Ubuntu Installation :: Apache Uninstalled But Ti's Still There?

Aug 4, 2011

I needed to get rid of apache2 on my Ubuntu. apt-get remove apache2All looked successful but... ps aux... Oh look it's still running. No matter, I thought, maybe I'll just restart (restart on Linux!? I must be mad!) and it'll just disappear. Nope, it still starts up like it always has.I could of course just manually remove it.... but it feels so untidy.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Uninstalled Python - Whole System Disappeared

Jan 29, 2010

Every time I booted in 9.10, Python requested a password. I didn't plan to do any programming very soon (I'm new to Linux, although I know Unix) because I'm just learning the shell, etc, so I decided to uninstall Python through the Package Manager. I selected all of the installed Python modules and when I clicked "Apply" I was informed that there was one module (Python minimum something) that would seriously effect the whole system, so I unchecked that module and then ran the uninstall. When it completed, Firefox was gone, the two music players I had installed where gone, I couldn't log out and when I try to reboot I get a message "Ubuntu is running in low-graphics mode" and I go through several other menus, but I still can't get the system to boot.I assume a reinstall is in order, but should I "clean up" any of the remaining Linux modules/partition? And what's the best way to do that?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Uninstalled, Cant Boot XP, Stuck At GRUB Rescue?

Feb 2, 2011

I was dual-booting XP and Ubuntu 10.10 for a while, but as I never used Ubuntu it was just taking up space, so I figured I'd get rid of it. I used a partitioning tool from inside XP to remove the Ubuntu partition, forgetting that I used GRUB2 every time I booted to select which OS to load. Now when I start my computer I get stuck at the "grub rescue>" screen.After searching for solutions to this problem all of them said to either use the Windows XP CD to fix the Master Boot Record or reinstall Ubuntu, but I dont have my XP CD and there isnt enough room on my hard drive anymore for a Ubuntu install. Is there anything else I can do to fix this?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Uninstalled Ubuntu On Netbook Now Getting Error - No Such Partition

Jun 27, 2011

I'm getting ready to sell my Acer Apsire One netbook. I had Ubuntu Netbook Edition on it. But I needed to remove it to sell it.I went on to Disk Manager on the XP Partition. I then deleted the Ubuntu Partitions. I then ran the fixmbr.exe file I got from this site [URL]After that I went into Acer eRecovery Manager (Since my netbook doesn't have a cd drive it comes with this as a recovery partition) I selected restore to factory conditions and it rebooted itself like normal during a restore. When it started back up it couldn't find anything to boot to.I now get an (error: no such partition. grub rescue>) error when I try to boot the computer up.How can I get this back to booting to Windows XP Home.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Windows Sucks A Uninstalled Windows 7?

Jul 22, 2010

I love mac. Ubuntu will never live up to mac.

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Ubuntu :: What Programs Can Be Safely Uninstalled?

Jan 2, 2010

What programs can be safely removed to free up space? I'm working with a 4GB SSD (actually 3.3GB) and Ubuntu itselfs takes 2.2GB and after updating it I only have 500MB left. I want to remove everything that can be removed (things like games and such).

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Ubuntu :: Adobe Is Uninstalled But Still Preferred?

Mar 3, 2011

I installed Adobe Reader from the repository, but didn't like it (it takes way to long to load a page evince does instantly).I've removed it with the package manager, purged it with apt-get, completely removed it with synaptic, and set the right click to always use evince; the thing is still the preferred program and double-clicking on a pdf still tries to use Adobe and fails every time. This is really annoying in that Chrome tries to use Adobe to open pdf files too, so now I have to open my download folder, right-click, click "open with", and click "document viewer" (all for something that used to take one click!)

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Ubuntu :: How To Fix GRUB Bootloader After Uninstalled 15

Aug 5, 2011

I installed Fedora 15 alongside Ubuntu, only to discover that it doesn't play nice with Ubuntu and this means that even though I formatted the Fedora Partition and made it into a new one, (i needed around a 7gb space for video editing files etc, so it is optimised for this). Anyway, that's off topic. Even though all traces of Fedora are gone, everyone time I go to boot from the HardDrive, it goes into Fedora's starting screen (the blue one with the loading icon) and then says it failed and gives a little command line.

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General :: Want To Reinstall My Windows 7 But Will My Ubuntu Be Uninstalled With It ?

Aug 30, 2011

I installed the Ubuntu 11.04 inside of Win 7 via Wubi. It works great and I don't want to reinstall it again, now I want to reinstall my Win 7, is there a way to keep Ubuntu?

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Ubuntu :: Grub Uninstalled After Installing Windows

May 27, 2010

I have updated my Windows from Vista to 7. I knew that this would mess up my GRUB so that it wouldn't show on boot. However, it seems as if my GRUB has uninstalled.

