Ubuntu :: Impress - None Of Pictures Embedded Retrieved

May 26, 2010

I am preparing a poster using draw and impress. Everything go well till I save the file and quit the impress. When I open the previous prepared poster in impress, none of pictures embedded retrieved. I have also prepared a diagram using draw. There is no problem importing it into impress. The problem comes when I close the poster and re-open it in impress. It goes crazy. 1.png is before closing the impress and 2.png is after re-opening it.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Cannot Pull Pictures From SD Card. Pictures Half Green Or With Lines?

May 1, 2011

Running Ubuntu 10.10 along side Windows7 on a 64-bit HP Pavilion dv7 Laptop. Everything works in Windows. Everything works in Ubuntu, except for 2 things.1) I can live with not being able to enable/disable wifi.) I cannot read photos from an SD card plugged into the laptops SD card reader. When I open the SD card in Ubuntu, I can see the file name, but the thumbnails show messed up pictures. Usually, the bottom half of the photo is solid green, and there are usually lines running through the photo, or it is divided into quadrants with one quadrant being ok, but the rest having the green and/or lines.I assume the driver for the card reader is not correct. Card reader works fine in Windows. So I have to reboot into windows, copy pictures from reader to a folder, then reboot into Ubuntu and I can see and open the photos just fine. Just cannot read and copy them from the card while in Ubuntu.

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Server :: ERROR The Requested URL Could Not Be Retrieved

Mar 5, 2011

I installed squid on my centos and I tried to follow some guides but it still gives the same error

ERROR The requested URL could not be retrieved

While trying to retrieve the [URL]...The following error was encountered: Access Denied. Access control configuration prevents your request from being allowed at this time. Please contact your service provider if you feel this is incorrect.


ZON-BFC0 is the name presented in my wireless connection, plus the actual ip I'm using there is the ipv4 I found with a quick "ipconfig" search on DOS.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Mouse Pointer Is Completely Gone & Cannot Be Retrieved

Nov 14, 2009

When computer idles for 20 minutes & I return, the cursor is completely gone & cannot be retrieved, though the mouse looks like it is working, just no cursor. Also my monitor keeps changing parameters, I tried to set Sax2 but it won't save changes? What do I do? I didn't notice the cursor thing until I set up the screensaver to go off at 6 minutes.

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Server :: SOA For Nameserver Can't Be Retrieved, Possible Port Or BIND Misconfiguration?

Aug 24, 2010

My configuration: CentOS in a VPS environment, I have 2 static IPs at my disposal.I'm having trouble setting up my nameservers. I've registered the nameservers with my registrar and supplied the GLUE records, however my registrar has not yet applied this information into the DNS zone, because my nameservers fail to generate a response on port 53.DNS check says the following about my nameserver address:Checking SOA records for domain. Domain server is not answering to UDP requests on port 53. Possible problems: A firewall is blocking port 53, server is down, server is not running software for handling dns requests.So the only two possibilities I see is that my port 53 is somehow blocked or not properly set to accept and send the correct traffic or that I've misconfigured BIND.

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Server :: Squid Proxy Error - The Requested URL Could Not Be Retrieved

Mar 7, 2010

today there was problem with isp but we fix it now other machine run internet fine but when we run through squid proxy machine it give this message to all users. what fields column values config i should check it. i also reset the cache make empty folder. restart machine also service clear the logs . it is on centos 5.4

see below message

ERROR: The requested URL could not be retrieved While trying to retrieve the URL: [URL] The following error was encountered: Read Error

The system returned:

(104) Connection reset by peerAn error condition occurred while reading data from the network. Please retry your request. Your cache administrator is root.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Error: "a File Cannot Be Retrieved"

Apr 21, 2011

I am trying to install ubuntu desktop edition, but when it is nearing the end of the downloading phase, it says "Error: a file cannot be retrieved" (something along those lines) and all my time goes to waste. This has happened every time I try and download it. I am using windows 7


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Ubuntu :: LibreOffice Impress - Any Way To Add Templates

Jun 18, 2011

LibreOffice Impress has only 9 presentation templates - and I don't like a single one of them. Where can I find more and how can I add them to Impress? For example I can open my old openoffice presentation, but I don't know how to add template to Impress.

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Ubuntu :: Alternatives To Open Office Impress

Jan 24, 2010

What are my options for viewing power point presentations? a few searches in synaptic yielded nothing useful (other than the kde version). I'm looking for something as lightweight as possible. Don't need editing capabilities at the moment. Also I'd rather not wine.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Hear Sound In OpenOffice.org Impress?

Oct 30, 2010

I can't hear sound in OpenOffice.org Impress in Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat).

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Ubuntu :: Open Office Impress And Shockwave Flash

Jan 26, 2010

I am running Karmic and OOo 3.1.1. I am trying to insert a Shockwave flash video into my presentation, but I just get a blank box. I have the SWF videos saved on my hdd and I can play them in Firefox if I open the files in the browser. I tried the OOo forum but have had no responses.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: How To Make Video Out Of Impress Presentation

Apr 24, 2010

Let's say you have a presentation made in OO.o Impress and you have an audio record of the speaker, and you want to combine these two together into a nice video consisting basically of the presentation slides and the speaker's voice - how would you do it?

