Ubuntu :: Firefox Randomly Crashes - No Firebug With Flashblock
Aug 27, 2010
Firefox crashes randomly. Frequency: few minutes to hours. It is not website-specific. Happens on both flash and non-flash sites. Seems to happen more often when I'm doing something complicated, like editing a photo album on facebook,or using a javascript-heavy page. Safe mode does not help.It used to work perfectly. I don't remember when the crashes began, possibly a month or two ago... So I don't know if they are caused by an update or by something I installed.
Most solutions I found were for problems with the Firebug extension (which I don' have) or for problems with fullscreen flash (which is not the case).Firefox 3.6.8, fully updated Lucid 64bit When started from terminal, it sometimes outputs an exception at startup, then nothing, then "Killed" before crashing. As below:
[Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80520012 (NS_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) [nsIXPCComponents_Utils.import]" nsresult: "0x80520012 (NS_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)" location: "JS frame :: file:///home/viktor/.mozilla/firefox/y4yoxvhi.default/extensions
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Apr 10, 2010
after installing Firebug add-on using Firefox automatic add-on installation, I try to run a JavaScript debugger. At first, the "Script" tab was grayed out, so I try enable it by click its pull down menu and select "enable"; however this action causes Firefox to crash. Did I install Firebug incorrectly that causing the crashes?
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Feb 11, 2011
I'm running ubuntu 10.10 and firefox crashes randomly. I t doesn't appear to be connetcted to flash or anything in particular. I attached a screenshot of the crash report abd here is what it said when I clicked the details button:
Add-ons: langpack-en-AU@firefox-3.6.ubuntu.co... pushnote.com:0.6.18,{972ce4c6-7e08-4474-a285-3208198ce6fd}:3.6.13
BuildID: 20101206121845
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Jun 11, 2010
adobe was kind enough to release new versions of flash to deal with the recent 0day exploit which is all fine and good except they didn't release a 64bit version. as a matter of fact the 64bit alpha is no longer available for download and their forum for the 64bit version has been set to read-only.
i'm using slackware64 13.1. i began the process of getting nspluginwrapper working with the 32bit plugin but decided that it wasn't worth the hassle. rather than just dump flash altogether, am i making my box "safe enough" by using the flashblock extension for firefox? obviously, sites still can sniff for the flash version, but nothing will be displayed unless i click on it. basically i'd only be using it for stuff like videos and a few other major sites that should be trustworthy.
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Jun 7, 2010
I have an old PC in my basement that I decided to load Ubuntu onto a few months ago. I ran version 9 for a while and then recently upgraded to10.04.Unfortunately, I've been having issues with intermittent system crashes using both versions. Sometimes the computer will work fine for hours and other times it will crash 20 seconds after startup. I'll be able to provide much more information tonight when I get home but for now I wanted to plant the seed in the forum and see if anyone has any ideas.The computer will be working fine and then all of a sudden the screen will go black and then start blinking, switching between a blank screen and a blank screen with a bunch of tiny white squares/lines. When I restart, things seem okay again.
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Nov 22, 2010
I upgraded 10.04 to 10.10 (32bit), the upgrade process didn't go that well because first it didn't boot beyond GRUB. Solved this by unplugging my keyboard (my ubuntu is a server machine without keyboard or mouse, I like to use the desktop version through vnc). After that is booted to shell, which was not so nice either. This time it was the legendary nouveau driver which sorry for my language I will never install again (caused major problem twice already). Installed nvidia drivers and got a display for X this time and it booted nicely to login screen.
My problems have arised since the upgrade, the system will randomly "crash" and go straight to login screen, ending my current session. Sometimes my mouse cursor even changes to the X-mark. I can't see anything in gdm, x11, syslog etc. that would explain the crash. So far I've found best log from .xsession-errors which is here:
I got a lot IPv6 errors on the same log too, but those were caused by utorrent+too old wine. Didn't remember that upgrade deletes/disables extra-repos and I was running the stable wine (1.2.1) instead of the latest one (1.3.7). Upgrading wine solved the error from utorrent IPv6 connections.
So any ideas what I could do to fix these crashes? I'm not so much into clean re-install because of all the configuration I'll need to do then. I do have home on a separate partition but there's lots of software to install and configure.
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Feb 3, 2011
When I opened Banshee today and tried to play a certain song, the player crashed. When I opened the player again, it continued to crash for only the same songs.
