Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Run Install CD - Installing 10.04 - Lucid Lynx

May 23, 2010

Decided to try out Ubuntu instead of automatically getting the next Windows OS.

I have a Dell Dimension E310 with on board video card (will be relevant soon, I think).

After trying making my own CD and not being able to at least run the LiveCD (thought it was my fault even thought the MD5 #'s matched correctly), I went to Shipit and got a CD delivered of Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid). When I put the CD into my computer while running windows, the CD is not recognized, which seems strange to me. When I put the same CD into my work laptop (note that both computers are running XP), I can see the contents of the CD. Decide that it might not be an issue and restart the computer in the hope of booting from the CD. CD is never recognized and looking at the bootmenu, it has USB-cdRom at the top of the list.

More information: CPU is an Intel Pentium 4, 3.2Ghz. I don't believe it is a 64bit computer but I can't verify that. I mention this because I believe the CD I got is the 32bit version and that it should be sufficient but I figured I'd throw it out there in case someone else knew something.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Lucid Lynx X64 Server Install ?

Aug 30, 2010

I want to install Ubuntu Server distro. First i downloaded ubuntu-10.04.1-server-amd64.iso and "burned" it to my usb-pen using UltraIso software for windows. That booted from the usb, but just after punshing in the language etc it complains that it cant find the cdrom or something like that. then i try the [url], but that wont boot at all with this same iso mentioned above. and burn it to a darn CD. it boots, but somewhere during the process it stops and asks for the same cd that is actually in the drive already. there is a thread about this here: [url] I then wanted to find an easy iso that i could throw on my usb-pen and install the whole thing through ftp like i did in the old days with floppies. but man, i got lost in the documentation with no clear path on how to do it.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install Lucid Lynx: Unable To Mount USBFS

May 9, 2010

I installed Lucid Lynx this morning but received this error message after the restart. "An error occurred while mounting usbfs. Press S to skip mounting or M for manual reboot"

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Ubuntu Installation :: ASUS P5P55D-E LX Mobo Can't Install 10.04 Lucid Lynx 32-bit

Oct 20, 2010

I just purchased a new PC with the following specs:

Intel Core i5-760
ASUS P5P55D-E LX (S1156 mobo)
Sapphire HD 5750 Vapor-X 1GB Video Card
Samsung 1TB HDD
Corsair DDR3 PC1333 Gaming RAM - 2x2GB
DVD: Samsung DVD burner (internal)

I have made several trials to install Lucid Lynx but all failed:

1. Installed Windows 7 64-bit, hdd formatted as NTFS and ext3, then trying to install Lucid Lynx 32-bit : failed.

2. Installed Windows XP 32-bit, hdd formatted as FAT32, then trying to install Lucid Lynx 32-bit : failed.

3. Trying to install Lucid Lynx 32-bit with a clean hdd formatted as FAT32: failed.

In all the scenarios above, I have tried using Ubuntu installers on CD, DVD, or USB. on CD and DVD, the process always stopped after the Ubuntu logo screen, not even reached the langauage selection screen. On USB, with Legacy set to On in the BIOS, it did run and started by the option screen where we get to choose booting from the usb, or booting from hdd, or memory test, etc., but after choosing the booting from usb (and then hdd also) option, the process also stopped after the Ubuntu logo screen. I have experience dual booting Windows XP with Lucid Lynx on an older system, so I'm not completely new in this. I'd like to know what actually went wrong?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Gimp - Gimp-help-en - On 10.04 Lucid Lynx - Installing Other Applications And Preforming System Tasks?

Jun 12, 2010

Some of you may have had with issues after installing GIMP on Lucid Lynx 10.04. Which may be directly related to "gimp-help-en", which could prevent you from installing other applications and preforming system tasks. If so, use this method to fix it.

Process: (Terminal > $ sudo apt-get install gimp)

1. After installing Gimp go to the terminal:

2. Then load up the language support application:

3. Then it will ask you to install the "gimp-help-en", confirm it.

4. Fix'd

I think this issue is directly linked to a systems with multiple languages, but I haven't been able to test this theory out yet.

