Ubuntu Installation :: Move Wubi 10.04 Install To Another Windows Partition

Dec 9, 2010

I have a Wubi install of 10.04 in my C: partition. I had given it 20GB of space but over the months my C: has become almost full, so I need to move the Wubi install to another partition (say E. I looked around for instructions on how to do it, but I could only find instructions for grub-legacy (that ask you to modify C:/ubuntu/disks/boot/grub/menu.lst) and not grub2 (which doesn't have menu.lst) used by 10.04.

how to move a 10.04 Wubi install to another partition in Windows is appreciated. Kindly note that I'm not trying to remove Wubi and convert it to an actual installation, but rather simply move it to a different location in Windows.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 Wubi - Windows 7 Partition Along With The Lenovo Recovery Partition

Aug 1, 2011

I tried installing Ubuntu 10.04 LTS on my girlfriend's lenovo using a live disc. First we tried it out to show her the wireless would work fine (her previous lenovo was not ubuntu friendly at all). She's interested in keeping her windows 7 partition along with the lenovo recovery partition, so I tried doing a dual boot install. I manually moved the cursors setting the disk space on each partition, and we allowed Ubuntu to do the rest. Much to my dismay, the installation failed.

I've done some reading over the internet, and I think in our case it would be best to use a Wubi installation. We're interested in using 10.04, so where can we find a wubi installer of Ubuntu 10.04?

Also, any ideas why the installation might have failed? The iso was downloaded off the ubuntu main site, and we burned it using infrarecorder.

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Ubuntu Installation :: How To Move Wubi Install To New Computer

Mar 30, 2011

I have installed ubuntu desktop on my computer using wubi and its running great but I am about to get a new computer and I dont want to reinstall, reconfig and setup everything again.. the steps of moving my wubi install to the new computer

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Installation :: Move From Ubuntu Wubi Install To Full?

Apr 13, 2011

I been using ubuntu wubi on my gateway notebook for a few months now and I am ready to clean windows all my computer and only use ubuntu. the question is do I have to reinstall everything from the ground up?? can someone please give me some tips! it will take me weeks to setup everything again

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Debian :: Trying To Restore / Move Windows 7 Installation Partition

Jan 18, 2016

I had an older PC on which I had two SATA drives and an IDE one and on the latter I had Windows 7 installed (I kept it on that drive since I'm not using Windows 7 that often, I'm primarily using Debian as my daily go-to OS), but since then I got a new PC which has no connectivity for IDE, so I had to decommision the drive, and before I did that, I backed up the Windows 7 partition (and the second partition which I used mostly for storing sofware and stuff that I wouldn't want to get wiped after a fresh Windows install) using dd.

Not reading up on this on the internet, doing so with the intention to restore the partition image on the same spot on the disk, but since the SSD is larger than the IDE drive, I made the partitions on it bigger, so there's no chance the Windows 7 partition to be on the same spot on the disk. I tried booting into Windows 7 from GRUB after it successfully detected the Win7 install on the second partition on the SSD, but it just leaves me with a blank screen with a blinking white cursor, so I'm guessing it's not going to fly again. So my question to you: is it possible to ressurect the Windows 7 installation, avoiding having to reinstall Windows? (which would severly complicate things, having to backup and wipe the Debian install I have on the first partition...)

So far I've tried this to fix the Windows 7 install by pointing at the right disk "coordinates": [URL] ...., but I can't seem to get it to work, all I get is some error in regards to not being able to detect the disk's geometry (I think it was the number heads I couldn't figure out to input in the command line), so I couldn't fix it.

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Ubuntu :: Full Install To A New Partition Through The WUBI Installation?

Jul 9, 2011

I am running Ubuntu in WUBI inside Windows, my first question is, can you do a full install to a new partition through the WUBI installation? Or would it be better to partition the disk, and just install Ubuntu, then deal with the MBR issue (been a while since I had a normal install, maybe the boot problems are gone?)? And is there any actual advantage to doing a stand alone install, while still dual booting Windows? Is there any gain from it versus the WUBI install I am running now?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade Lucid From Wubi Install To Real Partition?

Jun 4, 2010

I have been using Lucid Lynx for almost 2 weeks and have got everything working, thanks to the "ubuntu" spirit in this forum. Now I am ready to upgrade my Wubi install to its separate partition. I have searched the forum and googled to find a way to do this, but I am still stuck.

I used lvpm (despite knowing that there is no confirmation of its working on Lucid Lynx), it didn't work. The installation happened alright but it wasn't able to show up the login screen (GDM?). It was stuck around the screen before that (Xsplash?).

