Ubuntu :: GRUB Boot List Not Responding To Cursor Keystrokes?

Sep 27, 2010

I just installed Kubuntu 10.04 dual booted with Windows XP Home. It worked OK until I tried to reboot. Then, when the GRUB boot list came up, there was no response to the keyboard cursors or other keys, so I was unable to select any OS other than the default. Right now, I can't access Windows at all.

Any solution to this? One person suggested enabling USB in BIOS, but I found nothing relevant there. Another suggested I use a PS2 keyboard, which I did, but no change...same problem.

If I can't get a solution to that, how do I change the GRUB configuration to make Windows the default? 10.04 doesn't have the same kind of GRUB boot config file that I recall using the last time I worked with Kubuntu, way back around version 6 0r 8.

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Ubuntu :: Mouse Cursor Not Responding Anymore?

Apr 27, 2011

I have dual monitors, and I was running Minecraft in a window on the external screen and I accidentally pressed F11, which made the game appear on both screens at once (I have dual monitors), one with the mouse and one without, when I pressed F11 again both screens flickered but nothing changed. I could move the mouse to close the window but it didn't respond, so I restarted, and now the cursor is stuck against the left side of the screen and doesn't respond to the touchpad (unfortunately I don't have a USB mouse to try out) It's a Samsung R580 laptop running Ubuntu 10.10, with an ATI HD545V graphics card. just recently installed Ubuntu for the first time and would really like to get to back to using it. Feel free to patronize me, I won't get offended.

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Ubuntu :: Flashing Cursor After Grub Boot Up In Maverick 10.10?

Oct 28, 2010

I installed Ubuntu a while ago, but sometimes (about half the time), when I boot my computer, go into the Grub bootloader, then whether Grub selects Ubuntu for me (not sure if this is an error as well, but I've found that if I leave it without pressing any keys, then Grub just boots into Ubuntu for me (also, it's the top option)) or I select Ubuntu, it then flashes a cursor (a '_' character) on the screen (it's also in the same font as the font used by BIOS, so I assume at this moment, it's in BIOS).

Next, one of two things happen. Either I have to wait a few seconds, then it boots into Ubuntu, OR, it just hangs like that, not booting into Ubuntu, and not responding to any key presses or anything, forcing me to power off my machine using the hardware button.My specs, generated from hardinfo, are:

Processor : 2x Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E6550 @ 2.33GHz


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Ubuntu Installation :: Won't Boot / Getting A Blinking Cursor, But No GRUB?

Jun 5, 2011

I've tried to install Ubuntu 11.04 for the whole afternoon and I'm stuck.Reason why I use the alternate cd is that I want to use an encrypted logical volume (full system, not just home folder). I did not create the partitions myself, I simply used the installer option for "guided LVM with encryption".But now I have the problem that I finished the installation without error, but when I boot my laptop nothing happens. I do only get a blinking cursor, but no GRUB, which I installed too (because there is a nother hdd with win 7).

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Software :: GRUB Boot Of XP Hangs At Flashing Cursor?

May 19, 2010

I installed Fedora 11 today, because I'm really looking to replace Windows. I've been running a Fedora 11 webserver at home for over a year, but this is Linux, which means that I spent about 8 hours on it over a year ago, and then only logged in once or twice since. :P

So after the install, I booted to a GRUB prompt and no menu. After searching around, I changed my BIOS settings to Large for the hard drive, and got the GRUB menu to load, and now I'm posting this from within Fedora 11, and after some good healthy exercises with the soundcard, xvid drivers, and a few other things, it's great.When I load XP from Grub, I just get a flashing underscore and no progress.XP is installed in the first partition, and has been there for a few months. Here's my grub.conf:



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Ubuntu :: GRUB - Boot Windows Goes To A Black Screen With A Blinking Cursor

May 3, 2010

I dual-boot Windows 7 and Ubuntu. Sometime between 4/18 and a few days ago, something happened with Windows booting up. Ubuntu boots fine, but whenever I try to boot Windows, it just goes to a black screen with a blinking cursor (the command line kind, not a pointer). At first I thought it was Windows, but I have run the repair CD and executed chkdsk /f and chkdsk /r on all partition related to windows. No effect.

