Ubuntu Installation :: Cannot Install 10.4 On Gateway PC

Jul 28, 2010

I am having trouble installing ubuntu on a new to me gateway computer. The spec's are as thus: Intel Celeron Cpu 2.4GHz, 1.25 GB DDR RAM, 250 GB ATA 5200rpm HD. I have tried installing Ubuntu 10.4, Ubuntu 9.10, Xubuntu 10.4 and Lubuntu 10.4. Neither Ubuntu 10.4 or 9.10 would boot from live cd and after full install would freeze on the loading 5 dot screen with no messages. Xubuntu would freeze sooner.

Lubuntu would go live but after a full install would come up with this error, "(process:219): GLib-WARNING **: getpwuid_r(): failed due to unknown user id". All of the cd's work fine on my laptop and I have checked them for defects. I have tried safe graphics mode a changing around a few options. So I was wondering if this computer just won't take Ubuntu or is there a work-around on the command line? I've only been working with Ubuntu for about 6 months.

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Debian Installation :: Gateway Solo 5300 Freezes At Install?

Apr 12, 2010

how something doesn't work. Just so I feel better (and hopefully you too), I <3 you Debian. You've worked wonderfully on many projects and experiments before. Here we go.

Gateway Solo 5300
Intel Mobile Pentium IIIe 900MHz
Random 10GB 2.5" IDE drive (currently contains WinXP Pro)

For the very short time I could boot off the Debian 5.04 i386 CD, I'd choose the default settings to boot to the installer only to have it freeze about 3-4 seconds in. I tried a few of the compatibility options, but I can't remember which. I set up a quick and dirty PXE server using tftp32 on a Windows machine and used it to successfully boot to the Debian installer from PXE only to have it freeze in the same spot. I'm now running the installer using whatever was included on the Debian CD to modify Windows XP's boot.ini to load grub and (inherently the installer) and it is again freezing in the same spot. Ubuntu does roughly the same thing, but only gives me a blank screen.

I'm fairly skilled with Windows (been using since Win 3.1 and 6-8 years old) in the command line and graphical environment and I know enough Linux to make me accidentally type "ls" instead of "dir" when I'm in Windows' command prompt and enough to get around in terminal (apt-get, more/less, grep, pipes, make, etc). I'm sure Debian will make better use of my rather limited 900MHz proc. I'll do my best to understand the technical jargon.

The installer only manages to get to about here: (I get to type this out manually. Ignoring timestamps. Bear with me.)

Freeing initrd memory: 11977k freed
Simple Boot Flag at 0x36 set to 0x1
audit: initializing netlink socket (disabled)
type=2000 audit(1271025644.848:1): initialized


Googling the last few lines suggests the problem is with USB. There is no option to disable the onboard USB controller and additionally, there is no option to boot from USB. Thinking the problem might be IRQ conflicts, I've disabled the Serial and Parallel port from the BIOS in a desperate attempt to free up IRQs slightly. The CD-ROM drive can be removed and swapped with a floppy drive or extra battery. I've removed as many devices as I can, the full list of which is just the CD-ROM and PCMCIA wireless card.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Gateway Netbook Won't Boot From USB?

Oct 8, 2010

Downloaded the Netbook Remix 10.04 and created a USB drive using Universal USB Installer.

Trying to load on to brand new Gateway netbook.

Have changed Boot Order in the BIOS Utility to...

IDEO Hitachi
Network Boot

But the thing just will not go anywhere other than Windoze.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Gateway GT5448E 32bit With Msi N9500gt 1gb DDR2?

May 9, 2010

since this is my first time changing the motherboard i need alittle help on matching the requirments.

Computer: Gateway GT5448E 32bit with Msi N9500gt 1gb DDR2

New motherboard:
Asus P5Q Standard IP45/S775/PCI-E2.0/SATA2/ATX Motherboard [URL]..

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.10 On Gateway 3040 GZ And Everything Went Prfect Exept There Is No Sound At All

Jan 5, 2011

I Just installed 10.10 on my Gateway 3040 GZ and everything went prfect exept there is no sound at all. My computer thinks and says everything is working but there is no sound what so ever coming from the speakers.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Configure To The Server And Gateway - Internet Stops Working

Feb 6, 2010

i did install opensuse and everything ok; i did configure it to be the server and gateway for a little office network Everything seems to be ok most of the time but sometimes (usually between 5 and 7 pm each day) internet stops working and there is no way to let it start again. So i turn off the suse, switch all cables to the old fedora server, just turn it on fedora and internet works. Turn off fedora, connect suse, let it start and everythng ok...it happens all the times

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OpenSUSE Install :: Dual Booting On Gateway - Windows 7 Cannot Be Chosen At Boot?

