Ubuntu Installation :: Don't Run The Applications As Root From The Terminal?

Apr 13, 2010

i'm new to ubuntu and i'm trying to get ettercap to work. I installed it with the command: sudo apt-get install etterca-gtk and the program was installed succesfully. But when i open the program from the terminal with: sudo ettercap -G or just open it from applications => internet : ubuntu crashes ! I can't move my mouse and can't do anything. But if I don't run the applications as root from the terminal : ettercap -G

The application opens but then I'm noty able to select an interface.

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Debian :: Root Terminal Will Not Load From Applications Menu

Nov 16, 2015

I am using sid and come across the error that a root terminal will not load from the applications menu after it's been opened and closed?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Get Root Privileges In The Terminal?

Jun 20, 2010

changing the su password so i can install things. I was told to replace it with sudo because it is locked. I did this but i didnt work, it said my permissions are denied. How do i get root privileges in the terminal?

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Ubuntu :: Can't Cd To Root Acount /home In Terminal - Sudo Cd /root Fails?

Jul 25, 2011

can't cd to root acount /home in terminal - sudo cd /root fails?

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Debian :: Root Access And Desktop Disabled \ Couldn't Open The Root Terminal?

Feb 19, 2011

I was using the latest stable release of Debian, dual-booted alongside Windows Vista, with the GNOME desktop, installed via netinst, trying to build and install a library that I knew and trusted, when suddenly I couldn't open the Root Terminal. I clicked the link (in Applications->Accessories (I think, whatever the top one is)->Root Terminal), and in the taskbar I saw an item that said "Starting Root Terminal". A few seconds later, that went away, but the terminal still wasn't open. I tried the regular user terminal, to see the same thing happen. Unsure of what was happening, I tried restarting my computer, since that's always the first step you should take in computer problems.

When I restarted, GNOME wouldn't start. The screen would flash a bit for a few seconds, then a dialog box would appear over a background of static that said "The greeter application is crashing. Attempting another one...".t would then go back to the DOS-style kernel, wait a second, and then the same thing would happen. After several of that, I would get a blue screen which said something to the effect of "It has been detected that the desktop environment has crashed six times in the past 30 seconds.

Waiting two minutes before trying again." When it did that, I tried logging in as root to assess the problem. I gave it the correct password, but it said that it was an incorrect login. After several tries (to ensure I didn't mistype the password), I logged in as myself. Same problem. I tried the su command, with the correct password, and it said it couldn't authorise it.

After a lengthy conversation with a friend of mine who was very good with computers, he basically summarised that he had no clue, but that his best guess would be a virus. Upon running the Linux installer, I found the Repair option. Not being particularly familiar with Linux, I used it simply to backup my important files onto a flash drive. I then tried running the Install option, in an attempt to simply write over my existing Linux and make it new again. The installer, however, consistently froze up when trying to start the partitioner, on the "Checking disks..." stage. I figured it was a problem with my partition. In my naivete, I simply used the Windows tools to clear that partition... It destroyed GRUB too, so I couldn't run any OS. I figured my computer was pretty well screwed, and at that point just decided to bring it into the shop and have them completely wipe it.

my computer was backed up onto an external hard driven I brought it back, I reinstalled Windows. Upon restart, it said that it was still looking for GRUB, which made no sense to me. After messing around with it a bit, I decided to just reinstall Linux too. To my lack of surprise, that fixed the problem. Both OS' now ran just fine. The first thing I did on Debian was to install the Clam Anti-Virus, which I understood to be one of the best Linux anti-viruses. However, within about 10 hours, got the same problem as originally. I wasn't doing any of the same things, and between the lack of consistency in activities and the fact that I had an anti-virus running,figured it wasn't a virus. Not knowing what to do, I just left it and have been using Windows since.

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Ubuntu :: Run Multiple Applications In One Terminal?

Apr 6, 2010

What do people use to run multiple applications in one terminal?

Thinking of turning my GUI into a big terminal with openbox on top and was thinking, where would I find a command-line timer tool?

And if I only had one terminal, how would I switch between applications? A 5 hour timer isn't nice if it locks up the terminal for 5 hours...