I ran a system check designed for issues with booting up, and it found no errors. I have looked at my GRUB files, and they all look fine. I am not sure if it is GRUB or Windows. I tried reinstalling the Windows boot-loader, and it had the same effect, the only difference is that it bypassed GRUB. The reason I think it may be GRUB is that the error happened around the same time as me upgrading from Karmic to the Lucid RC. I have posted this on a Windows 7 forum.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Lost Grub Boot Of Windows XP / Getting Blank Screen With A Flashing Cursor?

May 1, 2010

I have just updated to 10.04 on my Dell Insperon 8200 laptop, and all seems well with Linux.My problem is that although it shows in Grub Windows XP will not load. I just get a blank screen with a flashing cursor.I have tried to grub-mkconfig and grub-update, both of which reported successful results.However on reboot I still get a blank screen for windows.This was not an issue with 9.04 and 9.10.so I don't think it is the machine.

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Ubuntu :: Broken Grub On Dual-boot System - Get A Flashing Cursor On A Blank Screen When Try To Load

Nov 2, 2010

I installed Win7 after Ubuntu (10.10). I attempted to reload grub so that I would be able to run them dual boot and now I can't load anything.

I followed the guide here: [url] and went threw it a couple of times now to make sure it wasn't user error.

I am using a live cd from 10.04 because it's the only one I have. Any chance that's why it isn't working properly? I wouldn't think so, but I assume that it's possible.

If that is the case; Any way to solve it without using the live cd? I cannot burn a new disk because I have to boot from disk to use my computer right now.

I just get a flashing cursor on a blank screen when I try to load.

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Ubuntu :: How To Edit GRUB Boot List

Mar 5, 2010

I'm using HP Pavilion dv2108tx I have ubuntu and Win7 dual boot. The problem is every time I change setting to the BIOS there will be a new list of ubuntu boot came up and now I scroll trough the whole list. Is there anyway to edit GURB boot list.

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Ubuntu :: How To View Grub Boot List

Aug 7, 2010

With Ubuntu 10.04 im having trouble viewing the boot
menu.Where would I find that? Also ,without asking the forum this question, where would I find that info?

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Ubuntu :: Clean Up Grub List At Boot?

Jan 12, 2010

I installed The latest and greatest Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) and everything is clicking along just fine except one annoying feature that I am unable to get my finger on.I have quite a list of choices at bootup. I updated a couple version of the kernel and there is this memtest thing...twice... Then my family also uses windows 7 so that is the default at the bottom of the list set to boot after 3 seconds to keep the nagging to a minimum.

I would like to know the cleanest and safest way to have the list only show the current kernel option and the windows 7 option if this is even advised. Would it be best to have a backup (Previous kernel) in the list? *just in case* Is it safe to seek out the old kernel by version number and uninstall? Will this remove the entries in the list? Is editing the list and leaving other options installed wise? Is there a gui grub2 configuration tool with these advanced options? I have StartUp-Manager, but there is no options to change the list.

Im looking for the best/safest option to get this done because I now see another kernel update image in the update manager and it is going to increase the size of my list once I find the time to update. Im a bit green and scared I will ruin a good thing here. Everything is working perfectly so far and I realize one click and it could all be over.

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Ubuntu :: Vista Is Missing From Grub Boot-list

Dec 8, 2010

Here is the output of bootscript,


Boot Info Script 0.55 dated February 15th, 2010
============================= Boot Info Summary: ==============================
=> Grub 2 is installed in the MBR of /dev/sda and looks on the same drive in


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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 - No Grub List Appearing For Win7 Boot

Jan 15, 2011

Firstly, I installed my Windows 7 on sda2; then, I installed Ubuntu 10.04 on sda1. But the computer directly get into Ubuntu without listing the grub list. How to get the Grub list back and make sure the Widows 7 is on the list?

