Ubuntu :: Is It Possible To Make Each Workspace Unique In KDE?

Mar 26, 2010

I mean can I set up different Icons on the desktop of each workspace in KDE? Seems that a mirror image of each workspace is a waste.What do I need four identical workspaces for?I want 4,5, or 6 different ones for different types of tasks.No I don't care so much about wall paper.

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Software :: Make Licensing Software - Find Unique Identifiable String For A Machine That User Cannot Change?

Jan 19, 2011

I want to make licencing software. For that first i am retrieving hdd serial no, nic mac address. But the prob is, what if someone changes/replicates its hdd serial no or mac address ? Many softwares are available to do so, in market. How can I find some unique identifiable string for a machine that user can not change?

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Ubuntu :: Applications Jump From Their Workspace To The Current Workspace

Jul 20, 2011

I believe I may have found a bug in Unity. Under the right circumstances an application will jump from the workspace where I left them to my current workspace. This is most noticeable with VirtualBox. I built an Ubuntu 11.04 virtual machine so that I could test out new packages before I push them out to the rest of my machines. But the window for the virtual machine constantly appears in my current workspace. It may take a few minutes, or 30 minutes, but it will happen.

I can kind of understand it if a new window appears, but at least with VirtualBox, this happens on a running virtual machine seemingly randomly.

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Ubuntu :: Way To Setup Each Workspace To Have Different Icons On Each Workspace

Nov 13, 2010

Running Ubuntu 10.04 64bit.Is there a way to setup each workspace to have different icons on each workspace. Example:

Workspace 1 = Internet icon stuff (IM, Browsers, Etc...)
Workspace 2 = Multimedia icons (Video Editors, Music Clients)

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Ubuntu :: Workspace Rows Without Workspace Switcher?

Mar 31, 2011

Is there any way to have workspaces on multiple rows without the workspace switcher added to a panel? I have limited screen space so i want to try and remove any unnecessary items. I have tried using a drawer, but the workspace application is not loaded until the drawer is opened once. Also note I am not running compiz as the computer is a netbook.

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Ubuntu :: Multiple Unique Desktops?

Sep 30, 2010

hen I was still using hardy heron, I made a few posts trying to figure out if there was a way to really take advantage of the separate workspaces/desks.Has any progress been made in this direction? I want to do more than move firefox windows around. I want to dedicate a workspace to different projects or aspects of my life. I want to have different icons up in each one that relate to the project I'm working on and only that project

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Ubuntu :: Turn CapsLock Into A Unique Modifier Key

Aug 23, 2010

I would like to use Caps Lock as its own UNIQUE modifier key (not merely replace it with Ctrl). I have figured out how to do this on windows but not yet in Ubuntu. Here is what I'm looking for:

1. When I press "Caps Lock" on its own, it is equivalent to the Escape key (or at least sends the "escape" command).
2. When I press Caps Lock + <new key>, it does other stuff.

I have figured out how to get EITHER ONE of these to work, but not both at the same time. For example, I have figured out how to turn Caps Lock into the unique "Super" modifier using xbindkeys and xmacro (this achieves #2). I have also figured out how to switch the escape and capslocks keys altogether to achieve #1. But I can't figure out how to get both outcomes at the same time!

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Fedora :: I Can't Log In With My Unique Account

Oct 23, 2009

Today I was bored and i tried to put a lot panels in my desktop, but when I put the fifth panel it was blocked so that did not respond at all (I could only move the mouse), so I had to stop with the button. When I turn on the PC it does normally, but in the "log in" screen I put the password and it doesn't do nothing, just move the mouse.

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Ubuntu :: Open Multiple Unique PDF Files In One Applicaiton

Jan 14, 2010

I read a lot of PDF documents using the default Document Viewer and I am wondering whether there is an application or a hack to have several PDF files concurrently open in one application (maybe like tabs in a browser?) since switching between one application to a specific PDF always takes time.(Especially with more than 4 PDF files concurrently running.)

