Ubuntu :: Grub2 Win 7 Error - Reloc Offset Out Of Segment

Mar 15, 2010

I am dualbooting Karmic, windows 7, and fedora. When I boot, Grub2 will boot everything but Windows 7. Instead it says:
reloc offset is out of the segment

I've tried reinstalling and updating grub2 and I also tried grub. It wasn't a problem until I put Lucid on a 4th partition that's always been there. I let lucid install grub2 and after that windows didn't work, but I got the same error when I reinstalled it from karmic. I got a different error from grub (that I don't remember), but I wasn't positive about the configuration so that may have been my fault.

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Ubuntu Installation :: MBR With Vista - 'segment Offset Error' With The Boot Loader

Jan 10, 2011

I have had a strange experience in upgrading to Ubuntu 10.10 on a Dell Inspiron 1545 also running Vista. I was upgrading from a Ubuntu 8.04 that I thought would be worth reporting/sharing in case others have had a similar experience. last week I upgraded to Ubuntu 10.10 using the live cd. Everything seems have gone smoothly. I could log in and out of ubuntu. After logging into Vista and logging out, the next time I tried to start the machine, there was a 'segment offset error' with the boot loader and there was no way of rebooting into anything except to use the Ubuntu live CD and go to a terminal and reinstall the bootloader. The same thing happened after logging in to Vista- this seemed to mess with the boot loader. Logging in first time was not a problem.

Yesterday I started again, wiped out 10.10 and re-installed ubuntu but version 10.04. Logging in and out of Vista is so far ok and I have not had any problems. I do not have an obvious logical explanation to the sequence of events unless there is a problem with the boot loader in version 10.10.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Error - Vendor Request 0x06 Failed For Offset 0x3040 With Error -110

Feb 12, 2011

Having a problem with my Belkin wireless adapter when trying to stream music to my Pinnacle Soundbridge.The network connection is usually rock steady but drops anywhere between and few second and a few minutes after streaming music. Network manager still shows the connection to my home network as active but it is not. The connection comes back when I unplug the dongle and plug it back in. I found the following message repeated in the syslog

phy3 -> rt2x00usb_vendor_request: Error - Vendor Request 0x06 failed for offset 0x3040 with error -110

Only thing I have noticed is that it refers to rt2x00 when I had thought it used the rt73usb driver.Had the PC and the Soundbridge for a number of years without any problems but I did recently have to reinstall Ubuntu from scratch. Currently running Ubuntu 10.10

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General :: Allow Telnet From One Ip Segment?

Mar 8, 2010

I want to allow only ip segment( to telnet the server(RHEL-7.3).How this can be done using iptables?In the server i gave this command:

# iptables -I FORWARD -s -p tcp --dport 23 -j ACCEPT
output is
0 0 ACCEPT tcp -- * * tcp


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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.10 - ATI Xpress 200 Driver (Segment Fault)

Nov 10, 2010

Ok before anyone tells me to use the open source drivers. Did that and the 3d was messed up. Wine + eve online = fail. This is where this adventure began.

lspci | grep VGA
01:05.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon XPRESS 200M 5955 (PCIE)
HP Dv5130ca AMD Turion 64
Segment fault

ATI Proprietary Linux Driver-8.30.3 from the documentation seems to support this card. But no make install package for 10.10
ATI Proprietary Linux Driver-10.9-x86_64 fails on sudo ./
Error: ./default_policy.sh does not support version
default:v286_64:lib32::none:2.6.35-22-generic:; make sure that the version is being
correctly set by --iscurrentdistro .....

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Networking :: Squid With Multiple IP Segment?

Jan 13, 2011

I've setup Squid - DHCP - Transparent Proxy with the following
eth0 = connected to internet
eth1 = connected to lan. (


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Red Hat :: Yum Failed To Map Segment From Shared Object?

Apr 13, 2010

I've got a redhat 5.5 machine which is supposedly up-to-date according to RHN. When I try to do anything with yum, I get the following error:

There was a problem importing one of the Python modules
required to run yum. The error leading to this problem was:


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Server :: Two RHEL 5.4 Clusters On Same Network Segment?