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Debian :: Don't Show Grub List On Boot / Just Go To Most Recent

Mar 28, 2010

How do I make debian not show the grub list, and just go to the newest kernel?

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Debian :: Change Order Of GRUB Boot List?

Apr 1, 2010

I tried looking this up. It seems that in Ubuntu, you need to edit /boot/grub/menu.lst. I tried that, and the file is not present in Debian "Squeeze". (Just trying it out on a different PC, In case you are confused by my other thread regarding Lenny) So what do I need to do to change the default OS to boot?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Lost Grub Boot Menu List Meerkat

Jun 13, 2011

I am using an old 8.04 live desktop disk

I am running meerkat 10.10 on the partition that is now ,not accessible

I dont know if i have grub or grub2

My machine boots to the grub boot menu list but its all of my old kernels that have been removed from 9.04

I have a menu list in my ubuntu boot/grub partition but they all point to 9.04, i have backups but they are the same 9.04

I have no grub2 menu list in etc/default

Can i just edit the menu list in boot/grub directory to look for my latest kernel and how should i insert it sudo?

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Ubuntu :: Rename And Delete Lines In Boot List (GRUB 2) - Lucid Lynx

Aug 28, 2010

how to change (rename, delete) lines from boot list in grub 2, Ubuntu 10.04? For example, when I boot my pc, I have a boot list with options "Ubuntu 10.04", "memtest" and "Windows 7". I want to delete "memtest" line, as I don't need it, and rename "Windows 7" line to, for example, "Windows 117". How can I do that? Where I should look and edit? In old grub it was enough to edit /boot/grub/menu.lst, but in Ubuntu 10.04 there is no such file and other grub2-related files (like grub.cfg) do not contain this info to rename or delete lines. So, I can't figure out what to do.

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Ubuntu :: 11.04 Install List - Mouse Is Not Responsive - Cursor Is Not Showing

Apr 28, 2011

So I upgraded from 10.10 to 11.04 beta 2 two days back. Upon trying to use the system, these were the problems I had:

1. Mouse is absolutely not responsive. Even the cursor is not showing.

2. When I login through keyboard options only once this message flashed "Unity not supported by your hardware switch to classic mode on your next login". It flashed once, took me to the desktop screen where the classic desktop was available and I could not access anything without keyboard shortcuts.

3. When I tried launching firefox, deluge or even tried using the terminal to connect to the net I am unable to connect.

4. My USB devices are not read.

5. I finally tried to do a clean install of 10.10 using the live cd I already have but the OS is not booting from the cd.

As a result I am stuck with a comp which has no mouse, no internet, no usb support, no cd support. Do you guys have any idea how I get it to work again?

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Ubuntu :: Boot Grub Menu List Is Accidentally Removed From Ubuntu

Aug 11, 2009

I am not much experienced with Linux systems and commands. I have been searching with Goggle and trying to solve. Today I had accidentally removed the boot grub menu list. There is a backup file. Now my system boots to >grub command. I have tried all sorts of things from live CD to boot the system I have tried Super Grub also. I am no able to go to the directory where the back up boot menu list is available and change the name from the live CD. Can any one help me with commands to go to the directory and rename the file for booting.

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Server :: Deadlock In NFS4 / Shared Servers Suddenly Stop Responding And Cant List It From Debian 5 Server?

Jan 4, 2010

I am connecting servers using NFS4 the shared directories are on servers running Debian 4 while the one who read from them is Debian 5.0.3. The problem is one of these shared servers suddenly stop responding and you cannot list it from Debian 5 server, also df hang, and the web application that is using it does not respond to requests that use this shared directory since it is blocked. Then the load on the server start to increase until the server cannot respond (over 90). I have found many entries in the syslog that refer to this like:

ma25555 kernel: [1200285.732919] nfs: server 10.xxx.xxx.xxx not responding, still trying
Dec 31 08:16:33 ma25555 kernel: [1200289.815378] INFO: task java:9702 blocked for more than 120 seconds.
Dec 31 08:16:33 ma25555 kernel: [1200289.835249] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs" disables this message.

