Ubuntu :: IceWM - Notifications Open In X Window?
Jun 23, 2010My Notification area on icewm is coming up in a X window.
View 1 RepliesMy Notification area on icewm is coming up in a X window.
View 1 RepliesIceWM, buttons of windows in the panel, to change their order like Gnome and KDE allow (drag and drop method).
View 2 Replies View RelatedI installed new version of Choqok 1.0 Beta3 (0.9.90). It works nice, but the notifications for new posts bothers me. With every timeline refresh, system tray notification window pops up informing me for new posts.
How to disable notifications for Choqok? I cannot find option in Choqok. However, I can disable application notifications in system tray options, but in this case some ugly little window pops on the top of the screen informing me for new posts.
Is there a way to get an account on Pidgin, say an MSN account that has the option to display email notifications checked, to open a selected email client such as Evolution or Thunderbird instead of opening Hotmail in a tab in Firefox?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have those notifications bubbles that appear right and top of my Screen.
Besides being RIDICULOUSLY big, i don't need them
I don't know if it is the same, but they look like this:
I recently upgraded the motherboard/processor on my computer (as in quadrupled the processor and octupled the ram). The new board has a built in GPU (intel) and from searching the forums, I think this is part of the problem. Every time I boot up the computer, I need to open the Compiz icon and use it to reload the window manager before I see any title bars, borders, etc. 've tried the .bashrc hack (metacity --replace), but that doesn't do anything. In fact, whenever I open the terminal, I need to have two tabs open in order to use it, and when I close it all the borders go away again (even when I haven't done anything). Also, the onboard sound card (intel) doesn't work, but that's another task (I at least have a compatible card for that).
View 9 Replies View RelatedMy system boots, I login and am brought to my desktop. I click on the file system icon in the launcher to open a Nautilus window. The window opens, but is unresponsive (i.e., I can't move it, clicking on the icons does nothing, etc.). If I press the super key to get the dash and the press escape, the window becomes responsive again, just like normal.
If I open a folder in the window, the window becomes halfway unresponsive in that I can't move the window, but I can select more folders and toolbar icons. The top menu no longer appears at this point, and I can't access any of the system icons on the top right of the screen. Alt-F4 closes the window even if the close button doesn't work.As another example, suppose I open a Nautilus window and then a Chromium window. Both are immediately unresponsive. If I super-esc again, I can move the Chromium window around, and it seems to work normally. I can click on the Nautilus window, but it always stays greyed out. Even if I'm clicking on things in it, the Chromium window always has focus.
I had a similar experience to this with VLC and Chromium. After clicking around enough I eventually got it to the point where VLC apparently always had focus, but I couldn't access any of VLC's controls. Double clicking anywhere on the screen fullscreened the video, and that's all I could really do. Not even escape worked to bring it back.I can usually press super to get the dash and Alt-F2 to get a command prompt. Also Alt-Shift-T seems to usually work to bring up a working Terminal (at least one that accepts commands, even if I can't move the window).Does anyone have any ideas on what might be causing this? The behavior is highly unpredictable and extremely frustrating. I should note that key commands don't always work, even though they seem to in my examples. So I don't think it's just a mouse issue.
I've got no background desktop image in IceWM.I've got Ubuntu 9.10 PowerPC installed. I did a bare-bones installation of Ubuntu, and installed the latest version of IceWM.To make this work properly, I edited /etc/X11/default-display-manager to have no code whatsoever, so I just manually boot up, and type "startx." To point startx to IceWM, I edited /etc/X11/Xsession to just say "exec icewm-session"
IceWM comes up, and does stuff that I need it to, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to configure a desktop background.
This keyboard shortcut use to work, but recently it just stopped out of nowhere, any idea on how to get it back?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI like the view of dfm but the project seems to be dead (last update in 2001) and it hangs up with my IceWM, so I can't use it at all. Is there anything else like dfm (it should look very oldschool) that I can use with IceMW on the desktop area?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI want to run Evolution at starup, but want to place it out of the way on the opposite side of the Compiz cube. In KDE, you can run a command like this:
kstart --desktop 3 evolution
Is there an equivalent for GNOME/Compiz? I would preferably like to avoid using anything like Devilspie.
How do i take a screenshot without an open window? The 'Print Scrn' does not return the usual pop up window that asks me where i want to put the picture.
View 3 Replies View RelatedRunning a stripped-down Debian distro identified as 'Debian GNU/Linux 4.0'
ICEWM version 1.2.29pre1
I need to suppress the TaskBar ... I have made numerous edits to preferences (including the obvious ShowTaskBar=0), they make No Difference Whatever
To eliminate confusion about paths, I made sure there is only one preferences file: /usr/share/icewm/preferences
To eliminate confusion about themes, I removed all themes directories
I gave it 6 months, "Plasma" is still as disappointing as it was on day 1 :-( , even more so on SuSE 11.3, but I love the KDE apps. Any suggestions on a lightweight window manager (XFCE or Icewm) Don't care about effects, I like dark and minimalistic where I can define colours, window size and placement, before I rototill this installation.
