Ubuntu Installation :: New Install Of 11.04 Wont Work

Aug 12, 2011

after many minutes of getting ubuntu 11.04 to finally begin installation, it now freezes when booting.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Install 9.10 / What To Get It To Work?

Feb 16, 2010

Its been a while since I have used Linux, going back to the early realeases of Red Hat and Mandrake.

Decided to give it another shot and downloaded the 9.10 Desktop ISO.

I get tot the menu screen where I can Try Ubutu, Install Ubuntu, Test Drive, Test Memory ect.

Selected Install and it gets to the Ubuntu Icon screen, then goes to a black screen and hangs PC. Tried the Try Ubuntu Option same thing.

Redownloaded the ISO and burnt it again at 4x Speed, exactly the same thing. Created a bootable USB drive, tried installing it that way, same again. A little frustrated by this point.

Downloaded the Alternative Text Based Install, Installed fine, but as soon as Ubuntu Loads and gets to the Ubuntu Icon it goes black and hangs. code...

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Installation :: Can't Install Ubuntu / Get It To Work?

Feb 18, 2011

I thought I would take the plunge and install Ubuntu on my PC. Not taking a massive leap though, im installing it inside Windows. It seemed to install fine, but then it had to restart and I got this screen:

What does it mean? What can I do to get Ubuntu working? Oh, I run Windows 7 as my main OS.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install 10.04 From Cd Doesnt Work ?

Aug 22, 2010

I have a computer that i wish to install ubuntu 10.04 on, it wont install tho, it tells me that it cant detect the cd rom (the drive it is booting from) and that i should insert a removable device with the drivers on it, except i dont have those and don't know where to get them. i cant boot from a usb but i have a usb with 10.04 on it just incase. i tryed this with both alternate install and desktop. i dont know what to do, i have invested 2 days to try and do this and i would really like to put this on my computer.

I have previously installed 8.04 on my computer with out such error and all of the hardware is the same (even the hard drive), and i lost the 8.04 disk. <(it was a live disk)

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Get Fresh Install Of 11.04 Work

Apr 30, 2011

I trying to dual boot Ubuntu/Windows 7 on my computer. Here is my problem:

I used Wubi and ubuntu-11.04-desktop-amd64.iso.
Main OS: Windows 7 Pro 64bit
Videocard: Nvidia GT 240

Problems (underlined) as they occured:

1) Installed Ubuntu within Windows, rebooted, saw Ubuntu loading screen (with dots) and then I get graphics corruption (it's really bad I can't recognize anything in the screen).

Then I booted in recovery/failsafe graphic mode and I let the installation finish, then automatically rebooted.

2) Let it boot without pressing anything and instead of graphic corruption it boots in terminal.

Tried startx command but it says something relative to "x not found". Then I found out I had to install proprietary Nvidia drivers so I:

3) Booted again in failsafe graphic mode (in recovery mode) and tried to install it but... no internet connection.

I tried "sudo ifconfig eth0 up" and I got: eth0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device

NOTE: If I let it boot itself (terminal) I HAVE internet connection (found out with wget and ping commands).

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Install 10.04 - Keyboard Doesn't Work ?

Jun 10, 2010

I'm trying to install 10.04 but my Logitech diNovo Edge wireless USB keyboard doesn't work.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install Ventral And Get It To Work Properly?

Apr 27, 2011

Is there any way you can install ventral and get it to work properly?

Maybe through wine or some other program that let's you connect to vent

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Ubuntu Installation :: ATI Drivers Don't Work - Doesn't Let Me Install Skype / Why Is So?

Apr 17, 2010

I have this weird problem because I upgraded to Lucid lynx beta, and my ATI drivers don't work anymore... no support yet I guess and because of the broken package it doesn't let me install skype what should I do? And by the way do you have any idea why when I accept to show or view webcams it cancels shortly before it shows.. Any ideas why?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Install The Components Required For It To Work?

Jul 31, 2011

trying out the new Opera 11 browser in Ubuntu, but when trying to use unite feature i am unable to install the components required for it to work.

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Fedora Installation :: Can't Install Core 10 Into XEN VM / Get It To Work?

Feb 8, 2009

When I am trying to install Fedora Core 10 into a XEN VM i get an error stating that images/xen directory does not exist on the DVD image.

