPEN WITH and select GEDIT.

You will see something like this, however where it says Gosalia, that is my operating system, it used to say Ubuntu. CAUTION - Do not copy my work, there will be severe consequences, considering I took 5 minutes to write it and the rough work your Operating System installation will look...


<h1 class="title">Accessibility in Gosalia</h1>
<div class="main">
<div class="content"><ul>


Enjoy, do this to all of them remembering to only write in between the <li> and the </li> Remember one thing, where it says "UBUNTU" you can change it, unless it is a file name, then DON'T CHANGE IT! Oh yes, and now when you create your ISO with Remastersys (or equivalent) then you will have your customized Installation ready in the LIVECD process, check it out! It worked for me, and it is spectacular. Making a Video about this now...

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Ubuntu :: Compile Wubi For Distribution?

Apr 13, 2010

The Gosalia Enterprise and we are in the midst of creating a Linux Distribution.

I have been set the task of creating Wubi-like application for our ISO (Ubuntu9.10-based) but I don't know how to, so I came here to ask.

How can I compile WUBI for our ISO of Gosalia? Also, how can i create an ISO of Gosalia, we know that we can use Remastersys, but what is the PROFESSIONAL way of doing it?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 'New Distribution Available' Unavailable

May 4, 2010

I'd like to upgrade my 9.10 desktop to 10.04 but I can't get past step 1.I've done alt-f2 and issued update-manager -d, but no "New distribution" option is presented.I've clicked the "check" button and updated all my repo information but that doesn't help.I've done a wireshark trace and observed that the update-manager's requests get through the corporate firewall, and responses come back.Somehow it determines that no new distro is available.I'll explore further if someone could help me out with getting hold of the relevant update-manager source code.

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Ubuntu :: Rebranding/Changing The Distribution Name?

Aug 6, 2010

I am working on my own custom remastered version of Ubuntu(just for personal use), and I would like to know how to change the distribution name to something else. Instead of Ubuntu, I'd like to be able to have the name changed. I don't know what yet, but I'd like to know how.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 Does Not Distribution Upgrade To 10.10?

Apr 13, 2011

I am on a 10.04 desktop, it was previously set to only upgrade to LTS releases. I have change it to do normal distribution releases. This is checkable in the update manager and /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades


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Ubuntu :: Install Program From Another Distribution?

Jun 21, 2011

Is it possible to install programs from the distribution (2.8 altemate for example) to another distro (Ubuntu 10.04) With an indication of the way, if possible

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Upgrade To The Next Distribution?

Apr 30, 2010

Since 9.10 was available, I've been unable to upgrade to the next distribution. Today I actually took the time to copy down and make note of the error given. The pop-up error is this: Could not calculate the upgrade


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Distribution Where Audio Just Works?

Jul 20, 2010

Is there a Ubuntu distribution in which sound "just works"? I'm booting into Windows 7 far too much.I am running both Jaunty (on an old P4V533-MX desktop) where for some reason my sound went away, and Lucid, on a new Dell laptop (all-Intel Studio 14). I thought a new installation of Ubuntu 10.04 on modern hardware would give me rhythmbox back, but I get no sound of any kind from the Dell laptop after installation, although everything works Ok if I boot into a W7 (came with the purchase) partition.

I don't want to fiddle with configuration files any more - just wondering if there is a "most-dependable" Ubuntu with respect to audio. Which I will install. Frustrated and impatient after weeks of this.I am an old (hairy eared) Unix fan but IMO if Linux continues to complicate itself so freely (i.e. Pulseaudio - I don't know an audio mixer from a can opener and would prefer to remain that way), then the small market share it has will slip away rather than grow.

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Ubuntu :: Best Distribution For Cyber Cafe Client

Apr 22, 2011

can anyone advise me as to which distribution would be best suited for a cyber cafe: for client and for the server. I'm having trouble installing cafe con leche on my 10.04 LTS because some repositories are unavailable.

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General :: What Does 'distribution' Mean?

Jan 10, 2010

What does "distribution" mean? My Acer computer, on which I have linux linpus lite, comes with very little documentation and while I have a physics BA and have had exposure to technology, my knowledge of linux is just about zip. Is there a good place to start? As you can see, this question about the word "distribution" is a razor thin top of an enormous iceberg of ignorance.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Apt-mirror -- Move Distribution After End Of Life?