May 6, 2011

i've just got my gateway laptop which has a recovery option. Due to my observation, the computer has 3 primary partitions when I firstly got it: 12.7 GB, whose property is system recovery (empty and hidden); 100MB whose properties are ACTIVE, primary partition; partition C whose properties are BOOT, system, primary partition, crash dump and page file. Seems that when the machine starts, it firstly read the 100MB partition and then it is leaded to the partition C, where the windows 7 is installed. I SHRINKED THE PARTITION C AND CREATED 3 LOGICAL DRIVES.

Now I want to install OpenSuSE 11.4 on one of my logical drives. What should I do to keep all things well, which means I will be able to dual-boot and also keep my recovery function well? What's more, what I do not want is that the windows 7 cannot be chosen at boot or neither of them can boot!

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Slackware :: Install Gateway LT2104u (Acer Aspire One 532h) Netbook?

May 27, 2010

STEP 1) Install Slackware 13.1 (everything works out of the box*) Gotcha: 3d isn't enabled in X Fix: Yes it is... run glxgears from a console or run glxinfo | grep render.

Gotcha: No CD drive to install from Fix 1: Get a usb CDROM drive Fix 2: Boot off of a thumbdrive using the usbboot.img (found on disc 6) Gotcha: Card Reader (ENE Technology) doesn't work Fix: You have to use the MMC driver-modprobe mmc_core modprobe sdhci modprobe mmc_blockIt should now show up in dmesg and /dev/mmcblk0p1 should be created if it is an SD card. NOTE: SD Card portion works using SDHCI driver. NO DRIVERS for XD and MS cards yet. *Card reader is gimped due to ENE Technology being evil.

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Debian Installation :: Gateway - Black Screen Upon First Boot

Dec 28, 2014

I am a complete beginner to Linux (I understand a little bit of terminal from my OSX usage). I did a fresh install of Debian on an older Gateway laptop to try and make it usable for something. There is no other OS installed to this machine, I would like it to run Debian exclusively.

I used the UNetbootin application to install Debian from USB [URL] ..... Everything seemed to install just fine (no errors). However, upon 1st boot, I am presented with a black screen with a blinking white cursor. I cannot seem to get past this. I searched around and found this post: [URL] ... which seems identical except that their machine is a Mac. I had no luck using the REISUB reboot method. When I hold Alt+SysRq or Alt+PrtSc, it makes a lot of beeping noise. Issuing the REISUB keystrokes while holding does nothing.

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Debian Installation :: Debugging ACPI With Gateway ML3109

Apr 25, 2015

Ever since I started to tinker with GNU/Linux on my machine, ACPI has been a thorn in my side.

I can't find any BIOS updates or DSDTs for my laptop, either.

The only distro I've ever gotten to boot without acpi=off is Fedora 20 with the 3.11 kernel and nohz=off parameter. Which leads me to believe a change in the kernel after 3.11 is to blame.

Anyways, I have installed wheezy 7.8 XFCE with LVM encrypted, but alas I am stuck booting with the ACPI=off parameter.

The installation CD booted perfectly, with my wireless card working (an indication of ACPI functioning) as well.

This leads me to believe that it is possible to have a stable wheezy install on this machine.

The install disc used the parameters: video=vesa :ywrap,mtrr and vga=788.

I tried these, but the boot hanged after "switching to clocksource: acpi_pm".

How I could track down the problem with ACPI on my machine?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Gateway NV57H26u - Sounds Drivers Not Working Properly After Fresh Install Of Natty

Sep 1, 2011

Sounds drivers not working properly after fresh install of Natty.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Gateway NV52 - Radeon HD3200 Woes - Config File Not Being Set Up Properly??

May 22, 2010

I recently acquired a Gateway with a Radeon video adapter in it.I've tried both the proprietary and open drivers.I've followed the installation instructions here: https:[url]........to no avail. I know that my video adapter is compatible with Ubuntu, because I have seen the explode/fade effect on launcher buttons -- until I reboot.I have even seen all of the screensavers working properly, again, until I reboot.Is there a config file not being set up properly?Additionally, this is what Gateway says about the video adapter:

"ATI Radeon� HD 3200 Graphics with up to 1919MB of HyperMemory� supporting Shader Model 4.0 and Microsoft� DirectX� 10 with AMD RS780MN Chipset"It uses shared memory.