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Software :: Installing Firebird 2.5 On Lucid Lynx?

Oct 28, 2010

know about the apt-get install <package> command only to install in linux. However, when using this command to try install firebird 2.5 on my Lucid, it is not finding the package, and eventually I downloaded the tar file from firebird site, but after extracting I do not know how to proceed.

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General :: Installing Lucid Lynx Using Live Cd On Compaq Presario SR5010NX ?

May 7, 2010

I have been trying to install Ubuntu Lucid Lynx using Live CD on this machine, a compaq Presario SR5010NX, with Celeron D 3.46Ghz CPU. Bios Version American Megatrends, Inc. 5.18, 2007; 2 gigs of RAM with approx. 140 gigs of hard disk space total useable. Has Realtek High Definition audio, graphic chipset Intel 82945G family; Soft data fax modem with smart CP (internal modem). It is connected to my DSL modem/router, Netgear DGN2000, with ethernet cable (as are my other two computers).

I start the installation. Finally the desktop shows up. As soon as I start trying to navigate, my mouse freezes and that's as far as I can go.

Just out of curiosity, I also tried to use my Mint 8 CD. It did the same thing. Gets the desktop up, then freezes. I am so frustrated because I really want Ubuntu on this machine. I planned on wiping out Vista Home Basic and giving the whole thing to Ubuntu.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Install Ubuntu Lucid Lynx Or Natty Narwhal

May 9, 2011

I created an installation CD and even a usb stick of Ubuntu Lucid Lynx and Natty Narwhal and I keep having freezes during installation.

1. Set my BIOS to boot on CD/ usb stick
2. My computer starts to boot from CD/ usb stick
3. Ubuntu logo plus 5 dots screen shown
4. After that I am shown a snowy green screen with white lines running lengthwise and it freezes.

I already tried creating a new CD and usb stick after re-downloading the .iso installation file and creating the process of creating an installer over and over but still the same problem. Is it a hardware problem or my installer is the problem. I tried installing my old CD of Ubuntu Jaunty that I requested from Ubuntu a long time ago and I can install it without any problems. I am using Jaunty right now...........

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Ubuntu :: Rubygem : Can't Install Mongrel On Lucid Lynx?

May 10, 2010

I just installed Ubuntu 10.04 on an old desktop computer so that I could use it for Rails. I installed Ruby, rubygems and Rails using

Code: sudo apt-get install and it works fine, but I cannot install Mongrel through

Code:sudo gem install mongrel,it's giving me this block of error message:

Code:Building native extensions. This could take a while...ERROR: Error installing mongrel:

ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.

/usr/bin/ruby1.8 extconf.rb

extconf.rb:8:in `require': no such file to load -- mkmf (LoadError)from extconf.rb:8.I tried removing the rubygem 1.3.5 package that came with the Ubuntu repository and downloaded Rubygems 1.3.6 from rubygems.org, but when I tried the same command, it still gives me the same error.

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Ubuntu :: Install Tango Icons On Lucid Lynx?

Jun 13, 2010

I just installed Ubuntu 10.4 and I really don't like the new theme, so I went ahead and installed the Human theme from the terminal and now I'm trying to install the Tango icons so it can looks like the Human theme from 9.04. For example, in the "System" menu there are no icons, it's all empty. That's what I'm trying to do.

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Ubuntu :: Trying To Install UE Theme Pack In 10.04 Lucid Lynx

Jun 29, 2010

I recently installed Ubuntu 10.04 on my laptop. It's a Latitude D830. Everything's working well, which is why I decided to start customizing Ubuntu's look. My first stop was gnomelook.org and the other popular theme website for gnome(cant remember the name).Anyway, I could not find what I wanted in a theme so I turned to Ultimate Edition's website. I followed their instructions to add their repo to sources.list. Then tried to install one of the theme packs, only to be told that 'usplash' could not be installed. WHAT!? So, I went ahead and googled the message and found out that 10.04 no longer uses 'usplash', it uses 'plymouth'.

