Ubuntu :: How To Extend Time Before Auto Log Off

Mar 29, 2011

Sometimes I am watching PBS movies on line... and from a period of inactivity, Ubuntu log me off automatically from my movie to the password typing page. How can I extend the time, to avoid being log off automatically. Which command should I use to control that time?

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Ubuntu :: Extend Time Before Monitor Goes Dark?

Nov 22, 2010

How can I extend the time before the monitor goes blank. The only setting I have found only gives me 1 minute.

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Programming :: QSplashScreen - Extend Loading Time To Display Splash For Longer?

Apr 7, 2011

One requirement of a project I am currently working on (for Maemo) is that the Qt application displays a QSplashScreen when it loads.

My issue is that the application is fairly small and I have written it to load components etc as they are required rather than at start-up. This has lead to quick start up times (which, in a perfect world is what we all strive for!)

How would I intentionally delay the start-up time so that the splash shows for longer?

I have investigated


QTimer:: oneShot() (Space added to prevent smiley)

however, its prototype dictates that it be connected to a slot. I am running this QSplashScreen from inside main so this is neither needed nor feasible.

What is the best way to essentially do this:

Display Splash
Timer for 3 seconds
Close Splash
Display mainWindow

I do not want to use native system calls such as sleep() and would instead rather a Qt based solution.

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Ubuntu :: Auto Logout At Time Of Day?

Feb 10, 2011

I'm trying to get a script that will auto logout user at a certain time of day.I have look all over the web. All I have found in my hunting is a script that will auto logout user after "x" amount of idle time.

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Ubuntu :: Auto Suspend After Certain Amount Of Time?

Feb 8, 2011

Most nights I fall asleep watching tv or movies. I want the computer to go to sleep after I do. Under Power Management Properties I have "put computer to sleep when inactive for 1:00" yes - to " spin down hard disks" and "put display to sleep when inactive for 1:00"

I'd say 65% of the time I wake up and the computer is running, not suspended, and 45% of the time the monitor is still on. Over the past 8 months or so I have been trying different media players. I tend to have the same problem of the computer not sleeping with all of them. (Banshee, Miro, xbmc, boxee, vlc, totem, )

1. Is there a process I can look for that may be running some of the time that would hinder the suspend function?

2. Is there a simple script I can write for "suspend in 90 minutes"

3. I think I remember seeing way to do this from the CLI with pm-suspend, yeah?

Edit- I found this http://bit.ly/hpThVM
Things I tested that didn't work
~$ sudo echo pm-suspend | at 12:27
~$ sudo sleep 30s

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Ubuntu :: Enable Auto Login In Only For First Time?

Mar 9, 2011

I am trying to enable the auto login on Ubuntu 9.04 but it has some creteria.The auto login should be only for first time & after the first reboot it should go normal. I tried it by editing gdm.conf file but it allows me to remain auto login permanently, I need to change this value after first reboot

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Ubuntu :: 11.04, Grub 1.99, Disabling Time-out Auto Load Of OS?

Aug 1, 2011

I have an Ubuntu/Win7 dual boot system with GRUB as my default bootloader, and I am often distracted by other things when I boot up my PC. Is there any way I can stop GRUB from loading linux automatically after it times out? I would prefer if it never timed out, and I could eternally have the OS selection on the screen until I decide to select an OS.Have been reading the GNU Grub Manual, but I can't make heads or tails of some of the more technical stuff yet and I do not know enough about Terminal to know all of the commands they are throwing at me.

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Debian :: Auto Start Programs In Startup Time?

Sep 27, 2010

How to auto start programs in startup time?

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Fedora :: Auto Hibernate After Suspending For A Period Of Time

Jul 18, 2011

I currently have fedora 15 installed along side windows 7 on my acer aspire d250. So far it runs great, however I was wondering if there is a way to make fedora 15 hibernate after being in suspend for a period of time, just like windows 7 does. This make sense to me as there is no point in wasting battery life if i can hibernate, but I don't want to hibernate all the time, just suspend for a period of time, like 2 hours, in case I need my netbook again i have quick access to it.

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General :: Nfs Share Doesn't Auto Mount All The Time

Feb 19, 2009

I have a nfs share that does not automount all the time (may be one out of 10 time it automount properly). I basically have the same line in the fstab on my other 2 computers and no problem on these. I suspect that my wireless connection kick in too late (after fstab). Do you see a solution for delaying a few second the automount of the nfs share.