There is this thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=438591 that explains this process very well but remains silent on Lucid Lynx version.

I am sure there must be many other first timers who wanted to get their feet wet the easy way using wubi and would like to make it "permament" OS on their computers.

Is there anyone who can suggest if :

1. There is any way I can still use lvpm to transfer wubi install to separate installation (Ubuntu 10.04 release) ?

2. Any other way I can do this ??

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Ubuntu Installation :: Wubi Won't Install On Windows 7 64 Bit

Jan 26, 2010

I have a quad core box with Windows 7 64 bit installed on it. When I try to install wubi I get an error box immediately after clicking on the exe file that says pyrun.exe at the top of the box and the text says no disk in drive insert disk into drive deviceharddisk2dr2 I have to use the task manager to close that window in order to do anything else. I can't get past this error. I would love to use wubi to put ubuntu on my system.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Wubi And Windows XP 32-bit Install?

Sep 9, 2010

I'm an experienced Ubuntu user and thus far avoided the need to ask too many questions, but this one's a bit of an odd one.. I want to run 10.04 on my XP pro SP2 box at work so I thought perhaps I could run it via Windows by using Wubi - usually I dual-boot or run independently. However due to several factors this isn't possible in this instance, so rather than intall VMWare and all that palava, I figured Wubi would do the trick. Not used it before tho

The installer starts ok, but once it starts to download the install files it interferes with my network connection to the point where all my connections suddenly drop, and the install fails. I don't know wtf it's actually doing at this stage, because my SSH sessions to other machines seem to persist but I can no longer browse the web, IM loses connection (both MSN and Skype) - which could indicate it's interfering with my DNS? Even after closing the installer I just can't do anything without having to reboot the machine.

I just grabbed the latest installer from the site and ran the install. I'm pretty sure I didn't do anything wrong - but for some reason this clearly does not work on this machine. Am I missing something before I give up and try another tactic? It's turning into an awful lot of effort just to use one piggin' app...

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Ubuntu Installation :: Deleting Windows From A Wubi Install?

Nov 3, 2010

i have installed ubuntu using wubi, now i want to delete windows from the computer but how ? the reson i used a wubi install was that i used an old computer who had defect cd room and no option for a USB boot.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Resizing Windows Partition - Install Files On A Non Windows NTFS Partition

Jul 22, 2010

Now however its not letting me resize the Windows partition, mounted or unmounted. It currently occupies the whole disk. I would rather not reinstall the whole thing over again, but I will if I have to. Isnt there an easy way to shrink a Windows partition? I swear Ive done this before and it wasnt this hard. Could it be a problem with the Mint installer that now asks me if I want to unmount my disks before it goes into install mode? On this PC I would like to have

Windows XP
One of the E17 OSs
Puppy Linux (to create a remix)

I am probably going to put most of the linux partitions on the second laptop drive but I want to install files on a non WIndows NTFS partition.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Forcing Windows 7 Boot In Wubi Install (9.10)?

Apr 14, 2010

I recently did a Wubi install of 9.10 on my netbook that initially ran Windows 7 Starter. I wanted to speed up the booting process so I went into Windows and set the OS selection list waiting time to be 0 and the default OS to be ubuntu. I did this assuming that there is a way to force OS selection list to be brought up during boot; I think I was wrong.So now, I'm stuck booting directly into 9.10 (not even a full install!). Is there a way to either modify the Windows boot file to reset the selection list timer or to force the list to be brought back out?

EDIT: I should note that editing the grub files within the wubi install would only make changes to the GRUB loader, which has no effect on the actual Windows loader.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Wubi Doesn't Install As Windows Application

Dec 8, 2010

I've been using kubuntu from time to time, and one thing that i love was the option to install/uninstall as if it was another common windows application. A few days ago, i downloaded the 10.10 release, and after i executed wubi, i just get 2 option: Full demo and install and learn more So, am I doing something wrong? BTW, i also run wubi with an ISO next to it, but it shows the same window. So, is there a way to install kubuntu as a windows appa again? I've tried google, but everything seems to point that that feature still exists, but i cant find it.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Any Effect On Windows Drive During WUBI Install?