I have tried to reinstall it with a Live CD but this didn't work. Maybe I was doing something wrong. I'm sorry if I'm asking a question that has already been posted but I could only find ways to make your GRUB reappear, not reinstall it.

I'm stuck with Windows 7 for a week or two now and I really want to get back to using Ubuntu!

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Ubuntu :: Autoremove Python: Uninstalled All The Compnents

Aug 10, 2010

I gave apt-get autoremove python which removed all the installed components in ubuntu now ubuntu does not boot into graphical mode I am just having the terminal to work on. Is there a way I can restore.

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Ubuntu :: Network Manager Uninstalled - Now No Internet

Sep 15, 2010

I was trying to setup a static IP and the first stage was to uninstall Network Manager. Done. Great, now I have no internet to see what the next stage is.

For about 3 hours now I've been farting about trying to install Wicd without an internet connection but has proved fruitless.

Basically, how do I install Wicd without a connection? Or reinstall Network Manager?

I'm running 10.04.

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Ubuntu :: Empathy Uninstalled - Still In Applications Menu

Oct 4, 2010

I uninstalled Empathy in favour of Pidgin, but the Empathy entry still appears in my application menu, even though it leads nowhere and uses a question marked icon.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Accidently Uninstalled Network App

Nov 3, 2010

So my internet stopped working yesterday so in an attempt to fix it i somehow removed the network managing app. So now i have no internet on ubuntu. I need to figure out a way to get the network app onto ubuntu again so i can have internet. Oh i have ubuntu 10.10.

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Ubuntu :: Noscripts Still Blocking But Uninstalled - Firefox

Jun 8, 2011

thought i'd try the firefox add on noscripts. didn't like it, uninstalled. now it is blocking things regardless and seemingly randomly. the forums for instance are a dog's breakfast.

why is this thing still ambling around like an aimless zombie? occasionally firefox just locks up and all i can do is shut it down. when i restart the machine or logout it makes no diff. the aimless noscripts zombie still lurks, playing havoc with my web experience.

any suggestions on how to completely kill this beast would be more than welcome. this machine runs smooth as and rock solid generally. the last thing i expected was some add-on bomb completely screwing things over. cheers.

edit: hmm, just had a thought. seems like java is not working so i look in add-ons and java add-ons seem to be uninstalled also. i'll have a tweak and get back ...

edit 2: when i go to videos, there are no thumbnails of the vids, just white squares and text, yet when i click a vid it plays without a problem. what the heck is happening? i don't believe that add-on could create so much havoc ... i didn't even make any changes to noscripts! installed it and visited about five websites then uninstalled.

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Ubuntu :: Recover Files From An Uninstalled Version?

Jul 12, 2011

I had 10.04 installed using wubi. I used it only for pictures. I uninstalled that version and installed 11.04 as a true dual-boot. I forgot to back up some pictures on the 10.04. Is there a way to recover them?

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Ubuntu :: Uninstalled Some Packages Related To The Clock?

Aug 13, 2011

Somehow I lost the clock in the panel; maybe I uninstalled some packages related to the clock.

Anyone know which package I should install?

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Fedora :: Uninstalled Yum, Is There A Way To Get It Back

Dec 24, 2009

Yea, I think I uninstalled Yum, is there a way to get it back? Alas poor Yum I knew it not.

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Fedora :: Uninstalled KDE Now GUI Lost

Apr 13, 2010

Originally I installed both GNOME and KDE. Later, grew tired of KDE and its applications making space on my menu, so I decided to uninstall it, using yum groupremove. I didn't notice that yum was also removing Network Manager and other programs needed by GNOME. Then, when I restarted the computer, it freezes before it could show the "user login". I'm able to access the Linux command line if I press F1 during loading, but I don't know what to do next! I tried to fix the GRUB configuration, but it didn't have any effect.

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Ubuntu :: Kubuntu Blue Screen On Shutdown Even Though Uninstalled KDE?

Feb 18, 2011

Everytime I shut down my netbook the blue Kubuntu Screen comes instead of the Red Ubuntu Screen. I don't want the Blue Kubuntu Screen, I want the RED Ubuntu Screen. How do I do this? I tried installing KDE and KDE for netbooks, and KDE default settings (all from software center). What else do I need to do to get rid of this blue screen?

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Ubuntu :: Uninstalled Fonts Still Show Up In Font Lists?

Aug 8, 2011

So I install a font, don't like it, then uninstall it. Simple enough, but when I say a font, I mean the 465 free true type fonts by Brian Kent. For some reason I thought it had said 45 and thought that font options would be nice. Of course, hardly any of the fonts were worth using, so I uninstalled them. Yet, their names still show up in the list of fonts in all programs that use a font list. There are 465 names that don't have a font associated with them, and it's driving me nuts.