Jul 23, 2011

Two years ago, I have set up two node Active-passive cluster on VSphere 4.0 and it is in production ever since.

I've tried to setup another cluster for testing purposes on the same VSphere, and failed. And what is interesting is that those new two nodes came up with cluster.conf of the production cluster, even though I did not try to bring them in the existing production cluster. I googled a bit and found something stating that two different clusters might behave strane if on the same network segment. Question is, did anyone try to create two different clusters on the same hardware, or on the same network VLAN?

I will do some more digging after weekend, and get back to you.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Lucid: Restoring Grub2 (dual Boot) - Error "error File Not Found Grub Rescue"

Apr 30, 2010

After upgrading to 10.04 from 9.10 Win7 wouldn't startup any more. So I tried this HowTo: [URL] to restore Grub2. But now each time I boot up I get this two lines: error file not found grub rescue> I have NO idea what to do.


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Ubuntu :: Grub2 - Error: "loading Initial Ramdisk Error: File Not Found"

Oct 24, 2010

I have a long running 9.10 installation. All of a sudden, on boot, I get this error: "loading initial ramdisk error: file not found" If I hit 'E' at the menu entry, I can scroll all the way to the end of the boot command, and it appears that the last 'c' on 'generic' is missing from the kernel name. If I add the c and hit ctrl-x it boots fine. The grub.cfg appears to be correct, it has the full generic spelled out.

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General :: Control The Segment Selector Assigned To A Section?

May 30, 2010

I see from dumping executables that seg selector 0x10 is assigned to my stack segment and to my data segments (.bss .data COMMON). The code is using 0x08. My question - how can I control this? I've looked at all the command line options and don't see it. I have a different program that uses 0x10 for code and 0x18 for data. I note that the second program has i386 in the architecture field in the linker script, whereas the first one referenced has i686. Is this what causes the difference? I understand that this architecture field triggers something regarding a library named BFD - is this where I should look? If so, where do I find it? I am runnig fedora. Is there a way to control the association of sections in the linker script with segment registers? I can set up segments in the gdt and can asign them to segment registers. I can - when writing in assembler - assign code to a section. I can relate a segment in the gdt with a register.But I dont see how to tell the section which segment register it is associated with Finally I see that the gcc compiler decides - based on how I initialize a variable - whether to put it into bss or data or COMMON. Do I have any control over this?

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Programming :: Shell Script To Read A Certain Segment Of A Text File?

Jun 15, 2010

I have a text file that looks sort of like this:

blah blah blah
tons of unimportant stuff we don't care about


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Ubuntu :: GRUB2: Error: No Such Disk?

Mar 3, 2010

I have a machine with two internal SATA drives sda and sdb. Winows XP is installed on sda and I installed Ubuntu 9.10 on sdb. After installation I rebooted and was able to choose either OS from the grub menu.After shutting down and rebooting I was greated with the grub rescue prompt and the messageerror: no such diskI was able to boot to a live USB and use my system again. I thought the problem came from grub being installed to the MBR of sdb, rather than sda. Therefore I installed Ubuntu again, however installed grub to the MBR of sda.

Same thing happened again - the first reboot works fine, then subsequent reboots grub cannot find the disk and I am forced to boot from live usb.Attempt 3 saw me install the root partition onto sda. A couple of reboots later and I was back at the grub rescue prompt. Two days later and after lots of reading I discovered that after doing a reinstall of Ubuntu, rebooting the system then doing a 'sudo update-grub' seemed to fix the disappearing grub problem.I was wrong. It lasted about 6 reboots between Ubuntu and XP, but has broken again. I don't see what the problem is,One point to note is that the BIOS does not let me choose which of the two internal drives to use as primary, infact it sees them as a single eSATA drive.

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Programming :: Find Out - How To Detach And Delete Shared Memory Segment When Hit Crtl-C

Mar 4, 2011

I have a program that creates and uses a shared memory segment. I am trying to find out how to detach and delete this shared memory segment when I hit crtl-C, and I still need the process to terminate.shmdt() and shmctl() have variables that are local to the main passed to them(shared and shmid)

void leave(int sig);
//part of code trying to use signal handling
if(signal(SIGINT, leave))


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Ubuntu :: Grub2 Resolution Setting Error ?

