Ubuntu Installation :: Bad 11.4 Install, File Permission Backup?

May 1, 2011

Updated from Ubuntu 10.10 to 11.4. Boots only to grub. 11.4 Live CD results in very distorted video so option of reinstalling Grub 2 is not available. Since 11.4 Live CD has such bad video I want to go back to 10.10. Notebook system has one drive and no windows install. Live CD boot from 10.04 works with clean video, but when I try to copy filesystem /home/username it won't let me because I don't have permission. Properties says I am not owner so I can't change permission. Can someone tell me how I can get permission required to copy files in filesystem when booting from Live CD? Sudo command under terminal of Live CD appears to have no effect on harddrive filesystem files I'm trying to backup.

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General :: BackupPC Basic Setup (13)Permission Denied - Not Open Password File: /etc/Backup?

Feb 22, 2011

I am having problems gaining access to the BackupPC admin web page. The error:


[Tue Feb 22 16:43:59 2011] [error] [client] (13)Permission denied: Could not open password file: /etc/BackupPC/htpasswd [Tue Feb 22 16:43:59 2011] [error] [client] access to /backuppc failed, reason: verification of user id 'myhtaccessuser' not configured

Why is this occuring, is there anyway of getting around this? I just cant remember originally on my old system how I set this up.

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Ubuntu :: Share File Permission \ Some One Copy Their File In This Folder The Permission Is Marked As "no Group" "no Owner"?

May 18, 2011

I'm using ubuntu 11.04, I'm having some problem of ownership while sharing folder/files. to share i change the folder share option:1. Share this folder, then followed by 2.allow others to create and delete files in this folder3. guest access.Now if someone in my local network edit any file and save it, it gets locked. if some one copy their file in this folder the permission is marked as "no group" "no owner". and they get unaccessible to me. i tried doing chown <user> <folder> but it says Operation not permitted. Now how i can possibly share my folder on local network so that they can be edited by others without getting locked down , if they copy files i can able to modify them.

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Ubuntu :: Encountered Permission Denied When To Install The Openscientist Source File

Jan 2, 2010

My linux is Kubuntu 9.04, I encountered Permission denied problem when I wanted to install the openscientist source file (osc_batch_source_16.9) in the following order.

1) cd OpenScientist/16.9/osc_batch/16.9/obuild
2) source setup.sh
3) ./sh/build in this step Permission denied message appeared.

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Ubuntu :: Permission Denied - Fail At Sudo /usr/lib/nx/nxsetup - Install - Due To File Is Missing

Feb 28, 2011

I am installing ubuntu to amazon EC2 by following the steps at [url] The installation works fine.

Then I want to gain Remote Desktop Access to Ubuntu, so I follow [url]

However, fail at sudo /usr/lib/nx/nxsetup --install due to this file is missing.

I then use putty, navigate into /usr/lib/nx to run command below.

wget [url]

But, it always come out with permission denied issue

I also try to upload the .tar.gz file via winscp to any of the possible directories.

All fail with permission denied issue.

Permission denied.
Error code: 3
Error message from server: Permission denied
Request code: 3

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General :: Iso Image - Install Matlab From Iso File Without Root Permission?

Apr 17, 2011

I have an ISO file of MATLAB and I want to extract it to be able to run the installer. I'm not the admin of the computer and there is no 7-zip or file-roller. It has isoinfo but I don't how to use it to extract the whole ISO file and apparently I cannot mount the ISO too. way to extract the iso file?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Restoring 95GB Backup.tar.gz File?

Jan 20, 2011

I did a backup of /photos /documents /downloads and /music with mintbackup creating backup on /dev/sdb1

I cannot get mintbackup to restore the file, and I was able finally to get /music file restored. Below is error from cli

BoredOOMM@ursa-major ~/temp $ sudo tar xzvf 2011-01-16-1424-backup.tar.gz
[sudo] password for BoredOOMM:


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Ubuntu Installation :: Etter.dns - Change The File And Try To Save - Permission Denied

Apr 18, 2010

I'm trying to configure my /usr/share/ettercap/etter.dns for dns spoofing with ettercap. but when I change the file and try to save it ubuntu says permision deneight Even when I try doing this from the terminal with sudo. It seems there is know way to change the file.

