Ubuntu Installation :: How To Partition Available Space

Jun 19, 2011

I have 237170 MB of space. How should I partition this in order to run Ubuntu? The only space currently taken is a windows restore environment should I ever decide to switch back.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Add Unallocated Space To Storage Partition And Not Boot Partition?

Apr 20, 2011

using onboard windows disk management i have made 75gb unallocated to add to the aforementioned ntfs data partition. but, after resizing extended partition, will i need to fix grub even though i will be adding the unallocated space to a storage partition and not the ubuntu boot partition?

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Ubuntu :: When Looked At Partition Table, The Space Where The Partition Used To Be Is Now Unallocated Space?

Jul 18, 2011

I originally had an Ubuntu partition on my hard drive which occupied about half of it. I installed Windows 7 in the remaining unallocated space and I was planning on doing a grub update from a live cd afterwards. BUT when I looked at my partition table, the space where the ubuntu partition used to be is now unallocated space!

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Ubuntu Installation :: How Much Space Suitable For Partition

May 27, 2011

I'm wondering how much space should I partition part of my HDD for Ubuntu? I never used Linux in my life before and need an answer. got a 64-bit Ubuntu ready on CDRW to install. I got a 200gigs of my old IDE Seagate HDD, Partition 1: 30gigs for Windows 7 and already like 25 filled up, Partition 2: rest is for backup. So, I was thinking of backup up all the files on Partition 2 to another HDD, and then delete it>create Partition 2 for Linux and Partition 3 for the rest, but how much space for 2?

My system:
AMD Athlon II X2 255 Regor 3.1GHz Socket AM3 65W
Foxconn A76ML-K
ECS NR9800GTE-512QX-F GeForce 9800 GT 512MB 256-bit DDR3
A-DATA 4GB (2 x 2GB) 240-Pin DDR2 SDRAM DDR2 800 (PC2 6400)
200G Seagate (Master)
500GB Wester Digitital SATA

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Ubuntu Installation :: Does Swap Space Need It's Own Partition?

Aug 9, 2011

I am using a Dell Inspiron 580 that I recently recieved as a gift. I wouldn't normally purchase a Dell, but I have no money and it my old computer was WAY past it's prime. After going through a miniature nightmare I now wonder how to create swap space for my ubuntu installation. I am running 10.04, 64 bit. I am having no problems, but I have no swap space. My computer is a new -Intel i3- with 6GB of ram; so I assumed I could worry about getting it installed, then set a swap file later. As I said, it runs well, but i don't feel comfortable with ZERO swap space.

When I installed Ubuntu I already had a problem because Dell had included 2 special partitions that are diagnostic and recovery. This didn't surprise me, but I want to make my system backup less than 100GB, so I shrank the "c:" partition to 100Gb and made the free space "storage":NTFS partition. After backing everything up (before messing with the partitions), I installed Ubuntu. Since I had created the backup that Dell asked me to (the very first time I turned the PC on) as well as my own system image I wasn't concerned.

Using GParted Boot disk I deleted the Dell "Recovery" partition and marked the "C:" drive (COS)) as active. I used a Windows 7 install disk to "repair" the bootmgr problem. Had to run "repair" twice, but it worked.

My question now is: why didn't Ubuntu installation say anything about a swap partition until I had already set up my partitions? I could easily give up a gig or two for swap space but I cannot make a swap partition unless I delete the Dell diagnostic partition (NOT the "recovery" partition; the other hidden one). I don't mind deleting the "recovery" partition because it is backed up, but I would prefer not to delete the "diagnostic/utility" partition, just in case. The 40MB is crap anyway.

It hadn't occurred to me that I would have trouble making swap space. I am used to windows (I am dual booting with GRUB BTW, if that matters) and the swap FILE doesn't need it's own partition. I understand why a separate partition would be better, but unless I can somehow create a logical/extended partition for swap, I need to know what else I can do.

I believe Ubuntu is a better system for many reasons, but little things like this do puzzle me. I am no engineer, or software designer, but I don't understand why I wasn't given an option, such as: You cannot make another primary partition; would you like to use a virtual disk/file as your swap space?"