Feb 14, 2010

When I boot up, Grub flashes a message along the lines of "vga=7xx is deprecated, use setting y instead,". Where would grub2 log this error, and what file would I have to edit to change from the old to new resolution setting?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub2 - No Such Disk Error

Mar 13, 2010

I have a Dell machine with two hard drives that has Windows XP Home on the first disk (sda) and I just installed Karmic to the second hard disk (sdb) and when the install finished installing Grub2 to the MBR and the system restarted, I get the no such disk error and the grub rescue prompt. There is no option in BIOS to boot from the second disk. What do I need to do to get this working?

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Ubuntu Installation :: GRUB2: Error: You Need To Load The Kernel First

Mar 7, 2010

I've been using Ubuntu since 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon. I only recently fully switched to Linux OS's, and Ubuntu is now my primary. I currently have 9.10 installed. CURRENTLY I also have Backtrack 4, and Fedora 12 (Ugh!).Previously, I thought something was wrong with my my filesystem in Ubuntu 9.10, and after an upgrade of the linux kernel, I started to get Error: You need to load the Kernel First. That's where my problems started. I had upgraded to 9.10 from 9.04 and I still had Grub Legacy, so I went through hoops to try and get it to work, but eventually everything just kind of broke, and I completely wiped off my partitions on it and started fresh installs of all 3.

And now that the new linux kernel is released, 2.6.31-20 generic (I think... That's what the highest number on a file I can find in /boot is)I went through a few more hoops and ladders and tried to get it to work, but to no avail. I've looked the internet for a solution to this and tried just about everything but there is no unified answer, and I've seen on Launchpad there are alot of bugs that are classified as 'Fixed', but the problem still remains.I took out the 'quiet splash' part in the GRUB2 line for the newest kernel and it didn't do anything. It only changed it to "Error: Couldn't find file".This is the top two kernels (Main and Recovery for the new, and Main and Recovery for the previous working one)


### BEGIN /etc/grub.d/10_linux ###
menuentry "Ubuntu, Linux 2.6.31-20-generic" {


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Programming :: Save / Load Data Segment Of Dynamically Loaded Shared Object Library?

Aug 25, 2010

Our application uses a dynamically loaded shared object library (codec library) to compress and decompress audio streams.

There happens to be several static and global variables in this shared object library. Hence it is not possible to process two interleaved unrelated media streams using this shared object codec library because each stream corrupts/changes the contents of these static/global variables.

Is there a way through which a context save (save contents of data segment of shared object) and a context load (load previously saved contents of data segment of shared object)operation can be performed on the shared object library. This way the context for each media stream can be saved and loaded before and after processing the "other" media stream respectively.

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General :: Grub2 ./configure Error ?

Jul 6, 2010

I have mandriva 2007 install on my desktop. I tried to update to grub2. When I run the ./configure I got the following error message.

This script, last modified 2009-06-10, has failed to recognize the operating system you are using. It is advised that you download the most up to date version of the config scripts from [url]and [url]

If the version you run (./config.guess) is already up to date, please send the following data and any information you think might be pertinent to <config-patches@gnu.org> in order to provide the needed information to handle your system.

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Ubuntu :: Mounting An Offset Within Dd Image

Mar 8, 2011

For instance, using dd, you create an image of a whole hard drive, all partitions. The script then comes and mounts the partition located at offset 63 (or whatever the user picks).I do not see this option in the mount command.No other searches turned up anything meaningful. So I am bowing to the gurus.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub-probe Mapping Error In GRUB2

