Ubuntu :: How To Fix GRUB Bootloader After Uninstalled 15

Aug 5, 2011

I installed Fedora 15 alongside Ubuntu, only to discover that it doesn't play nice with Ubuntu and this means that even though I formatted the Fedora Partition and made it into a new one, (i needed around a 7gb space for video editing files etc, so it is optimised for this). Anyway, that's off topic. Even though all traces of Fedora are gone, everyone time I go to boot from the HardDrive, it goes into Fedora's starting screen (the blue one with the loading icon) and then says it failed and gives a little command line.

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Ubuntu :: Grub Uninstalled After Installing Windows

May 27, 2010

I have updated my Windows from Vista to 7. I knew that this would mess up my GRUB so that it wouldn't show on boot. However, it seems as if my GRUB has uninstalled.

I have tried to reinstall it with a Live CD but this didn't work. Maybe I was doing something wrong. I'm sorry if I'm asking a question that has already been posted but I could only find ways to make your GRUB reappear, not reinstall it.

I'm stuck with Windows 7 for a week or two now and I really want to get back to using Ubuntu!

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Fedora :: Uninstalled GRUB Boot Loader ?

Aug 30, 2010

As I attempted to uninstall an MP3 decoder through the command line, I may have also uninstalled the boot loader to Fedora 13. I entered the command to uninstall the program as su - , left for a second, and upon my return I noticed a lot of things were being uninstalled. After canceling the process I turned of my computer and now when I try to start it, my computer freezes after the Fedora icon appears on the blue screen. After looking through the online manuals, I think I uninstalled the GRUB boot loader. I've been trying to reinstall it through the image on the DVD, but it keeps getting stuck on the blue screen. I use a Toshiba satellite with no partitions.

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Ubuntu :: OS Uninstalled - Loading Grub (Error 15) File Not Found

Jul 11, 2010

I just (basically) completely uninstalled my OS by accident. In synaptic package manager I selected to completely remove volume control (which had been going haywire for god knows what reason) with intent to immediately reinstall. I didn't put 2 and 2 together when it said it'd remove all related files including the kernel... hal... restricted drivers... everything got uninstalled. Network manager crashed...

I decided to try my luck with restarting (what was left) of the system. Now I'm looking at a boot screen of:
loading grub...
error 15: file not found.

Did I have to just make a boot disc and reinstall the os? or can I just "put the pieces back together" as it were and reinstall with a 'sudo aptitude update' once I get network up again?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Uninstalled, Cant Boot XP, Stuck At GRUB Rescue?

Feb 2, 2011

I was dual-booting XP and Ubuntu 10.10 for a while, but as I never used Ubuntu it was just taking up space, so I figured I'd get rid of it. I used a partitioning tool from inside XP to remove the Ubuntu partition, forgetting that I used GRUB2 every time I booted to select which OS to load. Now when I start my computer I get stuck at the "grub rescue>" screen.After searching for solutions to this problem all of them said to either use the Windows XP CD to fix the Master Boot Record or reinstall Ubuntu, but I dont have my XP CD and there isnt enough room on my hard drive anymore for a Ubuntu install. Is there anything else I can do to fix this?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Bootloader Fails To Install(grub Cannot Install Bootloader)?

Nov 7, 2010

I have a major problem installing opensuse 11.3 on my computer( hp pavilion dv6).I downloaded openSUSE-11.3-GNOME-LiveCD-x86_64 from software.opensuse.org: Download openSUSE 11.3 and made a live usb.I'm a newbie at using linux infact i never used another operating system beside windows.Now i have installed windows 7 (on c disk 100gb).My first problem when i am trying to install opensuse is that he dosn't automatic choose to make my partitions so i have to do it manualy.I was searching how to make it the best way so i desited to make 4 partitons one for ' /boot' one for ' / 'one for '/home' and a swap partition/In windows7 i made 4 new partitons

3:10 gb for /boot
4:10 gb for/
5:70 gb for /user
6:10 gb for /swap

My first question is :Is this right to make 4 paritions in windows (opensuse can't format or resize my partitions it just can edit it ) so it's my only way to make partitions( If this is wrong how can i make partitions then)

My second question is how to change the bootloader configurtation because everytime when ii try to install opensuse it stops at about 96% and it says to reconfigure the bootloader options.