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Ubuntu :: Opening Applications In Terminal?

Aug 20, 2010

I use terminal a lot. Sometimes I would like to open up applications, like start reading a pdf. But when I do

$ evince foo.pdf
(actually I use zathura to read pdfs now , but anyway...)


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Ubuntu :: Open Applications In The Background While Using Terminal?

Nov 25, 2010

it's really easy to launch an application using alt+f2 without having to worry about it while it's running but in terminal the window must remain open and you can't run anything else while the application is running e.g. firefox, rhythmbox. does anyone know how to run applications in the background while using terminal?

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Ubuntu :: View A List Of Installed Applications In The Terminal ?

Oct 15, 2010

How do I view a list of installed applications in the terminal?

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Ubuntu :: Terminal Autofill - Tab - Wont Work For Applications

Jul 14, 2011

I have a wiered tab-autofill behaviour when using the terminal on my laptop. the autofill wont work for applications when i have "sudo" or "gksu" in front of it. it does however work with pathways. on the other hand, when i connect to my laptop with ssh, it works like it should.


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Software :: Running The Applications From Terminal?

Jan 6, 2009

I have written a couple of small practice programs with PyQt, which end with either .py or pyw, anyway I want to see what the end result looks like but I don't know how to run the program, when I double click the icon for the file it opens up a text editer (g++), what is the cammand to make the application run from terminal.

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Fedora :: Can't Run Certain Applications As Root

Jan 10, 2011

I am having a problem when I try to run certain programs as root via the terminal (this problem mainly occurs when I try to run a GUI application).

Before installing F14, running gedit as root was never a problem and I always did it when modifying system files. But in F14 it seems to be a problem. Here's what I run...

For example, I execute:


And get this output:


The same problem occurs when running other programs:

The output of running totem as root is:


The output of running firefox as root is:


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General :: All Terminal Applications Ask To Go To The Specific Path?

Apr 7, 2011

Just like the title says, it always asks me to go to the direct path.


iwconfig doesn't work. I have to type /usr/sbin/iwconfig

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SUSE :: Installing Applications From OpenSuSE Terminal?

Feb 13, 2010

What command is used to install applications in openSuSE terminal?

I mean something like 'sudo apt-get install ...' in Ubuntu or 'yum install ...' in Fedora.

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CentOS 5 :: Gnome-terminal: Run On Startup Applications?

Jul 23, 2011

I successfully created launchers for apps and I can run them in terminal with double clicking.Now I want them to run on startup, automatically. They run with arguments.There is System-> Preferences -> More Preferences - > Sessions - > Startup Programs where I can add my commands.I put:

gnome-terminal -e "/some_path/myapp1 -arg1 - arg2"
gnome-terminal -e "/some_path/myapp2 -arg1 - arg2"

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Slackware :: Can't Launch Applications As Root?

May 18, 2010

When I try to run thunar,for example, as root i receive a :

bash-4.1# thunar
No protocol specified


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Debian :: Creating Terminal Launched Applications (Shortcuts)

Jun 16, 2011

Just got a problem that I've spent a few days trying to get around. Basically, what I am trying to do is create launchers/shortcuts on my desktop that will
a) Launch a terminal with root or sudo access
b) Launch an application.
For example, an application I might ordinarily use as a super user or root user is 'hping3.'

Basically, I want to be able to click on the launcher, and have it open up a terminal with sudo access and launch the hping3 application. I've tried messing around with the 'create launcher' function, and entering in a command to be launched in a terminal window, but to no avail (e.g. something like "sudo hping3" or "su && hping3"). How to write up a simple script to launch a terminal with su access and launch a given application?

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Fedora X86/64bit :: How To Run Themes For Root Applications

Apr 22, 2010

Was wondering how i can have themes show up for root applications.

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OpenSUSE :: Defining Default Applications Via Command Line/terminal?

Apr 7, 2011

I recently upgraded from 11.3 to 11.4 succesfully. I had to reinstall several applications and, some of them, can't be configured as default from the control panel (e.g. Opera as default browser, VLC as default media player). The problem is that droplists at the prefered applications don't show any other than the default ones, Firefox and TotemIs there a way I can change these settings via command line or a way to fix what applications are shown at the control panel?