# Entry for nfs share on : /mnt/sdb5_data5 nfs user,sync,rsize=8192,wsize=8192,exec,soft 0 0

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 Remix Takes Really Long Time To Boot After Auto Update

Jul 12, 2010

I recently broke down in the face of morbid curiosity and clicked that little version update button. it seems to run flawlessly (after i uninstalled the pesky touchpad) but it takes a long time to boot up now. at least a full minute. is this normal?

I will add also that it said my version of grub had been modified (which i dont remember doing, but may have) so i told it to leave the current one in place.

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OpenSUSE :: How To Configure For Computer Auto Shutdown After A Period Of Time

May 2, 2011

I install Opensuse 11.4 on KDE environment then I changed to XFCE. I don't know how to configure for computer auto shutdown after a period of time don't use it.

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Ubuntu :: Allow Auto-log Off Feature Either An Extended Inactivity Time Or To Disable Inactivity-logouts

Oct 18, 2010

I would like to allow the auto-log off feature either an extended inactivity time or to disable inactivity-logouts.

I use my PC strictly at home, and have no security issues. I've set my username to no-password so that I just click [twice] to log back on. But I must do that to see the screen display - say to see what's playing on Pandora.

Can I set the auto-logout-time somewhere or disable the function?

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Ubuntu Security :: Ecryptfs Doesn't Auto-decrypt With Auto-login

Jan 6, 2011

I recently installed 32bit maverick and wanted to make it login automatically. I tried enabling auto login from Admin > Login but that didnt work and I was still prompted for my password. Then I went to Users & Groups and changed the password option to Do Not ask for password at login now after I reboot, the user list is shown (only 1 user) and it doesnt ask for password after I click on my username.

However, then it gives a few errors (as i vaguely recall):

1. cannot load .ICE directory in my home directory
2. some error 256 about a gconf-sanity-2 file
3. nautilus cannot load my home directory etc

and then it gets stuck without loading anything (blank wallpaper). i ve tried navigating to my home directory using Alt F2, gksudo nautilus and my home dir contents are encrypted by the ecryptfs (there is a readme.txt file and a shortcut). i have tried to decrypt but it doesnt work... i ve also tried to start/stop gdm, and startx but nothing works. if i stop gdm, then the prompt doesnt recognize my password and keeps on rejecting the commands i enter... I think this has something to do with the home dir not being decrypted due to the dont ask for paswd option... how can i disable the dont ask for pwd without the gui (i can access my / by booting through an external usb).

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Ubuntu :: Auto Run (auto Exec) A Script On Mounting A Device?

Mar 16, 2010

I would like to exec a script whenever a user mount a device. The device could be an internal device (for example a partition on a second hard disk) or a removable one (for example a usb hard disk). The script must have sudo capabilities even if the user is not included in the admin group. Is it possible?

The specific question:
I would like to add acl option to a device whenever it is mounted.
I tried fstab but it's changing the behaviour of nautilus see:

[URL]... so I would like to create a script with the command

sudo mount -o remount,acl /media/data
and auto execute it any time data is mounted.

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Ubuntu :: How To Shrink / Extend Partition

Jun 24, 2010

Here is screenshot showing my current partition in Gparted.
What I want to do is shrink the one (Ubuntu) and extend the other (XP) so that that they are more or less the same size. How?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Extend My Partition ?

Aug 2, 2010

I have a disk partitioned, with windows on on one partition, ubuntu appears to be installed on an extended partition ... and iv run out of space... i need to extend the partition that ubuntu is installed on by 40gb

I have tried downloading gparted... burning it to a cd and then booting from the cd .. but i get upto a message that says use at your own risk then my system just reboots ....

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Ubuntu :: How To Extend Login Session

Jan 16, 2011

I'm running xubuntu 10.10 on an old toshiba P3 laptop and I'm very new to linux but am learning day by day. How can I either extend the login session or stop it auto logging me out as I want to leave a program running continuously. I've searched all over the web but can't find anything.

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General :: Make Nano Support Auto-complete And Auto-bracket Closing?

Feb 20, 2010

Does anyone know if there's a way to make nano support auto-complete and auto-bracket closing?

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General :: Html - Code Editor That Has Auto-indent AND Auto-outdent?

Apr 22, 2011

I code primarily in jQuery/JavaScript, and I'm looking for a text editor for Linux that has auto-indent and auto-outdent (seems to be tough to find that). Any suggestions? I've checked Gedit, Cream, vim, Bluefish.None of them seem to have this feature.