May 23, 2011

I used Wubi to do the install and pointed it to D drive because it was basically free except for itunes... anyway, once it had finished, I turned off my laptop, turned it back on and it showed Windows and Ubuntu, I loaded Ubuntu and it said it was continuing installation, anyway it said copying files, and stuff and I didn't know if it was overwriting vista so it would go on the C drive instead of the D drive. Anyway, I just want Ubuntu on D and Vista on C. Is Ubuntu gonna' overwrite Vista?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Wubi Install Messes Up Windows Network Connection

May 17, 2010

I just installed 10.04 64 bit to a windows 7 64 bit. After the install wubi works fine (except it hangs for like 1 minute saying Try hd(0,0) NTFS5: no wubildr), but windows 7 cant connect to the internet anymore. if i run ipconfig, it lests my ethernet adapter, but says that no network connection avaiable, the troubleshooter advises to plug in my ethernet cable. (it is plugged in, the net from ubuntu works fine.) Heres the output from lspci, dunno if helps:


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Ubuntu Installation :: Install Inside Windows Option Missing In Wubi

May 14, 2011

I have downloaded Kubuntu 11.04 Desktop ISO. When I fire up Wubi then there is no Install inside Windows option! Why?

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Ubuntu Installation :: [10.10] LVPM To Move Wubi To HDD Worked, With Bootup?

Apr 8, 2011

I had a wubi install- but it only let me dedicate 60 GB. I quickly ran out of that available space and decided I'd better try one of those tools to move my stuff on a partition of it's own.

I just used LVPM to transfer Wubi to the HDD, and.. it worked. Almost.

All I had to do was edit my grub file. I did that in Wubi, opened the menu.lst file with gksudo and added this just before windows: (I want Ubuntu to be first on the list, ofc)

# This is a divider, added to separate the menu items below from the Debian
# ones.
# title Other operating systems:
# root
## Added By Human Being

(Please tell me if anything up there isn't needed, is wrong, or if I left something out..)Now it makes me press "S" before I can see the login screen at boot-up.

I want the quickest boot possible for Ubuntu, with a way for us to use Windows if needed.

It's looking for an Ubuntu 10.10 AMD64 CD, and I have the 10.10 Alternate AMD64 DVD.. and that message doesn't respond at all... I can press "S", and then it goes to the login screen, all works fine. I can update, I looked to see if the check-box for a CD upgrade was checked, but it wasn't.. I ticked the box (just for science), put in the alt-disk, and.... again it waited forever.. So that must be the wrong CD. Unticked it.. Also I just updated this morning fine. Still, that 'Press "S" to skip' at boot up is annoying

Do I have to download the standard Ubuntu 10.10 AMD64 ISO again.. (before it kept freezing), or is that futile.. I mean, all it's going to do is downgrade, (if it does anything..) right?

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Ubuntu :: Mount The Windows Partition When Using Wubi?

May 25, 2010

Using Ubuntu 10.04 with a Wubi Install. Vista Home Premium is the host. I can access all my partitions and external drives with the exception of my windows partition where Wubi is installed. I have seen some suggestion to go to "places" and click on "host", but there is no "host" listed. My windows install is on sda1 and I believe I need to create a directory for it and then execute a command in the terminal but I have no idea if this correct or what really needs to be done. mount my NTFS windows partition while I am running Ubuntu 10.04 in Wubi.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Use Wubi On Windows Partition?

Aug 1, 2011

I was just curious how many people have succeeded getting a triple boot from simple running boot camp on OS X and install windows 7. Then going to windows 7 partition and running wubi.[URL]... I have a brand new macbook air (one of the ones that just came out) and I'm tempted to try this, but if it doesn't work, then I will sit on my hands a little longer before I try to get the ubuntu on my mba. Anyway, anyone tried this? Especially with a new macbook air?

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Ubuntu :: WUBI - Reinstalled Windows - Partition Is Intact Can Reuse It Without Loss

Jun 10, 2010

I installed ubuntu under windows. i reinstalled windows, though the linux partition is intact. howcan i reuse them without losing data ?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Load Ubuntu Or Windows 7 After Wubi Install

Nov 26, 2010

I am a brand new Linux user and so far I am really liking the setup, except I am having a big problem. I installed Ubuntu 10.10 from inside Windows 7 Ultimate using Wubi and after restart, I was only able to run Ubuntu for one power off/back on cycle. After I turned it back on, it gave me the option of which OS to boot, and I chose Linux. When I restarted the next time, it just went to the GRUB rescue screen and I cannot load either!

I have tried booting from hard disk and from usb with ubuntu 10.10 on it. Hard disk brings me to the grub rescue screen. USB gets me to the Ubuntu loading screen. The dots progress as if it is loading but I've been waiting 30 minutes with no loading. EDIT: I pressed esc after rebooting (it got stuck again) and here is what it says: (process:347): GLib-Warning **: getpwuid_r():failed due to unknown user id (0) stdin: error 0

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Ubuntu :: Transferring Install From WUBI To The Whole Partition?

Aug 19, 2010

I installed Ubuntu a few days ago from WUBI, but now I want to make it take the whole partition and I don't want to lose any files and software I have downloaded (Synaptec/Software Manager ) How can I do that ?