I have tried the connection between the 2 servers using ping for one day and all are OK (zero lost)

There are 3 other servers that are running Debian 4 and are working fine.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Blinking Cursor No Grub After 10.10

Oct 21, 2010

I decided to swap my media center PC over to Kubuntu after I had some issues with the Ubuntu 10.04 to 10.10 update. It has had Ubuntu on it for probably 3 years now. Most notably, the same issue is occuring now with any installer later than 9.04 which leads me to believe it is all Grub2 related.

The install runs without errors, but after booting from HD I get only a blinking insertion cursor. No Grub at all. I've held in shift, nada. I booted to Live CD and reinstalled Grub manually but still no love. It acts as though Grub simply isn't there.

I do have a second hard drive in the box that has Ubuntu 9.04 on it that I use as a backup if the OS HD gets messed up, but it is second in boot order and shouldn't be causing an issue. Besides, if that HD was booting it would be giving me legacy grub, not a blinking cursor.

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Ubuntu Installation :: GRUB - After Upgrade To 10.04 - Blinking Cursor

May 1, 2010

I have a single XP install on another partition, but can't boot to it now that I have upgraded to 10.04. Also, when starting Ubuntu, it takes a good 30 seconds to actually start booting ubuntu after I have selected it from the GRUB list (just sits there with a blinking cursor)

Noticed other users have been directed to run the boot info script, so here are the results from that.


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Ubuntu :: Get Flashing Cursor After The Initial Grub Selection

Dec 13, 2010

I have had a working ubuntu 10.10 installation for about 2 months. I had it set up really nicely with my TV card and xbmc. I was really happy until I tried to boot it the other day to show a movie to the Mrs. All I seem to get is a flashing cursor after the initial grub selection. This is the same for both recovery mode and normal. I have booted it after editing the boot selection to removed the quiet splash and it seems to hang after a line that says some thing like "usb 1-4.2: new low speed USB device using ohci_hcd". The machine boots fine in to the Windose partition or in to a live CD.

I have done a bit of searching and I am struggling to find a good step by step troubleshooting guide. I dont really want to blat my setup but it would teach me a lesson about documenting things and blindly doing upgrades. I have included the results from my boot info below in case that points to anything.


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Ubuntu Installation :: Black Screen With No Cursor From GRUB In 10.10

Feb 26, 2011

I have installed Maverick onto an INTENSO 320GB USB Hard Disk. I can boot from GRUB, but only get a dark grey screen, with no cursor. I have tried editing the boot script, removing "quiet & splash" and putting in "nomodeset". I have also tried "i915.modeset=1" and "i915.modeset=0". Also "xforcevesa" and "nouveau.modeset=0". None have worked. I have not been able to reach a console screen to log in. Here are the specifications of the machine:


Are the number of spaces between "ro" and "quiet and splash" essential? There are three spaces on the boot script and I have left them there. Ubuntu works fine as a live CD, and I experienced no problems with the installation.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Macbook Pro 5,3 Boots To Cursor, No Grub?

Jul 11, 2011

I've just successfully installed Ubuntu 11.04 on my macbook pro, but when I boot, I just get a blinking cursor. I've tried the following to try to fix it, with nothing working:Press "Shift" to boot into GRUB (result: doesn't respond)Using liveCD, edit grub settings to allow for this (result: same as before).Chroot using liveCD to install required video packages (result: updates work, but installing new or upgradingexisting packages fails because it can't properly start jobs. I assume this is because it wants to use resources that would exist if the system were truly booted from the HD but the resources don't exist in the LiveCD environment)Chroot using LiveCD and try using jockey-text to install NVidia drivers as suggested on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro5-3/Lucid by command line instead of by GUI.Can't connect to certain sockets (the device files don't respond because they're not in the active system, I guess).

