Ubuntu Installation :: Partition To Install List Is Blank

Jul 31, 2010

I have only used Windows. Yeaterday, i decided to try Ubuntu 10,04, since I've heard so much great about it. My problem is, when I am supposed to choose which partition to inastall on, the list is blank! it shows nothing at all... the frames and all are there, but no drives to choose from.
I'm installing from DVD with .ISO file.

My Hardware:

AMD Athlon xp 2400+ 2,00 Ghz
1,25GB RAM
Current OS: Win XP

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Ubuntu Installation :: Make A Blank Partition With Gparted And Install Lucid On It

Apr 30, 2010

how to upgrade my ubuntu 9.10 system. I would like to do a clean install of lucid, but I have way too many files. I have a big hard drive, so space was not a problem, and things got out of hand ^^ One thing you should know is that I have plenty of room for my files even if the drive was half it's size, so my idea is possible space-wise. (And I am prepared if this fails. I have backed up my stuff, but would like if it I didn't have to rely on that)

What I want to do is make a blank partition with gparted and install lucid on it. Then I want to keep it a dual boot just to make sure my hardware is working ok, then move my home folder to the new partition, make the lucid partition take the whole hard drive, and delete karmic. I do not want to upgrade because I messed up my install a lot while learning linux, so I really need to start over.

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Debian Installation :: Ubuntu On A Blank Partition On Mac?

Mar 29, 2011

So I tried installing ubuntu on a blank partition on my mac. Everything went well, but then it said it was going to reboot. On startup, it went straight to a white screen. I tried holding down the alt button but I got no luck.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Blank Partition Screen

Feb 1, 2010

I'm installing Koala here on a 250gb Sata drive. I am looking to dual boot with Win7. I've got a 80gb Win7 partition and the rest is unallocated so I can install Ubuntu on to it. If I try to install, I get to the manual partition screen and it's blank. From what I can tell, Ubuntu isn't recognizing my hard drive at all. When I boot into the liveCD and run gparted, it says no devices found. Also when I boot gparted from a cd I get the same thing. BIOS sees the drive fine and the drive boots into Windows fine.

When I run "sudo fdisk -l" I get nothing. I've tried several of the flags including all-generic-ide. Also tried removing dmraid.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Partition List Didn't Appear?

Jun 26, 2010

i was installing Ubuntu 10.04 on my laptop. But when the installer reach step 4, i cannot see my partitions on my computer that i has previously made. I already enter the manual partition editor sectin, but the list show that my harddisk has no parition no it. The weird thing is that i can normally access my partition on ubuntu live-cd's file browser, but it didn't appear on my installation wizard. Here is a screenshot of my desktop:

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Ubuntu Installation :: Maverick Installer Doesn't Recognize Existing Partition List?

Oct 13, 2010

I have been upgrading from 9.04 to 10.04. Now, I want to install 10.10 from the beginning without losing the data in my current partitions but when I run the Maverick installer it recognize my disk as a whole with no partitions. From another posts, I suspect that the problem is in the partition list because it seems to be a duplicate partition but don't know how to fix it. This is the fdisk output:

jgarcia@jgarcia-laptop:~$ sudo fdisk -lu /dev/sda
Disco /dev/sda: 250.1 GB, 250059350016 bytes
255 cabezas, 63 sectores/pista, 30401 cilindros, 488397168 sectores en total
Unidades = sectores de 1 * 512 = 512 bytes


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Installation :: Ubuntu Install Screen Goes Blank At 69% / Why Is So?

Mar 7, 2010

Ok well this is my first post on the ubuntu forums and the problem I have is, hopefully, pretty simple to fix. When I am installing Ubuntu, I go through all of the steps and once it asks where to install and partitioning and all that I tell it to erase the entire windows thing and put in Ubuntu. So I click the Forward button and when it gets to 69% of copying files, the screen goes black. It sounds like its still running the install but I cant be sure. What should I do?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Blank Screen While Trying To Install 9.10?

Mar 10, 2010

I've found similar posts to this but none seemed to be solved. I'm trying to install ubuntu 9.10 on my new laptop. Dual boot Win 7 Pro on first partition.Its a gateway nv79 laptop with an intel i3 330M processor.The problem occurs when I boot from the CD I get the first menu where you can choose to install, load ubuntu from CD, etc. No matter which option I choose, I get nothing but a blank screen. Then I can do nothing but power down by holding the power button.I've tried both 64 and 32 bit versions, same thing. The 32 bit disk works fine on another computer. I've also tried booting another version of Linux, Helix, from CD and that also works fine. I'm thinking ubuntu doesnt support my graphics card: Intel Graphics Media Accelerator HD

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Ubuntu Installation :: Graphic Install Goes Blank / Fix It?

