Ubuntu Installation :: Windows 7 And Ubuntu 10.04 Playing Nicely Together WITHOUT Swapping The SATA Ports Or Something Like That ?

Apr 30, 2010

Alright guys, I'm out of ideas...
I have a system here with three harddiscs, the first is a 500GB disc which is supposed to contain Windows 7, the second is a 250GB disc for Ubuntu 10.04 and the third is a 1TB drive which contains all my music, movies and stuff like that.

Now I installed Windows 7 first, then Ubuntu 10.04 onto the other disc.The thing is that the Ubuntu-Installer gave me the option of installing them side by side by shrinking the Windows Disc, which I don't want it to because I hate to clutter up ONE drive with more than one OS, So,after installing and rebooting into Ubuntu, I went to see if I could still start Windows 7, which I now can't.

Is there a way to have Windows 7 and Ubuntu 10.04 playing nicely together WITHOUT swapping the SATA ports or something like that?don't ask why i'm giving Ubuntu the smaller drive... I'm still a gamer, and my games need a lot of space.I just want to make a switch to Ubuntu for the times where I'm not playing any kind of Games.

By the way: Both Operating Systems where installed in 64-bit flavour.

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Ubuntu :: Pidgin And Indicator-applet Not Playing Nicely

Apr 15, 2010

In the indicator-applet next to the clock, I have a list of programs which includes Pidgin. Now it used to be a case where if I opened Pidgin logged onto the services and closed the window, it would run in the background and i could re-open the window from the indicator-applet and get notifications of people logging on etc.Now for one reason or another that doesnt happen no more. I can open it through the applet, but if i close the window, it shuts the program down...also if Pidgin is running, i get NO notifications of people logging on, new messages etc.

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Ubuntu :: Sata HD Hot Swapping?

Sep 1, 2011

I am using Ubuntu 10.04, 64 bits. I need to swap sata hard drives (they are installed in drawers). If I umount and remove a disk, and then put the same drive in it's place, I can mount it again with no problems. If I put another disk in place of the original, it says: mount: special device /dev/sdc1 does not exist. If I reboot, the new disk is mounted correctly (sdc1 is in fstab).

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General :: Verify That 6 GB/s SATA Ports Are Working?

Dec 13, 2010

How do I verify that my 6 GB/s SATA ports are working under Linux?

Linux detects the ports, and I can use them for disks but I would like to figure out if they are using a 6 GB/s controller/driver instead of the slower, more common speed.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Boot Menu Bug – Hard Disk Arrangement – Doesn’t Play Nicely With Windows

Nov 16, 2010

i come from ubuntu installation and i have had opensuse before and i remember installing any of thede two without any problem on any of many harddisk arrangement. but thge ltest opensuse 11.3 doesnt pllay nice with my windows and ubuntu installation booting. i reember using boot loader in yast and it used to load the coorect setting from scratch. but now when i chose "propose new configuration" and it founds opensuse and three other windows!


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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Booting Windows (Vista Or Win7) 9.10 From Same SATA Drive?

Mar 2, 2010

I can dual-boot on my PC by using my SATA drive for Windows & a second IDE (PATA) one for Ubuntu.However when I try to install both OS's on the Primary SATA drive side by side only one is detected (and I have no option to boot the other).

I have a friend with the same problem who is trying to boot Win7 and Ubuntu off the same SATA drive and the same issue occurs on his (He doesn't have the second drive as an option as I do).

Does anyone know a way to get side by side installation to work on one (SATA) drive? Failing this is it possible to boot Ubuntu off and External hard drive and still be able to dual boot Windows & Ubuntu?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Swapping HDD's With Different OS's?

Feb 16, 2010

I currently have Ubuntu installed onto my laptop, on a single drive partitioned into /root /home /swap. I now have an additional spare HD that I was thinking of installing Win XP onto. So If I needed to use XP for a specific program then I could just swap out the HDs instead of having a Dual Boot system on one drive. confirm that by swapping out the HDs this will not affect the Grub Boot Loader and I will be safe to do this without screwing up my Ubuntu, as if it will screw it up I will just stick with Ubuntu on my Laptop and forget about XP.

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Ubuntu :: Why Is Installation Swapping So Much?