Plasma has too many irritating features that I cant turn off, just too much like Windoze
I logged out of KDE and started a new session in IceWM just to check it out. When I logged out of IceWM my system crashed and I had to restart. Now it logs in automatically to IceWM. If I log out of IceWM it crashes and I have to hard restart it. When I log out of IceWM it just shows a messed up nvidia logo.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to use mmaker to build my .icewm menu, but get this: $ mmaker icewm
parsing xpdf.desktop...ok
parsing xfce4-run-program.desktop...ok
parsing thunar-volman-settings.desktop...ok
Why is it that the Add Remove Program Window won't stay open in 9.10? I added a few Video Programs. It was working fine,but now I can't remove any Programs. The Window will open for a few seconds, but then closes.
View 9 Replies View RelatedTo get to the point, when viewing a video in fullscreen, I notice that the initial VLC window remains open under the fullscreen video output. Sometimes the initial video window is under the fullscreen output causes a bit of screen tearing. How do I enable VLC that when in fullscreen mode, only it opens, to be together with the main interface instead of two windows running? Im not sure that im making sense but this does not happen in Windows. I want a similar function here in Ubuntu.
View 2 Replies View Relatedis taht possible to have the kate terminal open in new window?i dont like very much to have it in the same windows as the kate and so i would like to have it in another window
View 2 Replies View RelatedI don't know it's so difficult to make it work. I'm in natty and can't find anyway to make it work. I tried all options posted in this forum but nothing. I only want to open a new window but login into a different user. It is easy and ready under Linux Mint Debian, but I use Ubuntu.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am having trouble getting NS2 to open the nam window. I have used it before in the same settings, but that was a year ago. It doesn't work now for some reason. I keep getting the error: No protocol specified nam: couldn't connect to display ":0.0". This worked fine a year ago and nothing has changed. I am running it remotely from my school network just like I did then. I am also using a bash shell.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI installed Debian 5.04 with only "basic system", then xorg and the proprietary nvidia driver, then iceWM. ( I had to give up on KDE and Gnome because KDE was incredibly slow, and both of them had a heavy emphasis on visual decorations while I wanted minimalism. ) It was interesting and fun to get this far - and it all works.Now I need a file manager. This page http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison ... e_managers has a chart. This enabled me to rule out the ones that don't have OSI-type licences (GPL or similar), and those which don't offer a "list view" of files.That still leaves 20+ choices. I've looked at some of the project sites but they don't give the information I'm looking for. I could install one after another, but I'm not sure whether apps can be removed without leaving a lot of debris like on Windows, and it may be quicker to ask.
My problem with file managers has been that they default to an "icon view". There's usually an option for a "detail view", but it has to be set over and over again, for every new window. I want one that can be configured to *always* give text-based file lists, without having to repeatedly set this option. (I don't mind command line usually, but having to type filenames and paths all the time gets tedious.)So my criteria are: * GPL or equivalent* Fast* Minimum "eye candy"* Can set it for text lists with details, just once and it "remembers"I've searched here and on Google but haven't found which ones (if any?) fit this description.
I have a Debian machine running IceWM. I want to set it up so when userA signs in they get a screen resolution of 1280x1024 and normal size icons and normal size cursors. Then I want it setup so if UserB signs in they get a screen resolution of 800x600 larger icons and larger mouse cursor icons. How can I customize the display settings per user with IceWM? I did not see where I can set these options in ~/.icewm/preferences.
View 2 Replies View RelatedThe title practically says it all, I'm using 9.10 Ubuntu fyi, when someone messages me in empathy, there is a pop-up top-left that says "so and so says xyz" but sometimes when I'm not looking, this may come up and only when I click on the mail icon I realise someone was trying to talk to me.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI want to find a utility that will allow me to manage the size, position of open application windows. Like tile, cascade of that other OS. So if I have my FTP, Editor, Terminal, Browser I can organize the screen ...
View 3 Replies View RelatedAt work, I use MS Outlook 2007 via CrossOver (Wine). All of my links from Outlook (and probably all other crossover apps) open a new Firefox window instead of a new tab in Firefox. Links in native apps do not work this way.
View 1 Replies View Relatedi accidently got rid of the panel on top, so i deleted the bottom one, and started a new one on the bottom. now whenever i open a program, there used to be a "list" of all the open program/windows on the bottom, now that is goneso once i minimize a program, the only way for me to get back to it is to press alt+tab.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs there a alternate way to open the Nautilus Preferences Window (http://i.imgur.com/hCffn.gif)? I cannot open it via Edit -> Preferences (the option is not there). I removed Nautilus-Elementary and I think that messed up something.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI cannot get the jack control window to open. I uninstalled and reinstalled twice and no change. I have sound but would like to get Rosegarden running with Qsynth.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI'm currently using Ubuntu Natty and have noticed a severe lag - sometimes upwards of 30 seconds - when opening a conversation window in Empathy. Is there anything that I could do to speed it up a bit?
Computer Specs AMD Athlon 64x2 3800+ (2.4 GHz)2GB (512MB x4) DDR-400 (PC3200) nVidia GeForce 7600 GT KO (PCI-express; restricted drivers)