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Create New Partition / Unusable Space

Jan 19, 2010

Im running a dell studio xps 16 computer with windows 7. Im now trying to install a dual boot with ubuntu. My problem is that ubuntu refuses to create a new partition, claiming that i already have 4 main partitions. According to any partitionprogram run in windows I only got 3. It looks likt this in Gparted (from live cd):

dev/sda1 | fat16 | system reserved | size: 40 MiB
dev/sda2 | ntfs | size: 797.5 KiB
dev/sda3 | ntsf | size: 100 MiB
dev/sda4 | ntsf | 87.56 GiB

The 40 mb partition is probably for some dell recovery stuff. The 100 mb partition is some windows 7 backup, it is also flagged as "boot".. The 87 gb partition is my main windows 7 disk. I have no clue what the 797.5 KiB is for. It dosnt show up anywhere when looking at partitions in windows. I also tried deleting it from ubuntu (live cd) and then booting windows again, and when I booted ubuntu again it was there even tho i deleted it last time. What the hell is this? Can I just delete it and move on with installing ubuntu? Or should I instead delete the fat16 system reserved partition?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 - Unallocated Space Before Boot Partition

Jun 20, 2010

I had to reinstall my Ubuntu 10.04 system after some trouble trying to remove a FAT32 partition. I reinstalled using the Live Ubuntu CD (not Ubuntu Studio CD) and seems to work fine. I want to know if its normal to have an unallocated space before the boot partition? I installed GRUB2 in the sdb1, not in main sdb. Ubuntu boots fine, but I was wondering if the unallocated space affects it being detected properly by other systems? When I boot OS X I get an error that the HD is not formatted. Previously I was not getting the error. OS X & Ubuntu are each on a separate SATA HD and Windows XP is on a third IDE HD.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Moving Space From One Partition To Another Using GParted

Jul 27, 2010

I have on sda1 Windows 7 installed. On sda2 I have 3 sub partitions (extended partition) with Ubuntu 10.04 and a swap space and one partition for /usr/local. Now I tried to move space from sda2 to sda1 using gparted. It's not possible. I deallocated space from sda2 which works. But I cannot merge it with sda2. Is that, because sda2 is an extended partition? Is there a work around without killing all partitions and lose my complete data?

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Ubuntu Installation :: How To Allocate Free Space To 10.10 Partition On HD

Jan 24, 2011

I have a notebook with dual boot windows and Ubuntu 10.10 on a 80 Gig hard drive. The windows XP partition was initially installed and took up the whole drive (dev/sda1). I then freed up some space and created and installed Ubuntu (/dev/sda6) and swap (/dev/sda5) on an extended partition (/dev/sda2). Initially I only freed up 3.6 Gig which I thought would be more than enough but not any more. I cannot even install the updates as there is only 100 Meg left which is not enough. I then freed up more space (8 gig) from the windows partition to allocate to Ubuntu.

My problem is that I can't seem to find to now allocate this "freed-up" space to Ubuntu? I realise that I have to boot-up from a the Ubuntu live disk so that the hard drive is not mounted to allow changes but I'm still unable to change the partitions. I'm using GParted.
The drive looks like this currently:
[...NTFS] [...Unallocated] [...Extended{(ext4),(linux-swap)}]

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Ubuntu Installation :: One Partition Has Free Space To Load Data?

Apr 28, 2010

I'm a new user to Linux & Ubuntu. My system is Windows 7 in one partition, one partition has free space to load my data, another partition is present to load Ubuntu. Can somebody please tell me how to go about the installation process when I'm already having an OS preinstalled?

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Ubuntu Installation :: New Partition Can't Create Folders - Space Used Up Immediately

Aug 29, 2010

Just created a new ext4 partition in my 320GB hard drive. It was a 248GB partition, but when I right click from the main menu and dlick Properties, I get that 12.6GB have already been used AND that the total capacity is 244 GB. What's up there? I also can't create new folders or files in it.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Win7 Partition Resizing To Free Up Space

Feb 26, 2011

Some months ago I decided to give a chance to this 'Linux thing'. However, being uncertain of the usefulness and friendliness of it all, I decided to keep my Windows 7 partition untouched and just make a 30 Gb partition to "try out" Linux. As it turns out, it's been some 2 months since I last booted Windows and was now wondering if there's a way to "steal" some space from that W7 partition and add it to my Ubuntu one without messing up files. Some kind of major defragmentation, leaving an empty part of the disk which I could "attach" to my Ubuntu partition. I am using Ubuntu 10.04 LTS version.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Boot Partition Doesn't Have Any Space Left?

Jun 15, 2011

My boot partition doesn't have any space left, rendering me unable to install any updates. Most space in the boot directory (85 MB) is taken by the following files:


It seems to me that I�d need at most one of these. What exactly do (or did) these initial ramdisks do, and is it safe to delete them?

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Ubuntu Installation :: GParted - Partition Resize / Adding More Space

Jun 30, 2011

I recently downloaded/installed Gparted as I want to resize my ubuntu to more HDD space in partition and reduce NTFS partition size. Is there any faster way to do gparted in ubuntu? I remembered in previous versions of ubuntu that gparted had MBR but I can't find info to do this.

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Debian :: Create An Unallocated Space The Space Will Stay In That Extended Partition

Mar 20, 2010

my home partition is an extended one, and when i want to create an unallocated space the space will stay in that extended partition. but there is also an 7 gb unallocated space which i want to merge with the other unallocated space. I also cannot extend that partition over that 7 gb. how can i overcome that problem?

i m also uploading a screenshot of gparted.[URL]..