Would you export the presentation to flash (.swf file), then import it in a video editor (if so. which one?)?

Or would you rather export slides to individual pictures and import them one by one to a video editor (again, which one?)?

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Ubuntu :: OOO 3.2 Impress Fullscreen Not Covering Gnome-Panel?

Jun 18, 2010

Just did a clean install of Ubuntu 10.04 on my netbook and for some reason when I fullscreen Impress (to play a slide show) it still shows my gnome panel at the top of the screen... Any solutions/suggestions to fix this? I dislike having to remove and re-add my gnome panel to give presentations from my netbook.

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Ubuntu :: Impress Unable To Embed Sound Files?

Aug 6, 2010

Back in my Windows days I used Power Point but now that I am a Linux guy I use OpenOffice Impress instead. First, even in power point if I embedded sound files I had to make sure they were .wav files, and in this format they grew very large. I have been told that I can embed a .wav file in Impress, but there is a limit of 100k on the file size. Also there is a place where you can change this limitation, but I can't find where to change it. Does any one know where this setting is?

Next, let me tell you what I am trying to do and maybe someone has a better way of doing it. I have slides in my presentation where I display text and have sound files that read the text that is displayed. I have a couple of ways to do this, but both ways are just inserting sound files into the slide. All this does is point to the sound file and then plays it. This works find until I want to transfer it to another computer. To get the presentation to run on another computer I would have to re-insert the sound file so the pointer was right.

So this means I need to not only copy the presentation over but the sound files also. My main question: Is there a better way to do this? Even if I have to use a different program if Impress is unable to embed sound files. I believe that both Power Point and Impress both fall short in this area. I am trying to stay away from developing a program to do this. There must be something out here in the Linux world that would fit the bill?

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Ubuntu :: OpenOffice Impress Video Object Display?

Oct 31, 2010

i have upgraded from 10.04 and now Impress wont display most videos when in SLIDE SHOW mode (most important). These videos do play however when viewed in editing mode. impress is thus unusable if you have videos. i tinkered with it all i could, i even reinstalled 10.10 from usb stick no progress.

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Ubuntu :: LibreOffice Impress Freezes System When Saving As PDF?

Mar 3, 2011

I've been using LibreOffice, and I noticed that when I try to save some presentation as PDF it freezes everything. There's no way but to manually reset the machine. The pdf conversion worked for a very very simple presentation, but once it got a bit bigger (nothing huge, just 20 slides with pictures and no animations), it just won't work.

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Ubuntu :: Presenter Console 1.1 - View Notes In Impress

Mar 16, 2010

I just installed Presenter Console 1.1 extension for oofffice impress. I would like to view notes while showing the slide show. I think I should be able to do this even when my CPU is not connected to a projector. However, I do not know how to activate the mode for viewing notes. I can see that the extension is installed by going to tools-Extension Extension Manager (the extension is locked and the disable and activate buttons are grayed out?).

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OpenSUSE :: Openoffice Impress Very Slow In 11.3?

Aug 5, 2010

Moving any objects (text box, pictures) in a slide is extremely slow. Is anyone also experiencing this?

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Ubuntu :: Gnome Panel Visible Over Impress / Presenter Slide

Jan 18, 2010

When I run a slide show (F5), the Gnome panel is shown in the screen. Sometimes it is hidden below the slide show, but usually the panel is shown. How do I make it hidden during a slide show or is this some kind of bug? Did not find anything on google.
Open Office 3.1.1 (Build:9420)
Gnome panel 2.26.0

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Fedora :: (Only) Open Office Impress Is Very Slow

Mar 19, 2010

I use Open Office Impress fairly often. I notice that when I build up a presentation and I use a few not too large jpeg images, the program becomes progressively slow. It never crashes and generally does not display erroneous behaviour. However, clicking around in the slide designer feels very slow. Just something to reproduce: After trying to select a different font size by clicking on that drop-down list box item in the text layout bar, it may take up to 3 seconds before a list with font sizes is displayed.

This may sound minor but when it takes a few seconds for each 'focus change' - from item to item - to happen, this seriously impacts usability. For reference, other Open Office applications I regularly use such as Writer and Calc are a lot faster / snazzier. I work on a fast Lenovo Thinkpad T61 (Intel T7100 CPU, 2 Gb mem) which runs F12 like a charm - except OOo Impress. I am using version 3.1.1-19.26.fc12. It seems to be X. When I use Impress, the X.org will use up to 96% of both CPUs for about 3 to 4 seconds.

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Fedora :: How To Open PPXX Files In Impress

Apr 9, 2011

I tried changing the extension to .ppt or .pps but still it didn't work.

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OpenSUSE :: Hassles - Exporting SWF From OO-Impress 3.1.1/Suse 11.2?

