Ubuntu Installation :: Namoroka : Firefox Extesion Creating ?

Feb 25, 2010

I have upgraded my system browser to Namoroka (Namoroka/3.6.2pre) from firefox (3.0).

But it is creating many problem on my browsers. Like i am not able to open new orkut just because they support only firefox and also i am not able to watch facebook videos (It always says certain video is unavailable but at the same point of time it is available in other browsers).

It is also consuming so much process while i run any normal JavaScript pages like gmail,orkut,facebook,..... etc ..

Also do tell me can i remove this browser from my system and install original firefox , what changes do i need to do on my system.Currently i am using Ubuntu 9.10 .

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Ubuntu Installation :: Remove Namoroka And Reinstall Firefox?

Oct 7, 2010

How can I remove Namoroka (3.6.12pre) and reinstall firefox? I already tried the sudo apt-get purge firefox-3.6 but to no avail.
Can anybody tell me what the ppa packages just are? Is it correct that they are Ubuntu specific packages for optimizing applications for Ubuntu?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Roll Back Firefox From 3.6.2pre 'Namoroka'?

Feb 28, 2010

I just installed an update through update manager that upgrade my Firefox 3.6 to 3.6.2pre which is a beta release. I didnt realize I was doing this. There are some things that I don't like about this beta version, so I want to roll back.How do I do that the right way?'d really like to retain my shortcuts, extensions, etc so I'm not to keen on a uninstall/reinstall.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Update Manager Downgraded From Firefox To Namoroka

Jul 31, 2010

I ran the update manager a few weeks ago and for whatever reason, it downgraded me from Firefox 3.6 to Namoroka (Firefox 3.6 beta release from what I understand). Having had Namoroka before, and knowing how unstable it was, I immediately removed it and reinstalled Firefox 3.5 from Linuxappfinder.com. Upon this last update, Ubuntu again downgraded me from Firefox 3.5 to Namoroka. I am worried about updating my other computer because of this problem.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Firefox 3.6 'Namoroka' Stopped Working After Recent Update

Feb 25, 2010

Firefox 3.6 "Namoroka" stopped working after a recent update. Clicking on my panel launcher or the launcher in the applications menu does nothing. I even tried starting Firefox from the terminal and got an error message: "(firefox-bin:3592): GLib-WARNING **: g_set_prgname() called multiple times", whatever that means.I would be willing to rip out Firefox and start all over again but I don't know how to remove the 3.6 version. I couldn't find a method in the Software Center for doing that graphically.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Remove Firefox 3.6 (Namoroka) And Reinstall Firefox 2

Feb 25, 2011

Running Ubuntu 8.04

Thought I'd be clever and upgrade Firefox to v. 3 using instructions at


Ended up with "Namoroka" which seems to be Firefox 3.6, and it's a prerelease version.

Flash works under my admin id but not under normal user id. Reinstalling Flash didn't help. Want to revert to Firefox 2 that came with Ubuntu 8.04 so Flash will work again.

Can't uninstall "Namoroka" - uninstalled Firefox-3 but it's still hanging in there!

Can't reinstall Firefox 2

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Ubuntu :: Namoroka Firefox FREEZED Or Hanged (9.10)

Apr 11, 2010

whenever i go to videos and click on a video, namoroka just freezes or hangs (it will become a little dark grayish in color). i will wait for some time for it to become normal but, no matter how long i wait, it is just like that. what is wrong with namoroka?

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Ubuntu :: Remove Namoroka Firefox 3.6.5pre?

May 15, 2010

I have problem running Firefox 3.6.5pre called Namoroka

In Ubuntu Lucid 10.04 I have installed F/f 3.5 and 3.6,showing in Synaptic and also 3.6.5pre which does not appear in the synaptic list as it was installed direct from Mozilla. If I try to run 3.5 or 3.6 Namoroka still grabs the command.

I would like to revert to the recognised/updated version of 3.6 (already installed)and completely remove all redundant packages. Mozilla only suggests removing the profile but I need that when the recognised version is allowed to run.