May 19, 2011

I have installed xubuntu. I have a total of 12034MB of main Memory of which ~1000MB are normally used.When I leave the computer and come back, it is swapping a lot. Whenver I display a window (firefox i.E.) that I have not displayed yet since I left the computer alone, I can here the HD working, and the system monitor shows me how more memory is used and less swap space.

But there is absolutely no need for it. I have at least 10000MB of free Memory at all the time!Can I somehow tell my xubuntu installation to stop swapping unless there is really little main memory left (lets say less than 2000MB)?My kernel version is 2.6.35-29-generic because I have trouble with the raw1394 module in the newest version.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Swapping The Cable From One Of The Other Servers To The One?

Jun 25, 2010

I have 3 Dell r610 servers all running 10.04 and 1/3 can't connect to us.archive.ubuntu.com the other two are fine. I've tried swapping the cable from one of the other servers to the one with the issue, switching the IP address, restarting the networking module and nothing resolves the problem.

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Ubuntu :: SATA II / Error "ata4: Limiting SATA Link Speed To 1.5 Gbps" - Allowing The SSD To Run At SATA II Speeds?

May 1, 2011

I keep getting this error in my log viewer every 2 seconds: Code: ata4: limiting SATA link speed to 1.5 Gbps I have a dual boot SSD and I have run many SMART tests in windows and linux, (using smartmon tools and the disk utility) and the reports are all 100% healthy..... My research shows that this error represents one of the following:

1. Problem with SATA controller
2. Changing BIOS to allow SATA
3. Changing SATA mode to PATA or AHCI
4. Replacing the SATA cable
5. Allowing the SSD to run at SATA II speeds, i.e. 3 Gbps

- Does anyone know how to try number 5, i.e. allowing the SSD to run at SATA II speeds? I am lost here and this problem has caused my machine to crash twice when watching a movie in linux/ ubuntu. (It is worth noting that the crashes have only occurred in linux and I have never had an issue in windows, so it does seem to be a linux setting somewhere, hence why I think it is a "allowing SATA II to run at correct speeds issue")

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Hardware :: Can SATA 3 (SATA III) Hard Disk Be Run On Motherboard Which Only Support SATA II

Aug 13, 2010

Can SATA 3 (SATA III) Hard disk be run on motherboard which only supports SATA II, except sacrificing the speed (throughput)?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Ubunto 8.04 Cannot Detect Sata Hard Drive Or Sata Drive Cdrw?

May 28, 2011

ubuntu 8.04 server can not detect seagate sata hard drive 2tb or sata Lg dvdrw x22 sata drive .is it possible to install it without buying a pci ide sata card?is it possible to get a driver for sata driver and sata drive that can be recognise by ubunto 8.04 server ?or to get the files for 1.44 floppy diskdoes the late edition of unbutu recognise sate hdd and sata cdrw drive automaticly during the installation of the unbutu?

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General :: Gnome - Configure The Definition Of "full Screen" To Make Large VNC Windows Behave Nicely On A Dual Screen Setup?

Dec 15, 2010

In my corporate environment, I'm required to run a Windows machine that acquires a VNC session on a machine in the server farm. My windows machine is dual head with different resolution monitors ( 1600x1080 on left and 1920x1200 on right). If I create a VNC session that spans the monitors, then maximizing a window in the VNC session causes it to stretch across both my monitors.

Instead, I want a "maximize" event to behave like it does on my windows machine -- I only want to maximize to the display that the window is on.

How can I define what, what I'll call, "maximize regions"? Regions in the VNC graphical plane where when I click "maximize", the window only expands to the region it currently ( and mostly) resides in.

Can I do this in gnome, X, xrandr, or some other magical interface?

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Ubuntu :: Mounting SATA Drive That Has Windows On It Under Xubuntu

Apr 29, 2010

I'm trying to mount my SATA drive that has Windows on it under Xubuntu, it's NTFS formatted, I tried adding it to fstab, I know the /dev points are right I checked with sudo lshw -C disk and with fdisk -l, the drive is partitioned 3 ways 1 for Win7, one for Win7's system info partition or whatever, and 1 for documents, but when I try mounting with mount -a with /dev/sda1 (which is where the windows partition should be) I get this:


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Ubuntu :: SATA Libata Verses Silicom Images SATA Module

Jun 21, 2010

I installed Ubuntu 10.04, and happened to have an Silicom Images PCXpress card plugged in, and it kindly added the sil_sata module.This is fine for this chip set.I think that my earlier installation of Ubuntu 9.04 used Libata, which does support NCQ and also has good legacy support for the Intel Intel ICH7 chipset I have inside my Sony Vaio SZ notebook. Also, libata also support Silicon Image chipsets as far as I can tell from URL...I wish to remove the Silicom Images SATA modules and replace this with libata and then test the performance between the two device drivers.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Getting Two Connections To Play Nicely Together?

