Ubuntu Servers :: 11.04 (Headless) Running Into Kernel Panic On Startup
Apr 29, 2011
I'm new to ubuntu and I wanted to setup a headless server (Asus Hummingbird, 2GB RAM, Ubuntu Server 11.04). The installation was successful but: After I tried starting my server without any connected monitor, the server did not start -> I run into a kernel panic (if I connect the monitor after a while I can see the messages on the screen, Keyboard lights flash...). What do I have to do to get the machine running without any monitor? My second problem is, that the Network is always powered down on system power down -> no WOL is possible. Is there an easy way of enabling the WOL function? I tried several things from different tutorials but nothing worked...
I need to run an executable from initramfs which after executing should restart the system. How is it possible?.I tried using exec within the init of initramfs but it shows kernel panic (I guess exec after executing the binary it tries to exit and exiting with pid 1 is giving the panic).
I have a 8.04 x64 server installation that is receiving a kernel panic on boot no matter which kernel I choose even recovery mode.
[ 27.738620] raid1: raid set md0 active with 1 out of 2 mirrors Done. Begin: Running /scripts/local-premount ... kinit: name_to_dev_t(/dev/disk/by-uuid/c224854e-37bd-491a-b895-48e8bf07fe00) = md1(9,1) kinit: trying to resume from /dev/disk/bby-uuid/c224854e-37bd-491a-b895-48e8bf07fe00 [ 31.665733] Attempting maual resume kinit: No resume image, doing normal boot... Done. [ 31.717461] kjournald starting. Commit interval 5 seconds [ 31.717471] EXT3-fs: mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. Begin: Running /scripts/local-bottom ... Done. Done. Begin: Running /scripts/init-bottom ... Done. init: Error parsing configuration: No such file or directory [ 32.064009] Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init!
I have built a new server, now I am trying to restore my db from mysql. I have a backup that is out dated, I was hoping there was a way to copy the files over and have them work on the new installation. I can boot the server with the installation cd using recovery mode, I can get to the hdd and mount a smbfs share from the new server. I have tried to cp the files retaining the permissions and get a permission denied error, but if I copy without retaining the perms they copy just fine and do not work.
I have setup the new server with very close to the same version of all software. I have built a new instance of my service using all of the same users and passwords. I then backed up the new db and moved it over and attempted to copy the old db over. I did not copy it straight to the mysql folder as I did not share that folder out. Any other ideas to get this db recovered? What about getting my old server to run again just long enough to get a mysql dump?
I've had a Centos 5.3 zimbra mailserver set up for about 3 months now.Every 7-10 days or so, the system will do a kernel panic and I've been putting off its resolution due to other matters.I'm now ready to look into it but I have two issues :
1) No logs.
So far, I've manually rebooted when a kernel panic occured and could look at the panic printout and write down relevant info. But since I wanted more info than I had written down, I went hunting in the logs for the kernel panic event (one happened earlier today) but, to my surprise, I noticed the system doesn't log the kernel panic at all. Kdump is currently disabled as I'd like to keep all available memory available to the system but I was under the impression it would log the kernel panic message regardless but would simply leave out more advanced diagnostic information.How would I make sure the kernel panic is logged so I can have more info about it ?
2) The actual panic.Here's a snippet of what's appearing when the kernel panics :
I've also seen f793bee4 instead of the highlighted part above but everything else is always the same from the times I've seen (as I haven't always had the chance to be around when a panic occured).I'm looking further into it at this point but early research seem to indicate this could be a memory issue. I'll run memtest next weekend to check that out (since I don't want to take the system offline for any length of time during office hours) but people here might have other theories based on what I've put up so far. The system has all of the latest patches and updates and is running only what I need as far as software goes (zimbra server + prerequisites, x + GNOME (not loaded on startup), firefox and vnc for windows RDP access). My system also uses a software RAID1 array (boot = md0 and / = md2 with swap files not being mirrored as there's no need to).
PS : In order to further troublehsoot by myself before posting here, I've tried to enable kdump to see if kdump is the culprit for the missing logs but I'm also having an issue with it. I'm getting a "No kdump initial ramdisk found" and "mkdumprd: failed to make kdump initrd" messages at startup. I'm thinking this might be because of my raid array ? I've found an old bug report regarding one of those error messages on centos 5.2 but it was supposedly fixed in the 30 version by RH and I'm using the latest one (56).