Jan 6, 2010

I am having trouble upgrading from old grub to grub-pc. I have a clean install of 9.10 on a system with a new ASUS motherboard with Nvidia RAID configured as RAID 0.Although I read the page on SATA pseudo-RAID, this doesn't seem to apply, as both 9.10 and Windows XP installed cleanly without any additional drivers required.I did notice that contrary to the documentation, 9.10 installed with grub v0.97, not the new one as claimed. It is working fine, but just to be ornery, I'm trying to upgrade to the new one, and this is where I ran into trouble.Whenever I try to run grub-upgrade, I get an error from grub-probe that 'no mapping exists for' my raid partition. Apparently grub-probe can deal with the device, but not with the fs_uuid, as follows:

twescott@latitude:~$ sudo grub-probe -t device /boot/grub
twescott@latitude:~$ sudo grub-probe -t fs_uuid /boot/grub
grub-probe: error: no mapping exists for `nvidia_fcacbeib5'

The system seems to be recognizing the RAID with no problems, as in:

twescott@latitude:~$ sudo blkid
/dev/mapper/nvidia_fcacbeib1: UUID="28D83EB2D83E7DDE" TYPE="ntfs"
/dev/mapper/nvidia_fcacbeib2: UUID="4344165e-07c3-4da6-b640-da9bf964a74e" TYPE="swap"
/dev/sda: TYPE="nvidia_raid_member"


I'm thinking the problem may be in my grub device.map file, which only lists the SATA raw device aliases, but I may be completely wrong:

twescott@latitude:~$ cat /boot/grub/device.map
(hd0) /dev/sda
(hd1) /dev/sdb

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.10 Update Manager Grub2 Configuration Error

Jun 18, 2011

Im running Ubuntu 10.10 32 bit and Grub2. When running the update manager, I get the following message while it is configuring grub-pc: The Grub boot loader was previously installed to a disk that is no longer present, or whose normally unique identifier has been changed for some reason. It is important to make sure that the installed Grub stays in sync with other components such as grub.cfg...I change my hardware, including hard disks, frequently so that is likely the cause. My computer still boots but I like to fix this if possible. My disk partitions are:/dev/sda1/boot/dev/sda2/ /dev/sda3/home

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub2 Cannot Boot Windows 7 (error 0xc0000225)

Jul 2, 2011

I have Lucid installed on a computer. I added a second drive, installed Windows 7. Windows 7 boots fine if it is the only drive connected, or it is selected as the boot drive in the BIOS. I booted into Lucid, ran 'sudo update-grub' and it found the Windows 7 install on the second disk. When I try to use that Grub entry to boot Windows 7, I get this error screen:


Windows Boot Manager Windows failed to start. A recent hardware or software change might be the cause. To fix the problem:

1. Insert your Windows installation disk and restart your computer.
2. Choose your language settings, and then click "Next."
3. Click "Repair your computer."

If you do not have this disk, contact your system administrator or computer manufacturer for assistance.

File: BootBCD
Status: 0xc0000225
Info: An error occurred while attempting to read the boot configuration data.

I seem to remember in the Grub 1.x days there was a map command that would 'swap' the drives so Windows would think it was the boot drive, but the Grub2 autogenerated command doesn't have anything like that.how to get Grub2 to boot Windows 7?

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General :: Booting Fedora 12 From Ubuntu's Grub2 - ERROR: Not An Assignment

Feb 2, 2010

I'm trying to boot my Fedora 12 partition, but am failing miserably, when I try to boot Fedora 12 I get "ERROR: NOT AN ASSIGNMENT"

my 40_custom file is as follows:


exec tail -n +3 $0
# This file provides an easy way to add custom menu entries. Simply type the
# menu entries you want to add after this comment. Be careful not to change


Note that I tried this using the entry that is currently commented out and I had the same result. Does anyone know what is wrong? The entry that is currently uncommented came directly from the grub entry created by fedora itself (before I installed ubuntu).

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Ubuntu Installation :: Monitor Offset By 10 Or 15 Pixels?

Mar 18, 2010

I have a new installation of Karmic 9.10 up and running but for some reason my Nvida Quadro NVS 280 SD graphics card can not align my Sony SDM-HX73 monitor correctly. On the left I'm missing 10 or 15 pixels and on the right I have a thin black strip of unusable screen.