Jun 12, 2011

Is there any way to turn off the load balancing that occurs when ubuntu detects two active network connections? To be more specific, I have two networks set up, one of which is supposed to be for regular web traffic while the other network is dedicated to streaming various things throughout the house. Whenever I try to connect my server to both networks at once ubuntu "load balances" traffic from the web network onto the streaming network, which completely defeats the segregation I was going for. So far all of my attempts to turn off that behavior haven't worked at all. I'm currently running Ubuntu 10.10.

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Networking :: Wireless Card That Plays Nicely With Ubuntu?

Sep 28, 2010

I have just moved home and now have to place my computer a fair distance from my router. Running a cable is not practical therefore I am looking for a wireless card that plays nicely with Ubuntu (and linux in general). I am resident in the UK.

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Ubuntu :: Playing Music In Windows And The Speakers Are Working?

Aug 17, 2010

I have windows and ubuntu on same pc. I recently installed ubuntu on a partition other than windows.When I tried to play an mp3 file in ubuntu, it started downloading file and plugins. After the download, the program started playing the music but I could not hear any sound. I have no problem in playing music in windows and the speakers are working fine. Do I need to download some plugins or any software for ubuntu linux? If yes, how and from where? And how to install that? Or is there any other problem?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Windows XP Disc Wouldn't Find Sata Hard Drive

Apr 10, 2011

I'm trying to get my work's infrastructure built at home before I go up there and show the boss. It is as follows: VMware esxi installed on the server with:

Windows server 2008
Ubuntu 10.04 server

I've got VMware installed. And I have spent the past 7 hours trying to figure out how to manage it. I found out that vsphere has not nor will ever be supported for Linux; which was my first problem.

Second Problem So I had to dig around for a spare Windows 7 dvd. To my UN-surprise it blue screened before it even got to the Windows installer.

Third Problem So I dug around for my Windows XP disc. Wouldn't find my sata hard drive and I wasn't about to dig around for a floppy drive and disk, in order to install it.

Fourth Problem I remembered that I had a dual boot of Windows 7 downstairs and proceeded to download and install vsphere. It wouldn't install because of some updates that needed to be installed. I installed them and got vsphere installed as well. However upon connecting to my vmware esxi, there was yet another error that had to do with some update. I found out that the error had been existent since 2009 and for some reason NO ONE at VMware has fixed it....

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Software :: VNC And KDE4 Do Not Play Nicely Together

Jan 24, 2011

This setup used to work:
MS Access running under Win2K in a virtualbox on a Debian machine. Win98 running on a 230MHz PC using VNC to use the MS Access. The Windows PC is upstairs, the Linux boxes are downstairs. I have not used this setup for about a year or more. Since then KDE 3.5 was vandalised and renamed KDE4. I upgraded the Virtual machine to Win XP.

Now the Linux boxes are not accessible via VNC. All the client gets is a grey screen. This goes for Linux-Linux and Windows-Linux connections. I can connect from the Win98 to the Virtual machine but the connection is slow and the display is poor. I have gathered that VNC and KDE4 do not play nicely together. I would prefer a "least effort" solution for the time being. Later on I can set up a Linux box to replace the Win 98 one.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Bootmgr Is Missing Occurs When Plug The SATA 1 TB(data Stored With Windows File System)

Jun 18, 2010

I have a problem : " bootmgr is missing" It occurs when I plug the SATA 1 TB(data stored with windows file system).

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OpenSUSE :: Ktorrent Does Return From Sleep Nicely

Apr 2, 2011

I have KDE DE in openSUSE 11.4 Tumbleweed.

The issue is with Ktorrent.

