Applications :: Create Keyboard Shortcut/binding That Would Give Window-focus Back To Tilda Terminal?
Dec 20, 2010
is it possible (and how) to create keyboard shortcut/binding that would give window-focus back to Tilda terminal? Currently, it is necessary to LMB-click inside Tilda (or at least drag mouse-cursor over Tilda) to resume typing.
Ctrl + L to give focus on address barCtrl + K to give focus on search barLike these, is there a keyboard shortcut to give focus on the main content (where webpage is displayed).By default when a new webpage loads, it automatically gets focus. However, what to do if I am already working in the address bar and want to reach the main content area (without using mouse)?
How to bring the "Type to search..." window into focus directly, not by switching to the "Windows view" first?Anybody knows the relevant keybord shortcut? I went though at a number of introductions to GNOME 3, and also examined various tabs at:
Pypanel is a great lightweight panel for window manager users, but I'm seeing a problem for which I've been unable to find a fix, or patch. Unfortunately pypanel has been inactive with no further development for a number of years so it's not likely to see any new releases with a fix any time soon.
The problem is that when a new window is opened in most window managers, the new window gains focus by default, and it shows at the top of the window list. However, pypanel does not show the new window focused within the panel unless you click on the task button in the panel, or you click somewhere on the newly opened window. All the other panels that I've tried focus new windows immediately after they open by default, just like most windows managers do.
I've run across others having the same issue, but no fixes or patches found after many hours of searching. Would any of you happen to know of a fix, a patch, or a work around other than using a different panel application?
The recent yum update (at 17/4/2010 based on my /var/log/yum.log) has broken Tilda from regaining the input focus after application switching. Only "F12" (the key binding I used to popup/hide Tilda) still works. But now after the losing the initial application input focus, it does not able to regaining it back.
i moved to 10.4 and would like to set a key-binding to the "window key" for "Hide all normal windows and set focus to the desktop". This option was possible in 9.04. No when i go to System > Preferences > Keyboard-Shortcuts and try to change the shortcut to the above function it does not accept the win-key as a shortcut.
I would like to open multiple applications with one keyboard shortcut but don't get it running. When I add (open "System" > "Preference" > "Keyboard Shortcuts"; clicked "Add" ) a new shortcut and enter many commands in the "Command" field e.g. "gnome-terminal & xeyes" only the first application is started. I also tried to set up a shell script that contains the application calls and then use "gnome-terminal -x "sh /path/to/the/" but then I get the error message "There was an error creating the child process for this terminal".
i am trying to set some custom keyboard shortcuts using compiz in the commands section...but it is not working. For example , i want to use kaffeine and i am using as command the word kaffeine. When i use it in the custom commpand of compiz it is not working at all. Just to be sure that the command is indeed "kaffeine" i execute it via terminal using the word "kaffeine" and it is executed normaly. I am 100% sure that the command is only for terminal use and as general launcher. The same behavior is observed for other applications. The strange thing is that when i want to put a custom keyboard shortcut in compiz for a python script then the command "python" is working!
This is probably a silly question but I couldn't yet find the answer and I guess someone else must have solved it already, so... How can I activate the keyboard shortcut ALT+SHIFT+TAB to switch to the previous window (As opposite to ALT+TAB)?I'm using gnome, I went to the keyboard shortcut panel, but I didn't know how to add a new action (one that is not already there).I also use another distro (Mandriva) on another computer, also with gnome and that key combination is already there, which is very useful for me.
p { margin-bottom: 0.08in; } I don't know how to give the path and file name for the 'dd' command in a terminal window.I'm trying copy a file (smb.bin) on my cd file (in the install directory) to a floppy disk.
The command format is:dd if=in-file of=out-file
in dos it would be dd if=D:/install/sbm.bin of=A:/sbm.bin
You can see I'm a nubee if I can't even give a path and file name in linux!
I noticed that while Compiz has every keyboard shortcut imaginable for moving windows between desktops, there's no shortcut for moving a window to a specific display when using dual monitors.
So far, I've found the best method is to use the command line automation tool: xdotool - [url]
Here's what I did:Test out the xdotool in a new terminal window using this command Code:
This should move your terminal window 100 pixels in from the top left of the leftmost display.
Find out the top-left coordinates of your rightmost display by using the Nvidia X Server Settings tool in Main menu > Administration or via the terminal:
Go to X Server Display Configuration and click the rightmost Display in the layout section. Its position offset should be displayed in the position field. Make a note of these two numbers.
Create a script to move your window, either to the leftmost screen or the rightmost screen, using this code or similar:
Remember, the number at the end is an argument that denotes the display (1 for left, 2 for right). Assign a keyboard shortcut to your custom shortcut. Repeat for the right display. Now when you press the keyboard shortcut, the active window should be moved to either the left or right display!
In (Gnome) Ubuntu there is a keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Alt+Shift+(Up|Down|Left|Right) that allows the user to quickly move a window from one workspace to another. I've been looking for a similar way to accomplish this in (KDE) Kubuntu. I know that you can right-click on a window in the Task Manager and use "To Desktop" to move a window, but I'm just curious if the same thing can be accomplished with the keyboard.