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Ubuntu :: Permission Denied - Failed Upgrade - Missed Some Backup Data - Can See It But Not Get It

May 15, 2010

I tried a 9.10 -> 10.04 upgrade that went fail. I can now get it to the login screen where it gives a hard freeze. Same with recovery. I can get to a command line, but not with networking so

So I finally said screw it, I'm going to doa fresh install. I downloaded and burned 10.04 at work. Not, it is giving me an installer error when I boot from it, but then it will load the desktop from the LiveCD.

All I really want to do is grab some data that I didn't get when I backed up by home directory, then I can go back and do a fresh install. I can even download a new 10.04 CD if I need to because the installation files are screwed up or something.

The problem is that some of the files have permissions on that that show as an 'X' on the icon and it won't let me copy them to my USB backup drive.

How can I copy the files marked with an 'X' that have this permission issue?

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Debian :: Backup Purge Script - `/mnt/backup/subfolder': No Such File Or Directory

Nov 10, 2010

This script simply deletes files older than a certain age (in this case 7 days) from a certain location; I use it to purge old backups nightly, and it works as expected:

# delete backups older than 7 days
find /mnt/backup/*  -mtime +7 -exec rm -Rf {} ;

The problem is, every morning I get an email with an error message something like this:

find: `/mnt/backup/subfolder': No such file or directory

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Fedora :: Cron Backup Permission Denied On External Drive?

Aug 28, 2010

I have a cron backup scheme in which I rsync, then tar, then copy files on my internal hard drives to an external (USB) drive. When it works, it works. But I often get a "Permission Denied" message for all of these tasks. how the external drive is auto-mounted so I edited the etc/fstab so that the owner of the cron job is also the owner of the external drive (I think. Unfortunately, I'm not at that machine right now (it's at work), I can't give the exact fstab line (I will post it as an update to this thread next time I am at the machine).) BUT, I still get times when the cron backup runs fine and other times I get the Permission Denied. This is a shared machine that is dual-booted, so what I *think* is going on is that when the machine is rebooted to Fedora, but nobody logs in, I get a Permission Denied for the cron backup. It seems like on days when someone has logged in as the main user and left without logging out that the cron backup runs fine.

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General :: File Is An Automated Backup Script, Backup.sh?

Sep 13, 2010

Can some one give me a sample of a crontab for backing a directory please, System is Ubuntu 9.04Quote:

# this file is an automated backup script, backup.sh.
# this backs up my domain site.


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Ubuntu :: Restore A Wubi Root.disk File Backup To A Real Installation?

Mar 9, 2010

I worked everyday during 1.5 years on a Wubi installation of Ubuntu 8.10.

Before quitting my job I have made a simple copy of the root.disk file, thinking I could restore it easily later.

Now I would restore this system on a Virtual Machine (with Virtual Box)

Have you got an idea how i could do this??

(I already tryied to install another wubi on a virtualized Windows 7, the install complete but I can't see ubuntu in the boot loader...)

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Ubuntu Installation :: Backup Restore - Software Doesn't Start Due To File Permissions

Dec 2, 2010

I re-installed ubuntu 10.04 for prep I did a backup with Simple Backup Config after reinstalling i restored with Simple Backup restore some installed software software now doesn't start and after troubleshooting i think problem is file permissions but i'm not sure which permissions of which files to change and what they should be changed to. has anyone had experience with this and if so is it because it works or because its the right way to do it and it works funny thing.. i can't find any forum posts with info on Simple Backup!

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Complete 10.04 Install 'Permission Denied'

May 30, 2010

I'm trying to install Ubuntu on an Aspire laptop with Windows XP. I downloaded 10.04 and burned an ISO image. I boot Windows and open the ISO disk. I open the first choice which is to try Ubuntu prior to a complete installation. The installation starts and proceeds for a few minutes. Then it stops and displays a message 'Permission Denied' and a suggestion to check the installation log. The last few lines are:


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Ubuntu Installation :: Backup Apt Archive For Reuse After Clean Install?