Here's the output:
[Info 11:19:22.275] Running Banshee 1.8.0: [Ubuntu 10.10 (linux-gnu, i686) @ 2010-11-26 13:53:04 UTC]
[Info 11:19:22.620] Starting collection of anonymous usage data
[Info 11:19:23.353] Updating web proxy from GConf
[Info 11:19:23.397] All services are started 0.900266
[Warn 11:19:23.553] Forcefully breaking out of RCS loop b/c change in total_width less than 1.0
[Info 11:19:24.110] nereid Client Started
[Warn 11:19:24.252] Caught an exception - System.ArgumentNullException: Argument cannot be null .....
Native stacktrace:
banshee-1() [0x80d4d0b]
banshee-1() [0x810ffeb]
Debug info from gdb:
Could not attach to process. If your uid matches the uid of the target process, check the setting of /proc/sys/kernel/yama/ptrace_scope, or try again as the root user. For more details, see /etc/sysctl.d/10-ptrace.conf
ptrace: Operation not permitted.
Got a SIGSEGV while executing native code. This usually indicates a fatal error in the mono runtime or one of the native libraries used by your application.
I temporarily fixed this by disabling all extensions, reenabling them, then restarting Banshee, but the problem came back a few minutes later.
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Jun 17, 2011
Installed today on a toshiba satellite. Everything works great but it randomly takes me to a black screen. Sometimes looping music playing in the background sometimes just freezing all together. I dont know what error logs to post and there isnt anything specific going on everytime it does this. Music isnt always playing , once I was even logging out.It has happened with and without unity.
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Feb 10, 2016
I have Iceweasel 38.6.0 on Jessie 8.3, and it seems to crash more or less randomly. It just suddenly disappears, and when restarted, it gives that "embarrasing"- thing. The pages reopen fine and it may take a day between crashes, or about an hour.
Where should I look for the reason of the crashing? Is there a log file or something somewhere?
My machine is old StinkBad T400. I'm using Cinnamon.
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Jan 21, 2010
I managed to actually get Xubuntu to install, the previous time!Here is what happened. Installation went smooth. Restart.Log on, start Firefox, close it, wait a few seconds, crash.Restarted, it's now in a higher res. Ok, used an xterm to install LXDE. Reboot.Log into LXDE, play around, crash.Restart, repeat, use Firefox, after a while of browsing, crash.The mouse still responds to movement though....The person this was intended for uninstalled it afterwards. (it was with Wubi) I'd like to fix this.
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Apr 16, 2016
My supposedly stable system was crashing. The problem was one or more specific screensavers--xscreensaver, the display manager (lightDM), and X itself are innocent as far as I can tell.
I'm on a Thinkpad T400 with Debian Jessie (8.4)/MATE/lightDM. I have libreboot and not proprietary BIOS. I like variety, so in addition to installing xscreensaver itself (the unofficial patched jessie version without the "out of date" nag, which I got from https://angband.pl/debian/pool/main/x/xscreensaver/), I also installed some extras from the official repository (xscreensaver-gl-extra, xscreensaver-data-extra, xscreensaver-screensaver-bsod). I enabled all the installed screensavers and asked xscreensaver to randomly cycle through them.
To my dismay, after variable lengths of time (usually within 20-60 minutes), when a random screensaver has been on for a little while (I'm guessing as it's about to go to the next random one), X crashes to a black screen. The only way to make the black screen go away is to kill X (which I mapped to Control + Alt + Backspace) then log back in. There are no useful logs anywhere except some cryptic IO error 11 entry in ~/.xsessionerros.
Now for the troubleshooting:
1) First I tried installing a more up-to-date version of xscreensaver (5.34-2), which I grabbed from the sid repository. This didn't work--same problem as described above. Therefore, I went back to the patched version for jessie (5.30-1 from angband.pl).
2) To exclude that the lightDM middleman was the problem, I disabled it and was logging in with startx. Problem did not go away. (I then rigged systemd to log me in automatically and for startx to run automatically once I'm logged in--who needs middlemen?)
3) To exclude screensavers butting heads, I uninstalled mate-screensaver and disabled anything from X that could be interfering (by running these commands in a startup script: xset -dpms; xset s 0 0; xset s noblank; xset s off). Problem did not go away. I kept this startup script nevertheless.