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Ubuntu :: Connecting To MS-RDS Via SSL Gateway?

Dec 21, 2010

I use Ubuntu 10.10 x64 at home. My company uses Microsoft RDS (remote desktop services, aka terminal services) at work and I'd like to know if it's possible to connect from home.

On a Windows machine, there is an extra tab in the remote desktop client that allows you to specify a secure gateway to connect through - this means you don't need to establish a VPN connection beforehand, it simply just connects straight away via an SSL tunnel.

I've looked at quite a few Ubuntu RDP clients and none of them seem to have this option.

Does anyone know if it can be done? Either that or I'd like to get my hands on a copy of the 64 bit linux Cisco VPN client that works. I've found a few copies around the internet but they always fail to install.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Trying To Fix Up A Gateway Computer?

Jan 2, 2010

I have a gateway computer that I've been trying to fix up - whenever I try to install Windows XP/2000/Ubuntu, it finds a bunch of errors. I'd really like to get this computer working, it has a 300GB HD, TV inputs, USB ports out the wazoo, and all that other good stuff. Can someone help me with what to do or have a suggestion on what to replace?

I have formatted the hard drive (the Windows installation did it.) The windows installation is to the point where its copying the installation files to the disk, then it gives me an error that it can't find/can't copy the file. The Linux installation just gives me cryptic errors before it even does anything.

I just want to get it to a point where it's usable I really don't care what operating system.

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Ubuntu Networking :: FTP Is Not Working Through A Gateway?

Jan 26, 2010

FTP is not working through a gateway and I think I found that I need to modprobe ip_masq_ftp. However, when I do try to load ip_masq_ftp I get the error: FATAL: Module ip_masq_ftp.o not found.My question is: how do I get ip_masq_ftp?More questions: Do I have to build a new kernel? If I do need to build a new kernel do I just include the ip_masq_ftp module or are there other modules that I need?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Gateway With 2 Red Networks?

Jun 21, 2010

What i need to do is setup a gateway with 2 red networks, reason being 1 is my internet connection and the other is my bDSL connection for our IP phone system and i need an IP range of traffic routed to the bDSL rather than internet, i can do this on individual PC's but id like to do it at the firewall level so i dont have to configure each machine on the network.

basically i want all traffic to go to internet except for say 203.x.x.x which i want routed to the bDSL router and let it handle it. Ive dome some reading and it seems ipcop and smoothwall cant do it so i was hoping with some tricky work maybe i can get ubuntu to do it for me.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Cannot Ping The Gateway

Feb 12, 2011

I can ping my IP, and other PC in the same LAN, but I CANNOT ping the gateway on my 10.04LTS ubuntu. Other PC in the same LAN(Ubuntu 10.04LTS) could ping the gateway and my IP. I thought that (1)network cable is OK because I could ping the other PC in the same LAN.(2)Gateway is OK because other PC could ping it. (3)setting of operating system might be somehow wrong.

I have tried to restart the network several times and still not works. I followed the HOW-To debug tips and following is the results. Any suggestions?

1. ifconfig
eth2 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:1d:7d:aa:d5:d3
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
inet6 addr: fe80::21d:7dff:feaa:d5d3/64 Scope:Link


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Ubuntu :: Gateway SX2800 Won't Load / What To Do?

Oct 8, 2010

I recently purchased a Gateway SX2800, Intel Q8200 quad processor, 4 GB DDR3, with built in GMA X4500 graphics. It works fine with the Vista that came with it (at least as fine as Vista works), but I have tried live cd's of 18 distro's, and only 5 will load (not ones I particularly like). I prefer Ubuntu, and it starts to load, gives the Ubuntu splash screen, then after a few minutes goes to a black screen. One of the non *buntu flavors I tried to load got to that point and showed a color band with the error message "Signal out of range". In searching this, the GMA X4500 graphics is listed as working with linux, and several posters on different websites talk about the SX2800 working with Ubuntu.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Application Routing 2 Different Gateway?