Ubuntu 10.10 32 bit

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Fedora :: Accidentally Uninstalled Kernel?

Oct 2, 2009

I was removing the latest two kernels installed because of some issues with compiz and stuffs. And I accidentally removed the only kernel left too. Now, grub has only one entry for Windows. I used "yum remove kernel-.....". Now, I'm stuck, I don't want to re-install the system. It FC11 using LVM. Is there any way I can install re-install the kernel only. What I'm thinking of is copying the kernel image from a live fc11 or installing via rpm on maintenance mode if its possible.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Fglrx-kernel-source Refusing To Be Uninstalled

Jan 7, 2010

I have an HP tx2500 tablet pc running 9.04, which I was trying to configure the tablet for using the .fdi method on this page. After I redid the .fdi file, I rebooted, and it gave me a flashing screen, similar to the one i got when I tried to install 9.10.

I tried going into recovery mode and using xfix: bad idea. Then, I tried installing envy and reinstalling the drivers from there. That failed as well.

So now, when I try to manually remove the ati packages,(from command line in recovery mode) it doesn't let me, because of some problem with "fglrx-kernel-source" I can't configure, remove, or purge.

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Ubuntu :: Removing An Uninstalled Wine Game Shortcut From Gnome-Do?

May 10, 2010

I Installed wine and starcraft recently, which I have been able to run before but It didn't like my new computer. Whatever, Starcraft 2 comes out soon and I have played my fair share of broodwar, so i decided to uninstall it. I removedarcraft from wine and then wine itself, however my Gnome-Do still has the shortcut/iconor starcraft when I type it in. Im guessing i need to go into gconfig-editor to fix it, but Im not brave enough to venture in without any advice before hand.

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Ubuntu :: OS Uninstalled - Loading Grub (Error 15) File Not Found

Jul 11, 2010

I just (basically) completely uninstalled my OS by accident. In synaptic package manager I selected to completely remove volume control (which had been going haywire for god knows what reason) with intent to immediately reinstall. I didn't put 2 and 2 together when it said it'd remove all related files including the kernel... hal... restricted drivers... everything got uninstalled. Network manager crashed...

I decided to try my luck with restarting (what was left) of the system. Now I'm looking at a boot screen of:
loading grub...
error 15: file not found.

Did I have to just make a boot disc and reinstall the os? or can I just "put the pieces back together" as it were and reinstall with a 'sudo aptitude update' once I get network up again?

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Ubuntu :: Can't Login After Uninstalled Gnome Color Chooser And Nautilus

Aug 26, 2010

I have ubuntu 10.04 installed, yesterday I installed gnome color chooser. Because it not working for me I choose to uninstall it from synaptic package manager,unfortunately I also removed the nautius.

Then, I reinstall with sudo apt-get install nautilus.

But when I restarted, I can't login (the login screen showed, when I type the password there is nothing happen) but when I ctrl+alt+f2 and login via console I can login.

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Ubuntu :: Accidentally Uninstalled Window List Applet - Get Back?

Mar 29, 2011

So the other day my window list applet was somehow connected with a crash, and ubuntu asked me if I wanted to remove it. I accidentally clicked yes not realizing what it was, and now ubuntu does not list the windows open on a workspace at the bottom of the screen - terribly annoying! how to get this back? Poking through the software manager and synaptic and googling aren't helping.

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Debian :: Uninstalled Package And Checking Dependency

Aug 19, 2015

Is there a way to find if a package is a dependency of some other package/s that you have installed it.

For instance, let's say there is a library called libkolabxml1

Now if I just install it and ask :-

Code: Select all$$ aptitude why libkolabxml1

Unable to find a reason to install libkolabxml1.

But I remember it being useful/needed somewhere.

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Fedora :: Uninstalled Programs Still Listed In Apps / Get Rid Of Them?

Aug 5, 2009

I am kind of new to fedora and I got fedora 11 but I removed some things like pulseaudio and some dumb program from my wine folder and I am still seeing them listed there and I dont know if thats normal and I need to do something else to get them out or if something isnt working right.

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Fedora :: Uninstalled GRUB Boot Loader ?

Aug 30, 2010

As I attempted to uninstall an MP3 decoder through the command line, I may have also uninstalled the boot loader to Fedora 13. I entered the command to uninstall the program as su - , left for a second, and upon my return I noticed a lot of things were being uninstalled. After canceling the process I turned of my computer and now when I try to start it, my computer freezes after the Fedora icon appears on the blue screen. After looking through the online manuals, I think I uninstalled the GRUB boot loader. I've been trying to reinstall it through the image on the DVD, but it keeps getting stuck on the blue screen. I use a Toshiba satellite with no partitions.

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