Programming :: Updating A Sequence Of Datetimes In Fields With Unique Contrains
Mar 14, 2010
I am faced with the following problem; I need to update all fields of type datetime without ... with the following sort data:01-01-2010 12:10:30.256 - this is just an example.these fields are restricted with a unique constrained. My question is how can I generate the above sort data, especially the last three numbers with leading point. After that how can I update a table with existing data with this newly generated data so that the fields really do carry unique data.As you probably can read out of my question, I read through the help in pgAdmin and came as far as generating date, maybe datetime but not the .123 number. And a little insert script I found in the help, that I modified as UPDATE resulted in updating only the last generated data in all required fields.
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Jan 25, 2010
I'm writing a couple of programs in C and need to do something to formatting the output. I'm after producing something like a old mainframe screen or early micro where you could PRINT (x,y) to put something on the terminal where you want it. Learning GTK or such is not an option due to time constraints, and some fields need updating frequently during processing, so letting the terminal scroll is going to drive the operator up the wall pretty quickly.
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Apr 27, 2010
I have a filename file-name-here-1.2.3-i486-2.tar I would like to know how to remove the last two fields leaving only: file-name-here-1.2.3
I can use:
echo ${a%-*}
to remove the last field (after -) but how do i remove the last two in one fell swoop?
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Oct 8, 2010
I have a file records as follows:
Jane John
How can I get that always first field be given name and second one be the mail address?
I've tried
awk '$1 ~ /@/ { a=$1 ; $1=$2; $2=a; print }' file
But that doesn't worked
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May 17, 2011
I am green on linux script. I would like to perform the following operation:String a: 1,2,3,2,4,How to unique this string to become: 1,2,3,4,?
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Feb 20, 2011
Is it possible to change permissions on symbolic links using the c programming language or any other for that matter? Now, I know what you are thinking, so let me provide some background.I know permission are meaningless. I know that typically permissions are set to 777.The project that I am working on does the following. On HPUX systems, a c binary recreates missing links from a stored image of the filesystem, if they are missing. The problem is that the permissions are 700 when the links are restored (should be 777). The c method to restore the symbolic links is "symlink()" which takes as its argument the target and linkname.The client wants 777 on the links. I do not know why the permissions are different. I would like to know if I can change permissions on the link by code, changing the mode?
Is this a bug somewhere in HPUX 10,x and 11.x os or "symlink" c library method, who knows?There are groups of nodes running HPUX, for example groupA, groupB etc.The problems appears in groupA but not in groupB. Seems the nodes are configured differently.While I would love to know if this is a configuration issue, it appears that way to me, there would be little I could do about it. Politics you know, but that's okay, in time someone would listen.
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May 31, 2010
I want to extract all the common entries in the given 3 columns(fields) in the file using awk::can somebody tell me how it can be done in awk...the file is::
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Jul 16, 2011
Dear expertsI have files like
ABD : 5869 events, relative ratio : 1.173800E-01 , sum of ratios : 1.173800E-01
VBD : 12147 events, relative ratio : 2.429400E-01 , sum of ratios : 3.603200E-01
SDF : 17000 events, relative ratio : 3.400000E-01 , sum of ratios : 7.003200E-01
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Mar 2, 2011
I have a file with 200 000 lines and I want to append the fields of each line based on matching first field. The resulting file should have 70 000 columns but has "only" 18 000. The command I'm using is working perfectly with a smaller file, wich lead to 14 000 columns. Could there be a limit in number of fields that awk can handle ? Here's my awk command :
awk -F, 'END { for (k in _) print _[k] } { _[$1] = $1 in _ ? _[$1] FS $4 : $1","$4 } ' file > out
Also, this command writes ^M (windows line break) after each columns. Removing them is easy but where do they come from ? Working on Ubuntu 10.10
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Dec 16, 2010
I have an array called @logons. How can I step thru the array and split the fields? This is what I have so far, but doesnt work. I got the feeling I the split statement syntax is incorrect.
print @logons;
foreach my $logons(@logons){
($userid, $ip) = split(',',$logons);
Update: Appears the data in @logons has a column header from the mysql query which I used to populate it with. So that code which I was testing does indeed work.
