Ubuntu Installation :: Retieving Lost Partition And Data?

May 12, 2010

I was a regular Windows user and have installed Ubuntu 10.04 LTS 2 days back. Not really sure what was my mistake during installation but that had erased all my data. I lost windows completely and lost all my data in all 4 drives including drives itself.I searched in internet and forums as how could I recover my data, and got solution to use test disk. Testdisk worked perfectly, I recovered my 4 drives and retrieved data for 2 of my drives. But I still cann't retrive my important data from other drives.I guess data still exists in hard disk. (no free space , and no data)I know there could be several threads which had solved this kind of problem.

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Ubuntu :: Recover Lost Data From NTFS Partition Using Testdisk/Photorec?

Mar 8, 2010

My main partition having all my data like movies, music, files,etc has become inaccessible. Its file system was NTFS. Due to some recent resizing using GParted, the partition as well as my WIndows 7 OS has become unbootable due to some errors. The data partition's file system has become unknown. I don't care much about the OS but I would like to recover my drive. I am trying to achieve this using Testdisk and Photorec but haven't met with much success so far. The main problem is I can see my partition and all my files through Testdisk but I am not able to copy them to another drive. When I try to copy the option I get is of copying them to the DVD and not to any other partition.

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Fedora :: Formatted EXT3 Partition - Recover Lost Data?

Jan 26, 2011

By mistake I formatted an ext3 partition on my external hard-drive. Now it has turned into a vfat filesystem. Is their any chance of recovering the lost data?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgraded And Lost Data Drives

Jul 5, 2010

-I upgraded my Ubuntu install and the system boots except it ignores my two data drives. I get a prompt to continue waiting, skip or manually recover. If I skip I boot into Ubuntu. The fstab entries for the data drives are:


I booted with a knoppix cd and both drives are found and contain data. What steps can I take to remount these drives and recover the data?

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Ubuntu :: Lost Data During Dual Boot Installation With Backtrack + 10.04 Netbook?

Dec 28, 2010

Generally I am used to installations of dual boot on different partitions(the traditional method) any windows OS with any ubuntu OS.I tried that with backtrack 4 and Ubuntu 10.04 netbook edition! I had previously installed ubuntu 10.04 and then had an extra partition that had data in it.Went ahead to boot with the backtrack 4 disk BUT it did not give me an option for installing them side-by side so i did it manually by editing the partition with the partitioner! I had 2 swamp spaces one i which was initially there for Ubuntu and the other i created! Then simply formated ine partition with EXT3 and mountpoint of / which made two of them!after installation, the grub shows that there is another OS but when it does not load!

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Fedora Installation :: Lost All Data On Drive By Bad Clicks - Change User To Root?

Jul 21, 2009

This is my 6th install of Fedora, begining with Fedora 4 I have had very good luck with all until 9 and I lost all data on drive by my bad clicks in a frustrated session. Now I have a great install of Fedora 10 with the exception that I fouled up and typed in a user (myself-'andybill') and am finding out that the work I need to do cannot be maximized by operating in user - andybill, I need to be super user. I have just moved and have not done any collaboration with our senior partner in a data development start up that he is the intellectual property in deed and law. For me to get back on track my using this OS I have to be master of all libraries, drivers etc. I am a nu-b (only 2 1/2 years, with no computer science background. This explains why I need step by step commands without abbriviated lingo-So if I can remove myself as andybill, make all root

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Ubuntu Installation :: Recovery Old Partition! Lost All Work?

Apr 30, 2010

This morning, i want to install ubuntu 9.10 and want to upgrade to 10.04. Im using live CD and while install, i go to advance partition and resize the windows partition and after i resize the partition i saw my windows partition has lost.Here the details:Windows XP size: 80gb and free size 35gbi want to use my ubuntu size around 10gb, after i resize to 10gb and format etx4 as root my windows partition has gone. how to recovery and revert my windows partition back?

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Fedora Installation :: Lost Ability To Boot Into Ubuntu On Another Partition

Nov 10, 2010

I wanted to experiment with Fedora 14.

The machine has Windows XP and Ubuntu 9.10.

Before today when I turned the machine on there was a black screen with many Linux kernels to choose from and Windows.

I created another for Fedora and installed it on there - the Ubuntu root partition is still there.

When I boot now, there is a blue Fedora screen with just it and Windows.

To make matters worse Fedora doesn't work with my graphics card (Matrox). I would like to get Fedora working but still want to have the ability to use Ubuntu again.