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Slackware :: Disk Space Lost- Root Partition Has Very Little Space Left

Jan 31, 2010

Today I was installing a lot of software since I'm just setting up my Slackware system again after a fresh install, and I realized that my root partition has very little space left.

Here is the output of df -h:


As you can see, I have a 20G (19G here for some reason) root partition, 8G /var, and 86G of /home. I thought this would be plenty since many recent recommendations for / are 10-15G. Now, though, 17G are used up for some reason! How is this possible? I thought a full slackware install only had about 4G of software! I don't have any music or movies or any crazy huge files that I know of, and those would be in my /home directory anyway. Is there any way I can see which files are taking up all this space?

If it's necessary to allocate more space to my / partition, is it still possible to boot up a GParted live Cd, shrink /home a bit, move some partitions to the right, and expand my root partition? I would REALLY prefer I don't have to reinstall since I just spent a ton of time setting up my system again, but if worst comes to worst ... :'-(

In case you're curious, here's my /etc/fstab:


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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Create Partition To Install To Unusable Space / Resolve This?

Jan 25, 2010

When I boot the ubuntu live cd (9.10) and attempt to install it only gives two options at the partitioning screen. One is to use the whole disk and the other is to manualy assign partitions. I told it to resize one of my partitions and created 18GB of free space. However, it tells me this space is "unusable". It wouldn't let me do anything with it and I used windows vista disk manager to add it back to the original partition. I have one hard drive with four partitions. One is a restore partition, one windows partition, one storage partition, and one that says xp although i don't have xp installed. It might be used by the acer restore program. It's an acer aspire 6920.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Recover Free Space Back To Original C: Partition

Jan 24, 2011

I had installed Ubuntu 10.10 on a W7 OS, as a dual boot. I have removed Ubuntu, and now have that space as "free space". Between the original partition (c:) and the free space, there is a partition that contains the laptop mfg's factory image. I want to recover that free space back to the original c: partition. I was reading about GParted, but do not want to attempt anything until I have some expert advice.

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Fedora Installation :: Can Delete The 3rd And 4th Partitions / Add Partition In This Space?

Jan 20, 2011

I have F14 live on a USB stick and the PC boots fine from this.Now I want to install to the HDD but I need to get a handle on the existing partitions.I don't need too much space for linux, can I delete the 3rd and 4th partitions (D drive and EFI partition) and add my linux partition in this space?Investigation so far suggests that the EFI partition is not used and the D drive is empty.

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Fedora Installation :: Lost Lot Of Space On Partition After Install

Aug 24, 2011

I just installed Fedora on my pc with windows XP pre-installed (dual boot). I had the same setup with ubuntu before with no problems. My ntfs windows partition is of 15 gb approximately and the remaining space that was available for fedora was about 220 GB (non partitioned - I removed all the partitions excepting the windows one using gparted from liveCD prior to beginning installation) ..........after installation etc etc.....my home folder shows me only 150GB of space.....what's happening? Where has all the remaining space gone to?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Partition By Default - How Much Disk Space A Non Manual Dual Boot Uses

Apr 23, 2010

how much disk space a non manual dual boot uses? I've always been guided by a person knowing much about linux when doing my dual boot (and been guided to do the partitions manualy), but this person is not there for the moment and I need to do a dual boot on my son's computer. Since he'll need his Windows computer mainly for games I wouldn't want Ubuntu to take 2/3 of his disk space (which is about 250 Gb I think, let's say 50 Gb would be perfect for the Ubuntu)

And I'm not sure how I could change this later, cause in my own computer I cannot find how to resize (I cannot unmount neither resize the partitions I have) I don't mean I need to do this on my computer but I mean I wouldn't want to try out anything if I'm not sure it be could restored in 1,2,3. And partitions is such a thing. If I remember correctly I've done dual boot by default (i mean without doing the partitions manualy) and it does about 50/50 ?

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Fedora Installation :: How Much Space Preupgrade Require In Boot Partition

Sep 19, 2009

I was impressed to be asked on Fedora 10 if I want to upgrade to Fedora 11 but the first time I tried I had this error:
Not enough space in /boot/upgrade to download install.img.

My boot partition is 99MB and AFAIK that is not unusual so I tried tidying up a bit, uninstalling all except 2 kernels, and now have about 80MB for whatever needs to be downloaded in /boot/upgrade. But I get the same error. I can fix this by using wired instead of wireless networking but I want to know for planning purposes (next time I create a boot partition) how much space is required?

$ ls -l /boot/upgrade
total 21594
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 18985802 2009-06-03 00:02 initrd.img
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3035056 2009-06-03 00:02 vmlinuz
Should I delete these? It looks like they might be left over from last time but I assume preupgrade knows what is junk and what isn't.