4) Finally, to exclude individual xscreensaver module(s) being the problem, I unchecked them all. Then I wrote down the names of my 20 favorite modules (which include some from gl-extra, some from data-extra, and bsod) and tested them in small batches, running xscreensaver with only 5 favorites checked at a time. After testing four batches of 5 and witnessing all 20 favorites both display and load without any X crashes, I went ahead and selected all 20 favorites. I left the laptop on overnight and in the morning (about 12 hours later) it's still going strong.
One or more particular xscreensaver modules are crashing X, probably at the time they are being loaded to be the next one to show. I think I already spent enough time on this, so don't really care to identify +/- troubleshoot the offending modules.
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Mar 15, 2011
I've upgraded from stable to testing.In stable, iceweasel performed flawlessly as I expected. Now it crashes at random times at an alarming rate.It does seem that I can recreate the crash to an extent on ....., where crashes are the most prevalent.I haven't located any bug reports regarding this issue with wheezy iceweasel.
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Jan 14, 2011
My network crashes randomly under regular traffic and more rapidly under high traffic (i.e. running Transmission) and I have to reboot to get it to start working again.
About system:
Toshiba Satellite A105-S2021
BIOS V2.30 (Latest)
Ubuntu 10.04LTS (Fresh install, not an upgrade) (Only OS on this machine)
2.6.32-27-generic #49-Ubuntu SMP
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Dec 12, 2010
I am using samba to share some folders from a Ubuntu server (10.04) onto Windows XP. This works fine, but once in a while (once/twice a day), samba crashes and leaves a dead.letter in the folder I was accessing. Here are mode details:
lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS
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Jan 9, 2010
I recently upgraded (via Ubuntuzilla) to firefox 3.5.7 and now, every single time I close Firefox, the program seems to crash without quitting completely.
First, I receive an error saying that the program will not close and asks me if I want to Force Quite or Wait for it to close on its own. This has been happening ever since I upgraded to Karmic and if I just wait it usually quits fully after a couple seconds.
Now what happens is this: the window still closes, but if I try to reopen Firefox then I get this error stating that Firefox is already open and therefore cannot be opened again. The only way to get back into Firefox is to restart the entire computer. (Incidentally, this is the same problem that occurs whenever I try to Force Quit Firefox)
This now happens every single time I "close" Firefox.
Does anyone know the source of this error? Or a workaround?
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Jan 14, 2011
I have installed dwm as window manager and whenever I start firefox it crashes after a few seconds. When I use the gnome window manager everything works fine.Anyone has a hint for me what I can do?
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May 20, 2011
I have installed dwm as window manager and whenever I start firefox it crashes after a few seconds. When I use the gnome window manager everything works fine.
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Feb 22, 2010
I've got the latest version of Flash installed,and it works most of the time,t occasionally a video or game will stop working and the area it was in will just turn into a grey box. Usually it only does this if I leave the page the video's on, but it keeps doing it when I'm playing Robot Unicorn Attack on Adult Swim's site, too
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Nov 19, 2010
this is extremely annoying, the entire screen goes black, then i see the login screen.its happened on different sites so i have no way to pinpoint whats causing thisand ubuntu doesnt display anything that makes it seem like its a crash.is there any logs that would show me whats going on?
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Jul 8, 2010
It seems like it is mostly happening when I am running fire fox. The screen goes black (but in in sleep mode) and I have to push the power button. After I push power button the screen goes marron-ish with an ubuntu logo with a 4 animated dots and then turns off.
when I start the PC up again I get an error about the Power Manager not ending correctly. It has happened 3 times so far today alone.
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Sep 26, 2010
I was trying to change table data in a mysql database. Phpmyadmin appeared to work ok but somewhere along the line something got screwed up. When I try to start Phpmyadmin now it quits in the middle of loading. Firebug underlines something that says 'mooRainbow undefined'. I've tried to apt-purge Phpmyadmin including dropping the php database and then re-installing it. It does the same thing even when I went from version 3. something to version 4. something. This leads me to believe there is something wrong somewhere else. I don't have a clue where to even start looking!
