Ubuntu :: Endless Script Running At Startup Safe?

Aug 7, 2010

Sometimes I need remotely connect to my computer, but my router gains IP address dynamically. So I wrote simple script which gains my router IP and send me email:

function send_mail {
echo $1 | mutt -s "New IP" myemail.com
while true; do
new_ip=`wget www.whatismyip.com/automation/n09230945.asp -O - -q`
if [ -n "$new_ip" ] && [ "$new_ip" != "$old_ip" ];
send_mail "IP changed, sending new IP: $new_ip"
sleep 5m

I need it to run at system startup. When I'm adding it to .bash_profile bash path/resolveIP & I'm not getting any mail. In case of bash path/resolveIP (without &) I'm getting mail, but I guess it will never get to the next command in .bash_profile. So I put my script in /etc/init.d directory, but I don't know is it okay to have endless script there????

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Ubuntu :: Is Running (any) As Vm Still As Safe

Jan 23, 2010

What I mean to ask if any of the things that linux users benefit from as far as viruses and spyware remain same when running a virtual linux box in virtualbox as an exampledditionally does this greatly increase the chance of passing.

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Ubuntu :: Running Recovery Tool - Cannot Boot Into Safe Mode

Nov 20, 2010

My friend asked me to look at their laptop as it was not booting up. I checked it and found that you could not even boot into safe mode. I have used a windows boot disk to try and sort any issues but this has not worked. The problem is he never made the recovery disks by the manufacturer so I cant reinstall windows. I can access all the files on the hard drive when running Ubuntu. So what I need to know is it possible to run the manufacturers program to make the recovery disks from Ubuntu.

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Ubuntu :: 9.10 Not Running Startup Scripts

Jun 8, 2010

I've installed ssh, as well as a script of my own, in /etc/init.d, and I've added both of them to the startup sequence (I've tried both the "rcconf" graphical utility, and "update-rc.d"). The installation utilities seem to be working just fine and report success, and everything seems to be where it should be, but on reboot, my startup scripts don't start up.

I have these scripts running on MANY machines withOUT the GDM/Gnome Desktop running. On this ONE machine, though, I have Gnome running.

Is there some fundamental difference between the GUI Desktop's startup sequence and the text-mode-only startup sequence?

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 Startup Scripts Not Running?

Jul 21, 2010

I have just installed a fresh Ubuntu 10.04 x64 installation. I have a script that I am added manually that is not starting on startup like it should, but I also have 2 normal startup scripts that are not running either. Apache2 and mt-daapd are 2 applications that I installed with sudo apt-get install apache2 mt-daapd. Neither application is starting during bootup. I tried making sure there were in the rc.d by using update-rc.d but both said that they already existed. Another script (mount_data) I made myself also has been added and is executable like it should be that isn't running at bootup.

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Ubuntu :: Bmcapture Using 100% CPU Running On Startup

Nov 7, 2010

I noticed my computer seemed to be running excessively noisily, and upon checking into System Monitor, I noticed that my CPU was being held constantly at 100%. None of the processes listed on the process tab seemed t be responsible, but I found this thread which gave me the 'top' command.

Running it, I found a process running as root called 'bmcapture' that was responsible for the CPU use. Trying to 'kill' it failed; using 'sudo kill' gave me no error messages, but the process continued to run. This carried on through a restart.

I then proceeded to shut the computer down and leave it off for a minute. When I booted up again, the CPU was still running at full, and using 'top' I determined the same process was responsible; however, 'sudo kill' successfully killed it this time, with apparently no adverse effects.

My question is if anyone has any information about what 'bmcapture' is, whether its harmful (aside from the obvious issue of it using full CPU) or malicious, and if there's any way to stop it running on startup, because as it is I'm having to manually 'sudo kill' it every time I turn my computer on to stop it eating my CPU alive.

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 - Make MySQL Running On Startup?

May 3, 2010

I run Ubuntu 10.04. For some reason, MySQL won't start on startup. How do I make it run on startup? I installed it by installing LAMP using tasksel and did everything according to: [URL]. Also, I have another problem: When I try to start/stop/restart mysql in the terminal, the terminal will not give me any prompts after entering the command. E.g., after entering "sudo service mysql start", nothing will happen. Even after waiting for 30min, nothing happens.