Apr 13, 2010

I do several things, involving a lot of different software (coding, image manipulation, drawing, video editing, etc).And where I live, internet is utterly slow, so instead of actually benefiting of the quick Ubuntu install, I am doomed to spend countless days re-downloading my packages each time.Before my last format, having gained a slightly greater understanding of how Linux works, I saved all the content of apt archives, so synaptic would pick the packages already downloaded from there.But it does not! It re-downloads every package.What should I do to have synaptic recognize packages that are already there?

Note: I am NOT looking to create a mirror repository, aptOnCd and whatnot. I also DO NOT want to install packages by hand, one by one or all together.All these solutions are certainly valuable (and I've tried a good bunch of them), but then I have to update manually my mirrored repository and/or install updates manually. Furthermore, it leaves me with two directories with packages, apt archive and ~/my-repository, which is just messy (in my view at least).

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Software :: Scheduling Backup In Crontab When Put This File In Crontab To Schedule The Backup Program It Wont Run?

Apr 9, 2011

I have installed an application manager(monitoring application) on my linux server. Now, i need to have backup schedule for my application. The application itself has executive file to backup database.But when i put this file in my crontab to schedule the backup program it wont run!50 09 * * * root /opt/ME/AppManager9/bin/BackupMysqlDB.sh

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Install Inside Windows XP - An Error Occurred: Permission Denied

Apr 3, 2011

I'm trying to install 10.10 but it keeps throwing an error. I'll include the error and log file below:

An error occurred: Permission Denied For more information, see the log file: c:...

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install System Backup Made By Remastersys In EXT4

Feb 2, 2010

I have a question about ext4,remastersys backup : I have upgraded from 9.04 to 9.10 via the upgrade button in synaptics, so it means that the files system was not touched, which means that my system is still ext3 as it was when I installed the 9.04. I can make a backup of my system as it is configured right now (that's how i like it) using remastersys.

Can I install my system backup into my machine after formating it into ext4 or when I create a backup using remastersys it must stay in the files system as it was when it was backed up? The issue is that right now the 9.10 responds from some reason a little bit slower than my 9.04 responded (to everything e.g. open/close windows etc...) and I read in the forum that ext4 makes 9.10 run faster.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 11.04 Install Auto-deleted Backup Hard Disk?

May 2, 2011

My backup hard disk is connected by USB cable. After I installed Ubuntu 11.04 the disk had been wiped and a version of Ubuntu installed on it.I had forgotten to disconnect the external disk's usb cable before running the install in case something like this happened.I then just took whatever the installer said regarding partitions: I trusted it;and the installer's manual partition manager is a little too technical to be user-friendly. Mostly, I just trusted the automated partition manager to be making the right decisions for me.

The installer's auto-partition manager said it was erasing two partitions. I thought, oh that must include some sort of swap drive then.The auto-partition manager said it was using 500Gb of space. I thought, well there's more HD space on my desktop than I thought.I recently acquired the machine. It was a hand-down.The installer said do you want to install Ubuntu with, over or beside whatever existing versions there are. I said, over. I wanted a clean install since my attempt at making Ubuntu do an upgrade install had already failed. This was clearly stupid of me. But it was not as stupid as issuing an O/S installer that did what this one did.

The installer completely wiped my external usb backup drive. Not only that, but it installed another instance of Ubuntu on it. The install routine actually installed two instances of Ubuntu 11.04: one on my local HD and one on my now erased external HD.Just to rub salt in the wound, the update manager only updates the version that's running: the version on my internal HD. The version the installer copied over my backup data is redundant.I have fortunately a second backup of most essential data. But the external HD contained data that was not copied elsewhere. It has been permanently erased. It will probably possible to retrieve this data from original sources at a considerable inconvenience. I do not know at this time whether and how much of the data that was erased is now lost forever and what the consequences of the loss would mean.

