Ubuntu Installation :: X64 - Cannot Seem To Get Unity To Work

May 19, 2011

I have installed 11.4 with almost no problems. I cannot seem to get Unity to work. error states that I don't have the proper hardware? I have a new Toshiba Satellite laptop. I downloaded and installed the 11.4 x64 desktop version. should the laptop and the desktop be same? or is there a laptop version?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unity 10.04 Work If Netbook Ed - Didn't?

Apr 19, 2011

I remember I tried to boot Ubuntu Netbook Edition LiveCD once, but I had a problem with 3D graphics, and a result I couldn't see the menu panels, etc. So, I was wondering, will the same thing happen with Natty, since they are both Unity? Or will they improve support for graphics in 11.04?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Natty Narwhal Unity Will Not Work

May 1, 2011

I just upgraded to Natty Narwhal. When I first logged in a pop-up dialogue appeared saying that my computer did not fulfil the hardware requirements to run Unity. That cannot be possible this is the output of the lscpu command:

Architecture: i686
CPU op-mode(s): 32-bit
CPU(s): 2
Thread(s) per core: 2
Core(s) per socket: 1
CPU socket(s): 1
Vendor ID: GenuineIntel
CPU family: 15
Model: 3
Stepping: 4
CPU MHz: 2999.900
L1d cache: 16K
L2 cache: 1024K

This is is the output of the free command:
total used free shared buffers cached
Mem: 1251612 916332 335280 0 74220 383576
-/+ buffers/cache: 458536 793076
Swap: 860156 0 860156

Summarized that is:
Pentium 4 3GHz core running two threads
1.2GB of ram

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Ubuntu Installation :: Desktop Recorder For Unity Doesn't Work?

Mar 2, 2011

I would use Istanbul but it was made for the gnome desktop so it doesn't work. I'm using unity 11.04 natty.

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Ubuntu :: Unity Doesn't Work - How To Make It Work

Feb 16, 2011

I just recently (about an hour ago) installed Ubuntu Netbook edition on my old laptop, and I was greeted with the message, that unity could not be run due to some sort of missing driver...fair enough, I was then greeted with the default Ubuntu desktop, I installed all my needed software (wine, google chrome) and installed the missing display drivers. I then rebooted the system, and once again I am stuck with the default desktop, and not the Unity interface. I checked the software center, and it says Unity IS in fact installed.. And yet I cannot make it appear. So now I ask you Ubuntu veterans. How do I make it work?

P.S. I wiped the system of windows, and the computer is an old HP Pavilion DV6000

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Ubuntu :: Unity Does Not Work In 11.04?

May 1, 2011

I recently update my ubuntu to 11.04 and try some compiz tricks but while i am testing i close unity somehow and now on i cannot start it again. Although i checked it in compiz manager it does not work, also some other new features do not work too like grid feature. I also try to start it by terminal but it says "it is already working". Is there any solution to start unity and its features again?

edition: I also realized that no other compiz settings effects my ubuntu. I change its settings but no effect!

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Ubuntu :: Unity 10.10 Does Not Work On IBM T23 Thinkpad?

Nov 6, 2010

10.10 installed and added Unity. Upon restart, whenever the Unity desktop is selected, the only thing that you see is the desktop and nothing else. Can only recover with Ctrl_Alt_Delete and reset machine.

Tried to use 10.10 Netbook Live CD. It probed the unit and then brought up the question for running live or installing. Selected live and saw the same symptoms with only having the plain desktop with no icons, nada. Again only recovery was with Ctrl_Alt_Delete.

Is this a hardware limitation in the video of the T23? This is a ten year old laptop with a S3 Graphics SuperSavage video chip.

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Ubuntu :: Unity Doesn't Work On 10.10?

