Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade Old System 7.02 To 10.4?

Aug 12, 2010

The 7 series is too old to have support, I am told that 7.10 is available,but of course if I try an update I find they are offline. I have the 10.4 Live CD and it hangs after:

init: ureadahead-other main process (n) terminated with status 4
init: ureadahead-other main process (n+1) terminated with status 4
* Setting sensors limits I added boot options:

nomodeset irqpoll rhgb My system is dual boot with XP running grub (too old for grub2) I have no problem wiping the system(was not booted in ubuntu for 839 days, so what could I need?)

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Upgrade From 9.04 / My System Is 'up To Date'

Feb 12, 2010

I run three Ubuntu machines - work, home, and a laptop. All were on 9.04, and I was able over the past week to painlessly upgrade the first two to 9.10.Today I fired up the laptop for the first time in a while and saw that it hadn't had the upgrade yet, so went to the upgrade manager. It had a bunch of package upgrades it wanted to do, so I let it. But there was no option to go to 9.10, not even after catching it up on updates. It just says the system is up to date. Clicking "check" again just gives the same message. It doesn't seem to know that there's a koala out there.

Settings on the update manager say to accept normal releases, so it's not an LTS thing. Yes, it's on 9.04 now according to /etc/apt/sources.list. Network connectivity is good.What might I be missing that I ought to look for?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 8.04 To 9.10 Upgrade Slowed System Too Much

Mar 2, 2010

I upgraded several months ago from 8.04 to 9.10 and found my system slowed considerably.I thought I'd get used to it, but it just seems to really drag. I'd like some suggestions on how to downgrade or alternatively speed up the system (are there items I can "turn off" that can bring back the speediness of 8.04?).I'm considering wiping and re-installing, but getting my system back the way I want it is keeping me from doing that.

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Ubuntu Installation :: System Freezes After Upgrade From 8.1 To 9.04?

Mar 14, 2010

After successfully upgrading from 8.04 to 8.1 (where even my wireless worked for the first time) I got a system freeze when I tried to upgrade to 9.04.

I suspect the graphics driver but don't know how to upgrade without X running. After booting in generic mode (kernel 2.6.28-1 I can log in the shell but am lost without the GUI.

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Ubuntu Installation :: System Crashed While Trying To Upgrade To 10.04

Mar 24, 2010

I was trying to upgrade to 10.04 (from 9.10 x86_64)when the update manager crashed without any warning or errors. it happened while the packages were being installed, as a result of which i could no longer login into gnome. so i logged in using the terminal and since i had cleaned the cache before upgrading i ran sudo -i dpkg *.deb (there were a large number of deb files in it, so i thought those were the upgrade packages) but the process couldn't be completed. it said that there were too many errors. after rebooting, gnome doesn't start and i can see lucid development version in the terminal. it also didn't detect my usb keyboard.do i have to reinstall ubuntu.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade My System Through Aptitude - Apt-get *

Sep 1, 2010

I'm currently experiencing a problem when trying to upgrade my system through aptitude (apt-get *). I can install programs, but whenever it tries do anything with the kernel I get this error:

E: linux-image-2.6.32-24-generic: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 2

This started about a month ago when I was trying to install some upgrade (with apt) which stalled and I unknowingly shut down the comp while it was running.

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Ubuntu Installation :: System Won't Start After An Upgrade

Mar 27, 2011

I talked a friend into trying Ubuntu, and installed it via wubi. So far, he likes it a lot, but today I checked his computer out, and saw that he had a lot of updates pending. There was a kernel update, openoffice, grub, the whole lot. So, I started the update, and, when it finished, the system froze.

I restarted the PC, but now Ubuntu says that the root partition is not ready. When I open a diagnostic shell, it says "Root filesystem check failed". However, an fsck works just fine, and I can see all the files in both Ubuntu and Windows.

There's only one real disk, as far as I can see, /dev/sda1, and it's the Windows disk. The Linux root is a /dev/loop5 which points to a file under Windows. I suppose it's the wubi way, although I'm not familiar with that.

There's a possibility that the Windows disk had errors while I was running Ubuntu; in fact, Ubuntu said something to the effect while booting the first time it failed.

What can I do to boot normally?

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Fedora Installation :: Upgrade 10 To 11 / After Installation System Is Not Booting?

Jun 17, 2009

I try to install Fedora 11 from DVD BUT after installation system is not booting. Windows XP is a 1st OS is already installed in my system.

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Ubuntu Installation :: System Will Not Boot After Lucid Upgrade

May 2, 2010

I have an AMD64 system, which I recently upgraded to Lucid 10.04. The system now fails to boot after the upgrade. Recovery mode makes no difference.