Feb 5, 2010

My Laptop is connected to 2 different network (Wireless "gateway" ;cable wired "gateway")the gateway is the default i want all application like firefox that connect via http and https port 80 and 443 to use the gateway
else to use the default gateway

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't Ping Default Gateway

Feb 23, 2010

I have installed ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty server from disk. I am connect to my corporate internet. I have put in my http_proxy everywhere I can find to put it. I am getting an ipaddress, gateway, broadcast,etc. My wired is connected. When I try to ping my default gateway it times out. %100 packet loss. I get the ipaddress of the gateway from the (route command).

My configurations on /etc/network/interfaces is correct(I am on another computer so I can't copy and paste) and I even tried updating the drivers for NIC card. I am using a Intel 82567LM-3. I have been working on this longer than I care to admit.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Using DSL Gateway As Secondary Router?

Mar 4, 2010

I live on a property with 3 other units and we all share a cable connection. There's a modem connected to a wireless router (I'll call it the "main" router), which until recently I connected to with an 80' or so long ethernet cable because I don't get a good signal, and all I've got is a desktop anyway. When plugged directly into the main router, I can get very fast download speeds - the fastest I've seen over bittorrent, for example, is about 2.2 Mb/s, and it's over 1 Mb/s most of the time for popular torrents or sites with good bandwidth. A friend with a laptop is staying with me for a month, so I wanted to set up a wireless router in my home, and my desktop needed to be moved to a location where running a wire is kind of awkward, so I planned on using the wireless too.

I don't have a spare proper router with an uplink port laying around, but I did have a spare DSL modem/wireless router combo (which I'll call the "secondary" router) that I used to use at a former residence, and I thought I'd try to use it here. I plugged it into my computer, configured its security settings how I wanted (64-bit WEP) and looked through for settings that seemed like they might pertain to using it in this capacity. I didn't really find any except for something that seemed to turn off its DHCP, which I did. Then I unplugged my computer and plugged in the ethernet cable that runs to the main router (which is a normal ethernet cable, not crossover). I found that this setup does "just work" for the most part - our computers see the signal and can log in and access the internet through the main router's cable connection. However:

1. I can't figure out how to access the secondary router's settings once it's been plugged into the main one, even if I unplug it from the main one. What happens is that as soon as I connect the two routers together, it's almost like the secondary ceases to exist independently until it's settings are purged via the reset button. I plug it's IP address into a browser like usual, and nothing happens (it's an Actiontec whose stock one is and the main router is a Netgear with an IP of

I can log into the main one like normal through a wireless connection to the secondary, though. If I look at "attached devices" in the main router's config, it lists all the client computers in the network, but there's no IP that could be for the router (I'm sure of this). Each computer connected through my secondary router gets assigned its own IP like normal, and port forwarding works without a hitch. Again, this persists until the secondary is reset - after the two routers are connected but until the secondary is reset, there doesn't to be a way into the secondary's config. The security settings are acting as they should, though (ie, you need the secondary's WEP key to log on).

2. Internet download speeds when connected to the secondary over wireless are extremely slow compared to what the connection is capable of (can't seem to top 90 Kb/s) but for some reason the max attainable internet upload speed seems to be about the same as normal (around 200 Kb/s). This is puzzling to me. Back when I was using the secondary router for it's intended purpose as a DSL gateway under XP, I downloaded at around 300 Kb/s all the time with it using the same wireless card I am now, so I know the hardware I have is capable of it. Now both of our wireless cards are getting the same mediocre speeds (seemingly bottlenecked at around 90 Kb/s), even with a full signal (ie, the computer right next to the router).

If we connect to the secondary router with a cable rather than wireless, there's no problem and downloads are really fast (note again though that the max upload speed doesn't seem affected whether wired or wireless, as determined by running internet speed tests in both configurations). Ping times over wireless are also extremely high - ie, 800ms+ even when pinging the main router at

It almost seems like there's something inferior or bottlenecked about the wireless signal the secondary router puts out, but I don't know what that could be or how to change it. (I also don't really understand anything about the setup I created here though, other than that I plugged it in and crossed my fingers and it works for basic, non-bandwidth-intense tasks). basically I'm curious whether there's a way to have normal access to the secondary router's settings in this setup, and whether there's a way to make the bandwidth over wireless less mediocre.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Gateway Laptop No More Sounds?

Apr 14, 2010

After I put my laptop for a system update, some of it [sounds] works selectively in my browser when I am watching ..... but when I am playing some musics on my desktop, there's no any sounds coming out. Then I noticed that my Output is still in 100% but 0.00db and a Dummy Output.

I already tried some steps I saw in some threads that has the same problem too but it became worse, I no more [completely] sounds anymore.

