Ubuntu Installation :: Nemesis Configuration - Cannot Locate Libnet Libraries

Sep 17, 2010

I have been trying to install nemesis for the last 6 hours. Every time I run the ./configure it indicates that it can not locate the libnet libraries. I have libnet installed along with libnet1-dev. The findings are below:

justin@justin-desktop:~$ sudo -s -H
[sudo] password for justin:
root@justin-desktop:/home/justin# cd Downloads/nemesis-1.4
root@justin-desktop:/home/justin/Downloads/nemesis-1.4# ./configure
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking build system type... i686-pc-linux-gnu
checking host system type... i686-pc-linux-gnu
checking for style of include used by make... GNU
checking for gcc .....

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Red Hat / Fedora :: How To Install Libnet Libraries Using Yum

Mar 7, 2010

I'm new with linux. Trying my hand at socket programming. How to instaal libnet libraries using yum.

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Debian :: Nemesis Package On Squeeze?

Feb 18, 2011

I'm trying to find the nemesis package for squeeze. $ uname -a Linux mybox 2.6.32-5-686 #1 SMP Wed Jan 12 04:01:41 UTC 2011 i686 GNU/Linux

$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID:   Debian
Description:   Debian GNU/Linux 6.0 (squeeze)
Release:   6.0
Codename:   squeeze

I was able to find it in lenny (http://packages.debian.org/en/lenny/nemesis) but I could not find it in the squeeze repositories. So if I want to install this how do I do it. Are there any other alternate programs that can be used instead of nemesis.

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Software :: Nemesis - Inject Packets With Specific TCP Options?

Jan 20, 2010

I want to inject a packet with specified TCP options: Maximum Segment Size, Window Scale Option, Timestamp Option... The man page mention very little about that:Quote:-o TCP-options-fileThis will cause nemesis-dns to use the specified TCP-options-file as the options when building the TCP header for the injected packet. TCP options can be up to 40 bytes in length. The TCP options file must be created manually based upon the desired options. TCP options can also be read from stdin by specifying '-o -' instead of a TCP-options-file.I don't understand what TCP options file structure is? ASCII, hex or raw? One way to try: in Wireshark, select the Follow TCP stream option of a packet, save as with some types: ASCII, hex... and use it for input:

sudo nemesis tcp -v -fS -D localhost -o /path/to/<TCP_options_file>
the output displays:


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Debian Configuration :: Programs Can't Find Libraries

Jun 24, 2015

As title says, running unetbootin throws this error [URL]...... I can easily find the files myself (go to synaptic > look at installed files > scroll down) and I can't remove/purge because they would require me to remove some important software (XFCE).

FIX: Required some more 32 libraries.

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Debian Configuration :: Android SDK And The Shared Libraries?

Aug 10, 2011

i have a notebook where i wont to install andorid SDK, I have a Debian 6, 64bit that work well.After install android sdk, i test installation but i have this

:~/android-sdk-linux_x86/tools$ ./emulator
./emulator: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
i use comand ldd
:~/android-sdk-linux_x86/tools$ ldd ./emulator


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Debian Configuration :: Unable To Locate Package Pop3d ?

May 17, 2011

I have some problems to start my dovecot server on Debian 6.0.1 I tried to install it from webmin using "un-used modules" but it was allways the same error: "E: Unable to locate package dovecot-pop3d".

When I tried to install it from console using the commands: apt-get install dovecot-imapd dovecot-pop3d dovecot-common - and there are no problems with dovecot-imapd and dovecot-common, but still the same error with dovecot-pop3d: "E: Unable to locate package dovecot-pop3d".

I did apt-get update ant apt-get upgrade but I'm receiving still the same error when I want to install pop3d.

It's interesting because there were no problems to install and run dovecot server on earlier versions of debian.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Any Info On How To Install Libnet?

Mar 18, 2010

I am trying to install libnet on fedora but I cannot find any information on installation in the package. I would be happy to receive any information or instructions for installing libnet on fedora.

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Ubuntu :: E: Couldn't Find Package Libnet-ssleay-perl

Mar 3, 2010

I've been scratching my head on this one for a while.My level of knowledge of Linux isn't great. I know enough to be dangerous. I'm trying to get Webmin installed to give me an easier web front to Linux. I run the command to get the prereq's.


sudo apt-get install perl libnet-ssleay-perl openssl libauthen-pam-perl libpam-runtime libio-pty-perl libmd5-perl
Reading package lists... Done


So I can see that it can't find libnet-ssleay-perl I bit of searching around leads me to the sources.list file which tells apt-get where to get the packages I think. This is as follows.