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Ubuntu :: Count The Number Of Lines That Are Unique To The File?

Jan 21, 2010

I recently found myself in possession of a large file (a few million lines in length) of short strings and would like to count the number of lines that are unique to the file. I thought this would be an easy process, but while working on the problem, I encountered the following. Can anyone explain this weird result to me?

alaric@alaric-laptop:~/Documents/Programming$ grep '^string$' file.txt | uniq | wc -l


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Unique Identifier For A Music File?

Feb 6, 2010

I am looking to understand what would be the optimal or standard way to create a unique id for music files. Something like md5 sum, but taking into consideration that the music files contain some metadata that can be changed.At the end of the day I would like to create a backup database containing all my ratings for the songs. It should be independent from the filename and location.I have seen the libofa, but there does not seem to be much information about it. It is integrated into some GUI tools including Amarok, but they do not do what I want. PUID from Musicbrainz is explicitly closed source based.

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Ubuntu :: Multiple Simultaneous Keyboards With Unique Layouts

Aug 25, 2010

As the title says, I'm interested in two (or more) simultaneous keyboards, each with a unique layout. Everything I've researched indicates this should be possible, but I'm unable to get it to work. Regardless of how I set things up, all keyboards consistently operate as if they share the CoreDevice setting in xorg.conf.
In the above config, both keyboards behave as if they're set for the USA layout. Changing the layout in gnome-keyboard-properties affects all of the connected keyboards equally, but has no provision for altering individual devices.

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General :: Get Unique Host Id Of Machine C/c++?

Feb 5, 2011

I am looking for c/c++ code (no third party lib dependency) to get the physical address of ethernet card on mother board.Most of them suggests to use the linux commands and process the output. For example "/sbin/ifconfig eth0".The problem with above command is that when you run this on a linux variant which is running using VirtualBox on windows host, it's not returning the correct mac address. In this case the correct mac address is the one set for individual virtual machine."/sbin/ifconfig eth0" works fine when linux variant is installed normally.There is another case when linux variant is installed normally and if you install virtualization apps such as VirtualBox or VmPlayer, they create a virtual adepter for their own use. In that case running "/sbin/ifconfig" returns all the adepters. (physical and virtual)

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CentOS 5 :: Generate Unique Identifier On 5.x?

Jul 30, 2009

how can I generate unique identifier on centos 5.x I read some thing about using utility such as uuid or uuidgen

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Ubuntu :: Setup A Unique Icon For Each USB Drive AND Have Their Window Pop Open?

Nov 22, 2010

I have a pencil case I carry with a USB hub and 9 USB sticks in it. I like their unique icons and their root windows to pop up upon insertion. If this is answered elsewhere, I looked several times in several ways on google and these forums.

I tried this:
The autorun.inf file on the USB root written this way:
Action=Start Blue512MB

Then put the BlueFlashIcon.ico icon image in a folder titled BlueFlashIcon In Ubuntu (Mav) I get the new personal icon image for that USB stick appearing on the desktop but the USB root window won't pop open automatically when the stick is inserted. I have to dig to the desktop, find it and click it or go into Places on the menu. If when I put nothing special on the flash, no autorun.inf, no icon image, then the window for the USB pops open upon insertion, which I like, but only get the generic icon that looks the same as all 9 external drives. The labels are unique but icons offer faster recognition over reading labels, when they are needed, much nicer to use~

Ideas? Do I have to use .svg icons or another kind of text file? How do I set up a unique icon for each USB drive AND have the window pop up upon insertion?

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General :: Create A Unique Zip With Only Public Subdirectory?

Apr 15, 2010

I've a lot of websites (100+ directories) I want to create a unique zip with only public subdirectory.

My structure now is like:

- Site 1
--- app
--- tmp
--- log
--- public


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General :: Show Only Unique Words Between Two Files?