When I attempt to boot, I get a series of messages about file systems needing checking, and also some messages from ureadahead-other. (process terminated status 4), though a post here says that status 4 is in fact not an error.

I have sucessfully booted the Lucid desktop install CD in live CD mode, mounted the filesystems, and started parts of my system in a chroot. In that system I tried running an update, and removing plymouth, but it made no difference. how I can get my system working.

I did take a backup of /etc before I upgraded, so I could get back to a karmic install, but the pain in doing so would be considerable, so I would prefer to avoid that if possible.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Failed Upgrade 9.10 -> 10.04: System Unbootable

May 4, 2010

I've just reported a launchpad bug report about my desktop system being unbootable after upgrade to lucid lynx. [URL]... I opened this thread to ask if someone else experienced a similar problem and for collecting information and workarounds (none yet) about this quite serius problem. The system has an nvidia graphic card and proprietary drivers were installed before the upgrade. However I'm not sure the problem is related to this. FYI, the system booted regularly from a usb stick with ubuntu lucid lynx. SO the problem is in the upgrade path.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade Hung Now System Unbootable

May 4, 2010

I tried running an upgrade from 8.04 LTS to 10.4 last night, and things seemed to be going smoothly. The upgrade progress was nearly complete, and I wandered off for a while to let it run. When I came back, I had nothing but an orange screen and and unresponsive system. I left it alone all night with the hopes that something would happen, but this morning nothing had changed so I hard restarted the system.

Ubuntu 10.4 appears in GRUB, but the system cannot boot and exits with a kernel panic and the message "vfs unable to mount root fs on unknown-block" I was able to boot to a 10.4 LiveCD, and I can browse all of my files from there. What can I do to get this system back up an running? I have dozens of user account and a lot of customization (it acts as a webserver with a wiki for a gaming website running on it, among other things), so I really really don't want to do a fresh install and lose all my data and customizations.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 9.04 Upgrade On Triple Boot System

Sep 20, 2010

I have an MSI U100 netbook triple booting between Win XP, Ubuntu 9.04 and OSX. Grub is used as boot loader. I want to upgrade my ubuntu install but I am a bit scared that grub will be messed up.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade Failed, Now System Unuseable?

Oct 11, 2010

I upgraded from 10.04 to 10.10 a few hours ago using the alternate CD. I selected not to download files off the internet as I wanted to do that at a later stage. After running for close on an hour performing the update, as it reached the end it gave me a message saying the update had failed and the changes will now be restored (or something like that). I clicked ok, and the update window closed. I then restarted the pc and it stopped at the splash screen. Now I cannot get it to load the desktop environment. It Jst sits at the splash screen. Pressing the power button shuts it down normally, but alt-ctrl-f1 does not open a shell.If i start up using recovery mode and then select fail safe graphics mode something comes up about a segmentation fault in xserver in I then end up at the shell where I can work from the command line, but can never get the graphical interface to work.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade To 10.04 Hangs - System Not Booting

Nov 22, 2010

Just upgraded to 10.04 from 9.10. upgraded from update manager. System would not boot. Booted live cd and used the 9.10 menu.lst. Now boots but takes a long time. I don't know much about the kernel. I assume they are listed in the /boot directory and are called by menu.lst (dual boot w/ XP) (btw: I am ready to get rid of XP once I get this fixed). 9.10 appears to use 2.6.31-20-generic, therefore, I assume 10.04 uses 2.6.32-25-generic.

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Ubuntu Installation :: System Boots Slow After Upgrade 10.04

Nov 29, 2010

After my upgrade the bootup seems to take a long time.I am dual booting with XP.From the boot menu when I select Ubuntu it takes 35 seconds before I get the login screen.Is this normal?Also, other apps seem to be running slow. Running Win 7 under VMWare Workstation 7.1.

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Ubuntu Installation :: System Crash After Partial Upgrade 10.10?

Apr 7, 2011

I have a Dell studio running ubuntu for two years now. I had ubuntu 10.04, but a few days ago, the update manager started to bug me that some stuff don't work properly and that I need to to a partial upgrade. I postponed that for a while, and all worked fine, but I finally had sometime and clicked "yes", all began collapsing:

1) the update manager crashed while updating.

2) I rebooted and ran it again. same crash at the same stage.

3) I decided, god knows why, to do a full upgrade to 10.10, which also crasehd.

Now it won't even boot. It always get stuck at a line saying "no IPv6 routers present" or something of that sort. when I switch off manually the wireless switch on the laptop, the boot gets stuck a bit earlier, on a line that says: "laptop login:"

EDIT: I just remembered something which might be important: I had a hibernation problem on the upgrade to 10.04, so I played around a bit with that. now it uses libgcrypt, and I remember I set up something manually then, but I can't remember what.