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Ubuntu :: Running An Application Or Script At Startup

Oct 13, 2010

I want to launch qiv upon startup to show a series of photos in slideshow fashion (this will be the sole purpose of this particular laptop). I tried adding the command via System->Preferences->Startup Applications but this does not produce the desired result. In fact, the slide show doesn't even start.

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Ubuntu :: Gnunetd Process Running At Startup?

Dec 5, 2010

I installed Gnunet (a secure P2P program) on Ubuntu 10.10 using Ubuntu software centre but had difficulties getting it to work so removed it. However, the gnunetd process loads at startup. It is only visible when typing 'top' in the console and not in the system monitor list of processes.gnunetd --version tells me that it is 0.8.1b sudo apt-get remove gnunetd tells me 'unable to locate package' why the process loads and how to remove it? I can kill it in the console but would like a way of getting rid of it permanently.

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Ubuntu :: Conky Script Not Running At Startup

Feb 1, 2011

I am trying to run a script that runs at startup. I have followed directions found at this Website: [URL]. Everything works except the script which consists of two lines.

sleep 30 && conky ;
I changed the file permissions to be executed and named it .conky-startup.sh.

Then I went to System>Preferences>Startup Applications and created a new entry that points to my script file. When I restarted my system, Conky didn't start. If I try to run the file from Nautilus or the Terminal, nothing happens.

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Ubuntu :: Startup Applications Not Running Anymore?

Apr 13, 2011

Im not sure why they aren't working - but my startup applications are not running at boot. They run fine from terminal.

I have a startup application for Xchat and the command is just xchat (which works fine from terminal) but it isn't loading at? - I have checked and im not running in safe mode or anything like that - just the standard ubuntu desktop).

Unrelated Question:

Is there a 'global' i.p address I can use to represent all devices on my LAN - so I can mass whitelist in firestarter?

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Ubuntu :: Endless Boot Cycle With Xp In Grub2

Mar 23, 2010

I have recently been unable to boot into windows xp, which is on a drive separate from my linux installation. When I select the windows installation, the computer starts back at the bios screen and returns to grub endlessly. I am running an updated 9.10. The linux will boot fine; however the most recent kernel does not show up on the list of available options, which may indicate something. I have searched the forum and found nothing that helps. There are plenty of posts asking if you have stopped using windows altogether and other non tech related posts though.

The results of sudo fdisk -l are below:

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Ubuntu :: Endless Cycle Of Logging In And Out Error?

Aug 31, 2010

i updated the compiz fusion plugins and decided to try some out, and when i tried the reflected windows, it logged me out and i had to log back in. but now as long as it's active, i can't login long enough for me to disable it, Edit: nvm, i managed to fix it. login under Failsafe GNOME session, and it'll be in safe mode, with all add-ons disabled, so you can manually turn them off

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Ubuntu :: Running Evolution In The Background At System Startup?

Jul 3, 2010

How do I make Evolution run at system start-up in the background and check my in-box?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Running Script As Root On Startup?

Jul 29, 2010

I am trying to run my script at startup but it doesn't run the script as root. Do I need to add my root username and password in the script, or somewhere else?

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Ubuntu :: Cap And Scroll Lock LED Blink Endless During Logout?

Jun 3, 2010

Cannot log out of Lucid Lynx. Cap and Scroll lock LED blink and nothing defeats them. I have to shutdown the computer by switching it off.

I removed xorg.conf (which I had installed for screen resolution). After removing it, the shutdown worked well. No more blinking and hangup during shutdown.
But I lost the screen resolution.

I need the screen resolution. how to solve the blink issue. Does it have to do with something in the xorg.conf file causing this?

Can anyone at least clue me in as to what causes the "kernel panic"?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Samba & SSH Endless Password Loop

Jun 15, 2010

Prior to Karmic I had samba working well. Karmic upgrade broke samba with an endless password loop when trying to connect to a samba server. I have not been able to get it working since, including after upgrade to Lucid. I've now encountered a similar problem attempting to login into an SSH server. Laptop to desktop, (Karmic to Lucid),ssh ok, reverse no joy. (sshd running on both).