Feb 23, 2011

Hi, My name is John smith
Hi, My name is smith

I want to show only the different or unique word between the two files (John)i was trying to get it with diff, comm, sort, uniq, grep, awk, sed

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Programming :: Unique The Content Within A String With Seperator?

May 17, 2011

I am green on linux script. I would like to perform the following operation:String a: 1,2,3,2,4,How to unique this string to become: 1,2,3,4,?

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Programming :: Symbolic Links Permissions Unique

Feb 20, 2011

Is it possible to change permissions on symbolic links using the c programming language or any other for that matter? Now, I know what you are thinking, so let me provide some background.I know permission are meaningless. I know that typically permissions are set to 777.The project that I am working on does the following. On HPUX systems, a c binary recreates missing links from a stored image of the filesystem, if they are missing. The problem is that the permissions are 700 when the links are restored (should be 777). The c method to restore the symbolic links is "symlink()" which takes as its argument the target and linkname.The client wants 777 on the links. I do not know why the permissions are different. I would like to know if I can change permissions on the link by code, changing the mode?

Is this a bug somewhere in HPUX 10,x and 11.x os or "symlink" c library method, who knows?There are groups of nodes running HPUX, for example groupA, groupB etc.The problems appears in groupA but not in groupB. Seems the nodes are configured differently.While I would love to know if this is a configuration issue, it appears that way to me, there would be little I could do about it. Politics you know, but that's okay, in time someone would listen.

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General :: Filter Out Unique Results From Grep Output?

Feb 21, 2010

In linux, I can grep a string from a file using grep mySearchString myFile.txt.
How can I only get the result which are unique?

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General :: Creating Unique Users Accounts Using Count?

Mar 16, 2011

I am trying to create users accounts reading from a file. I can get it to show if the user already exists but I want it to instead of not creating the user account to create e.g. Scott1 etc.The code i have so far is :

while read line


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Programming :: Create Unique Multithread Algorithms For Every Particular Program?

Aug 6, 2010

Since 2005 when DualCore CPUs came out, you need to create unique multithread algorithms for every particular program? Or you have patterns?

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Ubuntu :: Evolution Error While Opening Folder Mbox - Column Folder_name Is Not Unique

Nov 17, 2010

I used Unison to sync my desktop and laptop. Now I am getting the following error when I open my Evolution Inbox (and a few of my other mailbox folders).

"Error while Opening folder mbox:/home/myname/.evolution/mail/local#Archive/foldername"

"column folder_name is not unique"

I have tried moving the .evolution/local/mail folder opening Evolution, closing and then moving back - no joy. It is also definitely not a folder size problem, my mailbox is less than 1GB.

Opening Evolution from the terminal I get;
** (evolution:7529): DEBUG: mailto URL command: evolution %s
** (evolution:7529): DEBUG: mailto URL program: evolution


I tried using the advice in this thread (the only one I can find with a similar error):


cd ~/.evolution/mail ; for i in `find . -name folders.db`; do echo "Rebuilding Table $i"; sqlite3 $i "pragma integrity_check;"; done However, I still get the problem. I'll paste the print out below as it is rather long.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Label USB Stick So It Will Mount At Unique Points?

Mar 1, 2010

I have a few generic USB sticks lying around, and a few more SD/microSD chips that I use with openSUSE. Is there any way to label/ID them so they mount at unique points in /media, so I don't blast one accidentally? In mkfs.vfat there is a "-n volume-name" that looks promising, but I can't find a way to set that after the mkfs.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Does The User Have To Use Zypper If They Want/need A Unique/simple Alias Name

Aug 9, 2010

When adding a repository via YaST2, how do you add the Alias name? I don't see a text_box for Alias? I noticed in /etc/zypp/repos.d/ that YaST2 uses the Alias, as well as in /var/cache/zypp/. I have very descriptive text in the Name field to make it easier to read in YaST2 Versions Tab, etc. YaST2 appears to make the Alias = Name.Does the user have to use zypper if they want/need a unique/simple Alias name?