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General :: Wrong File Permission / When Copy File

Oct 18, 2010

I have a C-function that create a file and then make a copy in the same directory, but somethin is wrong with permission or owners.The program starts as root user.The file creates by the program:

-rwxrwxrwx 1 root staff 199680 Oct 18 10:58 test

Ok, but after copying the permission is not the same.The file after copying (with new name) by the program:
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 199680 Oct 18 10:58 test_copy

I want to have full permission of the copy, how to do??

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Security :: File Permission - Read An Execute Only File

Dec 16, 2009

Suppose I have a binary program with only execute permission enabled for the current user. How (in general) would I be able to obtain a core dump of the file? I think I have read it somewhere but I want to know if there are more ways of doing it.

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Debian :: NTFS Backup - Create Ever Expanding (to 320Gb) TAR File That Will Retain All Original File Permissions

Sep 20, 2015

I want to back up an entire Linux system on a 3Tb external Western DIgital USB3 drive.

I do not want to reformat it from what it is, apparemtly NTFS.

Is there a utility that can act like a file manager like mc, that will permit me to create an ever expanding (to 320Gb) TAR file that will retain all the original file permissions. I have had nothing but disappointment with Linux backup utils with a FAT32 external drive, and I am concerned if I just try an tar the entire drive at once, with around 3 million files, I might run out of memory.

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Ubuntu Installation :: [Errno 13] Permission Denied: U'C:\ubuntu\install\ubuntu-10.04-desktop-amd64.iso'

Jun 29, 2010

I'm new to Linux, so I decided to try using Wubi to get started. THe problem is, when it finished installing 10.04, I got this message: OSError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: u'C:\ubuntu\install\ubuntu-10.04-desktop-amd64.iso' Is there any way around this? It might just be that overly restrictive thing called Vista (which I have the bad luck to be using). I was considering getting a USB drive for Ubuntu anyway..

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Ubuntu Installation :: Errno 13 Permission Denied: U'C:\ubuntu\install\ubuntu-10.10-netbook-i386.iso

Apr 11, 2011

I recently got interested with with OS.. So I downloaded wubi in Ubuntu website. I opted for the Ubuntu Netbook Edition as am using a lappy. However, halfway through finishing download I got an error. The log shows:

OSError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: u'C:\ubuntu\install\ubuntu-10.10-netbook-i386.iso'

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General :: Windows Access The File From Ubuntu Got Read Only Even Though Have A Full Permission To Read, Write And Execute The File?

Feb 4, 2010

What are the possible problem when Windows access the file from Ubuntu got Read Only even though have a full permission to read, write and execute the file? Ubuntu to Ubuntu accessing the file there is no problem only Windows got a problem.

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Ubuntu :: Get Permission To Edit The File?

Feb 20, 2011

I hate ubuntu because EVERYTHING i need a permission. How can i edit an stupid file? Said i have no permission. **** IM THE ADMINISTRATOR, HOW CAN I HAVE TOTAL CONTROL ON MY COMPUTER -.-' ?

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Ubuntu :: Permission Tab On File Properties?

Jun 7, 2011

How can hide it ?Or unless to request a password?I want to do this because Sometimes My cousins use my PC and I don't really want to set an account for each one so I let them use the mine.Problem is I have important files that i don't want to hide but to make them unerasable (I doubt that word exist though)I mean to not let them erase them but some are pretty clever and they Know of the properties option so they can change the attributes.

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Fedora :: Unable To Check "allow Executing File As Program" In File Properties - Permission Denied

Feb 27, 2011

Im trying to run a program but my system won't let me.i used to be able to run executable files without a problem but i can't anymore when i double click the file i get "there is no application installed for executable files" i am unable to check "allow executing file as program" in file properties there is a script file which runs the program but all i get from the terminal is "permission denied"

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Ubuntu :: When Create Chmod'd File With 000 Permission / What Happens?

Feb 10, 2010

What does chmod 000 do?when i create a chmod'd file with the 000 permission what happens?I tried creating a file with 000 permissions, and I was still able to read and write to it. So what what does chmod 000 actually do?

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