UE's website claims that their themes can be installed in any version of the official Ubuntu releases. All I had to do was follow their instructions to add the repo to sources.list, which I did.Can I force install a theme pack and bypass the 'usplash' error? maybe at the command line with apt?found another site with the Ultimate Edition themes and direct download links. I installed the latest one(UE 2.6 theme pack), package installer didn't complain, installation was successful, but the theme is nowhere to be found on my system. LOL I even went into Synaptic, searched for the theme, it didn't come up.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Bluetooth Under Lucid Lynx?

Apr 30, 2010

I have tried out Lucid Lynx Beta 1 back in march. During the installation I was announced that support for bluetooth was dropped. I installed anyway, thinking it would be back in the Final Release. Meanwhile (between March and April) I reinstalled Karmic because I really needed the bluetooth. I can see in the upgrade that bluetooth still isn't available. What should I do about this? Is there a way to keep Lucid Lynx and bluetooth? Or will I have to stay on Karmic until the end of times?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Kernel RT On Lucid Lynx - Gdm Can't Start

Apr 30, 2010

Both in 32 and 64 bit I cannot boot kernel-rt. Message displayed: mounting none on /dev failed: no such device. Then get login message in text console, gdm cannot start.

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Ubuntu :: Lost Power During Lucid Lynx Installation

May 1, 2010

While leaving my laptop to install the upgrades, I hadn't noticed how the power cord had slipped loose. When I came back my computer must have shut off due to battery loss. When I booted up my computer again, I couldn't boot up Ubuntu under any of the kernels, -20,-19, etc. I get cryptic messages such as "unable to enumerate USB device on port 2," device not accepting messages," and "device descriptor read." i definitely intend to recover my data. I had been upgrading from 9.10 to the latest version of lucid lynx.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade Lucid Lynx Kernel From 2.6.32 To

Mar 23, 2011

Can I upgrade lucid lynx kernel from 2.6.32 to 2.6.38? If so, how do I do it from command line?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Dual Booting 11.3&lucid Lynx?

Aug 2, 2010

I want to try OpenSUSE but don't want to get rid of Ubuntu yet. How can I install it so I will be able to dual boot? I have an empty partition of ~150GB ready for it.When I am installing OpenSUSE 11.3 I get this content in the boot section:


The bootloader is installed on a partition that does not lie entirely below 128 GB. The system might not boot.


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Ubuntu :: Unable To Install Softwares From Software Centre In Lucid Lynx?

May 26, 2010

I am using Ubuntu 10.04 , but after updating ubuntu using update manager, I am unable to install software using software Centre.When I click install button the software centre does nothing. Update manager concluded

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Ubuntu Servers :: Amanda Backup Lucid Lynx 10.04 Installation?

May 11, 2010

After my 8.04 debacle here:I basically gave up on trying to write an install guide for Hardy and Amanda. Others had done it better and with how muddled I was by the end of getting a working server, I wasn't sure I could repeat it.Now in Lucid, I've managed to get another working amanda server going, I'm fairly sure I can repeat it and but I question:Installation with 'apt-get install amanda-server' uses the user backup in the group backup.Installation of the ZWC client uses the user amandabackup. while thankfully ZWC has included reg keys:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREmandaWC1.0Install BackupUserHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREmandaWC1.0Install RecoveryUserto change the user on the client, this is messy, requires regedit (which normally is locked out by group policy), editing the service in service.msc and creation of a new user account named backup in addition to the installer's default on each client.The actual question is:1) Is there a reason for the use of backup:backup? (rather than amandabackup:disk or amandabackup:backup)
2) Is there any sort of flag that could be set, script to change the user within the repo atinstall time.Or generally an easier way of doing this than compiling each time I do an install.

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Ubuntu Installation :: PPA Not Updated In Lucid Lynx Sources.list

Aug 20, 2010

I'm trying to add PPAs in my Kubuntu Lucid Lynx installation.