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Aug 6, 2010
Since 2005 when DualCore CPUs came out, you need to create unique multithread algorithms for every particular program? Or you have patterns?
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Apr 9, 2009
I want to write a function which calculates the space needed between fields, to generate a table with aligned fields, like when you type "ls -l", the operating system generates a table with beautifully aligned fields. I've got this code so far:
for line in $(cat tmpSearch)
line=`echo $line | tr ":" " "`
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Mar 25, 2010
i am reading a database flat file with the "awk" command which has 4 fields separated by colon ":" .I want to show the output of these fields in a certain way that every record is numbered e.g
1.some text
2.some text
Is there a way to do this?
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Apr 15, 2009
constructing a protocol where in it involves sending and receiving different files, so sending data over consists of file name, size of the file and content of the file, so while receiving can i use functions like strchr() to differentiate these fields for sockets? so to allocate memory for file to save i need to have its size.
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May 13, 2011
Have this script which is reading in a series of files, one at a time with while-do-done loop, each file goes through various greps/awk's where this info is then saved to various files for later use. i.e....
Script is being run on Linux Red Hat,
In one of the grep/awk's the output (currently) are 2 columns (min max), i.e....| awk '{print $1, $2}' | sort -u which outputs (e.g.)
The number of "min max" pairs varies from file to file. Want to output a single column of unique numbers from the min max pairs & get the number of them for input to a file...i.e...
Where <PROCESS> is some process/technique that will generate a single column of integers (increment of 1) to pipe into the next one (sort -u)
i.e. (example from above)
Have tried command seq - only works for single pair input i.e.
Is there any command like seq etc which will output a single column based on a input of min max numbers (increment 1) to pipe onwards to next command?
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Mar 19, 2011
I am trying to generate sequence of number in the order of :
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May 12, 2011
I tried googling around but i cant find anything related to this: everyone seems just interested in random numbers, so when it comes to random letters there is a lack of informations. However, i am trying to figure out a wait to get a random letters string that matches a simple rule: it must be a sequence of consonant+vowel. So for example, these are some 6 letters strings i would like to obtain: wolupa, tafoke, zewevu, cupimo.
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Apr 27, 2011
I have to write a code that converts a sequence of 1's and 0's(block) into their equivalent hexa number and copying to another array(byte). but this sequence is not always of length 8 and you are required to send strlen(sequence)%8 bits back into the string. So i've written down this code and it works well with the sample input but fails in the real program.
int Convert_encode( char * block,unsigned char * byte)
int len,iter,i,j,k,sum;
char * temp=(char *)malloc(4*sizeof(char));
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Oct 13, 2010
I'm beginning to write a custom RTP implementation and want to test its resilience to UDP traffic. I've searched on the web and all the links I can find are for analysing actual traffic, not generating it or messing it up.
Does anyone know of any software (preferably free software) that will, for example, take actual UDP traffic and drop packets, duplicate some and make some arrive late/out of sequence?
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Feb 9, 2011
I want to display the contents of a particular log file (simple text file, I mean in Linux). But there is a problem: The contents need to be organized in a fixed format. Have a look at this log file:
User Name: XYZ
Reported Problems Description: Blah! Blah! Blah! Blah!Blah! Blah!Blah! Blah!Blah! Blah!Blah! Blah!Blah! Blah!Blah! Blah!Blah! Blah!Blah! Blah!Blah! Blah!Blah! Blah!Blah!
So, while displaying the contents of above file on a web page, I want to format the field names found in the log file: User Name:, Reported Problems Description:, and Remarks:. These fields may contain a variable length of text and no specific line number is assumed for them to appear on.
The desired output should look like this:
User Name: XYZ
Reported Problems Description: Blah! Blah! Blah! Blah!Blah! Blah!Blah! Blah!Blah! Blah!Blah! Blah!Blah! Blah!Blah! Blah!Blah! Blah!Blah! Blah!Blah! Blah!Blah! Blah!Blah!
Well, what I am trying to do may sound wierd to some of you. The filed "Reported Problems Description:" can possible contain text which embeds colon (.
