Ubuntu :: GRUB On Dedicated Partition (auto Populate)?

Jul 25, 2010

Im running VMware fusion on my mac book pro and i want to boot my physical ubuntu partition. After wasting hours trying to add the partitions directly into vmware grub complained that it couldn't find the correct partition.

I abandoned that avenue and created a 50MB vmware partition and installed GRUB2 on it so in the VMware i then attached the 50MB grub partition and the 250G physical drive. This all works fine however i cant seem to get GRUB2 to automatically populate the menu. On the GRUB2 partition i have /boot/grub/* and /etc/grub.d/ * and in the grub.cfg i have set GRUB_DISABLE_OS_PROBER=false

however when i run update-grub i get an error saying something like "mkconfig-grub cannot find / is dev mounted?" i can manually run /etc/grub.d/30_os-prober and it prints out a list of all my partitions which i can paste into grub.cfg however i dont want to have to manually do this for each kernel upgrade.Im doing all this via a 10.04 live CD.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dedicated Grub Partition - Two HDD And Dual Boot

Jan 21, 2011

Here's what I want to do. I have two separate HDD
HDD 1 : 160 GB (dedicated to windows, already working)
HDD 2 : 500 GB Will be using dedicated to ubuntu (not partitioned yet)

I want to use the HDD two only for linux and this HDD is not partitioned yet. What I want to do is
- A dedicated Grub partition (/boot) on HDD 2 (Do I really need it when I am using just two os? Will it work on second HDD?)
- / root partition
- /home partition
- /swap partition
- /fat32 partition (do I need it to share files with win?)

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Ubuntu :: Moving To Dedicated Partition?

Jun 17, 2010

right now i m using ubuntu 10.04 installed on virtual hard disk (wubi), but now i want to move it to dedicated hard drive partition. i found is to use LVPM however that software is NOT compatible with ubuntu 10.04. . .

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Boot With Mandriva - Dedicated Partition ?

Aug 31, 2010

Does anyone have any experience installing Mandriva to a dedicated partition, and configuring it for use with Grub2?

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General :: Adding Memory From Dedicated Kubuntu Partition Back To Vista

Jan 16, 2010

I decided to remove my Kubuntu partition until I can fully dedicate my time to figuring out linux (right now I need Windows for certain things, i.e. flash and my zune).

I fixed the MBR, but the problem now is I have a 142.77 GB partition of free space. What do I do? Do I just delete it?

When I click delete this is the message I get:
"This is an Extended partition. This partition will become inaccessable if you delete it. Are you sure you want to delete this partition?"

I am essentially asking if this just means the partition will be gone and not the memory, and where the memory goes if I delete the partition.

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Fedora :: How To Populate The Desktop

Jun 10, 2011

How do you populate the desktop ? I cant find a way to drag a folder or create a shortcut on it ?

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Debian :: Smbldap-populate Can't Contact Ldap Server / Why Is So?

Mar 27, 2010

Ldap and samba work fine if de ldap server is @localhost.

smbldap-populate however refuses to connect to the ldap server at the address ldaps://ldap.server

ldapsearch -x -H ldaps://ldap.server

I checked ldad.conf and smbldap.conf time and again.

Why oh why?

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Programming :: Bash: Populate A List Of Arbitrarily Named Files?

Mar 14, 2010

How to build a list of files under a directory that may have any permissible characters in the name, that is anything except NUL? The only possible (?) bash data structure to contain a list of such names is an array because NUL cannot be used as a list item separator so no X-separated list can safely be used; there is no "X" that might not be part of a file name. OK -- but how to populate such an array? Here's what I've tried.


# Set up test files
dir=$(mktemp -d "/tmp/${0##*/}.XXXXXX")
touch $dir/foo $dir/bar


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Ubuntu :: Manual Or Auto Partition?

May 1, 2011

I'm downloading linux right now and was wondering what the difference between manual and automatic partition is. If manual partition is better can someone tell how to do it?

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Ubuntu :: Grub - Lost My Windows Partition - Can't Find Menu.lst In /boot/grub

Nov 1, 2010

I got ubuntu 10.04 lucid lynx along with windows (dual boot) and using Grub. On my computer, I have my C:/ (programs) and D:/ (data). I've never used my D:/ before that day that I've lost my windows partition on my grub menu. I usually use my D:/ with windows. The first time I used my D:/ to store data with linux, I lost my windows option in my grub menu. I'm not sure what I did wrong but I do want to restore my windows option in my grub menu.

After "fdisk -l",

I checked in /boot/grub and there is no menu.lst to modify. how I can get back my windows option in my grub menu ?