May 1, 2010

I'm having problems installing 10.04 on a IBM Thinkpad R51. It boots fine, loads the graphics... saying "UBUNTU", and below are some dots red/white moving... then it all goes BLANK... silent.. nothing happens (probably waiting for user imput?)

I've tried getting out of "normal" install by hitting ESC key, and selecting noapic and noa..p..l something?

No improvements.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Blank Screen On Install CD?

Jul 7, 2010

I've searched the forums and all the problems seem to be getting a blank screen after the first menu or first splash screen.My problem is that I'm getting a blank screen straight away without seeing anything. As soon as the system says that it's booting from CD the screen goes blank and nothing happens.I've done the md5sum on the disc successfully (and the iso). It's an old system (P4) and I'm using the integrated graphics.I've tried Ubuntu Server 10.04, UNE 10.04 and Ubuntu 9.04, all have the same problem.

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Ubuntu Installation :: New Install - Blank Screen - 10.10

Oct 24, 2010

I'm installing Ubuntu 10.10 64bit (and ive tried 32bit) on a brand new Sony Vaio as a dual boot on Windows 7.

All goes well and I eventually get to the desktop on Ubuntu but the screen isnt right. Its not so much the resolution as its perfect in clarity but its the physical borders right and bottom are out of screen. Move the mouse to the right and bottom and the mouse disappears. I cant see the bottom bar at all. But like I said, the res clarity is perfect. I've tried playing with the res but it wont change the border issue.

Soon enough, on the top right, I get a hardware driver update alert for a Nvidia and asks me to activate. I do this with the hope to fix my screen size issue. Once activated, I restart and thats it, I get a blank screen.

This is what ive tried:

In recovery mode, i can get in with low-graphics.

Uninstalled the Ubuntu recommended Nvidia driver and all is ok.

Tried downloaded the correct Nvidia driver for my laptop but exact same.

In low graphics mode, when I launch Nvidia X Server, I get this error: 'You do not appear to be using the Nvidia X driver. Please edit your X configuration file (just run 'nvidia-xconfig' as root), and restart X server.'

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Ubuntu Installation :: 9.10 Install From CD - Screen Goes Blank

Mar 8, 2011

After selecting "Install Ubuntu", the screen goes blank and nothing happens. I am using a HP laptop and am trying to install Ubuntu 9.10 from a CD I ordered from ubuntu site.

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Programming :: Put Blank Spaces In Between List Of Numbers Generated In FORTRAN?

Aug 25, 2010

I have two sets of data. 1,2,3,4 and 6,7,8 and I have written a fortran code to put them in order as below:

program gap
implicit none
integer:: i, j
do i = 1,4
do j = 6, 8


I want a space once every row loop has finish.I am dont know how to write the data as shown above using the fortran code in this post.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Blank Screen After Successfu Install

Feb 11, 2010

I'm extremely close to getting ubuntu on my old Toshiba Sattelite 1135-S155. It meets the minimum requirements (barely).I was able to go through almost the entire install process, but at the end when I restarted, I was told to remove the disc and hit enter, which I did. Then nothing but a black screen with a blinking cursor and unresponsive keyboard. I powered down, restarted, and got the grub. Same thing: it identifies the Ubuntu OS , but when I select it to boot, nothing but a black screen with a blinking cursor and unresponsive keyboard.

I'm trying to run this machine purely on ubuntu- no windows installed.I can actually load and run the OS from the "Try Ubuntu" option that rune off the CD.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 Both Live Cd And Direct Install Go To Blank?

May 1, 2010

I tried to install 10.04 but for the very first time since years I got stuck
I have an integrated intel video card, 512MB of RAM, both the "try ubuntu without installation" and the "directly install ubuntu" run for a while showing the ubuntu loading splash screen and then everything freezes and the screen comes blank.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Blank Screen On Reboot After Clean Install?

Jan 14, 2010

I had ubuntu running just fine on another computer, but had to move things around to make Windows7 run better. So after backing up Home, I switched hard drives, pulled the video card, and adjusted RAM, I tried booting up. The computer found all the changes and did its thing. But then it hung with a blank screen. I figured that it didn't recongnize the video driver for this computer, or something, so I did a fresh install with 9.10 to start over from scratch. The boot up went great, and finished completely. I made a few changes to the desktop, and loaded in my archived firefox bookmarks and evolution files. After rebooting, the first ubuntu logo came up, but then the blank screen, with no drum sounds. I tried a few more times rebooting and hitting esc, but I don't know what I am doing at that menu. I also tried the F1 option, but again, I don't know anything. One other time I was able to boot into ubuntu all the way when I was hitting esc slowing (waiting) and somehow was able to get the login and the desktop just fine. I haven't been able to get that to happen again.