# deb cdrom:[Ubuntu-Server 8.04 _Hardy Heron_ - Release amd64 (20080423.2)]/ hardy main restricted
#deb cdrom:[Ubuntu-Server 8.04 _Hardy Heron_ - Release amd64 (20080423.2)]/ hardy main restricted


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Software :: Error In Compiling Libnet On Cygwin

Jun 26, 2011

I want to compile Firewalk in cygwin, But error compiling libnet occur:

Firewalk-0.99.1 #./configure
loading cache ./config.cache
checking host system type... i386-pc-cygwin32
checking target system type... i386-pc-cygwin32
checking build system type... i386-pc-cygwin32
checking for gcc... gcc .....
checking for PacketSetMode in -lpacket... no
configure :erroracket lib not found

What is "Packet Lib"? I have compile Plib Package, but the this error occurs again!

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General :: Use Always The Latest Versions Of The Libraries And Don't Save The Old Libraries For Compatibility?

May 11, 2011

Why many Linux distros are trying to use always the latest versions of the libraries and don't save the old libraries for compatibility? I mean, I can see libtiff for example, i can found a libtiff.so.5 on my /usr/lib, but doesn't store a libtiff.so.4 or 3 just for binary applications or games. For this example, I need libtiff.so.4 for uplink.

That should happen too on the old version of sims for linux, some ID games or others.What's wrong with storing old libraries? PD: Yay, my first post on 3 years!

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General :: Using Dynamic Libraries As Static Libraries?

May 6, 2010

Is there any way to use a dynamic libraries as a static libraries instead when compiling, so that my resulting executable won't have them as dependencies?

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Debian Configuration :: Bash Seems Messed Up - Use "locate" To Find Files

Aug 16, 2010

Forever I've been able to use "locate" to find files, but now it finds NOTHING at all and I have no clue why.. I tried apt-get install locate and it installed it, but it's not working in bash.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Printer Configuration - Error "Can't Locate Strict.pm In @INC"

Mar 1, 2011

I have noticed i was getting no response from my printer so i went into Yast to check if it had dis-configured itself. I keep getting this message. not sure what is going on but i get the same response for any hardware.

Error Can't locate strict.pm in @INC (@INC ontains: /y2update/modules /root/.yast2/modules /usr/share/YaST2/modules /usr/lib/perl5/5.10.0/i586-linux-thread-multi /usr/lib/perl5/5.10.0 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.10.0/i586-linux-thread-

How to recognise a problem and how to reconfigure my hardware?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Sshd2_config \ Cannot Locate This File?

Jan 14, 2011

I am reading a book on OpenSSH and I need some help on sshd2_config . I cannot locate this file. The author claims that it should be in /etc/ssh2/. I don't see the ssh2 directory either. Is this another component that is not installed? Since the book is an implementation book, it doesn't give all the details as to what it is. It assumes you know.

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Ubuntu Installation :: E: Unable To Locate Package?

Feb 21, 2011

i'm tried to install cacti on ubuntu, but when i enter the Quote:

sudo apt-get install cacti

command. the result is E: Unable to locate package.

and i tried in System>administrstion>synaptic package manager. i tried to reload the result is error..

and it's not just for cacti, i've tried to install the other program the result still the same..

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Ubuntu Installation :: E - Unable To Locate Package

Apr 1, 2011

To start, I am a very new user of ubuntu, so please bear with me. I just installed ubuntu on an old desktop and cannot get it to install packages. I installed these same packages on my laptop that is a little newer and it works on the laptop, but it wont work on the desktop. I searched for previous threads and found to try


I also tried this many times and nothing has changed


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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Locate Package?

Jun 25, 2011

I just reinstalled Xubuntu 11.04, and I'd like to install fluxbox:

09061920@system:~$ sudo apt-get install fluxbox
[sudo] password for 09061920:
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree


in /etc/apt/sources.list, but I'm on a very slow connection so I don't want to update 42 MB right now (trust me when I say I'm on a very slow connection ).

how to update just the updates necessary for apt-get without having to update the 42 MB of, for the moment, pointless updates?

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Ubuntu Installation :: What Libraries I'm Missing For A Program To Run Right?

Jan 15, 2010

I moved a program from one machine to a different one. When I run it on the new one I get errors. How do I tell what libraries it's missing and then find them?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Missing Libraries For ATI Catalyst

Mar 25, 2010

I'm trying to install proprietary driver of my old ATI's Radeon x600 card. There are two libraries missing: XFree86-Mesa-libGL XFree86-libs

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install Libraries Manually

Mar 7, 2011

I want to set up ubuntu 10.10 on a computer WITHOUT Internet access.I also need to install a package on it but it has several dependant libraries (eg libX11-dev)If i just have the names of those libraries & the package, where can i find them, so that they can be downloaded onto a pendrive & then installed onto the comp? (What would a library file look like after download?)

Also after i have copied the files onto the other comp (assuming that it was possible), how do i install the library? Would synaptics recognise that i have installed this library if done manually by this method?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Headers And Libraries Not Found?