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Fedora :: Running A Command At Startup?

Mar 12, 2010

I'm trying to get synergy+ to work on Fedora 12 on start up. I'd like to be able to log into Fedora using my keyboard and mouse through synergy+. I've tried adding the line
Code:synergyc <localipaddress> at the end of the /etc/rc.local file but I still can't use my keyboard and mouse to log in. I've also tried adding the lineCode:su <username> -c "synergyc <localipaddress>" to /etc/rc.local but it still doesn't work. Just to clarify, I do have synergy+ working on Fedora but I need to start it after logging in on each reboot by switching my keyboard over to the other computer.

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General :: Running A Program On Startup?

Aug 9, 2011

I have a program I have made, and I would like it to run as soon as the system is finished booting. I am using Ubuntu Mini Remix to recreate a LiveCD/USB stick. After booting, it drops me to a command line where I can enter "sudo qct" and it will run my program (which is called qct, and it has to be run as root).I want this to be automated.Instead of going to a command line, I want it to run the program itself at that point. How would I go about doing this? I have read many tutorials about scripting but I cannot seem to get it to work.

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Red Hat :: Running A Process Behind The Scenes At Startup?

May 6, 2010

I have not been able to find any information on this, mostly because I am sure I am searching for the wrong terms. Let me explain what it is I need to do.I have a timeclock process that needs to be running all the time on my Red Hat server. Right now, I manually start the process from terminal:Code:# ./timeclockThis runs the process inside the terminal. The only problem is that if I close the terminal by accident, the timeclock stops working. This is all well and good for now, until I get more timeclocks.Then I will need to have one terminal open per. What I would like to do is to make this process run at start up, and run behind the scenes (no terminal). At the same time, I need to be able to re-run the process (again, hopefully behind the scenes) in case the timeclock goes offline or the process crashes.I know very basic things about Linux administration, and I know it is possible to do this (as there are processes now setup by someone else that do this), I just do not know how. EDIT: An idea I had would be to make the script run every minute, checking to see if the process is already running, and if it is not, then to start it. That way it would automatically correct itself if it went offline.

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Ubuntu :: CodeWarrior Startup Crash - Getting Error On Running Cwide

Aug 5, 2010

I am a Ubuntu 10.4 Linux User (32 bits)! I installed the CodeWarrior Development Studio v10. The installation was OK. However, I am getting an error when I run cwide (see below). The problem seems to be in the library libpemicro_jloaderh.so.

A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment: SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0xb17fb230, pid=2450, tid=2999868272 JRE version: 6.0_20-b02 Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (16.3-b01 mixed mode, sharing linux-x86 ) Problematic frame: C libpemicro_jloaderh.so+0x137230]

An error report file with more information is saved as: /home/alex/hs_err_pid2450.log If you would like to submit a bug report, visit: [URL]... The crash happened outside the Java Virtual Machine in native code. See problematic frame for where to report the bug.

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Ubuntu Servers :: 11.04 (Headless) Running Into Kernel Panic On Startup

Apr 29, 2011

I'm new to ubuntu and I wanted to setup a headless server (Asus Hummingbird, 2GB RAM, Ubuntu Server 11.04). The installation was successful but: After I tried starting my server without any connected monitor, the server did not start -> I run into a kernel panic (if I connect the monitor after a while I can see the messages on the screen, Keyboard lights flash...). What do I have to do to get the machine running without any monitor? My second problem is, that the Network is always powered down on system power down -> no WOL is possible. Is there an easy way of enabling the WOL function? I tried several things from different tutorials but nothing worked...

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Ubuntu :: Booting Into Normal Mode Results In Endless Hang

Feb 3, 2010

When I boot into recovery mode I get fsck from util-linux-ng 2.16 /dev/sda1: clean, 148044/217728 files, 630631/869510 blocks.And then it stops. Booting into normal mode results in an endless hang. I'm not sure what the error means, or how to fix it.I'm running Ubuntu Netbook Remix on a Dell Mini 9.