Can someone walk me through the steps to troubleshoot this? I don't know any terminal jargon or commands, and haven't really got a clue, but I really want to learn and figure this out. I don't even know how to go in from the command line to see what my system specs or video specs are to tell you.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 Fresh Install On Laptop - Blank Screen

May 1, 2010

My laptop: MSI AMD Athlon 64x2 Nvidia GeForce GO 6100.

I've done a fresh install of Ubuntu 10.04 and I end-up with a blank screen. I've also tried a fresh install of Xubuntu 10.04 and Kubuntu 10.04 and I get the same blank screen.

Ubuntu 9.10 was working perfectly though. So what do you think happened?

I installed the Ubuntu 10.04 livecd on my desktop and it works perfectly so I think it is not a burning problem.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.4 LTS Blank Screen With Cursor Blinking After Install?

Jun 4, 2010

I have installed today Ubuntu 10.4 LTS ..after installation the OS does not boot and just shows blank screen with cursor blinking ...any idea ..I have searched the forum a lot but cannot understand why this is happening ..re-installed twice ..This is AMD64 bit but I am installing the 32 bit ubuntu 10.4 LTS.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Fresh 10:04 Install - No Gnome Log In - Screen Goes Blank

Aug 1, 2010

I just setup a Fujitsu s6231 lifebook with Lucid. When I boot there is no grub menu unless i press the "start" key. Then the only way i can get into the machine is by entering into recovery mode and booting in "safe graphics mode".

Everything works fine once I am able to log on the "safe graphic mode".

If i don't press the "start" key the ubuntu logo will flash for 3 seconds and then the screen goes blank and nothing happens.

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Ubuntu Installation :: LiveCD/Install Blank Screen On New Dell?

Oct 13, 2010

I just bought a new Dell Latitude E6510. When I boot from the Ubuntu 10.10 64bit disk (I've checked the disk for errors already), the initial, purple splash screen comes up, but then the screen just goes blank and stays that way. I never even see a grub screen.I tried Linux Mint 9 with both the 64 bit DVD and the 32 bit CD. Both Mint disks bring up a grub boot screen, but then the screen goes blank just like Ubuntu 10.10. I can hear Mint's "login" sound, but nothing shows up on the screen

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 Lucid Server - Blank Screen During Install?

Apr 21, 2011

I'm trying to install 10.04 Server on an old Dell Poweredge 600SC I had lying around, and I'm having an issue with the installation. I can boot from the disk without any issues, I select a language for the installer, and I get to the main menu (Install Ubuntu Server, Check Disk for defects, Test Memory, etc). When I select Install Ubuntu Server, it waits a couple of seconds and then goes straight to a blank screen. No flashing cursor or anything.

I've tried some digging on the issue and another thread from a while back said to add "vga=771" to the installer line and when I did that, I got an error from my monitor itself complaining about an incompatible video mode.I know I'm not the only one who has had this issue, I just don't know how to address it. This is the first problem I've ever had on an installation.

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Fedora Installation :: Blank Screen After Install 10?

Mar 6, 2009

i had a serious problemafter i checked my hardware detected by using liveCD, there's no problem i thoughti successfully installed it on my PCbuti got blank/no screen appeared when it started up

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Ubuntu Installation :: Blank Screen Fresh Install On Boot - Not I915

Jan 9, 2010

So I currently have an install of Karmic running that has been upgraded over the years but I am repartitioning my drives so I did a fresh install on a new drive.

My first problem was the live cd would not boot and I had to use the alternate cd to do the install. It would boot into a blank screen and the i915.modeset=0 kernel parameter did not help.

After the installation finished I went to try and boot and found that right when it went to initialize the graphics, my computer locked up hard. Keyboard unresponsive and all. I read the forums and I tried using the kernel parameter i915.modeset=0 and removed quiet and splash from the kernel line to see if I could spot any errors but nothing appeared.

I am able to boot into recovery mode, and I tried even running an apt-get upgrade to get all my packages up to date and installed the latest nvidia driver but still have this issue.

I'm at a loss as to what I should attempt next.

Here is boot info, just to clarify sda and sdb are a fakeraid on my old setup, sdc is my new install

Boot Info Summary:

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Ubuntu Installation :: Server Blank Screen + Blinking Cursor After Install?

Sep 23, 2010

I have installed it from usb as the cd installation failed at the point where you decide which type of installation you want (lamp or samba, etc)the installation completed but when booting nothing happens, only a black screen with a blinking cursor. pressing the shift key or any other keys doesn't work.strangely when i boot from the usb flash drive again (and not from the hard drive) the server does boot and asks for the user name and password!i have chosen the guided lvm partition with 20% reserved for system files.my machine is an athlon xp 2GHz (32bit), 1GB, SATA hard drive, nvidia 6600 graphicsmy guess is that its a problem with grub and lvm.