Apr 3, 2011

I've got Ubuntu 10.10 with the following kernel: 2.6.35-28-generic . Unity doesn't work for me! I've downloaded it and all required packages, but when I start a session with "Ubuntu netbook edition", I only get an empty desktop! No left panel, no upper panel, no icons... nothing at all! I've attached a text file with the output of the command 'unity' in a terminal

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Ubuntu :: Unity Do Not Work But Compiz Does

Apr 29, 2011

I using a computer with a Nvidia geforce 4 and I use nouveau 3D, installed via jockey-gtk. Compiz work perfectly, but unity still don't work!

This is my terminal output:


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Ubuntu :: Couldn't Get Unity To Work

Jul 31, 2011

I have a problem with my acer aspire laptop and The screen is like completely black i mean if you hold a flashlight to a certain spot you can see a tiny bit. i was on another thread earlier and the posted this "This fixed a black screen issue and a brightness adjustment issue after installation of ubuntu. Also on 11.04 I couldn't get Unity to work until I edited grub I didn't come up with the fix but it took me forever to find a solution so I figured I would post it. If I have did something wrong just get a mod to delete or move this. I don't use forums often.

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Ubuntu :: Work Out To Add Chromium To The Unity Sidebar?

Jan 11, 2011

I have just installed Ubuntu Netbook Remix 10.10. I am trying to work out how to add Chromium to the Unity Sidebar. With other applications, I can launch them, right-click the application icon in the sidebar and select "Keep in Launcher", however Google Chromium doesn't appear to have this option. Does anyone know how this can be achieved?

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Ubuntu :: Does Unity Actually Work With NVidia Cards?

Apr 29, 2011

Did an upgrade to Natty - on first boot, when I log in, it tells me I don't have the hardware to run Unity (not likely - it's an NVidia GTX460, not even a year old). I assume it's a driver problem, so I install the restricted NVidia binary drivers through jockey. That's the ubuntu way, I figure, let it do its thing. So with those enabled, I have 3d acceleration (hi, World of Warcraft!) but still no Unity. I blow away .gconf* and .gnome* (as I'm used to doing whenever something gnome-related goes wonky which, in Ubuntu, seems to be every single Ubuntu release) and absolutely no love. I log in and again, it tells me I don't have the hardware. I scoff at this dialog box as I fire up WoW and frag some orcs in glorious 3d. No, Mr. Dialog box, you're a filthy liar. How do I coax Unity into running on this thing? Or does it just... not? Switching to Nouveau isn't an option, as I need my games (and anyway, I don't think it was even in use originally).

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Ubuntu :: Pandora Desktop App To Work On Unity?

May 19, 2011

Has anyone gotten the Pandora desktop app to work on Unity? It was working fine with 10.10, but it no longer launches on Unity. Has anyone else ran into this?

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Ubuntu :: LibreOffice 3.4 Doesn't Work With Unity?

Jun 4, 2011

Having installed Libreoffice 3.4 which is supposed to have better integration with Unity I find it doesn't work! I started Libreoffice and clicked "Keep in launcher" which it does for that session it also has quick list, but none of the programs start! They work fine from applications menu but not from Unity.

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Hardware :: Ubuntu 11.04 - How To Make Unity Work With NVidia

Apr 28, 2011

I installed Ubuntu 11.04 final, then it said "it appears that your hardware is incompatible with unity, go to login screen, select ubuntu classic". I use nvidia, it had a compatibility problems with linux, so it made ubuntu mouse cursor sporadically disappear and fedora never appear at all, so I installed the proprietary nvidia driver, rebooted to finish installation and unity worked!

(This step may not be nedded on top right, light switch icon -> switch from you -> on top, select yourself -> on bottom, select ubuntu classic temporarily, use ubuntu classic)
(This step is definitely needed System -> Administration -> Additional Drivers -> nvidia current recommended -> Install -> Restart to complete installation permanently, use ubuntu unity)
Enjoy default settings

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Ubuntu :: 11.04 Live CD: Force Classic Mode Even If Unity Will Work?

May 2, 2011

Is there any way when booting the LiveCD of Ubuntu 11.04 to force the use of classic mode, even if the computer meets the requirements to use Unity and would otherwise start Unity? Is there a kernel parameter that would do this? In searching, all I can find is the selection during login, but this seems to only show up after a full installation, I want to do this in the Live CD environment.