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Ubuntu :: Auto-partition Free Space

Nov 16, 2010

I am trying to install Ubuntu on a computer that will do a dual boot (Windows XP and Ubuntu). My drive is 1.5TB. I have installed WinXP first creating 20GB partition for it. Rest of the drive remained as an unpartitioned space. Now, on top of that I am trying to install Ubuntu. I got as far as the screen that asks me to partition hard drive. What I would like to do is to create the following partitions:

/ - where the system will go (20GB)
/swap - well, swap (5GB)
/media - for my media files (rest of the HD ~1.4TB)

Unfortunately, I was unable to do so (or it is beyond my noob Linux skills). The only two partition types available were Primary and Logical. When I created two partitions:


I got an error that warned me to go back and "rethink" my strategy (do not remember exact error). When I tried auto-partition free space, I got:


but / took the whole remaining 1.5TB of the drive. How do I create the three partitions that I would like to have?

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Ubuntu :: Use A Windows-based Recovery Partition On A Dual-boot Computer To Overwrite Partition And Remove GRUB Loader?

Mar 9, 2010

is it possible to use a Windows-based recovery partition on a dual-boot computer to overwrite the Ubuntu partition and remove the GRUB loader? For instance, if you booted up your computer, accessed the hidden recovery partition and used it to reset the computer to it's factory default settings, would that effectively remove the Ubuntu partition and the GRUB loader? Would a completely new installation of Windows overwrite/uninstall Ubuntu and GRUB automatically?

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Ubuntu :: Kernel Updates - No Auto Boot From Grub ?

Mar 27, 2010

I'm remote from my system and so have to wait 2-3 days before I can get access directly, but I've noticed that when the kernel updates automatically (or forced by me), the next reboot stops at the grub page awaiting confirmation of the kernel I want to boot. grub.conf doesnt seem significantly different from that of fedora (my previos distro for this machine) and even has the default lines and times spec'd, so I can't see what's holding it up. Any ideas how I can prevent this so I can have my system auto-updating the kernel AND safe to reboot remotely?

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Ubuntu :: 11.04, Grub 1.99, Disabling Time-out Auto Load Of OS?

Aug 1, 2011

I have an Ubuntu/Win7 dual boot system with GRUB as my default bootloader, and I am often distracted by other things when I boot up my PC. Is there any way I can stop GRUB from loading linux automatically after it times out? I would prefer if it never timed out, and I could eternally have the OS selection on the screen until I decide to select an OS.Have been reading the GNU Grub Manual, but I can't make heads or tails of some of the more technical stuff yet and I do not know enough about Terminal to know all of the commands they are throwing at me.

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Ubuntu :: Auto Mount NTFS (windows) Partition?

Nov 7, 2010

I have a windows partition on my drive, and I want to access it without having to mount it first, etc. There are just two partitions, windows and Ubuntu. I am running Ubuntu 10.04.1 so I want to mount it on startup. I saw this article: [URL] but I don't know if what it describes will work as it's almost 2 years old. I'm not adverse to commands, in fact would probably prefer those.

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General :: Grub Loader Can't Boot From Partition But Other Boots Can See Partition?

Feb 25, 2010

I having a problem getting my grub loader to see one of my hard drives. I added a drive, and my grub loader lost track of where everything was. I couldn't get my old linux (Red Hat 9) so I installed SuSe on my new hard drive. But I need my be able to boot from my old hard drive because it has apps that only run on the earlier version. From /proc/partitions the old hard drive is sdd

major minor #blocks name
8 0 976762584 sda
8 1 2104483 sda1
8 2 20972857 sda2


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Ubuntu :: DamnSmall Fails To Boot After GRUB Auto Setup

Jan 31, 2010

I installed karmic, then damn small linux - the DSL's loader would not recognize my xubntu automatically, so I got GRUB 1.97 on xubuntu and it recognized my DSL and added it to the menu with 3 alternative resolution options.

Now, xubuntu starts fine, but when I start DSL in any of the modes, I get the following output:

1. 'vga=normal is deprecated use gfxpayload=text before linux command' comes up in the same font as GRUB menu is displayed - but only for a split second, I had to video it to read it!

2. Uncompressing linux... ok, booting the kernel - similarly, disappears before you can read it, and the computer reboots.

Below are my /etc/default/grub and /boot/grub/grub.cfg.

Does all that mean I want to edit /boot/grub/grub.cfg even though I apparently must not?