When I put the machine to sleep (suspend to ram) with Ktorrent running and then wake the machine up again, the torrents that were working do resume. But they resume in a very poor fashion, continually going into and out of "stalled" status. This bad connectivity continues indefinitely.

I have to kill Ktorrent and restart it to get good data flow back for the torrents that are running. Is there an explanation for this? And is there something I can do to make the torrents resume nicely when I bring the machine back from sleep?

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Hardware :: Patriot MLC SSD Doesn't Play Nicely

Jun 3, 2011

I can eventually use the ssd for a Gentoo install but it takes too much work(more than it should). What happens is that every live or install cd I've tried automatically decides that the ssd is a raid device and sets it up as raid with double the size. Its 32GB and its set up as 64GB. Of course it doesn't work.

I have to manually unmount, turn off dmraid, install and then disable dmraid completely(I have trouble doing this on OpenSuse). The SSD I'm using is a Patriot100 MLC 32GB. Other SSD's that I've tried have no problem being found and manipulated with cfdisk, fdisk or parted but my Patriot SSD just doesn't want to play nice.

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Debian :: Check If Mainboard Supports SATA-I Or SATA-II?

Jun 1, 2010

My motherboard supports SATA but I do not know which version: SATA-I or SATA-II. I want to buy a SSD so it would be pointless to buy a fast SSD if my motherboard only suports SATA-I

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General :: Get Files In Windows From Partly Formatted SATA Drive (system)?

Mar 16, 2011

I have purchased a DLink Sharecenter Pulse NAS as my PC failed. I wanted to put the two SATA drives in and extract the data before formatting to use as JBOD or RAID. However, before I managed to access my data, the setup software started formatting the drives. I switched it off immediately.

Purchased a SATA to USB2 lead and connected to my work laptop but I cannot see the drive(s). Used Partition Magic and each drive has 3 partitions - of which show about 74GB as used and 2 x 512MB as not. Looks like the drives have been partly set for Linux but the format was not comlete. Have tried to use explore2fs to read them but I cannot access the 74 GB partition only one of the 512MB partitions.

I'm a bit stuck now - any one got any ideas how I can get my files off the 74GB partition before I put them back in the NAS to format.

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Ubuntu :: 100% And Keeps Swapping Over?

May 2, 2010

100% and keeps swapping over

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Ubuntu Installation :: 9.10 - No SATA Drive In Installation's Partitioner?

Feb 17, 2010

i have a strange problem while trying to install Ubuntu 9.10 64bit (also tried with x86 - no luck).My system specs : Motherboard : ASUS P5B VM SE (PATA : JMB368 / Intel ICHHD : Seagate SATA II 3GBit 320 MB (connected in SATA port 1)CPU : Intel Core 2 Quad 2500 GHzI must state i installed Windows 7 without a problem. After that, i tried to install Ubuntu 9.10, first 64bit then x86 but in every case the setup starts, i select language / location etc and when the partitioner starts i see no hard disk drive. Same happens if i try the alternate install cd.

I must mention here that if i click on "Exit" and access Ubuntu Live CD desktopm i can go System >Administrator > Disk Utillity and GParted. In both utillities my HD shows up just fine. So what could be the problem ??? I tried starting ubuntu with pci=nommconf irqpoll -> no luckHere is the lspci output :

ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ lspci
00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation 82P965/G965 Memory Controller Hub (rev 02)
00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82G965 Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)


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Hardware :: Multiserial Ports Identification / How Many Ports Are There

Dec 17, 2010

I'm writting an app for desktop and embedded linux and I need to get information about the multiserial port, and I need to know which port is been used (by a printer, por example).The multiserial I'm using is an Altera Corporation Device 0004, and I just need to tell how many ports are there and how many is been used.

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Ubuntu :: HDD Names Keep Swapping (sdb, Sdc)?

Mar 9, 2011

The hdd that my system boots from is named "sdb". But sometimes it's named "sdc". It changes from boot to boot. There are four hdds in this desktop and my boot disk keeps swapping names with a data disk (sdb and sdc). No raid. Never affects the other two disks. I am running Ubuntu 10.10, but this problem began when I was a running 10.04.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Amarok Flashes Small Windows While Playing?

May 1, 2011

while amarok plays, a small window similar to a file copying status window opens and closes on continuously its own. anyone else having a similar problem?

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