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Ubuntu :: Slow Boot Time - Boot To Bios And Then The Screen Goes Black With A Blinking Cursor

Oct 14, 2010

I've got two laptops running Ubuntu. Both have had Lucid installed from the live cd. I have upgraded one of them to Maverick. Both distributions are running great after they boot up, but I haven't experienced any faster boot times with either distibution. Both boot to Bios and then the screen goes black with a blinking cursor in upper left corner of the screen. The black screen remains for 30 to 45 seconds and then I get the Ubuntu splash screen for maybe 5 seconds, and then desktop. Why am I not seeing faster boot times? I realize 45 to 60 seconds is good compared to other os's, but I anticipated much faster boot times. Shut down on the other hand is quite fast at maybe 5 to 10 seconds. Does anyone else get this black screen on boot? Seems like wasted time cause I can't tell what's going on during the time there is a black screen. This is not a real big deal breaker, as I don't reboot very often, but I just wonder why bootup isn't faster.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 Blinking Cursor After Grub Select OS Screen?

May 9, 2010

I just installed 10.04 and for some reason once the grub screen loads and I can pick what I want to launch (regular kernel, or rescue mode), it attempts to load and then I just get a blinking cursor. I've found that I can't load the live CD either unless I use the nomodeset flag. I read in another post that this problem should be fixed by editing the /etc/default/grub file to add the nomodeset flag, which I did via nano. However, the file also says you must run update-grub after you edit the file. I tried this and it said something like it can't find / (is /dev mounted?) The hard drive itself is mounted, so I don't know why /dev wouldn't be mounted. How can I get this problem solved so I can boot to 10.04 successfully from the hard drive? (I'm typing this from the live CD right now).

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Ubuntu :: Blinking Cursor After Grub - Recovering A Damaged VM Server?

Jun 6, 2011

I have an Ubuntu server virtual machine running in vmware server on a Win2003 server host. A locked up machine forced a hard reset a couple of days ago and my VM seems to be damaged.At first VMware wouldn't start the VM, complaining of a locked file. I deleted 3 .lckdirectories and was able to start up the VM. I then get a GRUB menu with 6 options - booting any of them other than memtest results in a lone underscore cursor at the upper left corner.me in the right direction as far as the next thing I should try at this point? Unfortunately I had not yet set up a rigorous backup scheme, other than internal daily db/web backups that are stored inside the VM. I have a snapshot from 3 weeks ago but upon loading the snapshot I get the same cursor.

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Ubuntu :: Hp L2000 Won't Boot And F Keys Not Responding?

Jul 15, 2010

had the latest distro of ubuntu on my hp l2000 laptop all was working fine. Till i was watching a avi file and my touchpad stopped responding i tried restarting but nothing worked so i had to remove power from the laptop but when i powered it back on my f keys won't respond the system gives two beeps then goes to a page that just says F1 resume and F2 setup but i hit the keys and nothing happens my power button still works but nothing else even putting the live cd in doesn't work

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Debian Installation :: Blinking Cursor After GRUB

Apr 21, 2015

I'm thinking about switching to Debian from Ubuntu, so I installed Debian (debian-7.8.0-amd64-DVD-1) in dual boot with my Ubuntu 14.10 (Uefi install). Installation process was OK (I think), I got a working GRUB that recognizes both OS, but Debian boots to a blank screen with a flashing cursor in the top left corner (Ubuntu boots perfectly). I also ran into some graphics-related problems while installing/booting Ubuntu, due to my AMD GPU graphics, that I solved adding the nomodeset option to the kernel in GRUB, but that no longer seems to do the trick here. Here's some info about my machine:

HP Envy 15
00:00.0 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Family 15h (Models 10h-1fh) Processor Root Complex
00:01.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Richland [Radeon HD 8650G]
00:01.1 Audio device: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Trinity HDMI Audio Controller
00:04.0 PCI bridge: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Family 15h (Models 10h-1fh) Processor Root Port
00:10.0 USB controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] FCH USB XHCI Controller (rev 09)

[Code] ....

I don't know why they are listed as microsoft basic data.

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