Ubuntu Installation :: How To Install Drupal 6.0
Jun 8, 2010Can anyone tell me all the steps of how to install drupal 6.0 and start using it ?
View 4 RepliesCan anyone tell me all the steps of how to install drupal 6.0 and start using it ?
View 4 Replieshow to install Drupal in fedora?
View 1 Replies View Relatedhow I can install Drupal on my Ubuntu 10.10?
View 2 Replies View Relatedafter completing the form for entering the database name, user-name/password, the installer just resets all the fields when i press 'save and continue'. no error is displayed.so what might be the problem and how can i fix it?ps.wordpress installed without a hitch
View 6 Replies View RelatedThen is that I needed to install (not webmin) Drupal on Centos and
needed to know how and then how do management.
I am trying to uninstall my LAMP server and my Drupal 7 installation. Unfortunately I cannot find any instructions on uninstalling Druapl from my system. The ones that exist are far too old( < 2008 ) to be relevant. Could someone please direct me how to go about this? Note: I did not use Synaptic for installation. I downloaded the file from the drupal.org site.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to complete a drupal installation and change the configuration from the comman line or a script. Id like to be able to automate the process of installing and configuring drupal. I should say that this is quite a bit beyond me. Ive not long started learning scripting.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have installed Drupal 6 using synaptic and it shows as installed in synaptic but NOT in my Ubuntu software center but it is nowhere to be found.
View 4 Replies View Relatedi'm in the process of migrating from Drupal 5 to Drupal 6. My main Drupal page won't load. I have been stepping through the index.php Eclipse and XDebug.The error I'm receiving is:"can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock'".i think the sock file setting is correct; it matches what the MSQL control panel has.
First question: if my.cnf says the sock file is in /var/run/mysqld, why do I keep getting the error that it can't open /tmp/mysql.sock? How do I tell Drupal to use '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock'?
Second question: the mysql command-line interface (i.e., after i have logged into mysql from the terminal) doesn't mention a port from the listing obtained by entering 's'. is it possible that 3306 is a mistake? (I have tried commenting out the port reference and i still get the error identified at the top of the thread.)
does anyone have any ideas about how to resolve the 'sock' error? Many thanks if you do. Merry Christmas, too.
I have installed debian-6.0.0-i386-DVD on my vmware. I want to install php 5.2 on it. But whatever mirror i'm using in my source.list i'm not getting my php 5.2.17 installed. Is there a debian mirror that i can use in my source.list to install php 5.2.15? I do not want to install 5.3, because it's not working for drupal 6 yet. I'm new to linux. i'm using apg -get update to receive the update.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am trying to install drupal6.2 locally on my fedora 14 machine. After resolving quite a bit of dependeny issues I finally was able to get the database populated but I am just getting a blank page when typing [URL]. I am observing the following error in the error.log. I am surprised that a standard installable rpm of drupal is having these errors.
[Wed Jun 08 18:28:44 2011] [error] [client] PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function user_access() in /usr/share/drupal/includes/theme.inc on line 1779
[Wed Jun 08 18:37:04 2011] [error] [client] PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '}' in /usr/share/drupal/includes/theme.inc on line 1789
There are many ways of accomplishing this installation. What this tutorial attempts to do is to outline the most basic installation possible. It show you how to install Drupal from the command-line to speed up "development" of your website. [[EDIT]] REMOVED LAMP SERVER INSTALL PART OF TUTORIAL AS THERE ARE MUCH BETTER (MORE SECURE) TUTORIALS ON THIS TOPIC.
Install drush for using the command line on Drupal. Create some management scripts to manage Drupal via the command-line. Create some installation scripts to install drupal via the command-line. Make the scripts executable and install them in /usr/local/bin. Open a terminal and install Drupal with one command.
01. You have your LAMP server, Drupal MySQL database and databse user setup and ready to go! For development sites on my local desktop machine I use root as drupal's database user because it speeds up re-installation when necessary.
#apt-get install drush
03. Create 3 folders to hold your drupal backups, scripts and libraries
#mkdir /home/user/drupal/backup
#mkdir /home/user/drupal/scripts
#mkdir /home/user/drupal/libraries
#cd /home/user/drupal/scripts
04. Create a script to manage web server permissions
#gedit drupal-siteperms && chmod +x drupal-siteperms
#! /bin/bash
cd /var/www
i need to completely remove drupal and reinstall it, i would also like to completely remove phpmyadmin and reinstall it.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to run Xampp so that I can test Drupal out. I'm running Lucid Lynx Beta. I'm having a lot of trouble getting Xampp to run. I downloaded Xampp version 1.7.3a and installed it but when I type http://localhost in Firefox to see if Xampp is working it just says:
This is the default web page for this server. The web server software is running but no content has been added, yet.
I had OpenERP completely installed and running just fine. All basic install instructions just worked out of the box on Ubuntu 11.04. Now, we also are going to develop our own web site. For that we needed a web development environment. Due to the small size of our home business, we have to do it all on one PC. So I went ahead and installed everything needed to get Drupal going, among which I had to install:
and other packages.It all works like a charm, but now my openerp-web crashes when I start it with the following message:
[20/May/2011:16:17:19] ENGINE Bus STARTING
[20/May/2011:16:17:19] ENGINE Started monitor thread '_TimeoutMonitor'.
[20/May/2011:16:17:19] ENGINE Started monitor thread 'Autoreloader'.
