Ubuntu :: How To Mount A NAS To / Mnt On Startup?

Feb 25, 2010

I just bought a DLink 323. I have fun_plug installed and ssh enabled, and it works great.I am having trouble mounting the NAS to an actual location (i.e. /mnt/dlink) I've added the following line to /etc/fstab.

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Debian :: Mount Sshfs At Startup - Get Mount For UserA To Happen On Boot

Mar 18, 2011

I am struggling with getting an sshfs mount mounted on system boot. I have a script that mounts the sshfs for "userA". When userA runs the script all is well - user A can access the remote filesystem, root user can't see it as expected. The basic command is: sshfs userA@remote host:/home/userA /home/userA/mountdir -p 21212 -o password_stdin < passwordfile. I can prepend the sshfs command in the script with su - userA -c and when I run this script logged in as root all is well, userA has access and all is well. If I then put this script in /etc/init.d and reference it properly in the rc. directories the mount doesn't happen. If I prepend the sshfs command with sudo, same thing. Logged in as root I can run the script and UserA has access. Run the script in /etc/init.d during startup and the mount doesn't happen. Echoing text to a log file shows that the script is being executed but no mount happens.

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Ubuntu :: Mount On Startup Under 10.10?

Feb 3, 2011

I want to have a secondary hard drive mount at boot, mainly because it happens to be the home drive. But I have to manually mount it after I boot.

Any way to get "places" to mount on startup under 10.10?

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Ubuntu :: Set Auto Mount At Startup ?

Jan 13, 2011

how to set auto mount at startup. I have 3 partition how can i auto mount this partition at startup.

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Ubuntu :: USB Devices Only Mount At Startup?

Feb 21, 2011

After reformatting a usb drive with gparted, no usb stick will automount when I plug it in anymore. If the usb is in place at startup, however, it is recognized and mounted.The media will show up in fdisk and disk utility, but there is no link to it in Places > Computer. I have no trouble manually mounting, but I would rather not have to go through the hassle each time I plug in my flash stick. I am running Ubuntu 10.10 64bit

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Ubuntu Installation :: Mount External HDD On Startup?

May 18, 2010

Just installed my first ever linux distro in my life and sad that i did not come here before. Anyways i have a WD Green 1TB External HDD. I have Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx Installed and i want it to mount my HDD as soon as my PC starts up.Quick Q: How much time does it take for any USB device to get recognized on ubuntu. Takes me more than 2 minutes compared to a few seconds on my windows i had before (same machine)

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Ubuntu :: Mount Ntfs Drives @ Startup?

Jun 6, 2010

i would like to have all my ntfs drives mount @ start up here is the command im currently useing sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdc1 /media/D -o forcei have made the folders D E F etc now i know that the command for starting restarting and stoping samba changed in 10.04 so did something change with mounting ntfs drives

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Ubuntu :: Automatically Mount Sshfs Upon Startup?

Jun 17, 2010

I use this command to mount sshfs:sshfs -o idmap=user user@ip:/home/user/public_html ~/FolderThen I enter my password. I do this every time I start my computer

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Ubuntu :: Mount Mapped Drives @ Startup?

Jun 17, 2010

how would i mount mapped linux (ntfs drives) when ubuntu starts

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Ubuntu :: Software Raid Does Not Mount On Startup?

Jul 18, 2010

I am running 64bit ubuntu 10.04. I have an nvidia software raid formatted with ntfs. The raid only mounts about every 10-15 boots. It is completely random on when it will mount. I even have included "force" in the ntfs-3g mount options.

Also, possibly related, many times ubuntu will not even load unless I load windows first and then restart. I run Ubuntu on its own partition using ext3, so this makes no sense.... It makes me scared to run a computer with only Ubuntu because it seems Ubuntu cannot load unless window loads before it! I could understand this if Ubuntu was formatted as NTFS, but the only NTFS drive Ubuntu sees is the raid, which is not mounting anyways, so why is it dropping to the command prompt?

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Ubuntu :: Mount Hd In The Startup But Id Didn't Work

Jul 20, 2010

i did it to mount my hd in the startup but id didnt work, so i want to undo it, and if somebody can tell how to make my hd to be mounted since the startup


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Ubuntu :: Mount Network Drive On Startup?