$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/ppa
Executing: gpg --ignore-time-conflict --no-options --no-default-keyring --secret-keyring /etc/apt/secring.gpg --trustdb-name /etc/apt/trustdb.gpg --keyring /etc/apt/trusted.gpg --primary-keyring /etc/apt/trusted.gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv


But when I look in my sources.list, the PPA repository is not there. Nevertheless I SUSPECT I'm receiving it's updates.Is there a file that PPAs are being written to other than sources.list?Should I manually update sources.list in order to add this PPAs?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installed Lucid Lynx 10.04 No Longer Boots

Aug 7, 2011

I installed lucid lynx over a year ago on a IBM A20m laptop. I've been happily using ubuntu up to now until yesterday when I installed Tor and Torbutton. When I rebooted, I got a blank screen after the IBM startup routine. Thinking that somehow the system got corrupted by my Tor installation, I decided to reinstall lucid lynx from the CD. Surprise! The install CD also gives a blank screen!

I hit a key to get the menu and and the three first three choices all result in the same blank screen:
* Try Ubuntu without installing
* Install Ubuntu
* Check disk for defects

To help debug this, I tried setting the F6 option nomodeset and I removed "quiet splash" from the boot options.

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General :: Install Tv Tuner Winfast Usb II Delux In Lucid Lynx

Jul 30, 2010

I wish if I can explain step by step how to do it.TV tuner is the only question to remain permanently in ubuntu.

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Ubuntu Installation :: CPU Whistling After Choose Win Xp On Grub After Instalation Of Lucid Lynx

May 28, 2010

I was using the 9.10 version of Ubuntu, and everything was ok. So I decided to update to 10.04, by update manager, and it not works pretty well. So I decided to reinstall my ubuntu. In my PC I also have a instalation of Windows XP, my father and sister uses it. The installation went well, no problems, Lucid Lynx is working fine. But in the grub screen, if you choose Win XP, the CPU starts to whisthle continuously, and the only thing you can do is restart.

I have been reading about it, but do not find the exactly same problem. I have posted a thread in a portuguese forum (im from Brasil) and have no good responses. Sorry about the bad English, I dont have to much experience writing.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Intel D101GGC Lucid Lynx 10.04 Blank Screen?

Jun 14, 2010

I've downloaded 10.04 desktop (twice) and server (once). The server install will boot fine, but the desktop install goes to a blank screen (and the monitor goes to sleep) after leaving the Live CD menu (Run from CD, Install, Check Files, Boot 1st HD, etc.).My first try at downloading the desktop CD was using BitTorrent, and appeared to go OK. Burned the .iso image, booted, and when I got the blank screen I suspected the Intel D101GGC motherboard using the Radeon Xpress 200 chipset had problemsI tried adding boot options (F6) such as vga=711 and xforcevesa and text. No joyOthers seemed to have gotten a successful install so I turned may attention to the CD, suspecting it was a bad download/burn, and downloaded 10.04 desktop again from mirror.pnl.gov/releases/. The two .iso images compared equal, so I used a different CD burner, with different media and got CDs which compare identical. Both CDs fail. Then I downloaded the server CD from PNL and it ran! I could select the "test CD" function, which ran in a text mode and said the server CD was OK. I started the install, and it went OK.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Boot Default Kernel After Upgrading From 9.xx To 10.04 Lucid Lynx

Jul 21, 2010

after upgrading to lucid lynx ubuntu doesn't boot with the new kernels 2.6.32-22-generic and 2.6.32-23-generic (also in recovery mode). But it's does boot with the previous 2.6.31-21-generic kernel. At the time i was hoping to wait it out, but a new kernel has come and the problem persisted. I've been trying to find a solution for this but somehow, amid lots of failed boot blank black screen threads, i didn't relate to any solution. The boot seems to go well until a pixelated logo appears (before the login screen), then goes to a blank black screen and there it stays stuck with no remedy. Looking into dmesg logs - albeit some differences between 2.6.31-21 and the newer 2.6.32-23 - the failed boot seems proper in both logs. In Xorg logs the differences are bigger but i cannot pinpoint a source for this problem.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Firefox No Longer Working After Upgrading To Lucid Lynx?