What do I need to change to be able to boot into Ubuntu again and how do I do it?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Lost Boot Partition On Drive Failure

Jan 1, 2011

We had a drive failure on /dev/sda. Everything 'except' boot was on raid5 across sda, sdb, sdc, sdd. I know how to repartition a new drive and rebuild the raid etc, but I don't know how to regenerate the files that reside on the boot partition. I really don't want to re-install as we have lot of custom code and software that may depend on our current libraries and build environment.

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Debian Installation :: Lost Pen Drive Partition While Installing

Jul 3, 2011

I wan trying to install Debain on a 4GB USB drive while running the setting something happened with my pc and i had to restart it.I try to boot from the USB drive it worked but was giving a empty cursor. the installation did not continue.i open the USB drive in my pc now but it shows just 300 MB space and lost the 3.7 GB space.I think space of USB drive with that partition, can i recover my USB drive lost partition space ?

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Fedora Installation :: Lost Lot Of Space On Partition After Install

Aug 24, 2011

I just installed Fedora on my pc with windows XP pre-installed (dual boot). I had the same setup with ubuntu before with no problems. My ntfs windows partition is of 15 gb approximately and the remaining space that was available for fedora was about 220 GB (non partitioned - I removed all the partitions excepting the windows one using gparted from liveCD prior to beginning installation) ..........after installation etc etc.....my home folder shows me only 150GB of space.....what's happening? Where has all the remaining space gone to?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Partition 1TB Drive Without Any Data Corruption?

Jan 6, 2011

I want to install Ubuntu (10.10) on the 1TB drive I need to unplug the SSD while installing it in order to dual boot by pressing F8 (the way I want it to be) so that Grub doesn't get installed on the SSD. What I want to know is can I partition the 1TB drive to install Ubuntu without any data corruption or anything? I have read that NTFS can lose data if partitioned with data already on it (I have no way of backing up my 100GB of files on the drive, as currently this IS my backup drive). What I want to do is have 900GB for files, and a 100GB partition (or partitions adding up to 100GB) for Ubuntu- what is the best way to do this? I don't need seperate partitions for ubuntu, can I install the whole thing to the 100GB partition and boot from it? Or do I need swap as well? I was thinking of making 900GB partition, 4GB partition for swap (if needed) and 96GB partition for Ubuntu (/ if I understand) as this is what the "erase entire drive" option creates.

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Ubuntu Installation :: One Partition Has Free Space To Load Data?

Apr 28, 2010

I'm a new user to Linux & Ubuntu. My system is Windows 7 in one partition, one partition has free space to load my data, another partition is present to load Ubuntu. Can somebody please tell me how to go about the installation process when I'm already having an OS preinstalled?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Partition Second Hard Disk For Use As Backup Data

Sep 29, 2010

My primary drive is 250GB and has the root, home and var (I'd read it's good to put var on a separate partition for MythTV which I'm planning on doing) on separate partitions. I have a second 1TB drive that I'll be using to backup the 250GB drive and also host less critical data. I've created two partitions on this drive, one 250GB and the other covering the rest of the drive. I'd like to move the Videos directory out of Home on the 250GB onto the 1TB drive but can't find a definitive way of doing this. Should I just follow this guide for moving the home folder to a new partition? Next question is when performing a backup of the 250GB drive how do I make sure it's going to the 250GB partition on the 1TB drive? Can the different partitions be mounted separately?

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General :: Making A Data Partition And Installation Of Buntu 10.10

Nov 28, 2010

I wanted to migrate from ubuntu karmic to the latest ubuntu 10.10, but i already have a lots of data on my hard disk in home directory. i was thinking if it is possible to transfer all the data to one directory and make a separate partition of it , so tht when i install a fresh copy of ubuntu 10.10 on my system i need not format this new partition ,which contains al my data.is it possible tht this new partition will automatically get mounted on the new system without the need to execute commands from terminal every time i start my system. if there is any other alternative way for solving this problem i would follow tht too.the reason for my migration is that karmic is really troubling me a lot and so many applications including my sound device have failed to work and i am not able to rectify them..

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Ubuntu Installation :: Optimal Partition Sugguestions For Speed & Dual Boot With Shared Data?

Mar 4, 2010

I am installing a custom 8.04 live disk (basically, a mirror of my whole system with user data intact, sans all non-OS files) from a USB key with remastersys for the .iso creation, and UNetbootin for the bootable USB on a brand new 120GB PATA WD HDD. Both do nicely so far, so I have a working livedisk to use until I need to install Ubuntu to the drive.