If i skip this i get the folowing message

=== System Checking ===
Checking for /usr/bin/chroot binary... Passed
Checking for chroot directory /mnt... Passed
Checking for chroot directory content (bin
Checking for binary /mnt/bin/ls... Passed
Trying to chroot... Failed

This is worth reporting a bug at url.

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Ubuntu :: Use Grub As Main Bootloader?

Apr 25, 2010

I have 2 hard drives, 1 with Windows 7, and one with Ubuntu.

Before installing Ubuntu I had PCLinuxOS then I got a book on learning Linux that is Ubuntu specific so I formatted it and installed Ubuntu 9.

My problem is:

When I boot up I get a WINDOWS bootloader first that lists:

Windows 7

Then when I click Ubuntu I get the GRUB bootloader.

I've tried reinstalling Grub. I've also tried SuperGrub but none of the options worked, most returned error 15.

So I want ONLY GRUB to show up when booting. From there I think I can edit the grub file to set a timeout of 3-5 seconds, with Windows 7 as DEFAULT boot (Do I need to type "setactive" under my Windows 7 entry to do this part?)

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Fedora Installation :: Add Ubuntu's Grub To The Bootloader?

Aug 9, 2009

I recently installed Fedora on a triple boot system with Winows XP and Ubuntu JJ. how to add Ubuntu's grub to the bootloader. Here is the output of Fdisk -l.

[root@localhost rabbit]# fdisk -l
Disk /dev/sda: 250.0 GB, 250059350016 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 30401 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes


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Ubuntu :: Compiling Root And Grub Bootloader

Jan 20, 2010

In regards to other distribution cds: I'd like to learn how to install a 'root' and 'grub' boot loader so that I can cleanly install other distributions. I'm new to the file system. Could I make a bootable usb with simple installers? or command line codes?

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Ubuntu :: Removing Entries From Grub 2 Bootloader?

Jul 8, 2010

Since I've been using Ubuntu, I've noticed that new entries for Ubuntu (the same but with the final number changed) occasionally appear in the Grub 2 boot loader. I'm talking about the first two entries in this picture, compared with the third and fourth entries here:Two questions:1. What are these entries? They appear to simply be the same OS but different versions. Are they generated when Ubuntu updates?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Windows XP Took Over The Grub Bootloader?

Sep 4, 2010

i had a dual boot xp/ubuntu first. later i had to format and reinstall xp. this deleted the grub bootloaderplease let me know, how to fix this! please make it simple . i have the live cd, but i don't have internet connectivity in ubuntu.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Get Windows Bootloader And Then GRUB?

Sep 1, 2011

I installed Ubuntu and Windows 7 on my computer. I first get the Windows bootloader telling me choose between Windows or Ubuntu. If I pick Ubuntu, I then get a GRUB loader telling me to choose between different versions of Ubuntu and Windows 7. How do I remove GRUB and just use Windows bootloader?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Windows Bootloader Returns To Grub

Jun 7, 2010

When I try to boot into windows through grub it just returns to the grub menu.also system recovery options from bios just end up in grub screen too.here is boot script.From reading forums I think I need to get grub out of windows partition but I don't know how

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Ubuntu :: Re-installing Bootloader - GRUB Has Not Updated Properly ?

Jul 23, 2010

GRUB has not updated properly for some reason, and now I am left with an un-bootable system. I would like to know how to re-install grub without needing to re-install Ubuntu.

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Ubuntu :: Installing Without GRUB2 / Possible To Use The Original GRUB Bootloader?

Aug 31, 2010

I've had nothing but trouble with GRUB2. Is it possible to use the original GRUB bootloader?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Add Windows 7 Directly To GRUB 2 Bootloader?

Oct 30, 2010

Anyhow, I'm a n00b to the Linux world, so I installed it on my Windows 7 desktop to dual boot. Current configuration is as such:160GB HDD with 3 partitions: Ubuntu Studio 10.10 on one, Win 7 on another, and the third is for storage.1TB HDD for extra storage.So far, all is well, but I'm not pleased with the default GRUB options and layout. It gives me 4 options to choose:

-Ubuntu Studio
-Memtest Debug Mode (or something to that effect)


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Ubuntu :: Remove GRUB And NOT Restore The Windows Bootloader

Oct 31, 2010

Is there any way to simply remove grub? Does GRUB reside in a specific partition? Do I have to just delete the partition that has GRUB on it?The way my bootable partitions work is something like this.