For those that do not know it: it is a module that interfaces with the OpenERP server software to allow people to access the system through their web browser, effectively eliminating the use to install a client on their PC. Very practical for our light weight laptop that we use in combination with my PC.
Normally one would connect by browsing to [URL] and automatically get connected with the OpenERP environment.Now, however, that does not work anymore with the above error as a result. Do you guys have any idea if I have to configure something in Apache to get this working again? Possibly with instructions, otherwise I'd get lost again in no time.
I am using ubuntu 9.04 jaunty jackalope for my drupal development. and previously i developed my web portals in ubuntu 9.10 Karmic koala. Now i changed my web portals backup douments into current version ubuntu 9.04. but i can't access my site normally. it replies u r missing database tables.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have recently taken over administration of a mailserver and a drupal server, hopefully I can get answers here. Queston one: how do you allow .docx? I really despise M$ methods to increase sales.
View 1 Replies View RelatedLooking at Drupal and ISPconfig as web tools but slackware is not one of the supported distro according to queries. I have never used any but slackware so I am wondering if any Slackers are using these tools anyway or what alternatives for slackware are there?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI got the following errors after trying to install Drupal6 from the repositories.
I have user names / info for several thousand users I want to add to the website Im working on. Though this is a test server, I would like to have some way to automate adding users to my drupal site. So, I'm looking into drush. From the man page for drush, I dont see any way to add users. Once I figure out how to add 1 user, and configure thier default pages ect, I can write an Expect (TCL/Tk) script to handle the processing. But I need to know how to add users in drupal 7.4 via the terminal.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've successfully set-up Drupal on my machine on a local network and have no problem accessing it with the virtual host names defined in /etc/hosts, but I don't have bind or any other DNS set-up.I've installed Postfix and can sent email with the mail command to unix account, and I can also read them with the mail command( from the command line).Now, my problem is with not being able to use the local Unix email accounts in drupal. Particularly, I would like to have one of the unix account receive email for the development site.I might like to also have various user on the drupal installation, and then test sending notifications to them.here is my /etc/postfix/main.cf# See /usr/share/postfix/main.cf.dist for a commented, more complete version
View 2 Replies View RelatedI extracted the Drupal package (6.20) to /var/www/html and followed the provided install.txt file, but whenever I try to navigate to the site it simply comes up with the PHP script as plain text (it does automatically redirect me to install.php) rather than executing it. PhpMyAdmin works fine, as does a simple PHP "hello world" page I made, so I assume PHP isn't the problem. Now my question is: what could be causing this?
I can't tell for sure if the problem's with Drupal itself (I started over once with no luck) or some setting on my system, but since I don't have an account there I figured I'd ask here first.Running F14 x64, Apache, PHP and MySQL are all at latest versions available.
I have two VMs, one as a web server and one as a database server. Both are RHEL5.2 Web server httpd-2.2.3-22.el5_3.1 php-5.1.6-23.2.el5_3 Database server mysql-5.0.22-2.1
On the web server, I can connect to the database just fine with a user I created with all privileges on *.*
Both phpMyAdmin and Drupal, though, tell me they cannot connect to the database. phpMyAdmin says :#2003 - The server is not responding..Drupal says:Failed to connect to your MySQL database server. MySQL reports the following message: Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (13).However, I can also connect to the database with a simple little PHP test script.What do I need to do to get these apps to see the database that is up, running, available, reachable, in existence, etc. etc???
I have a scenario.A domain [URL].. then there are 4 private computers on which applications are hosted at port 80. So when some one from outside access the site it look [URL]..I added
Have both Drupal 6.17 and 7.0-5 up and running on localhost Clean URL in drupal is not available on any of them Have been reading and reading troubleshooting.
openSUSE 11.2 (x86_64) (KDE 4.3.5)
Mysql 5.1.36-6.8.8-x86_64
First i get drupal package :-
"sudo wget http://ftp.drupal.org/files/projects....tar.gz"
this will download the Drupal file into current directory.
> unpack the files issue the command
"tar -zxvf drupal-6.13.tar.gz"
this will extract the files into a folder in home directory > make a directory in the web root folder to keep the Drupal files in. To do this type in
"sudo mkdir /var/www/drupal"
> move the Drupal content over to the web folder. Type in
"sudo mv drupal-6.13/* drupal-6.13/.htaccess /var/www/drupal"
> set up folders for media associated with the site to do this issue "sudo mkdir /var/www/drupal/sites/default/files"
I wanted to create and host a simple website using LAMP and Drupal. I read an article in a Linux magazine a while back on how to do this, but can't seem to find any instructions. Can someone direct me to a site or link that has step by step instructions on setting up lamp and drupal?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI'm know very little about Linux but decided to set up a machine running Drupal CMS on a Debian machine and it won't go. The folks at Drupal have tried to help but it seems the Debian OS won't do it's PHP thing for Drupal.
That means i'll have to start at the START I guess.
how to become a master of Linux if one is starting from ABC (I can add and subtract, that's what it feels like)
I installed Drupal and there is only one site. It I access the website [url] where Drupal is installed I can easily see it functioning properly. But on internet it is not loading properly the colors etc are not visible properly.
Following changes were made to all the sites
I have an apparently stable installation of Xubuntu that I've hand-tweaked in a few ways. I'd like to be able to reinstall this system verbatim on this machine should a disk crash happen, etc.Is there a "standard" method to create an install and/or total-backup CD that would be an instantiation of the currently-installed-and-modified system?
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