Ubuntu :: Improve My Memory Footprint?

Nov 2, 2010

Wondering if i improve my memory footprint

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Ubuntu Networking :: Reduce Memory Footprint 9.04?

Apr 13, 2010

Just wondering if anyone has been successful at reducing the memory footprint of ubu 9.04. I have googled and read a number of "suggestion" but when applied had little or no effect on memory usage. So, after a complete new install, I am here asking this question. It is not a biggie but I am always looking for ways to reduce memory usage without sacrificing functionality.

I try to help others who would like to try and or convert to linux but often their systems have minimal memory and they don't or can't purchase more memory. So, being able to install ubuntu with a smaller memory footprint would be a good thing.

A basic ubuntu 9.04 seems to use about 300 Mb and for many that is too much. Hence, my quest for a smaller memory requirement. I have tried the ubuntu minimal cd's but they don't really achieve much in the memory area and they take so much longer to install since one uses the internet.

At any rate, if someone knows what services or programs that can be safely removed in order to achieve a better memory usage Oh, I have looked at numerous other distro's but seem to always return to ubuntu.

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Ubuntu :: Reduce Memory Usage / Footprint In 10.04?

May 15, 2010

I like a lot of the last Ubuntu editions, but my computer is a little old, and Ubuntu becomes slower each edition to me.

I get a AMD Athlon 2 GHz, with just 512 MB of RAM memory...

I tried to customize my last installation of 9.10, but i just mess up with the OS. Well, I googled for informations about reducing memory usage, as well others speed-ups but all them are a bit older. Does anyone know any resource about this?

Until now I just disabled startups programs, but i really want is remove packages and everything that I don't use.

One thing thats get me up set sometimes is that I run Win XP pro under a cryptographed partition, and even yet its very fast in my PC. I even tried Windows 7, and its was faster than the Ubuntus I installed.

When I'm using the 10.04, there is a lot of memory used by cache, specially Gnome...

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Ubuntu :: Lower Unity's CPU / Memory Footprint?

May 8, 2011

Unity has been slower since upgrading.

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Server :: OS With Smallest Memory Footprint For VMware

Feb 23, 2010

OK I need a Linux OS that will have as small memory foot print as possible to host VMware. I thought about DSL or Puppy Linux but they aren't exactly know for running server class stuff.

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Software :: Does 64 Bit Improve Memory Copy

Feb 11, 2010

On the same hardware platform, by just moving from 32 bit Linux to 64 bit Linux, will I have better performance with operation memory coping. Specifically, will function memcpy run faster? Please note that nothing changes on hardware side, I just want to use 64 bit Linux if memcpy performs better.

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Debian :: Small Program / Large HDD Footprint

May 18, 2011

I have recently dropped to a command line to run a DB server. In attempting to write a bit of Python to do this process I went to install emacs using apt-get and noticed that the foot print of the install was going to be around 130 Mb. Likewise with a couple other programs the install size was going to be a lot larger than I anticipated. I was wondering how the footprint could be so large and is there a way to install software without this blow out. While I am happy to use vi or import the code from a desktop with a GUI I think this would be interesting to know.

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Debian :: Nameserver Daemon With Smallest Footprint?

Feb 7, 2011

today i found out that my bind9 on debian 5 suddenly failed and it also consumed 100mb of RAM at most times.

nameserver daemon with smaller memory footprint to replace bind9.

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Ubuntu :: How To Improve Boot Time

Aug 19, 2010

I installed bootchart and had my boot times analysed. Unfortunately, I can't make head or tail of the resulting PNG file. Could someone take a look at and tell me what I should do to decrease boot time?

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Ubuntu :: How To Improve System Performance

Jun 4, 2011

Basically I'm wondering if there is any way to lighten Gnome and Ubuntu I would like to keep Gnome if possible. I am a pretty experienced linux (or for you hardcore GNU fans GNU/Linux) user having used it for almost 4 years and I just built my Arch system but have found that alot of the functionality that I've come to love about ubuntu isn't in the default Gnome package but that Ubuntu's Gnome is heavily modified so I want to switch back but do to my lack of modern hardware I can't run Ubuntu as smoothly as I want.