1)Installed Vista

2)Installed Ubuntu

3)Thought I removed GRUB

4)Put in new HDD(1) and installed Win7 onto it

5)Put in another new HDD(2) and put another Win7 onto that (but I disconnected every other HDD so that the bootloader would be written onto the new HDD(2). When I have all my HDD's plugged in now, I get a GRUB load error (I think it's 21).

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Ubuntu Installation :: Remove GRUB, Restore Windows Bootloader?

Jan 15, 2010

Basically, I used a USB stick to run ubuntu 9.10 live, then tried to install to an external 500gb HDD connected with a Sharkoon Drivelink USB adaptor. The installation went fine, but I get a GRUB error 21 when booting a lot of the time. I figure this is due to the way in which the drive is connected. I am a complete noob, and I want to just ove GRUB completely and restore my Vista bootloader. Unfortunately, I do not have an installation disk as my laptop didn't come with one, and none of the others I have other PC's are the same version (home premium 32-bit).If you know of a way to fix the GRUB issue/sso I can use the external drive I would love to hear them too, but the main aim of this thread is to help me remove GRUB and restore the windows bootloader. If any more information is needed, just ask and I will provide it.HP Touchsmart TX2-1010Windows Vista Home Premium 32-bitExternal HDD:Seagate Barracuda 7200.11 SATAII (with jumper set for 150mbps)

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Ubuntu Installation :: Removing Windows Entry From Grub Bootloader?

Jan 26, 2010

I currently dual boot and wish to know how to remove the Windows partition/drive while still allowing Ubuntu 9.04 to load safely as my main OS. I know how to restore windows partition by;

If MBR gets damaged boot from MS Windows Xp disc, Select "R" for "recovery console", select main windows installation drive (admin password usually nothing, just press enter) and type "FIXMBR" this will allow you to boot windows again, but Ubuntu partition will be unbootable and require installing ubuntu again to dual boot.

But this leaves Ubuntu partition Un-bootable as it removes the grub menu, how would I do the same for Ubuntu and make window partition un-bootable so I can remove it?

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Ubuntu Installation :: No Grub Bootloader - Rescuing System Not Enabled?

Mar 26, 2010

I had installed ubuntu, then windows xp, surprise surprise I lost the boot loader for ubuntu. I have 2 different live boot cd's one for 9.10 and another for 10.04. My PC would be running 10.04, if I could install grub. When I go to help on the live boot disk menu, it tells me that rescuing a broken system is not enabled on either disk, though I downloaded a full copy of the disk when I downloaded it. What can I do to get grub back onto my computer? I deleted the XP partition hoping that would help. It didn't now the pc will only boot when I have the live boot cd.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Triple Boot With Current Grub 2 Bootloader

Jul 31, 2010

I currently dual-boot XP and Debian sid. I currently have XP on /dev/sda1, sid on /dev/sda2 with /home mounted separately on /dev/sa3, swap is /dev/sda4. I have free space in both sa3 and 4, mostly in 4, of course. What I'd like to do is add a third partition, either with or without a separate home mount, but have my current grub2 still be the bootloader. I'm thinking I'll give a total of 33 G to it (I keep almost nothing on my hard drive, it's all on the cloud). I want to install Kubuntu and try it out, I've burnt the Live CD and it's very cool.

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Ubuntu :: Remove GRUB And Bring Back Windows Bootloader?