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Jan 6, 2011
some windows fail to react to my mouse clicks (left and right). This has been starting to happen more and more often. However, one window usually stays working normally, while all others fail. Usually, it's the gnome-panel, but one time, this happened to Firefox. During this, I discovered that clicking a window above firefox, would go through the window, and Firefox would recieve it instead, as if the window wasn't there. Even stranger, firefox was not the active window, and all keyboard and mouse commands were received perfectly, however, the window titlebar wouldn't darken as usual. I can still move the mouse around, but when I keep it still for a minute, I see "View your Appointments and Tasks", pop-up, but it sticks to the screen afterward. A reboot fixes this problem, but only for a while. his also occurs when booting from the live Ubuntu 10.10 i386 Desktop Edition CD. I'm using a Logitech Mouse, but I don't believe this has to do with hardware, since this doesn't happen on Windows.
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Oct 3, 2010
Ever since I first installed OpenSuSE 11.2 on my pc firefox has been randomly redirecting me to weird web pages. It doesn't matter what website I try to visit whether it be this one or ..... or even my clan website, often times I will somehow randomly get redirected, sometimes before the page even fully loads. If I try to click the back button it just redirects me again and the only way I found to make it stop is to either X off the tab and then bring up a new one or go to another website and then go back to the one i wanted.
The majority of times it redirects me to what is likely either the worst advertisement for an antivirus program I have ever seen in my life, or the worst attempt at trying to convince people to download a virus I have ever seen in my life. In the tab it will come up with what is supposed to be the my computer folder and starts scanning various directories and detecting viruses (I wouldn't fall for this even If i was using windows). I don't know what happens after that I usually X it off.If anyone has any ideas about what could possibly causing this, or needs more information I would be grateful and happy to oblige.One last thing, firefox seems to be crashing ALL the time, not sure if this might be linked but it is really annoying.
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Jun 1, 2010
I've (finally) got the 64-bit Flash driver installed and working, but now I get an illegal instruction when I run a flash operation (video, game...) at a random point while it runs. I see this in the terminal:
(firefox-bin:2108): Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead
(firefox-bin:2108): Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead
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Apr 16, 2010
randomly firefox (3.59) will not close properly, using the x button will remove it from my de, but it will keep running in the background, and i cant reopen it, receiving a message stating that another ff session is still running. i have to kill its pid id manually. not a big deal but... any idea? (11.2/kde4.3.5 release 0, x86_64)
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Aug 2, 2011
A while ago, when I was using Maverick, Firefox started to crash randomly and led to kernel panics.
So I upgraded to Natty (clean install) and Firefox there too crashed.
Then I was getting graphics and make problems.
Today I tried to install Fedora 15. It first boots to a Live desktop that warned me that my hard drive had 65000+ bad sectors. Sixty-five thousand.
So I got a new one. A WD Scorpio Black, 750GB 7200RPM with Advanced Format.
Again I boot into Fedora 15. OK, no bad sectors. I tried to run Disk Utility Self Tests but it constantly crashed. Fedora warns you about this.
In the Live session, I opened Firefox. It also crashed just like back in Ubuntu. Then the screen flashes black and got warnings after warnings that a kernel module has crashed.
So I took out my old Maverick installation CD and first tried a Live session. However, Disk Utility told me that SMART is not supported while on Fedora, it was.
So I tried to install. But soon after that, I got a warning that the installer has crashed because a file copied to the disk did not match the file on CD. Right now I am in the Maverick Live session.
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May 19, 2009
I just installed firefox and flash-plugin.The version of firefox is 3.0.10, package is firefox-3.0.10-1.el5.centos.The version of flash-plugin is, package is flash-plugin- firefox crashes when there is flash in web page, unless disable flash plugin in firefox.
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Aug 25, 2010
I am running Ubuntu 10.04, up to date, 32 bits. I tried to open a huge (10.000 x 1.200 pixels approx) Wikipedia image, and everything crashed. Nor Firefox, Gnome or anything else responded from there. Not even ctrl+alt+del, ctrl+alt+backspace, alt+F2, etc. Only the mouse moves, but rather slowly.
This is the image:
I could NOT replicate the problem with Chromium. However, I am not sure if the issue is only firefox since it locks up everything in ubuntu.
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Feb 17, 2011
When i click on firefox icon after ubuntu startup it opens for 1-2 seconds and then closes. I can open it normally after that (no crashing).
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Jun 19, 2011
The problem trapped me for about one month.
After upgrading Ubuntu from 10.10 to 11.04, my firefox regularly crashes.
Today I started firefox from the console, and I got the following error code...
I don't know if this problem arose from dbus.
Can anyone here help me resolve the problem?
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