Aug 7, 2011

i am trying to install: kiso-0.8.3 but when I try ./configure I recive this error >>>>>>>>>>

configure: error: Qt (>= Qt 3.2) (headers and libraries) not found. Please check your installation! For more details about this problem, look at the end of config.log

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Ubuntu Installation :: E: Unable To Locate Package Update?

Nov 4, 2010

after alot of work with my system, I've gotten most of it working It's a Toshiba C655-S5049 with a Atheros AR9285 Wireless card, so lots of fun getting that to work, anyway I'm trying to update my system, and it wont update, if I try update manager it won't do it because it's dealing with restricted drivers, and if I try in terminal I get E: Unable to locate package updateAnyway, any suggestions? I've been trying to work this out, and it's getting annoying. The key Drivers that I'm also looking for are, Video:Intel 4500M HD Integrated with Dynamic Sharing Audio:IntelAudio device: Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03) Also, does anyone happen to know how well battlefield 2 will run in wine? it ran pretty good on windows, just wondering how it will do in ubuntu.

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Ubuntu Installation :: E: Unable To Locate Package Libglitz1-dev

Feb 10, 2011

Following this how-to on installing kiba-dock: [URL] I get after the first command:


sudo apt-get install fakeroot automake1.9 build-essential libpango1.0-dev libgtk2.0-dev libgconf2-dev libglitz-glx1-dev librsvg2-dev libglade2-dev libxcomposite-dev subversion libtool libgtop2-dev python-gtk2-dev libgnome-menu-dev libgnomeui-dev libgnomevfs2-dev


My result:


E: Unable to locate package libglitz-glx1-dev
E: Unable to locate package libglitz1-dev

I went ahead and ignore this, but later on I got stuck on this section:


cd kiba-plugins/
CC="gcc -fPIC" ./autogen.sh --prefix=/usr --libdir=/usr/lib64
sudo make install
cd ..

My result after this command:


checking for intltool...
found intltool
checking for libtoolize...


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Ubuntu Installation :: Error 'E: Unable To Locate Package Gcc'

Feb 26, 2011

I installed a command line version of Ubuntu 10.10 using the alternate install disk. To suit my needs, I have to install the gcc C compiler in this environment. When connected under root, I enter the command: 'apt-get install gcc'. The error 'E: unable to locate package gcc' is then displayed on screen. how to install gcc? Is this package available from the alternate install disk or do we have to download it. If I dowbload a tar file, where should I copy it to to be able to have the install application see it?

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General :: Error While Trying To Install Ettercap Configure Error Libnet On Red Hat Enterprise

Jan 4, 2011

I am quite new to Linux. Just some basic information, I am using windows xp but have installed vmwork station and am running Red Hat enterprise linux 4.

When i run ./configure it gives me this error. "configure: error: libnet >= not found "

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Fedora Installation :: How Do I Locate My Drive During Installation

Nov 30, 2010

I downloaded the iso file from fedora's official site and copied the iso to my pendrive to be able to install Fedora through pen drive i downloaded Universal-USB-Installer- and used it locate the iso file in my pen drive after Universal-USB-Installer- did its job, i booted my pc and proceeded to the installation there was a 'install on hard disk option' and chose it it asked me for a new password, my location etc. but when i chose the install option it prompted me an error saying that i dun have enough space to install fedora.how do i locate my drive during installation , so that i cud install it on my desired drive.it shows me two options, one is the pendrive while the other is "AMD something."(dun remember the exact name") whenever i select on the AMd.it gives me an error saying that i dun have enough space..

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Fedora Installation :: F14 Network ISO - Cannot Locate

Nov 6, 2010

I usually upgrade using the network install CD image. However, I cannot locate one for F14. Is there one? If so where? If not, should I just wait for it? I recall that the F13 network install came out awhile after the F13 release.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Gfortran Missing Some Libraries In Karmic?

Jan 26, 2010

I've recently upgraded from 8.04 to 9.10 and in the process, I've lost access to gfortran. I'm using the gfortran that came with Karmic, but when I execute the make file I get this:


ld GetNextPerigee.o -o GetNextPerigee
ld: warning: cannot find entry symbol _start; defaulting to 0000000008048094
GetNextPerigee.o: In function `MAIN__':
GetNextPerigee.f90:(.text+0x26): undefined reference to `_gfortran_set_options'
GetNextPerigee.f90:(.text+0x2b): undefined reference to `_gfortran_iargc'


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Ubuntu Installation :: MakeMKV - Command For Tools And Libraries

Mar 28, 2010

I am trying to install makemkv [URL]. I tried to install makemkv and I used the first command to install the tools and libraries. Sudo apt-get install build-essential

I then try to use:
make -f makefile.linux
sudo make -f makefile.linux install

And I get:
kevin@kevin-desktop:~$ make -f makefile.linux
make: makefile.linux: No such file or directory
make: *** No rule to make target 'makefile.linux'. Stop.
kevin@kevin-desktop:~$ sudo make -f makefile.linux install

I dl both files and extracted them in the download folder with the tar files.

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