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Ubuntu :: 10.04.2 LTS Alternate Installer Endless Loop On Disc Label

May 12, 2011

I'm trying to install 10.04.2 on a Dell machine with no current OS. I finally found the thread that said to use the alternate installer if you have a RAID: so i'm using ubuntu-10.04.2-alternate-i386.iso, burned using Roxio on my (different) windows box.

I go through the early installer steps ok, get to partitioning, choose guided resize (potential tangent: first time this modified partitions #6 and #7, second time it was just "use entire disk"). Then "installing base system", then a dialog that says: Please insert the disk labeled "Ubuntu 10.04.2 LTS _Lucid Lynx_ - release i386 (20110211.d) in '/cdrom/' and press enterWell, the disk is already in the drive, and the installer has previously claimed it's reading from /cdrom. Reinserting it doesn't change anything. My only choices are <Continue> or <Go Back>, both of which display the same message. So i can't get past this, or escape, or do anything other than power down.

Looking at the disk on my Win machine, it appears to be labeled "Ubuntu 10.04.2 L" (can't tell if that's truncated or not).

Does the installer really demand a certain label on the disc to succeed?? how to successfully install in this situation?

Update: just to be sure, i checked the md5sum, and it's correct.

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Fedora :: Running XScreenSaver Daemon On Startup

Jan 23, 2010

I'm having some problems getting my screensaver to work automatically.If I start the screensaver config program then it gives me this message: "The XScreenSaver daemon doesn't seem to be running on display ":0.0". Launch it now?" If I click yes then my screensaver works exactly as expected.How can I get the XScreenSaver daemon to start automatically?

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OpenSUSE :: Running A Script At Startup As Superuser?

Jun 14, 2011

I have installed OpenSUSE 11.4 using the Gnome Live USB version, and I have updated to Gnome 3.I use a USB CDMA modem which is not detected automatically (it never did).after reading a lot of forums regarding similar issues I have been able to solve my problem, I have to run this script after login, modprobe usbserial vendor=0X05c6 product=0x00a0as RootI was wondering is there anyway that this script runs automatically at start up.

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General :: Running A Script At Startup As Root?

Apr 14, 2010

Is there a way I can run 'completely' one of my script when ubuntu's desktop appears no matter if root , administrator, desktop user or an unprivileged user logged in?

What does the script do? The script mounts a partition, looks for a file in that partition and finally on the basis of that file a decision of copying a partition to another partition is made. That copying is done via


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CentOS 5 :: Running A Script Automatically On Startup?

Aug 27, 2010

I have a script and I would like it to automatically run whenever the machine starts up. How can I configure it to do that? I am a complete Linux n00b.

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Fedora :: Skype Unsigned Endless Loop?

Mar 13, 2010

You are about to install unsigned packages can compromise your system, as it is impossible to verify if the software came from a trusted source. Are you sure you want to continue installation?YES confirm with password same error, yes confirm with pass same error..

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Fedora :: Songbird Repeats Every Second Song Endless?

Jun 24, 2010

I got a problem with my Songbird (1.4.3) on a Fedora 12 64 bit. When I play music and the first song is over, the song changes but the little loudspeaker symbol in the list, that displays the currently playing song, doesn't move to this song. It just stays on the first played one and also the title of the first one is displayed above the progress bar. But that's not all, when the song should change again (from second to third song), it won't do so. The second played song starts again and will be repeated again and again and Meanwhile the mentioned symbol just stays in front of the first song. Only if I press the "next" button two times the third song will be played. So I got to press "next" two times after every two songs. That makes listening to music nearly impossible. The problem occurred after installing a lot of updates (I had no fast internet connection for months so I now had to install all at once), so it is difficult to say which package causes the issue. Before that Songbird worked all fine for months. I would be glad to provide further information, but neither running songbird in terminal, nor the songbird error console shows up any error related to this behaviour. I also tried to delete the .songbird2 folder in my userhome, but it made no difference at all. Normally i would get the latest verion of the software at first, but since songbird dropped linux support, there is no newer linux version than the one installed on my system.

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