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General :: Deleting First Line With Unique String Then All Subsequent Lines Thereafter?

Jan 20, 2011

I am doing molecular dynamics where I have to edit files. I have looked at tutorials for grep and sed but can't find my solution. The files produced in my simulations look something like this:

ATOM 1825 NE2 GLN 112 113.646 27.895 14.456
ATOM 1826 HE21 GLN 112 114.020 26.957 14.490
ATOM 1827 HE22 GLN 112 112.649 28.039 14.388


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Programming :: Updating A Sequence Of Datetimes In Fields With Unique Contrains

Mar 14, 2010

I am faced with the following problem; I need to update all fields of type datetime without ... with the following sort data:01-01-2010 12:10:30.256 - this is just an example.these fields are restricted with a unique constrained. My question is how can I generate the above sort data, especially the last three numbers with leading point. After that how can I update a table with existing data with this newly generated data so that the fields really do carry unique data.As you probably can read out of my question, I read through the help in pgAdmin and came as far as generating date, maybe datetime but not the .123 number. And a little insert script I found in the help, that I modified as UPDATE resulted in updating only the last generated data in all required fields.

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Networking :: Mounting Unique Filesystem Or Directory By Network Booted Host?

Apr 6, 2010

I have a number of diskless hosts which are to bootth PXE and mount their root filesystem on an NFS share. Most of the NFS share will be common to to all of the diskless hosts. No problem with that part.I also need part of the NFS shared filesystem to be unique to each individual host. The only difference between the hosts is the ethernet MAC. I use it in the DHCP server to key a specific unique IP to each host. I would like to be able to use either the MAC, or the IP, or any other unique identifier that can be derived very early in the boot process to access a filesystem or directory that is unique to each diskless host.

I need/want to do this because I need/want to isolate all of the system maintenance to one small part of the boot host. Modifying the hardware (these are VME CPUs) in any way is not an option; they must be field swappable, with all maintenance isolated to the boot host(s).I know I could run ifconfig and parse its output to derive an IP &/or MAC, but that seems a bit kludgey and fragile. The DHCP server is presently assigning IPs. I know I can arrange to pass a unique option value via the DHCP server, but don't know if or how this can be retrieved on the diskless nodes. I am presently passing the 'root=' kernel argument from the bootloader, but I don't think there is any way to pass other filesystem information using that mechanism.

I know I can pass some kernel arguments from the bootloader, but there doesn't seem to be any generic message that can be retrieved in userspace as part of the boot process. I've scanned around in the /proc filesystem, looking for the IP or anything else that seems to uniquely identify the host, but don't see anything there, either.The init process has not yet been cast in stone, but is very likely to be a BusyBox built-in

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General :: Find Unique Extensions Or Formats In Deep Folder Structure

Jul 11, 2011

I have a deep folder structure on my RHEL 5.x file system which is supposed to have only word(*.doc, *.docx) or pdf(*.pdf) files. But I want to check if there are files with any other extensions which exist. Is that possible?

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Programming :: Multiple Input Into Seq Command From Pipe - Single Column Unique Numbers

May 13, 2011

Have this script which is reading in a series of files, one at a time with while-do-done loop, each file goes through various greps/awk's where this info is then saved to various files for later use. i.e....

Script is being run on Linux Red Hat,

In one of the grep/awk's the output (currently) are 2 columns (min max), i.e....| awk '{print $1, $2}' | sort -u which outputs (e.g.)

The number of "min max" pairs varies from file to file. Want to output a single column of unique numbers from the min max pairs & get the number of them for input to a file...i.e...

Where <PROCESS> is some process/technique that will generate a single column of integers (increment of 1) to pipe into the next one (sort -u)

i.e. (example from above)

Have tried command seq - only works for single pair input i.e.

Is there any command like seq etc which will output a single column based on a input of min max numbers (increment 1) to pipe onwards to next command?

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