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Ubuntu Installation :: After Upgrade From 8 To 10.4 - System Totally Crashed

Apr 9, 2011

I tried to upgrade two hardy them to 10.4 lcui and failed miserably. after upgrading, both fail to finish rebooting process; they stuck at maintenance mode. are there ways to rescue them? something went very wrong...

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Ubuntu Installation :: Restoring KAddressBook After System Upgrade?

Jun 5, 2011

After doing a complete backup, I ran the update overnight. Ubuntu 10.04 was on my computer the next morning. While poking around, I noticed that the Kontact KAddressBook had no entries;Instead, I had display with three columns;Column #1, "Address Books" had the cryptic entry 'std.vcf' Clicking on it did nothing. Apparently, all my addresses were gone. Solution: Finding and Reloading the Addresses My addresses were in the vCard format, located in


After checking to see that my backup file of std.vcf was the same size as the system file, I did the following, modified from instructions provided by Joao G. Peixoto joaogpeixoto Within the Kontact KAddressBook, I deleted the empty std.vcf addressbook; Edit Delete Address Book Then I generated a new address book to hold my addresses;

Add Address Book
KDE Address Book (Traditional)


The [next] command took me back to the 3 empty columns. In a minute or two, 'Names' (column 2) began to fill up with my old contact listings

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade Failed - Want To Restore Other Operating System

Feb 4, 2010

On my laptop I dual boot Ubuntu 8.04 and Windows XP. During the last upgrade of my Ubuntu distro something went wrong and now I get a messed up GUI. In the meanwhile I got a new laptop on which I only run Ubuntu 9.10. So my question is: I want to delete the linux partition on my old laptop and use only Windows XP but since I use grub to dual boot, I'm afraid that deleting the linux partition and extending the Windows partition will cause problems to boot my computer.
Here's a screenshot of my partitions:

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Ubuntu Installation :: After Upgrade To Koala (9.10), System Hangs On Boot?

May 15, 2010

In the last few weeks I upgraded my Ubuntu from 8.04 to 8.10 to 9.04. No problems, everything went well. But yesterday I tried to upgrade from 9.04 to 9.10. Everything seemed to go OK until the upgrade was finished and I had to reboot. After the reboot, no Ubuntu anymore... I get GRUB, but when I continue to boot the latest kernel, I don't see any harddisk activity anymore after about 2 seconds.

Here on the forums I read that one should run the boot_info_script when having boot problems, so I already did. I booted the system with a 8.04 live USB stick. And here is the result of the boot_info_script:


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Ubuntu Installation :: Allowing Normal Users To Upgrade The System?

Sep 11, 2010

Here's what I want to do: install ubuntu on a laptop and then create a normal user so that the user could install the normal upgrades without using the root account (or getting root privileges via sudo).

I know that this can be done by adding the user to the admin group, but this has (at least) two bad side effects:

1. The user can use sudo to gain root access. (And then do everything: install or remove programs...)

2. The update-manager doesn't seem to appear in the panel. (In stead it opens in the background.)

I could easily make a script that downloads and installs the upgrades automaticly, but I'd like to give the user a chance to choose when to do all this. So that it's not done for example when the user is using slow mobile connection.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade From 10.04 To 10.10b Crashed With GError, Broke System

Oct 17, 2010

i wanted to upgrade my ubuntu system to meerkat beta via update manager like i upgraded it the last 5+ times.

a bug showed up that i can recall from updating files previously: some software installtions via update manager triggered the programm nicotine+ (i think is was something like man-lib or man-db that, when called by the installtion programm, would trigger nicotine too). since i can close that nicotine+-window and the installation process isnt bothered any further i didnt mind.

now with this upgrade, i had to close nicotine+ around 5 times since it got triggered together with some of the files that got updated/installed in this upgrade.

and then what happened: GError something about an "unrecognized image file", it concerned a py file that was named "nicotine"...

so i waited for 10 mins and figured out that the update process had stopped. i couldnt resist and logged out, wanting to delete nicotine from my system and to reinitialize the upgrade. well, nothing works since then, grub only lets me choose different kernels which didnt help much as there was no way to startx.

my question is:

how can i reset this upgrade mess or bring this pending upgrade to an end? can i do an upgrade via network, based on the emergency shell that comes up in some kernel-recoverymodes? or should i burn a livecd, boot it and then do what? repair? try another upgrade? delete nicotine?

having 'consumed' ubuntu for years now i still wouldnt know what else to do then posting here.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade From 10.04 To 10.10 - Access The System Settings Anymore?