Below is my current hardware.
Intel Pentium III 733mhz
512mb of ram
8gb Hard Drive
and a Dvd Drive
Nvidia Geforce 6600 265mb pci gpu
100 watt power supply

I am also a Developer so I know I can compile the Kernel my self and remove some not needed junk and optimize it. But I was wondering are there some Highly intensive processes that don't really need to be running? The only thing I would be using Ubuntu for is Web Browsing, Coding, Gimp, Text Processing and probably Music; thats really all I need I don't do much else besides that.
Basically all I'm trying to do is lighten Ubuntu and Gnome without putting 3 days worth of work into it.

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Ubuntu :: VNC And Gnome-rdp - How To Improve The Performance

Sep 1, 2011

I am running a ubuntu desktop machine as a server and use VNC from my windows machine to login via a LAN to the ubuntu machine. The login session is very sluggish and frustrating. I installed gnome-rdp to see if it would be better but I don't know how it works or what to do and if there is something else I can do to improve the performance. I have 3 gig of ram and the server is a dual celeron machine

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General :: Ubuntu - Memory Full, Process Memory Usage Doesn't Add Up In Top?

Mar 18, 2011

I have a computer with 16GB of ram. At the moment, top shows all the RAM is taken, (NOT by cache), but the RAM used by the various processes is very far from 16GB.I have seen this problem several times, but I don't understand what is happening.My only remedy so far has been to reboot the machine.

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Ubuntu :: Memory Error When Installing Python - Cannot Allocate Memory

Apr 19, 2010

I get this error when I run "sudo apt-get install python-software-properties"

Preconfiguring packages ...
dpkg: unrecoverable fatal error, aborting:
fork failed: Cannot allocate memory
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)

I'm trying to install deluge via ssh and my vps has 512mb ram and is only using 11% of it prior to running the code.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Improve The Old Wireless Setup?

Feb 7, 2010

I've got Ubuntu 9.10 running on an old thinkpad with an 800 mhz cpu. It's running wifi through a g rated card and a g rated router. The internet is very slow. I'm thinking of upgrading to an n rated card and router. Or, is the system just too old and nothing is going to help with internet speeds?

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Ubuntu :: Improve Boot Time And Bootsplash

Jul 13, 2010

I have Ubuntu 10.04 installed and although I had some problems initially, everything works fine now. I'm just bragging about that. I do have some strange "issues" with my boot. I know that Ubuntu is supposed to boot with only plymouth visible, but before I see plymouth I have a fairly long period of time when I see nothing but a console cursor (a.k.a. caret) blinking. I'm no expert in reading bootchart charts, so I'm attaching it for some feedback. I have no idea how and what to optimize.

My boot is ~40 secs as noted on the bootchart, but it would be nice to cut some fat if possible. Also, my StartUp-Manager is displaying some veeery long boot options. It doesn't look nice. I guess he's reading /boot/grub/grub.cfg but I don't think I'm supposed to see all that. my boot and shutdown screens are very low res and very ugly, often flickering on updates. I have 10.04 setup at work as a web test platform on a very old/crappy PC (Intel GFX) and bootsplash looks much nicer than on my home laptop.

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Ubuntu :: Improve The Visual Effects To 'extra'?

Jul 25, 2010

The hardware devices drivers list three different types of drivers onboard including what appears to be the latest one with accelerated graphics capability. When I try to improve the visual effects to 'extra' it keeps telling me there's an error. I've tried improving the effects with all three but still getting the error.

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Ubuntu :: Monitor Screen - Improve The Resolution?