Apr 13, 2010

i have a complete local ubuntu mirror; nicely kept in sync by apt-mirror. unfortunately, i need to keep some of the old releases as well. [URL].. kindly provides those. with the upcoming end-of-life of intrepid ibex, i would like to move the packages for intrepid on my mirror to the directory i use for the old-releases, without having to download these approximately 30GB from the original server.

is there a way to move distributions in a local mirror? apt-move seems only capable of rearranging the packages in /var/cache/apt/archives/ .

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Ubuntu Installation :: Distribution Upgrade To 10.04 - Not Enough Disk Space

May 2, 2010

I am trying to upgrade my ubuntu distribution from 9.10 to 10.04 using update-manager. I have only 2G free in my / partition, and update-manager complains saying it needs 4G free in the / partition to upgrade.

I presume the space is needed to store downloaded packages. Is there any way I can change the download directory to some other partition (i have plenty of space in other partitions)?

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Ubuntu :: Actively Developed System Distribution That Will Run In 16MB Of RAM?

May 19, 2010

Is there an actively developed Linux distribution that will work on a 386 or a 486 DX or DX2 that only has 16MB of RAM?

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Ubuntu :: Can't Use Distribution Lists ('groups') In Kaddressbook / Kmail

Dec 4, 2010

Did anyone manage to use distributions lists (called "groups") in kaddressbook ? (in Kubuntu 10.04)

I can't imagine an email client without this feature, but here it is:

* in kaddressbook I can create a new group and add email adresses in it. Say I call it "Family"

* now I expect to right-click on it and have a menu giving me the possibility of "send an email to the group"... nope.

* OK, I go to kmail, new message, and on the right of the address slot, I click on "select". Then ah! it seems I can select my "Family" (now it's called a "distribution list"). I click "Add", and now my recipient is "Family"... I'm a bit suspicious, but OK, let's send the message...

of course it doesn't work: I immediately get <Family@my-laptop>: Recipient address rejected: Access denied

* OK, I want to do it again, but now after "select", I am curious and open the "Family" list (by clicking on the "+" on the left). Surprise: most of my contacts in it appear empty (yes, empty lines) !But not all of them...So I can't even manually select them all.

* Conclusion: groups of contacts (or distribution lists) are completely screwed up in kubuntu 10.04.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Select Any Distribution Updates In Update Manager

Jan 13, 2011

I can't select any of the distribution updates in the update manager. The screen shot attached shows there are 3 distribution updates available but I can't select the check box in the update manager UI to have the update installed. My system is Ubuntu 10.10 (2.6.35-24-generic).


I particularly want to update my version of OpenShot video editor. I have version 1.1.3 installed and I can see there is now a version

I'd like to get this app under management of the update manager. How can I do this?

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Ubuntu :: Create USB Live Flash From Custom Distribution

Jul 4, 2011

I'm working to setup an small PC as a kiosk, I was able to create an USB pen drive with ubuntu 10.10 with a persistent area and I made all the changes I need, everything works but if the PC loss power in most of the cases the file system is corrupted. Now I'm trying to generate a non persistent USB drive, but I'm having some problems.

I was able to install remastersys and create an ISO image of my system (dist) but when I tried to create the USB drive using different Programs, in all cases I get the boot menu but it never complete the login, it just try to keep booting. The only messages I saw when I create the iso image is a bunch on chown operation fail from remastsys, I'm not sure if it is part of the problem. How to create an USB read only from a persistent one ?

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General :: Setup Dual Displays On The Ubuntu 9.10 Distribution?

Feb 21, 2010

Do you now how to setup dual displays on the Ubuntu 9.10 distribution? HP Laptop 6910 with ATI driver?

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General :: Where To Get The Single Packed Ubuntu Distribution Softwares

Oct 8, 2010

I am using ubuntu 10.04 and have been told the only way to install any software is by entering the command 'sudo apt-get install software_name' at the terminal, but really the command works when online I need just like windows to DOWNLOAD ONCE,SAVE AND INSTALL MANY TIMES so long as i have the same copy of the softwares without Internet intervention.

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General :: How To Find A 64-bit Distribution

Jan 31, 2010

I need a 64-bit Linux distribution to beta test TeraChem, a GPU-based quantum chemistry package. I have never personally used Linux, however, and I don't know anything about the available distributions. I was wondering if I could get some recommendations.

My system specifications:

CPU: Xeon W3520
Motherboard: GIGABYTE EX-58 UD5
Current OS: Windows 7 64-bit

I would not use Linux as my sole OS but would want to dual-partition (I think that is the term?). However, I think I would end up using the distribution for more than just running TeraChem. I may even become a convert!

What am I looking for in a distribution? Ease of use, efficiency, 64-bit. What do I know how to do? I can build computers, code in C++, comfortably use a command line.

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