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Ubuntu :: GRUB2 Won't Boot Windows - Error: Symbol Not Found: 'grub_err_printed_errors'

Jan 9, 2011

I have a Windows Vista-Ubuntu 11.04 dual-boot. However, I have lost the ability to boot Windows Vista. I can select Windows in the GRUB menu, but GRUB says


error: symbol not found: 'grub_err_printed_errors'

I have repeatedly searched Google for any help, but have found nothing that applies to my situation. I need Windows because I have an iPod Touch with a tethered jailbreak and can't use it right now.

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Server :: Ntp Offset Value Too High

May 19, 2011

i have a problem here whereby some 20 over servers in my network is having regular Offset values. The configured threshold is 55, but whenever it exceeds 55, i have alerts coming in. My questions are;

1)how do i find out what is causing the Offset value to be high?

2)i have workaround in mind, that is to create a cronjob to restart the ntp daily, or hourly - is this workaround an acceptable practice?

My main concern is to find out what is causing the frequent offset spike/increase. real example from my servers:


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General :: Chainloading From Grub2 To Sys On A USB Drive / Boot Error?

Mar 23, 2011

Alright, what I thought would be a simple task has me tied in knots.

I wanted to make a multiboot USB flash drive that I could easily manipulate to switch to various distros easily. My plans were:

1. Partition my 8GB drive to one large first partition (5GB) so that windows could access it. (P.S. GParted didn't partition correctly, needed to use fdisk. THIS MIGHT BE IMPORTANT IN SOLVING THE PROBLEM BECAUSE THERE MIGHT BE A BLOCK ERROR). I then made an extended partition with 5 500MB logical partitions.

2. Install Grub2 to MBR from Ubuntu

3. Expand ISO's of varios distros (Acronis Recovery, Puppy linux, etc.)
to the partitions, and create syslinux.cfg files for each (from the isolinux.cfg files that were already there)

4. Install syslinux to each partition's boot sector

#syslinux /dev/sdb5...
5. make grub.cfg on /dev/sdb1 chainload each partition.


Grub2 loads, but when selecting what I want to boot, I get the error

Boot error

which is syslinux, not grub2. So I know it's chainloading, but syslinux doesn't seem to find ldlinux.sys.

P.S. I'm not asking for other ways to make a multiboot drive, I know I can just direct boot from Grub2, but I want to be able to pass the boot to the boot loaders on the other logical partitions.

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Software :: GRUB Read Error After Upgrade To Grub2?

Mar 19, 2010

I have a Debian Lenny box with two hard drives in it (no dual boot; /home and /var are on the second drive). This machine was working fine until earlier this week when I ran an upgrade and restarted it. I think during this upgrade Grub got upgraded to Grub2, and now when I try to reboot I just get this:


GRUB Read Error

Hitting Enter yields Operating System Not found. This is it, I can't get into the grub screen to enter the boot command or anything. I booted the machine into the rescue environment on the Install CD, and was able to mount all the file systems and chroot in. I tried reinstalling grub2, but this did not help. I ran fsck on my /boot file system, but it appears fine. The boot partition is also marked with a bootable flag in fdisk. I did try to downgrade back to grub1.5 which, while it didn't given an error did hang shortly after it loaded.

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Software :: Update-grub In Grub2 Gives An Error Message?

Apr 20, 2011

I have an old computer that I use for trying out software and other things before putting them on my newer machine so as to avoid irreparable damage. The machine has 2 hard discs; the first disc contains Windows and I wanted to use the second disc for Linux. I installed Fedora 14 on the second disc and followed this with Ubuntu 10.10.

After I installed Fedora I re-booted and had a choice between booting into Windows or Fedora. After adding Ubuntu I assumed that Grub2 would pick up both Windows and Fedora and add them to the grub menu but instead, the grub menu only contained the options to boot Fedora or Ubuntu. I tried running 'sudo update-grub' but got the following message:

"cannot access /var/lib/os-prober/mount/boot
Boot: No such file or directory"

When I had a look in /os-prober all that was there was a file called 'labels' and when I opened it it consisted of the one line "Fedora 1" It looks to me, who doesn't know a lot about grub2, that something is missing from grub and had wondered whether to re-install it or whether doing so would be jumping out of the frying pan into the fire.

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