Sep 20, 2010

I installed ubuntu on my lappy but due to battery life reasons and driver issues I cannot use it; must return to windows . I do not want GRUB on it but I'm stuck with it now. how do I wind the clock back?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Redirecting Grub 2 (Bootloader) Menu Entries

Feb 23, 2011

I'm familiar with Ubuntu and the like, and have GRUB 2 installed as my boot-loader. I was wondering if there was any way to get one menu entry to be re-directed to another. Specifically, whenever I select my third menu entry, I want it to execute the code on menu entry 10. My reason for doing this would be that after customizing my GRUB 2 menu, I came into the problem of updated kernels. Basically I would like a single "Ubuntu, Latest Kernel" entry that always redirected to menuentry 10, where my latest "Ubuntu, linux 2.6.xx-x-generic" entry is. In order to temporarily solve my issue, I've set my "/etc/default/grub" file's "GRUB_DEFAULT" to "9", although I'd rather not do this.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Way To Make Grub Bootloader Automatically Boot

May 26, 2011

I just want to ask if there is a way to make grub bootloader automatically boot to ubuntu every start up. And only make the bootloader appear when I press a certain key(ie. F7) so that I can boot to windows when I do not want to boot on Ubuntu.

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Fedora Installation :: No Grub Bootloader On Reboot

Nov 2, 2010

Just got done installing F14 64 and all went well however when I rebooted the machine it boots straight into windows, where is my GRUB boot loader? Only one drive in this machine (sda) and I remember going through the GRUB settings during the install. How to get a bootloader working now because in my linux experience (since RH5) it has always just installed the bootloader and worked. Apparently ext4 is bunk for me and when using LVM settings. I am up and running and grub is working.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Password On The Grub Bootloader On 11.2 Box?

May 23, 2011

I'm trying to install a password on the Grub bootloader on my 11.2 box. I ran yast2 bootloader then clicked on bootloader options, then the checkbox for using a password, and then typed in my password twice. It isn't working. I've tried various different passwords to see if something was throwing it off like special characters or too many characters but no matter what I do I can't use the password to unlock the bootloader on bootup. It just tells me that I entered the incorrect password.

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Debian :: Adding Freebsd To Grub Bootloader

Feb 21, 2010

Adding freebsd to grub bootloader


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General :: GRUB Got Re-written By The Windows Bootloader?

Feb 14, 2011

with reference to my this thread: [URL]

After installing Windows 7, the GRUB got re-written by the windows bootloader. Now after booting into the live cd and mounting /boot partition (sda2), I tried to reinstall the GRUB with this command grub-install --root-directory=/mnt /dev/sda as told by this [URL]

But I got the an error which says, Are you sure /dev is mounted? then i tried the same command on the / partition (sda5) which said, cannot find boot directory, Are you sure /dev is mounted?

And installation failed, now after restarting its just a black screen with grub> prompt.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Recover Deleted Bootloader Files By Mistake (not GRUB)?

Mar 26, 2010

I cannot boot into by Ubuntu 9.1 machine.... Trying either GUI or rescue mode gives me the following error messages (which i copied by hand since they were in cli)

Code: mount : mounting /dev/disk/by-uuid/64e5cb0d-058a-4a4c-af4b-7afb6427a72e3 on root failed : invalid argument

mount : mounting /sys on /root/sys failed : no such file or directory
mount : mounting /dev on /root/dev failed : no such file or directory
mount : mounting /proc on /root/proc failed : no such file or directory

Target doesnt have /sbin/init The only thing i remember doing before this is deleting some bootloader files... but they were on another disk so I didn't think that it would affect my ubuntu install. Guess I was wrong how I can recover my system?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Chain GRUB From Truecrypt And Its Bootloader (multiboot Alongside XP)

Aug 23, 2010

I want Truecrypt to ask for password for Windows XP as usual but with the standard [ESC] option, on selecting that, i.e via Escape key, I want it to find the grub for the (unencrypted) Ubuntu install. I've installed Windows XP on the 120Gb hard drive of a Toshiba NB100 netbook then partitioned to make room for Ubuntu 10.04 and installed that after the Windows XP install. When I encrypt Windows XP, Truecrypt will overwrite the grub entry in the master boot record (MBR), I believe (?) and I won't be able to choose between XP and Ubuntu anymore. So I need to restore it back.

My setup:

Windows XP, NTFS (to be encrypted with Truecrypt), 40Gb
/boot (Ext4, 1Gb)
Ubuntu swap, 4Gb


The key area of the problem is how to instruct Truecrypt when escape key is pressed, and how the Grub/Ubuntu can be made visible to the truecrypt bootloader to find it, when the esc key is pressed. Also knowing as chaining.

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