I had a pure linux box, but I need to add XP with dual booting now- I have to use Autodesk Inventor 2010 software for my college class on my laptop, so I don't drive 30 miles to use the 1 computer lab equipped with that software. I'm not new to Linux, but I am new to more in-depth partitioning. I've taken the lead and looked into things- read this good guide, among others:

HTML Code:
http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/partitioning and noticed that there is a way to more deftly use partitions so that personal files can be shared access and write between Windows and Linux partitions- with this:
HTML Code:
http://www.fs-driver.org/ Ubuntu is still my main OS, but being able to access all my media/data files between the 2 systems would be nice. Problem is, until now, I've put everything on a single partition because I didn't know better. Now I do, but am a bit confused with all the guides as to what's most efficient, especially in my case where full RAM speed is crucial to running a single program.

Here's what I know I need to do: 1. The Windows XP install I know needs from 20-30GB for Inventor 2010 LT to work well. I don't need anything else in XP spacewise- it's just being added for Inventor. 2. I'd like to create a separate /home partition for Ubuntu this time to save my user data, making future upgrades much more painless (I will be getting Lucid soon). How that works when upgrading, though, I don't know yet..

3. I'd like both OSes to share all my personal files (docs, pics, music, Inventor design files) if it is an efficient choice that works without problems.

4. Finally, because 2GB is minimum for Inventor to run decently, I need to maximize the speed of my RAM for it- from my reading, these so-called "swap" partitions can somehow be added for buffering this- people seem to sugguest the swap be half the size of the RAM for fastest speed, and some say add separate /usr or other partitions. I'm not clear on what would be most efficient for me.

I have limited HDD space- because of my laptop's BIOS, this single 120GB drive is the biggest I can get on my laptop, so efficient partitioning would make a huge difference for me. Before this, a 60GB HDD was in this. I'd like to see some added space for my data storage, but still keep things as fast as possible for Inventor when I use it, and Ubuntu.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Boot On Fresh Hard Drive With Shared Data Partition

Oct 8, 2010

I'd like the final layout to have a Windows partition (will start out as XP and will become Win7 when I can afford yet another copy), a partition for Ubuntu, and a shared Data partition that I can use for all my files between both OSs. I think this should be fairly straight forward with Linux on a Primary partition with / and swap. Only thing is, from what I've read (and yes I know this is a bit old school) it might be a good idea to put in a /Home partition so that I can reinstall new upgrades and maintain settings. But I don't want to max out my 4 primary partitions so I can use a 4th partition as a kind of sandbox for OS testing without using VirtualBox all the time.

This leaves me in need of some advice, I've never used Fdisk and I was planning on just using the Ubuntu installer to do all of this, but I don't know if I can create /Home as a logical partition in the main Ubuntu partition and still have the benefit of being able to reformat /root without losing /Home. I might have just confused myself, because no matter how many guides and How Tos I read I still don't really get extended partitions, I understand logical vs. primary but extended is...confusing. I need the Ubuntu partition to be bootable, so it needs to be a primary partition...I think. Unless I can have: /boot, /, swap, and /Home...

Also, if Ubuntu can read NTFS, and Win7 can read Ext3, what should a do with /Data? Or should I just go with FAT32 and be done with it. (It's a big HDD btw, 640 GB, so /Data will be fairly large)

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Fedora Installation :: Broken Partition Table - Cause Significant Data Corruption ?

Jul 24, 2009

During a recent request to install fedora 11, I ran into an interesting problem. It seems that between fedora10 and fedora11, the developers switched from fdisk, to parted for creating the initial pre-mke2fs partition table creation.

It looks like the implementation of this is broken, as it's writing the partition table with overlapping cylinder boundaries. While this can sometimes be ignored, it can in certain cases cause significant data corruption.

On an installation I took it through, using the latest installation media, in both manual & automatic partition creation, the layout looked like this:

The last two partitions turn out fine, for some reason. However, those two partitions should not have overlapping cylinders. After my very first installation, the system was completely unbootable, and not even fsck wouldn't rescue it. If this is possible, then that means that a system that's been online for months or even years could simply drop out of functionality simply due to a byte or two of system-critical data falling on that last cylinder. Considering that a lot of the time kernel data ends up on /dev/sda1 (commonly the /boot partition), this is something that should not be ignored.

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Fedora Installation :: Setup Dual Bood Data Partition And Move /home?

Feb 21, 2009

I have just spent dome time using gparted to sort out my partitions. I have a vista partition, a fedora one and a big chunk of unallocated space I wish to use as my data drive.

I want to move my ~ folder to the new partition and have windows/vista access the folder and write to the Documents, Downloads folders etc.

What is the best format to use?

Also I plan to start backing up my partitions to a server, for instance using g4l to save a linux image (maby a windose one too). Is there any benifit in keeping all the hidden files (ones starting with period '.') i.e moving the whole ~ folder or would I be best off leaving the ~ dir and moving the folders I know i use such as ~/Downloads, ~/Documents etc?