Dec 5, 2010

I was running 10.04 on my Asus EEE PC. Today I upgraded from 10.04 to 10.10, but with lots of regrets. The complete desktop changed. I don't even know how to access the system settings anymore. I just wanted to start up the Twonky Media server from my personal folder again, which resides in my personal user folder, but I cannot find the folder at all! Shame on the Ubuntu team to throw around the user experience so much. The Ubuntu Linux distribution has gone back to a nerdy level, I hoped it had recovered from that. Make-the-user-feel-at-home! Is that so difficult?

Where is my Favorite group, where is my System group, where is my personal Home user folder? I'm sure I can find them on my own, but it's a shame that my user experience has been taken into a rolercoaster. Why make it so difficult on the user Ubuntu, why?

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Ubuntu Installation :: System Freezes After Upgrade - No Live USB Works

Feb 5, 2011

I was running 10.04 with no problems. Upgraded. I may or may not have lost power before the upgrade was finished. Now my system locks out the keyboard and mouse on the login screen...nocapslock light or anything, but I know it's still running because the clock at the bottom increments once per minute. Booting safemode does not help, it simply hangs at some point on the scrolling black screen instead.I can boot 9.04, which is still installed on another partition, just fine.Is there any way I can boot to a terminal and try running apt-get again, to see if I can fix whatever's wrong?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade Froze Now System Won't Boot (even With Live CD)?

Feb 21, 2011

Yesterday my wife was using our laptop and an upgrade manager dialogue box came up. She clicked yes to install upgrades, but at some point during this process the machine froze. She restarted, and I haven't been able to successfully boot since then. the final screen when trying to boot from the hard drive reads:

mount: mounting /dev on /root/dev failed: No such file or directory
mount: mounting /sys on /root/sys failed: No such file or directory
mount: mounting /proc on /root/proc failed: No such file or directory
Target filesystem doesn't have /sbin/init.
No init found. Try passing init=bootarg.


I'm slowly getting the hang of Ubuntu. By now I know enough that a Live CD can fix most problems. So that's where I went after doing several searches about the error messages that were appearing. The menu screen works, but I can't get it to boot into the "Try ubuntu" mode. I tried changing the boot parameters to no avail. As the boot tries to load I can see a line by line report of errors- some are I/O errors and are in white, but many were in red, which seems bad from my mostly ignorant perspective. I saw lots of SQUASHFS errors among other things. I took a snapshot of the screen that was displayed when the boot failed- it's attached to this post (lots and lots of text to be typed otherwise). The reason I know it failed is because I've tried a half dozen times with the same exact result- once I let it sit for an hour+ just to make sure it was really frozen (a bit optimistic).

Relevant info: Ubuntu is running on a Dell Inspiron 8600 laptop. I think it's version 9, but could be 10. The Live CD I'm using is version 10 burned 1/4/2011. I'd be thrilled to hear any suggestions that folks might have.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Windows Upgrade On Dual Boot System

Apr 7, 2011

I have a dual boot laptop (Acer Timeline 1830) working fine. I'm running Ubuntu 10.10 and Windows 7 Home Premium Edition. I need to upgrade Windows 7 Home Premium to Windows 7 Professional (Thats Winblows for ya.). My questions: Has anybody here done this upgrade, did it go seamlessly (Didn't destroy your master boot record, etc) and is there anything anything else i should know before doing this upgrade?

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Ubuntu Installation :: After Upgrade System Boots Into A Black Screen

Apr 29, 2011

I upgraded from 10.10 to 11.04 and after the upgrade

- the system boots,
- the grub menu appears,
- the splash screen comes up and then
- I have a black screen and that's it!

I saw, at the end of the installation process, that the driver for the nVidia video card was removed.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade To 11.04 Failed Determining System State?

Jul 16, 2011

I ran the 11.04 upgrade. At the end, it reported a failure, implied a recovery would occur and the upgrade then finished. The recovery was supposed to have run sudo dpkg --configure -a. That does not appear to have happened. I am concerned that a reboot will render my system inoperative.Has anyone else experienced a similar issue or have any suggestions? What information should I provide. report.

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Fedora Installation :: Upgrade F11 System To F13 Using Preupgrade-cli?

Jul 26, 2010

I want to upgrade my F11 system to F13 using preupgrade-cli. Can I do that directly, or should I first upgrade to F12 and then to F13?

I have read elsewhere that Anaconda can skip one but not two versions, is that correct? If so, I assume that moving directly from F11 to F13 is OK, right?

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Fedora Installation :: After Upgrade From F13 To F14 System Not Starting

Nov 3, 2010

I have a problem after upgrade from F13 to F14. I used the DVD i386 Iso on my Netbook MSI Wind U100 but it's don't start. It's load the services and it's stuck in the Fedora logo. I boot into Runlevel 1 to see the logs but there is no error. Then I run init 5 and it's stuck after the service ATD load. I don't want to do a clean install.

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