NB I have some problems with my hard drive, I have to fdisk it a lot but that's probably because my laptop has a dead BIOS battery - I'm having to fdisk it every time I boot up etc. I'm a bit lost with this to be honest! Anyway, please forget the hard drive note unless you seriously suspect it's at fault for GRUB problems.



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Ubuntu Installation :: Auto-run And Skip Grub 1.99 Menu After Upgrade?

Apr 30, 2011

This seems to be a strange problem, and I have searched high and low for answers. Since Ubuntu 10.04 I have been upgrading via LiveCD and had no problems, however after an upgrade to 11.04 I now have Grub 1.99 giving me a list of versions to chose from before the OS loads. Now, call me fussy, but I don't want this, I just want to turn on my PC and go straight into Ubuntu as it always has done. I have tried various fixes such as looking for old Kernals in Package Manager, but no old kernals show up! Same for Ubuntu-Tweak, nothing shows up when I click on clean kernals.

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Ubuntu :: Auto-mount Luks Encrypted Partition At Boot?

May 27, 2010

I'm having a problem auto-mounting a new luks partition. I have crypttab and fstab entries. I already have my primary encrypted partition (root) mounting at boot (from the install), but after creating this one manually, it does not open on boot. It auto-mounts when I run the following command manually after boot: sudo luksOpen /dev/disk/by-uuid/<uuid> mycrypt

/etc/crypttab entry:
personalcrypt /dev/disk/by-uuid/a1af5b7b-db58-4690-b586-b74407795e2c none luks
/etc/fstab entry:


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Ubuntu :: Auto Mount An Ext4 Partition On My Hard Drive?

Apr 7, 2011

Easiest way to auto mount an ext4 partition on my hard drive?

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Ubuntu :: Move Grub From One Partition To Another Partition?

May 8, 2010

I don't know if this is possible however would like to know how to move grub from one partition to another.I may not have explainded that very well. I have a computer that i use to checkout different linux distros, however since the introduction of grub2 things have become difficult. I have a number of primary partitions on the one hdd If I install a o/s that uses grub on a partition and another partition has a o/s that uses grub2 then on startup the o/s with grub2 no longer appears on the grub start up screen so I cannot boot into the grub2 o/s. The reverse is ok i.e. if I install a grub2 o/s after a grub o/s all appear on the grub start up screen.

This leaves me in the situation where I have to always reinstall a grub2 o/s after i install a grub o/s. Hope that makes sense! This is why it would be easier (I hope) to be able to move grub from one o/s to another. I must admit I don't really understand it all that well and I know that mbr plays a role in it, however I think it's correct that the mbr can remain on an o/s yet grub is on another?

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Fedora Installation :: Grub And Auto Mount ?

Aug 29, 2010

I was running ubuntu and windows 7 as dual boot, I taught of trying out fedora 13 and installed it. I faced some issues with grub, like it does not detected my ubuntu, so, I used my ubuntu live cd and restored my ubuntus grub. So, now I want to use the fedora grub. I cannot restore it. Can I get restoring the grub from fedora's live CD?

And, I am using gnome as desktop environment, when I go to places and click anyof my partitions, it asks me root password, I am little frustrated to give password of root every time I mount any-of the partitions. In my ubuntu, It doesn't need any root password, It just auto mounts the partitions. How do we do that?

Here is my "fdisk -l "


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Fedora :: Auto Mount NTFS Partition 12?

Jan 6, 2010

Currently I have a dual boot system it consists of Fedora 12 and Windows Vista, at this time when I am logged into fedora 12 I can select the windows vista partition in the f12 file manager, I am than prompted for the root password and after entering the password, the drive mounts as read/write with no problem. How can I automate this mounting process so once I login as a standard user the NTFS partition mounts without any input? I would like this to auto mount without prompting for a password or having to double click on the vista partition each time.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Grub.conf Modification - Auto Booting

Feb 1, 2010

I have windows vista on one sata HDD, and fedora on a second sata HDD. After installing fedora of course the grub is auto booting fedora. I would like vista to be the default O/S. I dont care if i modify the grub file to have it manually boot vista, or to remove the grub interface all together, i just want it to auto boot vista. My bios is programed to boot my vista drive before my fedora drive, however it keeps booting the grub and it boots fedora, which i find kind of odd. below is the contents of my grub.conf file:


*NOTE: i have already tried changing the 'default=0' to 'default=1' and restarting the computer, as i saw in a different post on these forums, however that did not fix my problem. Im guessing its because i have the operating systems on two seperate drives, where the other guy just had them on a single drive.