And how should i preform the move of all these files? 'mv'? do i need to add any special options?

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Ubuntu :: Data Lost After 8.04 Installing?

Dec 22, 2010

i installed win XP month ago, after that i have installed ubuntu 8.04. i didn't choose manual configuration while selecting partitions. NOW all the data LOST!!

and after typing sudo fdisk -lu

the result is as following

Disk /dev/sda: 160.0 GB, 160041885696 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 19457 cylinders, total 312581808 sectors
Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes


i tried teseDisk and gparted and nothing happened

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Ubuntu :: NTFS Data Lost After Shutting Down?

Jul 9, 2010

I have recently installed ubuntu 10.04 aside to my windows 7. One thing I tried out was to share firefox and thunderbird profiles. I have a separate NTFS partition for sharing stuff.Everything seemed to work fine. I had all my browsing history and bookmarks and emails shared nicely between windows and ubuntu. But now I have managed to lost data twice already (in one week time). The data itself is not so important (no need to recover it). But I'm just curious, why is this failing?

I use firefox ProfileManager (firefox -ProfileManager) to create a new profile. I did it in Ubuntu. I created a new folder on my Share partition and pointed profile there. Everything works fine. Profile is saved there and I can use it in Ubuntu. Now, after I shut down Ubuntu and go into Windows 7 (which was hibernated the whole time), the given folder is gone. And in Ubuntu, the folder is also gone.There are some other folders, which I created during my Ubuntu session, which are not visible in Windows, but are visible in Ubuntu.Does any one have any suggestions, how to make sharing data possible? Or why is my data getting lost.

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Ubuntu :: Accidently Lost External Data / Get That Back?

Jul 29, 2010

So I am working on a clients PC, and after I saved their data on an external hard drive I left it plugged in while I reinstalled Windows for them.....I HATE Windows. Stupid OS doesnt know any better than to just go deleting everything. Ubuntu would have known better than to delete multiple hard drives like that.

Anyway, please tell me I can salvage this data for my client? It was probably just reformatted. The data should still be there right?

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Ubuntu :: Mistakenly Lost Data From External HDD / Get That Back?

Sep 21, 2010

I have a problem I don't know how to solve. Today I bought a netbook and while waiting for the new Ubuntu Unity release to come out, I thought of trying out Crunchbang instead of Windows that came with it. Browsing on my Ubuntu desktop machine, I found a guide for making Crunchbang live USB stick, and i followed the procedure. However, I made a very stupid mistake. The guide said I should enter the command:
sudo dd if=/path/to/iso/crunchbang-10-alpha-01-openbox-i686.iso of=/dev/sdX bs=4M;sync

where "of=...." part should be replaced with the name of the HDD. I forgot that I have an external HDD mounted and mistakenly copied the data to it.
After this, I cannot see the content of my external HDD anymore. Instead, i have this 620mb large Crunchbang-install device.

I know what I did was stupid, but is there a way to get the content of my HDD back? I have some valuable data on it.

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Ubuntu :: Recovering Lost Data From An NTFS Volume?

Dec 26, 2010

You'd think that with two backups of all my data, which are syncronised twice weekly - that I'd be pretty safe. Fine and good until in a reorganisation of my documents folders,I delete a bunch of files - and don't notice until after I've run the backup - so they're deleted from the backups as well. Cue me beating myself around the head with the keyboard a few times about a week later when I realised.I'd advise against doing that if you have a keyboard like the IBM Model-M - it hurts.Okay, so I figure it's at least worth having a stab at recovering this data. The external harddrive's not had anything written to it since then, so is probably the best candidate. It's formatted as an NTFS volume (1.5Tb).

Now, I DO have a copy of R-Studio for Windows which I bought and paid for a few years agowhen XP managed to destroy itself and the file structure on the harddrive when it fell over installing SP2 (this was the event which lead ultimately to me switching to Ubuntu).I've found this to work quite well, though the initial scan does take a while.nfortunately, it does NOT seem to work from within Ubuntu through Wine. It runs, but can't see any drives. The only Windows environment I have access to now is Vista, andR-Studio seems to hang after running for an hour or so under Vista.

Are there any tools - preferably simple enough that I can get my head around them - which I can use from within Ubuntu to have a scrub through an NTFS drive to look for and otentially recover deleted data? I've found several tools which claim to recover things from ext3/4 drives from Windows - but not the other way around!There are a fair selection of filetypes involved here, some word documents, probably most of interest to me though are some old videos, mostly <5Mb taken on my old phone camera from university. Nothing really mission critical...but memories nevertheless.