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Fedora Installation :: F11 Won't Install In Partition / Get It To Work?

May 28, 2010

I have a 1TB WD Caviar green hard disk with Ubuntu 10.04 on it. I used a Gparted live cd to resize the Ubuntu partition and made two ext2 partitions 100GB each. When I tried to install Fedora 11 and told it to install in the free space it told me there wasn't any. I went back and deleted a partition, leaving it as unallocated space. It still wouldn't install! I downloaded Mandriva Linux and it installed in the unallocated space just fine. How do I get Fedora to install?

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Ubuntu Installation :: After 10.04 Install Bottom Gnome Panel (task-bar) Does Not Work?

Apr 30, 2010

This is strange a fresh install of 10.04 Lynx when i first logged in everything was cool, then i right clicked on the 4 desktop switching boxes on the bottom right corner; then the bar blipped off.Now after i re-login the bar is at the bottom but does nothing. When i open windows or anything they are not showing up, the only way I can navigate through my windows if Alt+Tab

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Fedora Installation :: Unable To Install Updates / Get It To Work?

Apr 7, 2010

I recently intalled Fedora 12. After installing, I tried to install update, i received an error message as follow:

Loaded plugins: presto, refresh-packagekit
Error: Cannot retrieve repository metadata (repomd.xml) for repository: fedora. Please verify its path and try again.

I enabled RPM fusion free and non-free.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Sony Vaio - LiveCD And Install Work But Restart Freezes

Dec 27, 2010

I've happily finished a SWE course that required VS2010, and thus a new computer to run the hog. Now that the course is done, I'm installing Ubuntu. As the post title implies, the live CD works well and the install goes fine. I'm able to boot up in Ubuntu and do an update. After that, though, Ubuntu freezes on boot. It gets as far as the moving dots but freezes right after that.

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Debian Installation :: Boot - Apt-get Install Xorg Doesn't Work

Mar 25, 2010

I recently installed debian on my ibook G4, but when I start up the computer, it doesn't boot into Xorg. When I tried to start Xorg, it says that it is not installed. How would I install it, and how would I start it? When I do the apt-get install xorg, it doesn't work. Right now I'm running ubuntu on it, but I really want just plain debian, as I really dont need all of the bells and whistles that Ubuntu offers. I just need something to do schoolwork on (I'm a highschool sophmore), and I don't want to use OS X for that as I like linux better (specifically debian and ubuntu).

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Fedora Installation :: Failure To Start X / Text Install Work Around

Jun 25, 2009

I'm running a P4 system with Dual ATI Radeon 2900HD Graphics cards. When I try to install F11, the graphical interface fails to start and I end up in a text install. I've seen plenty of information on how to fix the problem post install, however I'm not nearly advanced enough to then continue the installation (the text install does not install much, particularly doesn't install the graphical interface). Is there a way to work around this (IE a more complete text install, or somehow getting it to install in graphical user interface?)

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Ubuntu Installation :: Wubi Install Doesn't Work - Didn't See Main Hard Drives

May 28, 2011

i installed ubuntu desktop 11.04 on my acer aspire one 751h and found that the wifi didnt work. the netbook remix was the same so i went through all the previous releases up until which worked fine on the live cd. so i tried to install but the installer didnt see my main hard drives only the usb i was using to install. so i tried using wubi installer which only left me with this screen when i tried to load up ubuntu.

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Debian Installation :: Fresh RAID1 Wheezy Install - GRUB Just Does Not Work

Jul 26, 2014

I have a VIA Epia M 5000 system with 2 western digital 1TB NAS SATA drives connected through SATA<->IDE adapter. Everything installs and writes as expected except... grub. It never boots, after a message 'Grub loading' I always get 'error: no such disk'. I've tried numerous times and has been attemping to fix the issue for the past 2 days.

0.999TB 0xfd linux raid autodetect partition
1GB 0xfd linux raid autodetect, logical partition

/dev/sdb exactly the same
0.999TB 0xfd linux raid autodetect partition
1GB 0xfd linux raid autodetect

RAID1 of /dev/sda1 and /dev/sdb1
marked as ext4, boot point /

RAID1 of /dev/sda5 and /dev/sdb5
marked as swap

update-grub2 in rescue mode generates grub.cfg with SET root=/mduuid/UUID_OF_SDA1
then after that there's search --no-floppy etc --set root=/mduuid/UUID_OF_MD0

I'm writing this from memory but simply the two uuids are different. Is this correct? I get those UUIDs to compare from blkid. All partitions are marked as bootable. grub-install /dev/sda and grub-install /dev/sdb produces no errors. grub-install /dev/md0 does not work, complains about superblocks or something similar.