Nov 8, 2010

I work at a school where we are experimenting with Ubuntu 10.10. On our Windows machines, when the users sign in, their "U:" drive automatically mounts up so that can access their network shared storage. Is there a way to set this up in Linux so it automounts, rather than them have to go and find it out on the network every time?

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Ubuntu :: How Can I Auto-mount Drives On Startup

Dec 28, 2010

I've been trying to unsuccessfully auto-mount my drives when starting up. I've made a script that sets me to the root using "sudo -s" and then mounts the drives. The commands to mount the drives work properly when entered into the command line, but when I try running them from an executable, they don't work. What might I be missing?

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Ubuntu :: Optimally Mount Truecrypt At Startup?

Dec 31, 2010

i want to use this line:


to mount my volume at start up. it prompts for my truecrypt password(TCP) to open my files. so far i can put it in in the "Startup applications" but it needs root rights.. so it prompts for my root password and then again for my TCP. id like it to only ask for my TCP. i tried just putting the command and then also putting the command in a bash script and calling it from there.

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Ubuntu :: Freezes At Startup (Auto-Mount)

Jul 28, 2011

I was trying to automount a few NTFS partitions last night. Upon reboot, I got the following error messages.

/device/sda2 ... is not ready or present
/device/sdc2 ... is not ready or present

Then Ubuntu just freezes. I am using Ubuntu Natty, if that helps. I am currently unable to get into Ubuntu without a LiveCD.

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Ubuntu :: Failure To Mount Root Device On Startup

Jan 14, 2010

Recently installed some minor software, some games and Ubuntu Tweak, I am not sure if that's what caused this issue or not. I shutdown after the installations, then when I tried to start back up the small, white ubuntu logo appears just like it normally does, then it just goes to a black screen. I turned off the computer and restarted in (Recovery Mode). It goes about its thing then it says it is waiting for root file system, then after about 30 seconds it says "Gave up waiting for Root File System" how to fix this without reinstalling?

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Ubuntu :: Windows Partition Won't Mount Automatically At Startup?

Jun 2, 2010

I had to re-install Windows XP because the install was running slow.So, I created another partition using GParted for my personal data and moved my files there and re-installed Windows XP.Now, the Windows partition won't mount automatically.NTFS Configuration Tool shows 0.0GB. So, I have to open up a Terminal window, and issue sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/Windows and everything is fine.

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Ubuntu :: Partition Doesn't Mount Correctly At Startup?

Aug 1, 2011

my "places menu" references folders on a second partion, where I store all my personal files (ntfs, as I use it also from Windows). After boot those folders wouldn't show in Thunar. Some other programs, as Fontmatrix, wouldn't find databases stored there, what messes them up. Thunderbird has problems to recognize profiles etc.What is strange, the partition seems to be mounted at startup as I can see and select it from Thunar. Also, it appears on Desktop. After selecting the partition, closing and reopening Thunar everything works fine, places would show correctly and Fontmatrix database is ok

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Ubuntu :: Computer Won't Mount Drives On Startup After An Unexpeted Poweroff?

Jan 14, 2010

Last night there was a rather large thunderstorm, and my computer was on at the time. The power went out while my computer was on, and now it won't boot up. After the GRUB screen, a white message at the bottom of the normal loading screen says somthing along the lines of "a partition listed in /etc/fstab cannot be mounted /dev/disk/by-uuid/6835blahblahblah". I chose recovery mode from the grub menu, which gave me a similar message.


One or more mounts listed in /etc/fstab cannot yet be mounted: (ESC for recovery shell) /home waiting for /dev/disk/by-uuid/8bl I've googled around a fair bit, but people who got the same message were mainly those upgrading to Karmic, so a different problem. I think my problem was the fact that my computer was turned off possibly while writing and definitely without being unmounted.

So far I have tried changing /etc/fstab to refer to /etc/sda5 instead of UUID=68blahblah, but that came up with the same error. I have looked inside the /dev/disk/by-uuid and the disk that is trying to be mounted is there (so it's not a problem with that).