Firefox-3.6.5pre Namoroka

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Ubuntu :: Getting Java Plugin + Namoroka (Firefox 3.6) To Play

Jan 24, 2010

Thus far I have had no luck. I have installed Namoroka from the ppa repo and got flash working nicely but java is another matter. I followed instructions to install the jre manually but no matter what I do it will not display in FF's "aboutlugins". I have to ask if Namoroka is using the default folder: /home/username/.mozilla/plugins/? Because that is where I created the symlink to the java plugin.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Uninstall Namoroka And Revert To Firefox 3.6.8?

Aug 17, 2010

I installed Firefox 4.0 beta on Ubuntu and it made Firefox into Namoroka. Now I want to revert back to the stable Firefox but I am unable to do it. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling but none of this works.

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Ubuntu :: Firefox Namoroka - Can't View Video / Flash / Java

May 8, 2010

Ever since I upgraded to Namoroka a few months ago I can't view video from ....., flash videos, java etc... I always keep my machine updated with the update mgr, did some plugin updates but stil no videos. I'm getting tired of copying and pasting url's into epiphany each time I want to see a video. I'm running Namoroka ver. 3.6.5pre mozilla Firefox for Ubuntu canonical - 1.0 on Karmic.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Install Version Other Than Firefox (Namoroka) And It Constantly Freezes?

Apr 15, 2010

Since yesterday firefox (Namoroka) has been constantly freezing; prior to yesterday it worked perfectly. I've tried un-installing and re-installing, but that didn't fix it. I even tried un-installing Namoroka and installing firefox 3.5 (via apt-get install firefox-3.5), but somehow I continue to get firefox 3.6 (aka Namoroka). Anyone know how to resolve my Namoroka issues or how to install the seemingly more stable 3.5 version? I don't know if this makes a difference, but I originally had installed ubuntu and then installed kde (kubuntu-desktop) desktop on top of it. And yes, I've checked my sources.list to make sure mozilla-daily repository is not listed.

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Ubuntu :: 10.10 - Cannot Access Hotmail With Namoroka

Oct 26, 2010

I am using 10.10 and Namoroka I cant access hotmail. I also have minefield which is installed from the ubuntuzilla ppa it can access hotmail if I about:config what settings do I change to grant access .I want to remove minefield which I installed before I upgraded, as I don't want two versions of firefox.

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OpenSUSE :: Having The Namoroka In 11.4?

Mar 26, 2011

I've been having some problems get Firefox to sync across different OSes and across different computers. To solve these problems (so far) I've been deleting the .mozilla folder in one os (in which Firefox sync won't sync) and then copying and pasting in place of the deleted .mozilla folder, a .mozilla folder from another os. Been working just fine.

Firefox Sync syncs just fine (relatively speaking) in this fresh 11.4 install, but few of the add-ons I'm accustomed to will work in Firefox 4. I'm not sure about using my normal solution because I see that 11.4 has a firefox folder and a .mozilla folder that contains a firefox file. If I replace the .mozilla folder, what am I to do with the firefox folder? Further, on all my other OSes, I have both Firefox 3.6 (or Namoroka) and Firefox 4 (or Minefield). I don't seem to have both options here in 11.4.

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General :: Get Internet Access Via Firefox On MachineB By Creating A Series Of SOCKS Proxy Via SSH?

Apr 8, 2010

I've been doing some security testing in a lab environment that does not have direct internet access. From home to connect to my lab machine, I

1. SSH to machineA.
2. SSH from machineA to machineB

where machineB is my actual lab machine. neither machineA or machineB allow anything other than SSH, and machineB is only accessible from machineA. However, I really need to run yum on machineB.I have managed to get internet access via Firefox on machineB by creating a series of SOCKS proxy via SSH.