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Ubuntu Installation :: New Install Mavericks Results In Blank Home Screen?

Mar 19, 2011

I have just installed ubuntu mavericks to an old laptop. I burned a cd and used it to install from. I choose to have the drive wiped and ubuntu installed to it. When I start up all goes well until the end.. I get a blank screen. It is not blank as in black. It has colors you expect to see with ubuntu but there are no controls... just a blank desktop with a cursor

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install 11.04 Starts Up To Blank Screen/initramfs Prompt?

Jun 17, 2011

I installed Umbuntu (MythBuntu 11.04 as backend system) and initially when starting it just went to a blank screen (no prompt, nothing). After going through safe mode I was able to get to a prompt and into the UI in low graphic mode.After updating the graphic drivers (nvidea) to the latest and changing some grub options (GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="acpi=off splash") when I restarted it went to the busybox initramfs prompt. I typed "exit" and the UI started up normally.

The next time I restarted it went through to a blank screen. I typed "exit" again and enter and the UI started up normally again (even though I couldn't see what I was typing at the time).While I was going through the recovery mode I do remember some messages about disk not found/mounted, when I googled it I found stuff about entering rootdelay=90 in menu.lst which doesn't exist anymore. Is there a similar option I can enter somewhere in 11.04?Also I'm new to Ubuntu (in fact any Linux distro as an admin), where would I find any log files that may help with finding the problem.

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Debian Installation :: Blank Screen After Install - 6.0 On A Toughbook CF-28?

Feb 17, 2011

It seems I am having the same problem, but on a Toughbook CF-28. I tried searching the forum for a solution, and Google, but to no avail. Here is the run down:Installed Debian 6.0 from the NetInst (i386) CD, and all went well. Re-started the laptop, and all booted up fine (got the code lines). When the login screen should appear, all I get ilackscreen.CF-28 Hardware:RAM: 512MB. CPU: Pentium III Mobile 800 MHz (Im guessing from Google) Searches) Not sure what else it has, no information came with the laptop. I do know it has an ethernet port, which worked durininstall, has no wireless, does have a touch screen.I apologize for my noobness, but I am uber new to Linux. Any ideas on how to resolve this issue?

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Fedora Installation :: Blank Screen After Install Option Set

Nov 21, 2010

I am trying to use a F14 network install CD to upgrade on an old HP Pavilion 9695C (Athalon 850MHz, nVidia NV5 RIVA TNT2/TNT2 Pro AGP) with F12 on it. This same disk successfully upgraded a HP Omnibook 6000 with F12. I boot with the network install CD and get the initial menu to select to install/upgrade, install using basic video driver, etc. After selecting either upgrade or basic video driver install, I see the CD being read, then nothing, just a blank screen. I had a similar problem with F12 network install on this machine. So I tried adding "vga=0x318 nomodeset" to the upgrade boot options. The only difference is a quick flash on the screen, then a blinking "underscore character" cursor. The "install using basic video driver" has the same result.

Have also tried:linux nofb
vga=791 [nomodeset]
vga=1 [nomodeset]
xdriver=nv nomodeset
xdriver=vesa nomodeset

However, I always end up with a blank screen or blank screen with blinking underscore cursor. I know this particular AGP has problems with the nouveau driver. On F12 I had to force it to use the nv driver. I submitted a bug but there was no interest on it as this was F12 and F13 was the latest at the time. I did try to upgrade to F13, but ran into this same problem. I was hoping F14 would be better.

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Fedora Installation :: Screen Goes Blank After Sellecting Install?

Feb 9, 2011

trying to install fedora but after I sellect install or install with basic video, the screen scrolls a bunch of text then goes blank. I'm on a laptop and tried unplugging. The lcd monitor but it still goes blank on the laptop screen. The cd is no longer spinning and the hdd light isn't blinking. What do I do?---------- Post added at 10:44 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:11 PM ----------Sorry if my description of the problem is confusing, here's a video of what its doing

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OpenSUSE Install :: Installation 11.2 Nvidea - Display Went Blank

Mar 12, 2010

I tried in November last year to install 11.2 on a machine with NSRock K8NF6P motherboard which has an onboard GEForce class 6 graphics card. Installation went ok until the very end. Then driver problem surfaced, display went blank and was then damaged and required repair.

The NVIDEA driver install appears to require the system is up and running before it is installed. As I did not get a running system how do I install the drivers before any damage is caused?

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