**EDIT: after posting i had to modify lines 6 and 10 of my grub.conf file because it had smileys at the end lol. i put a space in between the 8 and the ) for posting purposes only, my actuall file does not have these spaces.

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General :: Auto-mount A Vfat Partition As User?

Nov 1, 2010

I have a vfat partition under RedHat RHEL5 that I currently must mount manualy after each boot. I would like it to auto-mount but I cannot find a way to do this without it becoming ro except for root. My other partitions auto-mount just fine. I have tried the vfat as a separate partition and as a VLM logical drive (as it currently is).

The fstab statement:

"/dev/VolGroup00/LogVolDos /dos vfat noauto,users 0 0"

allows me to mount it as a user. The statement:

"/dev/VolGroup00/LogVolDos /dos vfat defaults 1 2"

is what I use for other VLM partitions, but for the vfat it seems to only allow root access. Manually mount this partition is OK, it's just that I have sometimes forgotten and then it is not included in backups. What do I need to do to make the vfat auto-mount as accessible for a user?

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Hardware :: Taking Ownership Of A Auto Mounted Partition?

May 25, 2011

I am trying to auto mount a partition in /Stuffz but I am not able to take the ownership of the drive. This is a snapshot of my /etc/fstab


# /etc/fstab
# Created by anaconda on Thu Mar 10 05:24:50 2011
# Accessible filesystems, by reference, are maintained under '/dev/disk'


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General :: Auto-mounting An Ecryptfs Partition Which Is On A Usb Drive?

May 30, 2010

I have an ecryptfs partition on a usb drive, system runs Debian squeezeWhat I'd like to have is that when I connect the drive it will be auto. mounted and I'lleither have to enter the passphrase or it will already be in the keyring (even better).It seems ecryptfs can auto-mount a directory but I want to auto-mount an entire encryptd partition. Is this possible?.Also, can I have another encrypted directory, say ~/Private, at the same time or can ecryptfs handle only one at a time?

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Ubuntu :: Grub.cfg Does Not Get Read Correct - Auto-removes Characters At Boot Menu

Mar 10, 2010

I have a problem with GRUB 2 that I hope someone here can help me fix. Every time I boot I get an error because GRUB deletes that last part of the initrd line in /boot/grub/grub.cfg.

So this:


Becomes this (notice the missing "c" at the end):


And the windows part is also broken:


If I add an extra character at the end of the line it get removed instead and then it works. But only until next time the grub.cfg is auto updated. The error is only there when booting. Reading the file every character is in there.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Grub No Auto Update New Hard Drive?

Jul 26, 2010

Subject: grub no auto update new hard drive.doc Date: 07/26/2010 03:48:45 PM grub no auto update new hard drive.When installed 11.2 on Western Digital VelociRaptor 150 GB hard drive and now installed 300 GB VelociRaptor drive. Your grub does not update correctly to identity the op systems after the new drive is imaged; youre kidding right? I request that you provide the instruction for correcting this; you must have and auto update for grub.


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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub - Setup: Warning: Attempting To Install GRUB To A Partition Instead Of The MBR - Install - Lvm - Luks - Raid - Karmic Server

Mar 27, 2010

I'm running Karmic Server with GRUB2 on a Dell XPS 420. Everything was running fine until I changed 2 BIOS settings in an attempt to make my Virtual Box guests run faster. I turned on SpeedStep and Virtualization, rebooted, and I was slapped in the face with a grub error 15. I can't, in my wildest dreams, imagine how these two settings could cause a problem for GRUB, but they have. To make matters worse, I've set my server up to use Luks encrypted LVMs on soft-RAID. From what I can gather, it seems my only hope is to reinstall GRUB. So, I've tried to follow the Live CD instructions outlined in the following article (adding the necessary steps to mount my RAID volumes and LVMs). [URL]

If I try mounting the root lvm as 'dev/vg-root' on /mnt and the boot partition as 'dev/md0' on /mnt/boot, when I try to run the command $sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/ /dev/md0, I get an errors: grub-setup: warn: Attempting to install GRUB to a partition instead of the MBR. This is a BAD idea. grub-setup: error: Embedding is not possible, but this is required when the root device is on a RAID array or LVM volume.

Somewhere in my troubleshooting, I also tried mounting the root lvm as 'dev/mapper/vg-root'. This results in the grub-install error: $sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/ /dev/md0 Invalid device 'dev/md0'

Obviously, neither case fixes the problem. I've been searching and troubleshooting for several hours this evening, and I must have my system operational by Monday morning. That means if I don't have a solution by pretty early tomorrow morning...I'm screwed. A full rebuild will by my only option.

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