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Ubuntu :: Wubi Install On Vista Partition - Cannot See Data

Jun 8, 2010

I've installed wubi on my D: partition of a vista os. Vista is installed on the C: I can see the vista partition if I mount it but can only see the wubi 10.04 system files on the data partition (D: ). No option to mount it either. Also curious to know if its possible to automatically mount the c: on startup.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Moving Wubi To Partition ?

Jul 30, 2010

I've tried to install Ubuntu 9.04 last year but my modem was malfunctioning, so i gave up on Ubuntu, but i got a new modem and installed Ubuntu using wubi, i loved it and ill make it my main OS, but now i have 2 problems:

1.-I tried using lvpm, but i ended up with a 60 GB new.disk and my hard drive has just 30 Gb (30 gb wubi installation and the 60gb from the new.disk)

2.-i dont know how to shrink windows partition and i dont want to loose my config, tweaks and installed apps my hard drive has 230 gb capacity and i want to leave at least 100 gb to windows

I decided to uninstal wubi and im going to install ubuntu the right way.. it just seems easier..

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Ubuntu Installation :: Convert Wubi U10.04 To A Partition?

Aug 26, 2010

I have been using ubuntu 10.04 through wubi installation and would like to now convert it to a dedicated partition .
On searching I found LVPM does that. It converts the wubi install to a dedicated partition including all the softwares and settings.
Unfortunately it doesn't support ubuntu 10.04 currently .
Can anyone suggest any alternate way to achieve the same or a patch for LVPM .

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Ubuntu Installation :: Via Wubi Under Windows XP - Windows - No Disk

May 9, 2011

Keep getting the same error message trying to install via Wubi under Windows XP. When I download and run wubi.exe, I get an error message that I can't dismiss that reads: Windows - No Disk There is no disk in the drive. Please insert a disk into drive .(sic) I've tried downloading the appropriate .iso and putting it in the same directory as wubi

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Ubuntu Installation :: Make Wubi Installation Partition Bigger?

Nov 6, 2010

I installed Ubuntu using wubi, But I didnt assign much space, probably like 17 gigs or something. My geting a pop up everytime my ubuntu starts up saying i got low disk space, very low disk space, Im runing ubuntu 10.10. How do I add more disk space? How do i make the partition bigger.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Wubi On D: Partition Doesn't Work?

Jun 13, 2010

I installed Ubuntu 10.04 with WUBI. In the setup wizard in windows, I selected the D partition to install Ubuntu on. It extracted the files, and after a reboot, and selecting Ubuntu, the Ubuntu setup wizzard appeared. After it was done, it rebooted. I selected Ubuntu, and this appeared on my screen:


booting from (hd0,0)...

And there it stucks! I tried editing C:oot.ini, to let it select the ubuntu files.

My original boot.ini file:

[boot loader]


I have very little space on my system partition (C:) So, I installed it on D:. I'm using Windows XP Professional SP2.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Wubi 10.04 Netbook - Migration To Partition?

Sep 22, 2010

My wubi installation works perfectly but since i cannot restart my netbook i cannot get to use it. however, i am a bioinformatician and for that type of work, i need linux.

migrating my ubuntu wubi install to a different partition on my hdd, from within windows (without restart) in order for me to mount that partition using vmware player and booting up ubuntu from windows. (and to possibly be able to do that from ubuntu as well later.)

so i need to move this wubi install.

I am used to old school move files and edit boot ini and such if there is no automatic way of doing this from within windows.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade Wubi To Real Partition?

May 25, 2011

I've been using Ubuntu NR 10.04 LTS for almost 1 years now with dual-boot with Windows XP by Wubi and I had great time using it. Now I want to experience the full potential of Ubuntu by creating another partition just for Ubuntu alone since I heard Wubi makes a lot of trouble and works slower than independent Ubuntu install.

Here's my question. Should I really create another partition to get full potential of Ubuntu or should I stick with wubi? I haven't got any problem running Ubuntu with Wubi but my video playback sometimes gone haywire which didn't happen in windows especially .mkv files

If I should create a partition, how do I want to shrink Drive C: to get enough free space for another partition? Mine was Windows XP so it doesn't have shrink option in Disk Managament unlike Vista/7.

And last question... Can Ubuntu run Window games or MMORPG smoothly like Counter Strike and WarcraftIII? I did try to play it before but it run too slower in Ubuntu. I used Netbook Eee PC 900HA, 2GB RAM, dual-boot Windows XP Home Edition with Ubuntu Netbook Remix 10.04 Lucid Lnyx LTS.

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