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Ubuntu :: Lucid Startup Error 101 - CIFS VFS Mount Failed

May 1, 2010

I upgraded my Karmic OS to Lucid the day after it became available and have been having some troubles - I am having trouble starting the OS. Brief history: I have real troubles with the ATI graphics and spent a while trying (finally successfully) to remove fglrx and associated dependencies. I then rebooted ready to install new drivers. I now get the following error on startup:

CIFS VFS Error connecting to socket - aborting connection
CIFS VFS cifs_mount failed w/return code (-101)

For the last couple of weeks or so, I have noticed CFS errors on shutdown which has meant that I have needed to physically press the off button to turn the machine off, but since I could still operate I left that problem on the back burner "for when I have more time". Don't know if the two problems are related. Anyway, I am currently in the situation where I cannot start Ubuntu at all unless I use the install CD and try the LIVE distro.

My fstab file looks like this:
aufs / aufs rw 0 0
tmpfs /tmp tmpfs nosuid,nodev 0 0
/dev/sda6 swap swap defaults 0 0

(My PC Has a 1 TB drive and a 500 gig drive. The 1 TB drive has dual boot Vista (came preinstalled and I have a couple of games for it - else, yuk) and Linux. The 500 gig drive is a data drive). I'd rather not reinstall from scratch though may have to? I don't know of any way to repair-install the OS - maybe that would be possible too?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Snow Leopard Mount Server At Startup

Sep 30, 2010

I have a Laptop with Ubuntu on it, a Desktop with SnowLep and a server running Ubuntu. What I want to do is have the same Desktop (/home/lucian/Desktop) from server mounted on both other machines. I am using a wireless connection and I want to make it mount at startup. I already have the Ubuntu setup, but not at startup the SNowLep is harder and I could not do it yet.

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Ubuntu :: Mount Second Hard Drive (/dev/sda4/) Automatically On Startup?

Nov 12, 2010

I was wondering if I can mount my second hard drive (/dev/sda4/) automatically on startup? Now I have to enter my password every time.

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Ubuntu :: Auto Mount Partitions Or SATA HDDs On Startup?

Mar 12, 2011

Is there a way to auto mount partitions or SATA HDDs on startup, using 10.10?

I have no problems reading the drives.

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Debian :: Mount NTFS Partition At Startup?

Nov 25, 2015

I just installed Debian 8.2 (Jessie). I couldn't find the way to mount the Windows 7 partition, at installation time.

¿Could you tell me how can I mount NTFS partitions in order that they be mounted at boot time and can be accessed (read and write) by any user?

I know, I should edit "/etc/fstab" file. But I don´t know very well how to modify it.

And... ¿Should I create the mount point directory, also?

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Fedora :: Mount An NTFS Drive On Startup?

Jun 11, 2010

I am kind of new to linux. How can I make Fedora automatically mount my NTFS partition on boot?

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Debian :: To Mount External Drives On Startup?

Mar 14, 2010

I want all my external drives mounted when I start OS.I don't want to do it for a specific external drive. I want my external drives mounted by default.o you have an idea? Does linux have such a configuration I can change?

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General :: Mount A Partition At The Time Of Startup?

Jan 18, 2010

i want to boot one of my partition mounted at start-up !! i don't want to do such thinks with typing password and all

there is no option called remember authentication in helena! but it is there in gloria (is it my problem or helena's?)

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General :: Mount All The Drives At The Startup In Any Distros?

Jun 18, 2010

How can i mount all the drives at the startup in any linux distros ?

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Ubuntu :: VirtualBox Guest Attempts To Mount Shared Folders Twice At Startup?

May 1, 2010

Moved to virtualization forum: [URL].. I just upgraded my Ubuntu VirtualBox guest to Lucid. My host machine shares two folders with the guest. I have them listed in my /etc/fstab so they're automatically mounted:

share /mnt/share vboxsf defaults 0 0 For some reason, it looks like Ubuntu attempts to mount these shared folders twice. The first time, the mount doesn't succeed, but the second time, it does, so by the time I actually log in, the shares work properly.

Karmic would just print an error message at boot, but now Lucid makes me press a key to continue booting when the mount fails. Ideally, I'd like to figure out how to make the first mount attempt work properly. But if that's complicated, just disabling Lucid's prompt would make me happy.

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Debian :: Auto Mount Ntfs Partitions On Startup?

Jul 12, 2011

Nautilus mounts NTFS partitions when I acces them, and before mounting, it asks for root password. Is there a method to auto-mount ntfs partitions on Debian startup, without requiring root password each time they are automatically mounted ? And without installing additional packages.

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