Grub.cfg file contains insmod raid mdraid1x and similar lines, so that should be ok. Grub drops to rescue mode with message error: no such disk. Not device, but disk. Google finds many results for 'no such device' error, but I am not getting that error. 'ls' produces
(hd0) (hd0,msdos1) (hd1) (hd1,msdos1) ls ANY_VALID_PATH produces empty newline being printed, nothing more.

setting prefixes manually does not work, with error message 'error: file not found'. ls (hd0,msdos1)/boot/grub also produces empty line being printed. Rescue CD and auto-assemble of md0 and md1 works, the files are there, everything okay, except grub.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Button PrtSc Doesn't Work And Terminal Is Not Available During Installation

Jun 6, 2010

I have one problem with taking screenshots during SUSE installation. I am using 10.2 version. Button PrtSc does not work and Terminal is not available during installation (at least I think it isnt)Do you have any idea how to do it?

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Networking :: New Install Of Centos 5.5 Will Not Work On Net Work With Fixed IP Or DHCP

Jan 12, 2011

I am trying to set up an unused machine as a web server for my students.

I originaly tried with Redhat 9 and had the same problems. I am using an HP Pentium 4 system with 2 network cards.

1) The built in Realtek RTL8139 configured as eth0.

2) An add in Broadcom BCM5782 Gigabit card that was added I presume when the built in card failed (we have a number of machines like this around the school), configured as eth1.

I did not realize the second card was installed when I had Red hat 9 on the system, but I discovered it after installing centos 5.5. I have tried to configure the system to use DHCP with and without getting the DNS from the provider, and both ways the system complains that there is no connection, check the cable, so it will not activate the device.

When I configure the device to use a fixed IP, I can configure the device, but I can't ping anything on the network other than myself. I suppose it is possible that both network cards have failed, but I get green link lights with both cards, when I connect them to my router, so I am at a loss as to why neither board seems to work. I don't have a spare network card to slide in because the computer takes a special mini card. Is there an easy way to test the board to see if the board is a problem?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install / LiveCD Freeze At "scrolling Dots" / Change Boot Options Will Allow It To Work?

May 26, 2011

I'm trying to install (L)ubuntu on an old AMD 1.66GHz based HP laptop, to dual boot with Windows XP. However I'm running into an issue that I haven't come across on any other machine before where after selecting "Install Lubuntu" from the main boot menu, it moves to the scrolling dots splash/loading screen and after ~30 sec or a minute it freezes. There is no error, it doesn't reboot or eject the disk even after several hours of sitting on that splash screen, with the dots frozen, no CD activity, and no HDD activity. I get the same result if I try to boot it as a LiveCD as well.

Can someone help diagnose whats going on? Is it possible changing some boot options will allow it to install? I'm not quite sure where to go with this one.

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Fedora Installation :: New 11 Install - Press The "enter" Key To Begin Doesn't Work

Jul 22, 2009

I have a new Dell R710 dual processor machine I'm trying to install Fedora 11 x86_64 on (all versions I mention in this post are x86_64 bit). I downloaded the cd iso files, burned them to cd (I don't have a DVD burner), then told my machine to boot to the optical drive.

I get a very brief introduction message about ISOLINUX then the monitor refreshes and gives me the following message: "Press the <Enter> key to begin the installation process."

Naturally, I press the Enter key(s) on my keyboard. Nothing happens. I try Alt ASCII combinations that might mimic an Enter key. No dice. ctrl-alt-delete works, however, and the machine reboots.

My checksums for the iso's are perfect, and the install process triggers perfectly on other machines. Just not this one.

After much vain research, I download the Fedora 11 Live-KDE, burn it to CD and try it. It doesn't work - the same thing happens. I tried the net install, and it doesn't work either.

On a lark, I download the Fedora 10 Live KDE iso and burn it to cd. It works perfectly and skips the "Enter" phrase entirely. I take my Fedora 11 Live KDE disc and put it in another machine and it, too, works perfectly, which leads me to believe my cd burns are fine.