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Debian :: 6 32-bit (i386) And VMWare Unity - Mouse Won't Work?

Feb 23, 2011

Installed Debian 6 (latest stable, downloaded today) i386 under VMWare 7.1. Installed VMWare tools. However, when i activate Unity my mouse won't work at all in guest OS windows, it will only work as if i was pointing to guest desktop. It is all ok in Workstation window.

Unfortunately, there is no xorg.conf, and when i attempt to re-create it using Xorg -configure, the resulting file is unusable, i.e. system freezes when i test it (using X -config /root/xorg.conf.new) and if i just cp into /etc/X11/ GDM fails to load, and manually typing startX in command prompt i get "fatal error no screens detected".

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Ubuntu :: Vmware Player Will Not Report Actual Video Hardware For Unity To Work

Apr 29, 2011

I'm trying to test out Natty to see if I want to run with Unity. I'm not interested in wiping my production machine just to play with it. So this will be a VM install only for now.

So far, not a single alpha or beta nor even the final allows me to run unity. My hardware is perfectly capable (allegedly) of running Unity. The machine is only 6 months old.

I tried the Unity test script in Natty, and it tells me "no" but it also is telling me the wrong video card info. (apparently it is reading virtual hardware, not the real thing)

So how do I get VMWare Player to report or use my actual hardware, or for Natty to "see" the real card? Is this possible? If not, how in the world does ANYONE test Unity without actually installing it on a gamble? (note, a liveCD won't work because with an nVidia card, I have to install proprietary drivers which require a restart - Chicken, meet Egg.)

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Ubuntu :: Appearance - Disable The Unity Dock But Not Unity Feature Where Min / Max / Close Go Into The Command Bar?

Jul 17, 2011

1. I didn't like the icon theme and changed it to Ubuntu Mono Light. But is there a way to get the Min/Max/Close buttons to how they are in Radiance when maximized, or is that dependant on something else?

2. Is there a way to disable the Unity dock, but not the Unity feature where the Min/Max/Close go into the command bar?

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Ubuntu :: Unity - Mythtv Or How To Hide Unity Launcher

May 8, 2011

Just moved to Ubuntu 11.04 with unity and only have one problem...For most of my desktop needs I prefer to have the Unity Launcher up all the time (fullscreen apps don't cover it), and have set this option with ccsm.

However, when I watch mythtv, it is also under the launcher (and the top panel as well). How can I force mythtv to cover the launcher?
What I really need is a keyboard shortcut to hide the launcher, but the only shortcut is for "show launcher". (I guess the devs assumed everyone would want it hidden by default).

This, by the way is not my usual way for viewing mythtv. I have a projector attached to the desktop PC and it doesn't get a Unity Launcher by default (in Twinview), so no probs. However, occasionally I want to watch something on my computer screen, and that is when this issue arises.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Re-installation - Updgrade Crashed - Errors With Unity Crashing Every Time When Open A Terminal

May 18, 2011

I upgraded to 11.04, but the updgrade crashed, and now it has some errors with Unity crashing every time I open a terminal. Is there any way to re-install without having to reconfigure all my programs? I am running a dual-boot.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Add More Workspaces In Unity?

Apr 29, 2011

Since there is a wrong reference in the doc


could someone tell me how to add more workspaces in Unity?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 11.04 - Unity Not Working / What To Do?

Apr 30, 2011

I have just upgraded to ubuntu 11.04 (from 10.10), any unity is not working. 'Ubuntu Classic' works fine (i'm on it now) but on 'Ubuntu', my background loads, but the icons and windows just flicker periodically (within a couple of seconds.
I realise 11.04 is only just out, but is this a known problem? and is there a fix? code...

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Ubuntu Installation :: No Unity After Upgrading?