Nov 28, 2010

I got an error during the upgrade but chose to let the upgrade complete. Now my Firefox won't lauch. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling it from the Terminal and got the following:Quote:

rick@Desktop:~$ sudo apt-get install firefox
[sudo] password for rick:
Reading package lists... Done


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Ubuntu Installation :: Multi HDD Dual Boot - Vista + Lucid Lynx - GRUB ?

Apr 27, 2010

I've got a machine that I'd got 9.10 on, that I've now upgraded to Lucid Lynx - and I'm having the same problem with dual boot (or lack thereof) that I was having previously.

Rough scenario is:

(Original Vista machine had)

C: Windows Vista OS + Windows software, etc.: 500GB - single NTFS partition - SATA drive

D: General dumping ground for data. 500GB SATA drive. Was single NTFS partition, now shrunk to install Ubuntu.

So is now:
- NTFS partition (containing general rubbish)
- Ubuntu / partition
- Ubuntu swap partition

... and then 3 x 1TB SATA drives making up an (Intel ICH9R) FakeRaid RAID5 array - that Windows can happily 'see' and use, but I don't care about Ubuntu having access to it or even seeing it.

Lucid Lynx is installed to /dev/sde6 (IIRC) - but when I boot the machine just boots straight into Vista.

I've done what I can to try and get GRUB correctly installed - to the point that right now I probably have it splattered just about anywhere and everywhere.

So - now - the machine boots and simply presents me with "GRUB Hard Disk Error" and stops...

I can fix this by running the Vista repair, with a fixmbr etc. and putting the MBR back to 'normal' on the first boot disk (/dev/sdd in this case). The machine then just boots straight into Vista.

...or I can boot into Ubuntu (or Vista) by booting off a Super Grub Disk (CD) and selecting "Boot Linux" (or whatever it is) - and it correctly boots Lucid Lynx from /dev/sde6

Ideally I want a proper GRUB dual boot menu - but I just seem to be getting into more and more of a mess!

Bootlog below will show what sort of mess I'm in:


Boot Info Summary:

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Ubuntu Installation :: Httpd Passwords On Mythweb Won't Work After Upgraded To Lucid Lynx

May 13, 2010

My Mythweb is asking for authentication but none username/password will work. It just prompts for authentication over and over again. I've found few configurations regarding authentication:

in /etc/apache2/httpd.conf I have following lines:
<Directory "/var/www/mythweb">
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
AuthType Basic
AuthName "MythTV"
AuthUserFile /etc/apache2/httpd-passwords
require user user1 user2

none of the username/paswd pairs in Authuserfile are working? Can there be yet another file / configuraton somewhere? How do I know which one apache is using right now?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Gnome-wm Doesn't Start At Boot Time Automatically After Upgrading To Lucid Lynx?

May 14, 2010

I just did a distribution upgrade on my laptop from 9.1 to 10.04, and it went fine for the most part except this issue. After it boots up, I don't see any window titles/scrollbars/borders and on clicking the icon for "Show desktop" on the bottom left I see the following error message: "Your window manager does not support the show desktop button, or you are not running a window manager."

After googling a bit, I realized that gnome-wm is not starting automatically and so I have to manually start each time to see the windows working properly. Can somebody tell me if there is a way to make sure that gnome-wm starts automatically? I know I can put it in my .bashrc but I want to do it the correct way if possible. If not, I will have to go with that workaround

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Ubuntu Servers :: Install The Guest Additions For A VM Running A Guest Lucid Lynx?

May 11, 2010

I'm trying to install the Guest Additions for a VM running a guest Lucid Lynx Server. The problem I'm encountering is this: The vboxadd-install.log for vbox says it "couldn't find the sources of your current Linux kernel" and to "Specify KERN_DIR=<directory> and run Make again."

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Ubuntu Installation :: Instal Skype On Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx

Apr 30, 2010

This is basically the same install process for 9.10. I didn't run into any trouble after installing Skype on several different machines, this is of course assuming that your sound input/output worked before hand and isn't muted.[URL]s

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