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Fedora Installation :: Will Windows XP Fail If Put In A Partition In The Free Space

Nov 5, 2009

I now have Windows XP installed, with 30GB of free space on the end of my hard rive. If I install linux there, will it cause Windows XP to fail? Last time I tried this, it says hal.dll was not found. However, that may have been caused by having five partitions. Do u think its safe now that I'll only have 4? Will Windows XP fail if I put in a partition in the free space?

Why does it says I'm using Safari in Windows, I'm using Google Chrome

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Fedora Installation :: Unable To Create Partition - Not Enough Free Space

May 17, 2010

I just downloaded the new fedora and proceed to install it into a free space of 11GB on my HDD. As such the partitioner is unable to create more than 1 partitioneven if free space is available, it reports not enough free space seen if its present. As such it can create only one of the three partitions i.e., swap or / or /home duw to which cannot proceed ahead.' Some more details me running Xp as the other OS on my system.

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Fedora Installation :: Create 6GB /user Partition And It Says Not Enough Disk Space?

Oct 4, 2010

I have a 80GB HDD on which I have installed Ubuntu10.04. I have about 45GB space remaining. I am trying to install Fedora13. I create : 2GB / partition - 2.4GB swap partition. I want to create 6GB /usr partition and it says not enough disk space? Why is it giving that message?

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SUSE :: Partition Space Alloted For Swap / Root / Home In 11.2 Installation

Jan 12, 2010

1. Pentium 4 with 1.8 gh 2. 512 ram 3. 15 gb hard disk. installation specially regarding partition option (eg.. how much alloted should be for swap/ root/home etc)

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Ubuntu Installation :: Re Partition Space In Middle Of Drive Without Messing With Windows(sda1&2) And Shared Part

Jul 23, 2010

I've dual booted Ubuntu and Windows for years now and I've installed OSx86 on a separate drive which Grub2 picked up automagically and everything has been working great -- except I'm out of space. So I bought a 1.5 TB drive and installed win7 into sda1 (100MB NTFS bootloader for windows) and sda2 (50 GB NTFS windows drive). I now want to install two or three flavors of Linux. I'm thinking Ubuntu 10.04, Debian 5.05, and (if I'm bold enough) gentoo. each in 50GB partitions. I've already partitioned the drive a bit putting a 1.2 TB shared NTFS partition at the end (sda10), and a 2 GB swap parition just before that(sda9) My questions are:

(1) can all my linux distro's share that 2GB swap, or does each need it's own dedicated swap partition (installers generally assume you do)?

(2) can I re-partition space in the middle of the drive without messing with windows(sda1&2) and the shared part. (sda10)?

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Fedora Installation :: Shrinking Vista Partition Won't Shrink Much - Having 20GB Free Space?

Aug 16, 2009

I have just over 20GB of empty space on C:. When I click it under disk-management, the window comes up and says I can only resize it 192 MB less than what it is. But I have 20GB free. Any ideas on what is wrong? I also have this odd 9.56GB partition that is empty. DM says it's "EISA configuration"...whatever that is. I am planning to allocate about 10GB for F11 if this pans out ok.

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Ubuntu :: Partition Manager: Unable To Resize Partition To Use Free Space BEFORE Partitio?

May 29, 2011

I have around 30gb of free space in my partition table immediately before the Linux partition. I want to resize my linux partition to take up this space.

I tried booting with live cd, sucessfully umounted the hard drive but found I could not resize the partition. On clicking the 'edit size' button, partition manager recognised the free space before the partition but when i reduced this, the 'ok' button was greyed out. (it was not greyed out for the windows partition so I could, in theory, increase the windows partition to take up the free space but this is not what i wanted to do).

I am pretty sure that I had managed to unmount the drive correctly as the padlock symbol had dissapeared (I took the attached screenshot, which does show the lock symbol, after rebooting into my normal system).

Anyone got any ideas as to why it wont allow this? There is no reason why i can resize the partition to take up the free space BEFORE it is there?

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Ubuntu :: Reconfiguring - Reinstall Hardy Heron On A New (smaller) Partition From The Free Space Partition

Jun 15, 2010

Currently, my partitions are set up as such:

83GB ext3 free space
~10GB ntfs HP/Vista Recovery Partition
~93GB Ubuntu (Hardy Heron)

I tried to just have two partitions (recovery and ubuntu), but because of the different file systems, and the placement of the hp recovery partition, it has to be right in the middle. This is basically what I want to do:

1) Reinstall Hardy Heron on a new (smaller) partition from the free space partition.
2) Once it's working properly, format the rest of the hard drive (getting rid of the recovery partition) and create a single ext3 partition.
3) Install another distro on this new partition.

Does anyone foresee any complications with all this slicing and dicing of my hard drive for which I should/could prepare?

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