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Ubuntu :: Data Lost When Merging Partitions / Resolve This?

May 28, 2011

I had two ext4 partitions; one had data and another didn't. I wanted to merge them using Gparted, but couldn't find the option. So, I deleted the second partition making it unallocated and used the 'resize' option to merge both the partition. Now, the partitions are merged but I LOST THE DATA..
I am seriously f**ked up.... What can I do to get those data back. I haven't done anything to the partitions after data: no adding data, no formatting.

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Ubuntu :: Recover Lost Data From A Wiped Windows 7?

Jul 18, 2011

I bought a new dell studio 1555 from best buy about a year and a half ago. Got the warranty because I have 4 kids and something is bound to be dropped, spilled or smashed at some point. True to my visions, something did get dropped smashed and spilled, and pennies got stuck in the dvd slot. So I took it in when the screen stopped coming on because of a loose connection in the hinge and they did apparently fix that problem, but also were benevolent enough to wipe out my entire hard drive, operating sytem and all, totally free of charge. I guess they figured since I like accidents so much, I would just LOVE having 18 months of data and programs disappear into thin air. I know all about how I should have backed it up, and I am not whining too much over this. I will roll with the punches. But there are just a FEW things on that hard drive I will really miss. Like a few crucial spreadsheets that I was not able to save to my external drive before the screen went south. Now that windows 7, I am not planning on missing at all. In fact I am loving running my new Ubuntu 11.04 from my usb and knowing that those idiots will not be able to screw this one up next time. But I would really like to be able to recover those files if I can. Is there any way to get those back? And I also cannot figure out how to find device manager. Do I have to install to hard drive to use that? I know these are all probably total newbie questions. But hey, i got here as soon as I could. Everybody has got to start somewhere.

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General :: Don't Have Permission To Read DATA Partition; Partition No Longer Visible

Oct 30, 2010

I've been using Ubuntu 10.10 for just under a week. Recently, a partition called 'Data' has disappeared, and all my music and documents along with it. The folder is not to be seen in Places or on my desktop. My only way of finding it is to go to terminal. But when I try to open it there I get an error saying I don't have permission to read it. In Puppy Linux and SliTaz I can easily find the partition and read it. What should I do to bring it back in Ubuntu?

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Software :: Gparted: Joining 2 Partition Ext3 Within One Partition (data Saved)?

Dec 11, 2009

I usually repartition a disk by backing up, deleting the partitions, formatting them and repartition. I just did a 200 gig backup (so i am safe) and i want to join 2 (ext3) partition together, sdb1 (data4) and sdb5 (data5) into one big partition. Is there a way to do it without scraping the data in sdb5 (data5). It would save me from rewriting the data back to that new partition (200 gig is time consuming).

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OpenSUSE :: Delete Files On Data Partition Slow Because Trash Is Located On Home Partition?

Aug 18, 2011

KDE 4.6 - opensuse 11.4.

I have a separate ext4 partition which contains all my data (music, movies, etc). When I delete files from this partition it is very slow because it copies files from my data partition to the Trash folder in my home partition. How can I avoid this? Can't the trash be configured so that it uses a trash folder in each partition instead of copying files to another partition (which is slow).

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Fedora :: Lost My Old Data / Get It Back?

Jan 26, 2010

I was trying to free some memory as my /var was about to fill.I went to Add /remove software and ried to remove some of the unwanted software and it asked for dependency and i clicked ok.After a while i saw some of my aplication like Evolution,Empathy blackening and i killed the Uninstallation. I was sure by time that something wrong has happened and i did not switch off my monitor so that i can retain my application.I tried lot to increase teh /var so that i can update my yum and install some lost application but allin vain i tried Gparted which can only decrease the size .
I had 40 GB unallocated space so i tried to boot from Live Fedora 12 DVD and was able to see my all the files and filesystem.
All my data in /home was intact.I tried to go to grub and went to boot hte kernel and Initrd and was able to go to #root but again was not able to update the system as network was missing.The SYSTEM was Not booting and stuck in between.
Tried to change the /var to var1 copied /var content to /var1 and made changes in teh /etc/fstab still did not work ,so finally went to repair with Live cd but could not get "Linux rescue" anywhere not even to upgrade option so finally installed the New linux without touching / and /home partition rest were deleted and formatted for new instalation.Now i could not see my data in /home directory although i could see data in /root(old) and all ..i am now lost ..my data is nowhere ..please help me.I can only see /home(old) but it says empty and shows 6 GB unused and 3.3 GB used when seen in Gparted .

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