1. machineB: ssh -L 12345:localhost:12345 user@machineA
2. machineA: ssh -D 12345 user@machineC
3. machineB: configure firefox to use socks proxy, localhost, 12345

where machineC has internet without limits placed. This is the only way I have managed to get internet working. I tried using ssh -L all the way from machineB->machineA->machineC but it didn't work (even when setting Firefox to use http proxy). I tried using ssh -D all the way, but again that doesn't work either. I do have access via Firefox using socks proxy. However, yum update fails to retrieve mirror list, and from what I have found I don't believe yum supports socks proxy directly. Instead, it uses http_proxy / ftp_proxy.how to get yum to go out over the SOCKS proxy I created (same one using in Firefox)? It seems like since Firefox can access the internet and everything without issues, i should be able to get yum to tunnel through the same connection to access everything.... I tried

>export http_proxy="http://localhost:12345"
(yum.conf) proxy="http://localhost:12345"

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Ubuntu :: How Do I Alter Menu To Call Version Instead Of Namoroka

Jul 8, 2010

I had firefox-3.6.5pre Namoroka on this machine, I just downloaded FF 4.0, and got it to run with the following command. How do I alter the menu to call this version instead of Namoroka?/bin/sh /usr/lib/firefox-4.0b1/run-mozilla.sh /usr/lib/firefox-4.0b1/firefox-bin &

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General :: Sending Email Link In Namoroka?

Dec 26, 2010

I cannot send an email link in Namoroka. I go to file-send link and nothing happens. I tried to find the problem by about:config in Namoroka. I just found /usr/bin/mozilla-thunderbird. With my limited knowledge I do not know what else to look for.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Creating An ISO From Custom USB Flash Installation ?

May 3, 2010

I've created a USB startup disk under Ubuntu 10.04 lucid (Live CD), Ive selected the option to save system settings to the flashdrive with about 200MB usage, now that ive configured and customized the opperating system (on the flashdrive) I want to create a ISO from that flashdrive installation.

Once the ISO is created, I want to burn it, boot off the CD then create another startup disk but this time setting "Discard on shutdown" so no settings or files can be saved to the flashdrive, but my custom setup remains. "its for an internet cafe setup".

How do i recreate an ISO from the USB startup disk?

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Applications :: Update From Firefox 3.0 To Firefox 3.5 Through Yum / Remove Previous Installation And Use Solely One Package?

Nov 16, 2009

Recently I have installed Fedora 10. It comes with firefox 3.xx by default. Now I was wondering if there is any way through which i can update it to 3.5 version though yum. I have tried yum update firefox but it did not work and returns following messages Loaded plugins: refresh-packagekit Setting up Update Process No Packages marked for Update I know that one way to update is download the latest Tar package and use it, but I want to totally remove my previous installation and use solely one package i.e. firefox 3.5.

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Ubuntu :: 10.10: Namoroka: "XML Parsing Error: Not Well Formed"

Dec 14, 2010

I'm getting this error (uniquely when trying to access Auctiva-managed pages in eBay):

XML Parsing Error: not well-formed



(To be accurate: the arrow is pointing to the second & in '&&' in the error message as presented. I don't know how to reproduce that precisely).

I assume this is because I have replaced the Ubuntu build Firefox with Namoroka? I did this because there was a recent announcement of security fixes in FF 3.6.13 which didn't seem to be in the Ubuntu version.

Should I revert to the Ubuntu version to get around the problem? If so, what commands do I need to issues to completely remove Namoroka and replace it with Ubuntu firefox?

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Fedora Installation :: Creating Local Repository At Installation Time

Feb 26, 2011

I am preparing an installation for a network with small subnetworks across the country.As such, I am setting up a central repository, but would like the installation of some machines to turn themselves into mirrors at installation time (at least for their own rpms) to save bandwidth for the rest of the machines in their own sub network.Is it somehow possible to set up a local mirror at installation time?I was watching how anaconda is installing from a repository and saw that it erases each downloaded rpm as soon as it is installed, but thought maybe someone here would have an idea.

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Ubuntu :: Creating A Partition For Installation ?

Apr 29, 2010

To install ubuntu 10.04, I've tried to create partitions on my hard drive, and an external hard drive. Both have failed. I have apparently exceeded the max number of partitions on my hard drive (came with 4 on it. Recovery, OS, and 2 others I don't want to mess with.), and the external hard drive won't let me shrink the NTFS volume to create space for a new partition. Can I get steps to create a new partition, preferably on the external drive (it has more space). My computer is a dell inspiron 1525 with a 225 Gb hard drive, And my external drive is a windows system Seagate 1 Tb Hard drive (I've checked, external drive works with ubuntu).