Feb 21, 2010

Anyone else tried to export SWF files from OO-Impress 3.1.1 with 11.2 as the platform.

I have an odp file I had under 10.3 which can be exported,yet cannot under 3.1.1/11.2

goal: to be able to use the Flash export in Impress presentations.

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OpenSUSE :: 11.3 X86_64 Openoffice Impress - Pps No Sound

Dec 16, 2010

I had a opensuse 11.1 X86_64 system with openoffice. This has been replaced by an opensuse 11.3 X86_64 system with openoffice I have many pps files and these worked complete with sound on the 11.1 system but there is no sound on the 11.3 system. The 11.1 system has gone and was overwritten by Windows 7 so I can't verify the build. I know I made lots of changes to the 11.1 system in order to fix various problems and openoffice could well have come from a factory repo.

What I need to know is what is needed to make impress play pps presentations as it did on 11.1 and does on windows 7. I searched on the internet and it appears that the novell version of ooo may use gstreamer. I have loaded many gstreamer packages from packman including plugin-good but still get no sound. Starting impress from a command line does not produce any error messages.Does the novell openoffice use gstreamer or java multimedia? I have not yet tried the java option I could try downloading the novell openoffice source and try to work out what it is using. I am not sure that I have the time to go searching through the source and probably trying to compare it to the ooo source

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OpenSUSE :: Libreoffice Impress Cannot Open Ppt Files

Mar 4, 2011

I received some M$ Power Points files and cannot open then. One file was from Power Points 2010, and another saved with the option 2000-2010. These were rejected by Impress with the failure report "Version Incompatibility. Incorrect file version". When a file was saved with the option Power Point 95, Impress tried to open it but when RAM useable ramped up to > 1GB, Impress automatically shut down. The only other information wrt the files is that its highly likely they contain graphics generated with M$Visio. Has anyone had similar experiences? Are there any work arounds?


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Ubuntu Installation :: OpenOffice.org Impress Without Sound After Upgrade To Maverick Meerkat

Oct 13, 2010

I recently upgraded from Lucid Lynx to Maverick Meerkat and my OpenOffice.org Impress presentations' sound is not working. I don't have any issues affecting sound in other applications.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Can't Play Imported Videos In OO Impress In Full Screen

Oct 22, 2010

Am supposed to hand my lord and master an ubuntu laptop tomorrow morning with a presentation on it that includes two short movie clips. Impress will import the movies, they play in the edit mode but when I actually show the presentation in full screen mode the video doesn't start, it just sits on the first frame and I can't for the life of me figure out how to make it play rather than switch to the next slide.

I'm using maverick meerkat on a dell mini 1012 and oo 3.2

edit: this works (specific movies and version of OO) on my Macbook running Lucid

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Debian Multimedia :: Unable To Use OOffice Impress And .pps Files

Feb 24, 2010

I have several lectures from a class that were distributed as .pps files. When I try to open them with Impress, the slide show immediately starts playing. When the end of the slide show is reached, Impress closes. So, I have no way of looking at these slide shows in the editing window (which is what I need to do). I have tried opening these presentations both from the command line, and by starting Impress then selecting File > Open.

Once the presentation starts, I can switch to the editing window, but essentially all buttons and menu items are "grayed out": [URL] I can't even save the presentation as a native OOffice type.

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Software :: OOO 3.2 Impress Fullscreen Not Covering Gnome-Panel?

Jun 18, 2010

Just did a clean install of Ubuntu 10.04 on my netbook and for some reason when I fullscreen Impress (to play a slide show) it still shows my gnome panel at the top of the screen... Any solutions/suggestions to fix this? I dislike having to remove and re-add my gnome panel to give presentations from my netbook

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OpenSUSE :: Annoying Tips In Libreoffice Impress Slide Show?

May 26, 2011

There's always some annoying tips showing in Libreoffice Impress slide show,like 'Click to select master text style','Second level' & 'Third level' on every slide,even in slide show mode.

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OpenSUSE :: LibreOffice Impress - Adding Custom Effects In Text Transition

Jun 29, 2011

I have an extremely urgent support request! I need to create a presentation by Friday. I have selected the template, the elements etc. But, I have to add transition between each text Outlines and each page. It's very easy to add page transition effects. But, so far I have not managed to add automatic custom effect in text transitions (with click).

For example, let's say that I have in page the following format:
Text 1
Text 2
Text 3
I want to present the elements as Text 1, then I click the mouse, Text 2 click the mount Text 3 etc. In MS PowerPoint this is done via Master pages.

I tried the same on OO/LibreOffice 3.3: Edit the Slide Master, modified the fonts etc. Then, I tried to add a custom animation in each element. But with no success.
First of all, it seems that any effect is named: Outline Text 1: Click to...
Second: Even If I accept the fact than there seems to be no way to add an effect for Outline 2 etc, I save and show the presentation. But, instead of a page transition then a blank page that requires a click from me to present the 1st element, I see ALL elements. So, is it possible to do that in OO?

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