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Ubuntu :: SMS Gateway That Is Working Without Using A Cellphone(GMS) On My Side?

Apr 25, 2010

I would like to have a sms gateway that is sending sms without using a cellphone(GMS) on my side.

Is there a pack that can be used this way?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Connecting To Internet Via LAN / What Is GATEWAY?

Jun 19, 2010

Whenever i used to setup a new connection in Windows it would just ask me User name and password here i need to fill up something called as "Gateway" !? The connection won't be accepted unless i fill up something in there... So, what do i put in there? I'm on a LAN of 3 computers connected with a router.The router takes one wire as input from the modem(cable).

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Ubuntu Networking :: Choose Gateway Before Using Web Browser?

Jun 19, 2010

This Ubuntu desktop has 3 network interfaces:LAN eth0: ip address gateway tun1: ip address gateway tun2: ip address gateway Chrome or Firefox, by default the gateway is used.How do I change this such that:I can manually choose the or or gateway.From the command line.Before running Firefox/Chrome.Without re-configuring any network interfaces.So that ONLY Firefox and Chrome browsers are affected

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Ubuntu Servers :: Set Default Gateway For Internet / Vpn?

Jun 28, 2010

I'm having some difficulty with a internet/vpn setup. I have 3 network adapters on the server. 1x is used to connect it to the rest of the network 1x is used to provide internet (squid,dansguardian) 1x is used to connect to the vpn router

My interfaces file looks like this:

# This file describes the network interfaces available on your system
# and how to activate them. For more information, see interfaces(5).
# The loopback network interface
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback


The problem that I have is this: When the gateway on eth2 is set to the VPN works 100% but there is no internet. When the gateway on eth2 is set to there is internet but no VPN.

So what I want to do is, route all traffic that is supposed to go to and to eth2 and all internet traffic to eth0.

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Ubuntu Networking :: No Wireless With Gateway LT2032u?

Jul 5, 2010

I can't see any wireless networks with 10.04 Netbook version. iwconfig gives me this:

lo no wireless extensions
eth0 no wireless extensions
wlan0 IEEE 802.11bg ESSID off/on

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Ubuntu Networking :: Apache2 On A Computer On A Gateway?

Jul 8, 2010

I have Ubuntu 10.4. My computer is connected to AT&T U-verse on a 2Wire brand Residential Gateway. The RG has the actual IP address. It's assigned my computer the address I want to run the apache server to share files between my two computers across town. My other one is directly connected to the internet with a DSL modem so it's IP is static and was easy to set up and get going. What I want to know is what do I type to access my apache server on my RG? Galactic newbie here.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Gateway Internal Mic Not Working

Feb 12, 2011

I've got a Gateway CX2724. The sound works perfectly out of the speakers and headphones, but I can't get the internal mic to work for the life of me.

I asked around on other threads and tried a few modifications to /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf and none of these get the mic working when appended:

From the ALSA-Configuration instructions

options snd-hda-intel model=ref

Ideas taken from this thread

options snd-hda-intel probe_mask=1

options snd-hda-intel model=test enable-msi=1 probe-mask=1

This also doesn't work (modified from this thread.)

options snd-hda-intel model=ref probe_mask=1 position_fix=1

This also doesn't work (from "Extra Hints to get sound working.")

options snd-hda-intel model=laptop position_fix=1 enable=yes

When I use alsamixer to turn "mux" all the way up and have my headphones plugged into the microphone jack (don't have an external mic... ) in the front of the computer, I am able to record things but the volume is greatly muted. Perhaps the external jack is set to default for the microphone instead of using the internal mic?

I also have the output for alsa-info.sh if you want it - this was mentioned in the alsa configuration file (/usr/share/doc/alsa-base/driver/ALSA-Configuration.txt). Info about alsa-info.sh here.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Gateway Not Gatewaying / Get It To Work?

Feb 27, 2011

This might well be user error, but I can't get my dual homed server to gateway.

There are two NICs code...

It was working, until I was messing around with the patch cables and managed to get them swapped over. I've corrected them now but it no longer seems to pass packets between interfaces. I noticed because squid (transparently proxying) stopped working, other stuff on the box (postfix, dovecot, getmail, dnsmasq) is working fine, the internal NIC is visible from the internal network, the external NIC can access the 'net.

I've rebooted (more than once) but the problem persists, any network gurus spot anything obviously wrong?

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