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Networking :: Ethernet Auto-connect / Auto-sense Doesn't Work

Feb 3, 2011

I have noticed that a common issue to several distros is the fact that the networking subsystem doesn't automatically detect the link if an ethernet connection is disconnected and then re-connected to the NIC after boot. If the ethernet cable is connected after the system is up and running, nothing happens - ethtool eth0 shows link detected: no, and you have to restart the network service to let the NIC know that there is in fact a link, and actually connect. I have a Fedora14 (KDE) box with a brand new Asus motherboard with embedded NIC. Everything works great except the auto-detect of a freshly connected ethernet connection if the link is down to begin with.

Am I missing a ethernet link sentinel utility or something, or is this just the way linux works? I have done plenty of research on plenty of posts, and it seems this is a common problem, with no solution other than manually or programatically restarting the network service in a script to detect the link after a disconnect.

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Debian Configuration :: Auto-login And Auto-connect To Networks

Jun 3, 2010

I press On-button, Debian boots, logs in and automatically connects to the Wireless network AND! to my local pc via LAN. It runs an ssh server, so I can ssh into debian over internet and communicate with the local pc (send a magic packet).Here are my problems:

1) I don't how to log in automatically. This and this doesn't work.
2) I need a network tool that can manage multiple connections and has a reconnect feature. With the default network manager I cannot even connect to more than one network simultaneously although I have two network devices of course.

And I guess I can run all that in console mode, right?

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CentOS 5 :: Software RAID Auto Sensing Auto Rebuild Possible?

Jul 23, 2010

I recently installed a server with Software RAID. I tested by powering it down, unplugging one drive and powering it up. Magically, it worked!I found out later that I have to manually add individual devices like md1 to sda2 md2 to sda4. I got all of them added and rebuilt but my question is: Is there a way to make it so that if I "removed" a drive and put it back, the system will senses the new drive and rebuilds based on some internal table?

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Software :: Extend One VG To 100 Gb?

Feb 26, 2010

I wanted to extend one VG to 100 gb and I run command lvextend -L+100G /dev/vg/home it sucessfully extended and gave me 250GB initially was 150 GB after that I run mke2fs -j /dev/vg/home it created 250GB but lost existing data about 100GB is lost any method to recover it?

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Ubuntu :: How To Extend Capacity Of Hard Drive

Aug 17, 2010

I have window 7 and Ubuntu 10.04 on my laptop.As you know if I extend the capacity of my ubuntu partion in window, I will lose ubuntu and I should reinstall it.I want to know if there is a way for extending my ubuntu partition from 20 Gb to 30 Gb without loosing ubuntu and windows?

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Ubuntu Installation :: How To Shrink One Partition To Extend Other One

Sep 19, 2010

I have 60 plus GBs of free space left in my Vista partition that I would like to devote to my ubuntu install.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Extend Disk Space For 10.10?

Apr 26, 2011

I've 80G hard-disk with dual boot ( XP with 5.5G and Ubuntu 10.10 with 4.5G ). After recent updates there is only 1G of space left on Ubuntu.I've 3 more drives with around 25G left and want to extend Ubuntu by another 10G.How can I do that?

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Ubuntu :: Use Unallocated Space To Extend A Partition?

Jul 19, 2011

Is there any way to use unallocated space to extend a partition that isn't close to that partition? there is an image attached, I can extend /dev/sda2 but not /dev/sda1 ( the one that i want to) I used the live cd to run gparted.I had to move /dev/sda2 to to the right and then extend /dev/sda1

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Ubuntu :: Extend Raid5 Array With One Disk

Mar 6, 2011

I wanted to extend my raid array with one disk, but I made a major error. I forgot partition the new disk to utilize the full 640GB. I used the following commands to extend the array:

mdadm --add /dev/md0 /dev/sdf
mdadm --grow --raid-devices=6 /dev/md0
xfs_growfs /dev/md0

After noticing that something was wrong I used these commands to remove the new disk:


How can I repair this situation? Before starting this adventure I made a back-up of everything that was stored in the raid array.

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Fedora :: Cannot Extend LV For Home

Oct 15, 2010

I have a 100GB HD with FC13 installed, default layout with options suggested during installation. I recently purchased a SSD 120GB and move the data the old HD from it with dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb bs=1M. Since the SSD is 120 Gb, so I should have 20GB space not utilized.

After the moving,

# fdisk /dev/sda1
Disk /dev/sda: 128.0 GB, 128035676160 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 15566 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes


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