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Aug 13, 2010
I am trying to compare a list of patterns from one file and grep them against another file and print out only the unique patterns. Unfortunately these files are so large that they have yet to run to completion. Here's the command that I used:
Code: grep -L -f file_one.txt file_two.txt > output.output Here's some example data:
how to increase efficiency or use another command?
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Oct 5, 2010
I am facing a problem with my AT91SAM9260 customized board. Board is almost same as the evaluation kit.
I could download the binaries ( Bootstrap-v1.16, u-boot-1.3.4, linux kernel 2.6.20) successfully to the DATAFLASH/NANDFlash in my board by using atmel SAM-BA tool with usb/serialport/jlink.
Here I describe the problem.
When I power up the board, boot strap is not jumping to U-boot location, in the normal boot sequence and board stuck with bootstrap.
But when I disconnect/connect the JTAG USB cable ( provided with SAM-BA ICE) , it's jumping to u-boot location and booting the board properly. I'm getting the same error in NAND FLASH also.
I have tried one more test case.I copied bootstrap binary at the flash location, [location which is specified for u-boot binary] instead of U-boot.bin (location: 0x8400 in dataflash), I got continous bootstrap debug messages in my console. [ So can I conclude SDRAM doesn't have any problem? ]
Bootstrap code or U-boot code ?
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Dec 31, 2010
I have a text file called namelist.wps. In this file there is a line that reads:
start_date = '2010-12-26_12:00:00', '2010-12-26_12:00:00',
I have to automatically update the year, month, and day of month for this line without changing the rest of the file. Here is the script that I have:
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Aug 20, 2010
I got a directory with files in it like: I need to update the timestamps on these files using "touch -t 200607010000" on each file in the directory so I came up with the following one liner:
for i in `ls -1`; do touch -t `ls -1 | sed -n 's%([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})(.*)%1230000%p'` $i; done
My goal was to use sed and get the timestamp for touch and then loop through each file and touch with the timestamp.However the script, not giving me the results I intended. Can anyone chime in on what I am doing wrong?I have been banging away at this for a couple of hours now and am clueless on what it could be. I also tried another variant such as:
for z in $(ls -1 *.foo); do echo $z $(for i in `ls -1 *.foo | sed 's%([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})(.*)%1230000%p'`; do echo "$i"; done); done
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Apr 1, 2011
I continue to work on automating the update and deployment of a vendors WAR files, and have bumped into my next challenge... The vendor provides web.xml files have entries that look like this
I need to search the file for a param-name and replace the param-value below it with the correct value. I expect sed or awk is the trick on this, but I am not sure how to have it search for one line, and have it update the line below it.
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Dec 30, 2010
I have a text file called namelist.wps. In this file there is a line that reads:Code: start_date = '2010-12-26_12:00:00', '2010-12-26_12:00:00', I have to automatically update the year, month, and day of month. I set values for the year, month, and day of month using the following code in a c-shell script:Code: set y1 = `date +%Y`set m1 = `date +%m`set d1 = `date +%d` After I do this, how do I update year, month, and day of month, without changing any of the other lines in the namelist.wps file?
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Nov 9, 2010
I have a text file that needs to be updated to be used by some fortran code later. it looks like that:
1,1 !Ms for y-stations, Ns for x-stations
0,0,0, !xsta, ysta, zsta
I need to replace the "0,0,0" with new values for xsta,ysta and zsta;
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Oct 23, 2009
Today I was bored and i tried to put a lot panels in my desktop, but when I put the fifth panel it was blocked so that did not respond at all (I could only move the mouse), so I had to stop with the button. When I turn on the PC it does normally, but in the "log in" screen I put the password and it doesn't do nothing, just move the mouse.
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Apr 21, 2011
I have a 3dsp pci wifi card, and the last kernel it supports is Ubuntu 10.04 2.6.32-(21-24) I want to update but dont want to accidentally update the kernal.
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Mar 26, 2010
I mean can I set up different Icons on the desktop of each workspace in KDE? Seems that a mirror image of each workspace is a waste.What do I need four identical workspaces for?I want 4,5, or 6 different ones for different types of tasks.No I don't care so much about wall paper.
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