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Installation :: Installation - PC Freezes - Before Or After Creating The Partitions

Oct 30, 2010

My problem is that every time I try to install a version of Linux, my PC freezes(before or after creating the partitions) and just stops installing. I can't move the mouse cursor and that's it. This problem occured in trying to install Ubuntu and Fedora from cd and usb.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Creating Shared Partition For 9.10 And Win 7

Jan 18, 2010

i already reserved the space for the partition, from what i have read so far, it has to be FAT32 or NTFS. also my major question is how i would be able to point both OS to save my files to the 3rd partition i am creating for sharing. cos in my experience, windows likes to store files in its home partition without even giving u an option to see other partitions in ur system, ubuntu at leastb allows me see the other partitions on the drive.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Creating A Boot Partition ?

Apr 27, 2010

Ive decided to create a new thread because my old one had become rather complicated and now had a misleading title.

I have a laptop with Windows XP and because of a few programs I want to keep it on and dual boot with Ubuntu. I have created a boot partition at the beginning of the harddisk because I had broken the 137gb and cant keep Ubuntu at the end and still make it bootable.

The separate boot partition is at the beginning of the disk and mounted as /boot in the installation.

The system still cant boot into Ubuntu, but at least grub shows up with a decent menu and I can choose Windows. When I try to choose Ubuntu it says that it cant find the specific drive. The UUID is the same as the boot partition

So what should I do now ? Should I change fstab and move some files to the boot partition ? Id rather not move the entire Ubuntu partition to the front.

Here is my boot info script


Boot Info Summary:



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Ubuntu Installation :: Creating 10.04 Virtual Machine?

Jun 1, 2010

I'm having some trouble creating a VM of Ubuntu 10.04. I've downloaded the ISO. I've created a new VM using the VM Assistant. I selected "Use operating system installation disc image file" and chosen the ISO. When I run the VM, it sits at the following screen:

I've selected Virtual Machine > Install VMware Tools. Nothing happens.

Could someone point me in the right direction?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Creating RAID-1 With Only 2 Drives?

Jun 27, 2010

I have recently installed a Asus M4A77TD Pro system board which supports raid.

I have 2 x 320gb sata drives I would like to setup raid-1 on. so far i have configured the bios to raid-1 for drives, but when installing Ubuntu 10.04 from the cd it detects the raid configuration but fails to format.

When I re-set all bios settings to standard sata drives ubuntu installs and works as normal but i have just 2 x drives without any raid options. I had this working in my previous setup but thats because i had the o/s on a sepreate drive from the raid and was able to do this within Ubuntu.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Creating Partitions Using Fdisk?

Sep 30, 2010

I have a dell poweredge 2950 server which had red hat on it. I have installed ubuntu on top of it. I have replaced master boot record during the installation of ubuntu as I dont want use red hat anymore. During the installation it asked me for the space I wanted to give for Ubuntu and I provided 10GB. Now I can use only 10GB of my harddrive until I mount other partitions correct?

So when I type sudo fdisk -l I get the below printed:

Disk /dev/sda: 146.2 GB, 146163105792 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 17769 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes


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Ubuntu Installation :: Creating A Personal ISO For Installs?

Nov 15, 2010

I've been installing Ubuntu on more and more systems for people. But I'm just doing the install from the the LiveCD download on the Ubuntu homepage. Once I do the install people want their desktop to look like mine so then I have to install Compiz and Cairo-dock and configure them both like mine. Is there a way to create a LiveCD or installation disk already pre-loaded and configured with Cairo-dock and Compiz. I'd also take off F-Spot and add digiKam, along with making sure a working version of Flash and Java are also included in my personal installs..

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Ubuntu Installation :: Creating Bootable USB Under 10.10 Fails?

Dec 13, 2010

I am operating Ubuntu 10.10 installed to disk on a desktop and trying to create a bootable USB of the same to install on my netbook. I am using the instructions found here but every time I try to create the bootable USB, it fails. I get various error messages, such as:

Code: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken.

An uncaught exception was raised: [Errno 5] Input/output error or others. I think I've seen four or five others. Once I got 80% finished then it failed with a generic error stating that creating the bootable disk failed. I've tried formatting the USB drive as ext3, ext4, NTFS, and FAT, but I always get failures. I am writing from a physical CD, the same one I used to install the 10.10 that I am posting from.

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