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General :: Turn Off Font-antialiasing Only For Gnome-terminal But Not For Other Applications?

Apr 13, 2010

I'm running GNOME (gnome-session under xmonad). I want to turn off antialiasing (i.e. use monochrome mode) for fonts in gnome-terminal. But I want to retain antialiasing for other applications, like Firefox. Is this possible?

Antialiasing is great and almost necessary for using Firefox or Chrome. But it makes the fonts in gnome-terminal blurry at sizes around 12 or smaller.

Otherwise, I'll just have to use xterm, which seems not to anti-alias its fonts under any circumstances.

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Applications :: Program Works As Root But Fails As User

Jan 21, 2010

I can't get a program (wbar) to run directly from my user account, it fails saying "Image not found -> maybe using a relative path?". But if I run su -c "wbar", it shows up and manages to load the image. I think it has something to do with ImLib2 or whatever loads the image. I checked permissions on libImlib2.so.1 and it's world-readable and executable. Can libImlib2.a be causing this problem, set to 644? What else should I be checking?

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Applications :: Installing Window Manager Without Root Access?

May 20, 2010

I was wondering if anyone has any idea how to install a window manager without root access? I'm trying to install Fluxbox. I unpacked the .tar.gz and ran ./configure followed by make. I'm unsure of the next step- usually I would just do 'make install' but as I don't have root access I cannot do this. I found this file which I think may have something to do with the process that should come next, it seems to have some lines about window managers (~/.xsession):


61 directories, 868 files I am running CentOS version 5. I hope that's some information for someone to have some ideas?

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Resizing Root Partition - Applications Disappeared?

Jul 6, 2011

I joined the fedora irc channel and asked how to delete a partition. We actually decided that we could not delete the partition I wanted to delete because it was a root partition. After unmounting the partition, and one other partition with a really long directory name, all of my applications disappeared. I need a safe surefire way to resize a root partition. I don't want to unmount anything because we don't know if we'll be able to mount it again.

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General :: What Are Standard Root Password Control Applications

Nov 29, 2010

I came across term as "standard root password control application"

I have no imformation over what are such applications how to implement them?

It was also suggested to audit root login .How would i go about it?

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Software :: Inhibit GTK Verbose Messages When Running GTK/Gnome Applications From Terminal?

Nov 10, 2009

do anyone know a quick way to inhibit/hide GTK warning, info and debugging messages when running GTK+/Gnome applications from terminal?I means those boring messages like "Gtk-WARNING blablabla..." and similar ones.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Log In As 'root' On Terminal

Mar 28, 2010

I have a problem on Ubuntu Karmic Koala. I can't log in as 'root' on the terminal or on 'root terminal'. And i just update the Karmic Koala, but still... i can't enter as 'root'...? Frankly speaking.... it's easy to use 'root' on Ubuntu 8.10.....

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Ubuntu :: Root At The Login Menu Instead Of The Terminal?

Mar 14, 2010

I was wondering if you could log in as root at the login menu instead of the terminal?

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Ubuntu :: Add PATH Variable In Root Terminal

Mar 16, 2010

I want to add a path (/usr/sys) to the global $PATH. I will use this to test commands and scripts, which I don't want to be mixed up with regular commands. I've added the path to /etc/environment. When I start a terminal session under my user account, the path is included in the $PATH variable. However, when I start a root terminal, it is not. Is there a way to to change $PATH on one place where it will also affect the root terminal, or do I have to change it on 2 locations?

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Applications :: Create Keyboard Shortcut/binding That Would Give Window-focus Back To Tilda Terminal?

Dec 20, 2010

is it possible (and how) to create keyboard shortcut/binding that would give window-focus back to Tilda terminal? Currently, it is necessary to LMB-click inside Tilda (or at least drag mouse-cursor over Tilda) to resume typing.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Make Terminal As Root By Default?

Mar 7, 2010

For my Project purpose , I need the terminal as root user by default. I dont want to enter the super user password all the time..

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