May 2, 2011

So I upgraded, but it says something like my system "doesn't have the resources to run Unity". Core 2 Quad Q6600 2.4 GHz, 6 GB, 1 TB HD, nVidia 9500 GT. So it's not a gaming video card, but not that primitive...??? And I can't even find the Gnome menu item to force it to launch Unity...

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Ubuntu Installation :: What Happened To Unity?

Jun 12, 2011

I just burned the live CD to check out the unity desktop before installing and its Gnome 2. Did I download the wrong iso?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Wacom Stylus With Unity In 10.10?

Oct 13, 2010

I have a Fujitsu Stylistic st6012 tablet with a wacom digitizer built in. With UNE 10.04 the stylus was working fine, the buttons/rocker did left and right clicks.After upgrading to 10.10 the stylus was still working, but the buttons were not.I could click by tapping with the stylus, but to access menus in applications, or even shutdown menu, I have to keep pressing the stylus against the tablet. If I just tap, the menu will appear for a brief millisecond and then disappear again. Like what happens when you double-click with a mouse.

After some searching I have managed to get the stylus buttons to work - setting button closest to the tip as leftclick and the other as rightclick.The clicking works as expected inside applications, and when the applications menu-bar is on a line of its own - not on the same line as close, minimise, maximise, tray-icons, shutdown... In applications where the menu is moved up on the same line as close/minimise/maximise.the clicking must be done by click-hold - if I click-release the menu would go away.So that is problem number 1. Not sure if it is Maximus that is creating the top panel?

Next, the even bigger problem:The leftside icons menu introduced with UNE 10.10 is not behaving well with my stylus.Sometimes the very first tap/click on an icon launches that application. Subsequent taps/clicks on ANY icon does nothing. Only nudges the icon,scrolls the bar slightly or nothing at all.Other times not even the first tap/click launches anything. This makes the OS and my tablet utterly useless After getting the stylus buttons to work, rightclicks actually works on the icon-bar (unity?), bringing up the menu with name and Remove from Launcher options. But it does not respond to taps or leftclicks - other than making the rightclick-menu disappear.NOTE: the icons-bar and menus work as they should using an external mouse, so the problem must be related to the wacom stylus.

Here is some values from xsetwacom:
kris@kris-st6012:~$ xsetwacom --get "Serial Wacom Tablet" TPCButton


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Ubuntu :: How To Reverse Unity Desktop Installation

Nov 28, 2010

I made the big mistake of installing the preview version of the new Unity desktop that will be part of 11.04.I now have a computer that runs like a dog and it is near impossible to do anything. I have tried to find anything on how to reverse back to the standard Gnome desktop, but all I can find is instructions on how to install it.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Use Of Unity Desktop - No 3D Support

Dec 4, 2010

When the live CD is booted up, there is a notice saying Ubuntu is sorry, as there is no 3D support in the laptop. If the Live CD doesn't see the video card etc, then there is a problem. The laptop has NVidia Geforce 310M, meaning it has the 3D support, only Ubuntu doesn't see it on live boot, so what the use of the Unity desktop? The Gnome starts up.

I have seen Gnome, but I'd like to see Unity. How can I do it? I can of course download the NVidia driver. But to activate the driver, I have to restart the laptop, then the Live session would go away. By the way, if Linux to be everybody's OS, I think the "restricted" drivers should be included, as they are allowed by the owners to be downloaded!

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgraded To Natty And Don't Have Unity

Apr 26, 2011

today i upgraded to natty and it went well (except for mistake of not removing ati driver before upgrading what caused 2 hours of me fixing..).. now i have weird problem - there no unity. my desktop looks the same as before - docky and 1 gnome panel, no matter what session i choose (unity or classic).. this is good news for unity haters, but i did upgrade because i wanted unity.i guess i have to run something to set defaults on system...

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Ubuntu Installation :: No Unity 3D On New Natty Install

Apr 29, 2011

I've just installed Natty Narwhal onto my laptop, but I cannot find Unity 3D, only 2D. I've installed the propriety NVIDIA drivers, but there still is no 3D option.I've also seen no one who likes Unity, but I do.

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