On my main PC (10.04) I have Alt+1,Alt+2 etc configured to jump to that specific workspace and ctrl+Alt+1,ctrl+alt+2 etc to move the focused window to the specific workspace and it works fine. Trying to replicate that on my netbook (11.04/unity) however fails. I can set the keyboard shortcuts up to switch to different workspaces but the shortcuts to move a window to a specific workspace just dont seem to work. The default RSI inducing default ctrl+shift+alt+(up,down,left & right) to move a window to an adjacent workspace does however. Is this specific to my install? If not how do i file a bug report?
I am trying to start a script via a keyboard shortcut.The trouble is, it runs fine when i start it from the terminal, either by opening a terminal and starting it there or by "double-click", but when I use the shortcut it loads, but doesn't work properly. This is probably because it asks for user input, which would be put in the terminal window.Is there a way to start a script in a terminal window by default?
I would like to make a keyboard shortcut to execute the following command:
Code: /usr/bin/xdotool key XF86MonBrightnessDown The command, when run from a terminal, works perfectly. However, when run via a keyboard shortcut, the command fails to execute. how I can execute my command with a keyboard shortcut. I am running Ubuntu 10.10 Netbook Edition with Unity-2d.
I'm using Xubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx, and I'm trying to setup a keyboard shortcut for xfce4-terminal. I've read a million threads and articles telling me how to do it (go to settings >> keyboard >> application shortcuts tab and click add), but when I open that interface there is no "add" button, although the interface is a table that impliesn in its appearance that things can be added to it.
I've recently upgraded a laptop of mine from 10.10 to 11.04 (Natty), and am having a few issues with it. I don't know how many of these are related to using Unity and how many are just due to the upgrade, but one of the main bugbears is keyboard shortcuts. I have always set the F12 key so that it opens a terminal window. I did this through the settings > Keyboard Shortcuts interface, but although I can (apparently) set this in Unity, it doesn't work. The setting is there, listed, but pressing F12 doesn't open a terminal. Neither does it if I set it to any other key.
I can create a new entry, to start xterm with F12, which works fine but this isn't quite the same as a terminal (it appears different on screen.) I also discover that CTRL+ALT+T doesn't open a terminal window either (as is suggested in a very useful list here: [URL] Have I missed something? Or am I being thick? (Quite possible ... )
I want to create a shortcut to run a program called RoomEqWizard but the only way I know how to run the program is to open a terminal and type the location to where the program is and call the program file. I already tried creating a shortcut on the main menu but I get a "error creating the child process for this terminal" message every time...
I have an Asus Eee PC with Ubuntu Netbook Remix (Unity). The other day, I turned off the wireless using the keyboard shortcut to save battery life when I was somewhere without wireless, but now it's not turning back on. I tried restarting, I've done the keyboard shortcut several times, and it still just says "disconnected" for wireless and wired, even though there are several wireless networks around me right now. There aren't any options in Network Connections or Network Tools to turn on the wireless. Is there a way to manually turn it back on?
I'd like to create a launcher for ParaView that requires a terminal shell in order to launch. It is just a pain having to enter the couple of lines to launch it from Konsole.
cd /home/user/Document/ParaView(version)/bin ./paraview
Lemme know what you think. I'd just like to add something to the quick launch panel.
under openbox session, tilda's transparency works. Under kde, with kwin, tilda it is also transparent, but if I use openbox as windowmanager in kde4, there is no transparency for tilda. Somebody knows why? (by tilda, I mean the quake like, drop down terminal )
in windows I can use Putty to create a shortcut which loads a predefined profiles to log into a specific server. How can I do it in Ubuntu? (Instead of click on the terminal icon to open it, type ssh
Is there an application in windows wherein you can see and manage the available shortcuts:
Keyboard shortcuts that calls applications Keyboard shortcuts in applications Built-in Windows shortcuts
So that you can actually see if you are repeating a keyboard shortcut or not. Because often times I tend to assign similar shortcuts to applications. Anything for windows(freeware), if this is available on linux then please share it.
I'm trying to migrate over to Ubuntu, and there is one really useful feature that I would like to replicate in Gnome. In Windows, I can hit the "Windows" key on my keyboard, which opens up the start menu.
Is there a way that I can replicate this behaviour in Gnome? Can I map the Windows key to opening the Applications menu?
I use putty to get to my RHEL 5.3 workstation from my Windows laptop.
Typically, if I want a new terminal on my windows 7 workstation from another terminal or mc, I have to type start and I will see a new terminal window running the default shell.
QUESTION : What is the equivalent command in RHEL 5.3 (and or solaris) to create a new terminal window from the command line ? I will be entering this command from the shell prompt or mc's command line.
In Windows, if I want to start another terminal and in that terminal, I want to run a program, I can do "start program.exe arg1 arg2". this will create a new terminal window and runs program.exe in that terminal window. I don't have to create a terminal and then in a separate step run the program. How can I do this in Linux ?