Nov 2, 2010

I have a old Pentium III box with equally old monitor (It says LG Sutdioworks 45v).I have installed Ubuntu 10.04 LTS.I have found it difficult to setup my screen resolution. It shows by default 800x600.After some tweaking I can stretch upto 832x624.I have seen resolution up to 1024x768 in windows on the same box and same monitor.How can I improve the resolution?I have searched and found out that i need a xorg.conf setup as Ubuntu cant identify my monitor properly.I also installed ddcprobe, read-edid.However I have met with limited success.

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Ubuntu :: How To Improve Laptop Battery Life

Feb 24, 2011

So I've been using Ubuntu on a Toshiba L645d, and after a few hiccups with the sound and wireless, it's finally working well now. However, the battery is still a bit less when compared to Windows 7 (2:00 vs 2:35, but it came with optimizations on W7 so that might be the reason. A comparison of power used: 25w of power on Ubuntu vs 17.5 on W7.

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 - How To Improve Performance And Fullscreen Video

May 6, 2010

I have a Gateway Laptop which is dual-booting Windows XP SP3 32-bit and Ubuntu 10.04, also 32-bit. The 64-bit version, would not install on my computer, even though the computer has 64-bit capabilities. It doesn't bother me that I use the 32-bit version, but something it is now doing seems to be affecting the way things work on my laptop. The computer has 4GB of RAM in it, an AMD Turion 64 X2 processor, and an ATI Radeon X-series graphics card. The monitor has HDMI capabilities. On the Windows side, it handles full-screen programs and operates very quickly. On the Linux side, I can also run things quickly. However, most programs on the Linux side are much slower-running than they would be on the Windows side.

Something I notice when my laptop goes into fullscreen on the Linux side, is that the color quality goes way down. You can see that it is trying to run in apparently 256 colors, and each individual pixel is very visible. It does not do this on the Windows side. Also, programs that I run on this half of the computer are very laggy, slow, and inefficient. I know that my computer has the video and processing power to handle these programs with ease, but it isn't utilizing all of it. How can I make Ubuntu run at a higher speed overall, by taking advantage of all four gigs of RAM and this 2.4 GHz Turion processor to run everything like Windows does?

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Ubuntu :: Memory Leak / Some Process Eating All Memory

Jan 29, 2011

I have had a fresh install of Ubuntu 9.10 and installed some software after that.Since third some, some process is eating half of my memory.I have checked processes running in system manager but everything is normal.Maximum is consumed by compiz which is about 26 mb, seems very normal.I did restarted my computer several times, and in the start for 5 mins, its fine after that again my cpu fans runs at very fast speed and my one cpu is used up 95 % (I have dual core).Please help me out, this invisible thing is driving me crazy.I am attaching my htop screen shot (sorted by cpu %), now the cpu is not used by completely but fan is still struggling hard and fast.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Partition Alignment To Improve SSD Performance?

Jan 2, 2010

I'm trying to do a partition alignment on my main SSD to improve SSD performance and then install Ubuntu on the SSD. I can do the alignment with no problem but when I install ubuntu the alignment is erased. Is there a way to install ubuntu without getting rid of the alignment?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Setting Up A Cache Improve The Performance?

Feb 26, 2010

dns cache serThis is probably more of a network question but I figured some one who is a network expert might know. Currently my organization has DNS servers. But my questions is would setting up a cache server improve the performance any? When I first thought about it i thought probably not. But since it stores information in ram that made me think maybe it would improve network performance a little.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Improve Quality Of Video Using Filters

May 23, 2010

I've some videos with poor quality.It has pixelation and such problems.Can somebody suggest me some filters to be used with avidemux for correcting the pixelation and maybe deblocking it

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Ubuntu :: Second HDD Improve Boot Time And Access Times ?

Jun 26, 2010

I managed to install a second hand 10Gb HDD on my old P4. I want to see how I can use this extra disk to speed up Ubuntu 10.04 if possible.

I installed my swap onto this second drive but since I never use swap I can't see any real improvement. Next, I'm considering the creation of a new partition on that disk that would handle /tmp. Could that improve access times?