I've also used usb creator to create a bootable USB drive. It doesn't ask me to press enter - it just fails with a really arcane IF=0 error (arcane to me, anyway).

So I'm at a loss. I'd like to install Fedora 11 on this machine, but may end up with Fedora 10 or CentOS if I can't figure this out.

Is there some weird BIOS setting somewhere I'm missing? I find it really weird that my fedora 10 cd works, but my fedora 11 cd does not (but my fedora 11 cd works in other machines).

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OpenSUSE Install :: Kernel Panic "not Syncing:IO-APIC + Timer Doesn't Work" - 11.1 Installation Failed

Dec 21, 2008

I'm using openSUSE 11. I'hv tried to upgrade it to 11.1 with a x86_64 installation DVD (as I did earlier), but it failed. It showed the following message:


eventually same type of problem happend when I was trying with fedora 10... fedora 9 and openSUSE 11 install smoothly in my 64 bit machine (compaq SR1730IL, Intel pentium 4, 524 and 1GB DDR2 RAM)

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Fedora Installation :: Used To Work Flawlessly In F14 Now Does Not Work In F15

May 29, 2011

What used to work flawlessly in F14 now does not work in F15. I have done a fresh installation of F15 and all seemed to go well other than a few minor tweaks. In F14 I had an /etc/fstab file that worked well but in F15 does not work. I have 3 external USB drives, mybook, black & StoreIt. With F14 my fstab worked very well and booted regardless of weather or not any particular drive was connected at any given time. Typically I have the mybook and black connected at home and the StoreIt connected at work, but regardless it would boot and work without any problems.


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OpenSUSE Install :: Migrate From Ubuntu But For Some Reason - Can't Get Install To Work

Jul 2, 2011

I'm trying to migrate from Ubuntu to OpenSUSE but for some reason I can't get the install to work. I've tried installing the GNOME live CD both from a CD and a USB but after I select installation it goes to the loading screen for a few seconds and then the screen goes black and it stays like that till I reboot. Is it a problem with my hardware or something or did something miss-write when I burned the CD/USB?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Software Centre Doesn't Work - Error "sudo Apt-get Install Vlc Vlc-plugin-pulse Mozilla-plugin-vlc"

Jan 31, 2011

I have just installed the newest version of ubuntu (10.10 the maverick meerkat) and im struggling installing any programs, wine and vlc arnt appearing on synaptic package manager and anything i try to do in either the command promt or ubuntu software centre doesnt work either. On the command promt when i follow the commands as seen on various tutourials the command promt comes back with an error. VLC example given below.


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OpenSUSE Install :: Multiboot System, But Last Bootloader Install Doesn't Work?

Feb 16, 2010

I've got a multiboot system with Windozin the first drive and first partition like everyone recommends. I have several distro's and just let them install their bootloaders, but always on hd0 mbr. I installed Debian 5.0.1 this way and it wouldn't boot, so I got SGD to "fix" it, which it said was successful, but all I get is a partition doesn't exist when I try to boot. I put Debian on /dev/sdb3, I loaded Linux Rescueand mounted sdb3 and verified that its menu.lst had the right boot numbers (hd1,2). fdisk even showns /dev/sdb3 as boot as shown by the asterisk under the boot column. Should I do a complete reinstall of grub, maybe using one of the other distro's as the holder of grub? At one time they did all the grub launching as each addition was made

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OpenSUSE Install :: Mouse Bottons Does Not Work During Install Or First Login?

Dec 20, 2009

Just installed 11.2 on my Thinkpad T61 and during install the mouse pointer (synaptics) works fine but not the mouse buttons. After the install on every first login the pointer works but not the buttons. If I restart the gui and try to login into gnome again then all works agin. But it always fails on the first login and gnome sessions

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OpenSUSE Install :: Install Suse On My PC - Boot From CD-rom Does Not Work

May 23, 2010

I have just downloaded a mirror copy of SUse 11.2 and formatted my hard drive, so i can install the linux OP. But it seems like that it is not readable or better to say the boot from CD-rom does not work! Am i on the right track here? How do i go by installing a Linux on a fresh hard drive?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Laptop Wireless Did Not Work After 10.04 Installation?

Sep 28, 2010

I installed the Ubuntu 10.04 on my old Compaq v2000 but the Internet did not work so I installed the win7.

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