Finally, what other tricks could I use with this 2nd HDD to speed things up?

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Ubuntu Security :: Improve Home Wireless Using Air Crack?

Jul 22, 2010

I've been studying air crack so that i can learn ways to improve my home wireless network and using air crack on ubuntu isn't as easy as i thought it would be.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Improve Video Playback - Thinkpad T41?

Jan 2, 2011

after a recent foray into Ubuntu. Every day is a school day at the moment, so please be gentle! I recently obtained an old IBM Thinkpad T41 which I've made dual boot Windows XP and Ubuntu (windows was my backup option - it's installed but with none of the drivers; thankfully I've not yet hit a problem Ubuntu can't handle!) and which is connected up to the TV in our lounge. I have installed XBMC on it, and we're currently enjoying having access to all sorts of multi-media and iPlayer in the lounge. The thinkpad connects to our home network wirelessly, using the Thinkpad's built in wireless hardware - providing a whopping 11Mbps connection. Our media is all stored on NAS on the network, and I thought that even full 54Mbps wireless would not be fast enough to stream videos smoothly onto another machine.

However we have two windows laptops (one windows 7, one windows xp) which have 54Mbps connections and they can stream the videos smoothly from the NAS, so clearly I was wrong (wer'e not talking High def or blue ray rips here or anything). So my first question. Does anyone have an recommendations of a 54Mbps wireless card (PCMCIA preferably) that is compatible with both Ubuntu and the Thinkpad so that I can improve it's connection speed to the network? I have a "Max Value" branded card in the windows xp laptop (bought cheaply from Amazon) that I tried to but failed miserably to get working in the Thinkpad with Ubuntu last night. All hints and tips welcome....

Second question: Improving video playback on the thinkpad. Some of the videos were a bit choppy, which I thought was just to do with video quality. However having been playing them on the windows xp laptop - Sony Vaio PCG-FR215S, so similar in age and processor speed to the thinkpad - they play absolutely perfectly. So what are my options for improving the video playback on the Thinkpad running Ubuntu? - Upgrade memory to 1GB from 512MB? Will this make much difference? The sony has been upgraded to 1GB, which is why I ask the question. Do I have any options on the dedicated graphics processing hardware front? I'm guessing they are severely restricted as it's a laptop, but thought I'd ask as obviously I'd only be interested in something that is supported by Ubuntu.

Nvidia acceleration is enabled in Ubuntu, and in XBMC. The playback quality in XBMC is comparable with using VLC so I don't think there is anything XBMC specific to be concerned with at the moment.

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Ubuntu :: Can I Improve Wine With Windows Install Disk

Mar 27, 2011

Is it possible to improve Wine with a Windows install disk? I know if copy DLLs from a Windows computer, it makes some games work that don't work. Is there any way of doing this right from the install CD, without installing Windows on a computer first?

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OpenSUSE :: Improve XTerm On XFCE?

Jan 9, 2011

on OpenSuse 11.3 installed first KDE Desktop but my desktop Pentium 4 2.2Ghz is really slow... with XFCE work perfectly but XTerm is very poor. Cut and Paste text selection don't wok, like Mouse selection and font.

How improve features of XTerm XFCE?

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General :: Improve The Man Page Search

Mar 1, 2010

There is one little thing annoying me in man pages. When I search for text using '/' command the line where the text is found is positioned at the top of the screen. I find it inconvenient because when I search for text I want to see it in the context which also includes the a couple of lines before the found text.Is there a way to tell the man pager not to scroll the screen all the way to the top during search?

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Debian :: Improve Fonts In Squeeze ?

Apr 3, 2011

I've installed Squeeze. I saved a .fonts.conf file that helped to improve fonts some. I would like to know what others do to improve fonts. I found the fonts sometimes a little thin. I've heard of compiling freetype with bytecode interpreter enabled. Is this necessary on Squeeze? If this would make an improvement what would I need to do?

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