I am trying to run my script at startup but it doesn't run the script as root. Do I need to add my root username and password in the script, or somewhere else?
I have an HP MSS 487 (headless). I was going to update to WHS2011 but was thinking of trying Ubuntu Server first. My MSS has a USB slot, but I'm not sure how to start and run Ubuntu Server from that USB stick. I can use remote desktop to access the box. I'll also need to install something on my other pcs/macs so that I can get the backups working. I didn't see anything that is similar to the whs connector software (client). Would I need to install a full Ubuntu client to do the backups?
I'm running Fedora 13 on an ESX 4.1 server.I've changed /etc/inittab to runlevel 3.I then installed vncserver. When I try to start vncserver (service vncserver start) I get the following error:
Code: Starting VNC server: no displays configured If I try to start Xvnc (/usr/bin/.Xvnc) I get this error:
Before I posted I searched this issue and found one marked solved, but when I went there all the poster said is that he had got it running. No Solution. I am running FC 15 64bit, X server is running but I am unable to connect to the vncserver with my windows vncviewer
I need to run "Selenium" test scripts (written inside TestNG) on a headless linux server (Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.3) using Xvfb. while executing the script, I get the following warnings in the "server.log" file.Warning: Cannot allocate colormap entry for "#c0c0c0"Warning: Cannot allocate colormap entry for default background.This warnings occurs when the script try to launch Firefox. Firefox is not getting launched and the code gets hanged in the middle, without executing any test case.I suspect the problem could be with the Xvfb's screen resolution. screen resolution might be lesser than firefox'sexpected resolution.we can be able to specify our own display in POM file using <display> tag.
I have recompiled a few kernels, but all on 32bit systems so not sure if that has anything to do with it.
Running Arch Linux 64bit, most recent version.
Kernel Output:
My first thoughts was that it might be my grub bootloader configuration, so had a big play around with that but it didn't fix it. Also made sure support was built for filesystems. However almost all that Fstab mounts are ext3 anyway, and certainly the root and /boot are. Now thinking it may be a memory error so will run a check when I shutdown.
Dell laptop booting from a USB stick with a CentOS 5.5 minimum installation.
Uncompressing Linux...OK, booting the kernel. Red Hat nash version starting sda: assuming drive cache: write through sda: assuming drive cache: write through mount: error 6 mounting ext3 mount: error 2 mounting none switchroot: mount failed: 22 umount /initrd-dev failed: 2 Kernel panic - no syncing: Attempted to kill init!
1. Does minimum installation not drop on a kernel or initrd with ext3 support? I can't imagine that's true, but have to ask.
2. The USB stick is single partition ext3. Maybe there is some limitation specifically related to USB stick booting that requires boot to be FAT16 or FAT32? Except the CentOS 5.5 installer refuses to let me install on either FAT.
3. How can I do the equivalent of lsmod on a linux installation that will not boot? i.e. I have CentOS x86_64 running in VirtualBox, I can plug the USB stick in there, so how do I get information on the USB stick's kernel and initrd if I can't boot from it?
4. Is it possible to rebuild the i386 based initrd on this USB stick, when the computer is not booted from that stick, with a system that's x86_64 based?
System Info: Dell Latitude i686 Laptop which has run CentOS 5.5 and Fedora 12,13,14 in the past, and boots from Fedora 14 Live CD transferred to a USB stick. So I know USB booting is possible on this machine, and this stick.
The process of creating the stick:
CentOS 5.5 i386 on a USB stick. Old Dell i686 laptop which has previously run CentOS 5.5 installed from DVD, and has successfully booted from this same USB stick holding transferred Fedora 12,13,14 Live CDs. CentOS 5.5 was installed onto the USB drive directly by the CentOS 5.5 DVD installer (running virtualized in VirtualBox 4.02 on Mac OS X 10.6.5.). No errors or complaints during installation.
For whatever reason, the installer did not do some things correctly. First Grub wasn't working correctly, I got that sorted out and have the Grub+CentOS splash screen, it finds vmlinuz and the initrd, and then I get a kernel panic.
Ext3 was built into the kernel and that's why I'm getting this message. I do not know how the installer would have dropped a kernel or initrd during instalation that that don't contain such a basic thing that obviously comes in linux kernel 2.6.18-89 EL.
I have the following strange thing with a RHEL4 installation. Since last week, the system did a reboot and now something is really fucked up. During boot we get the following messages (don't care about 'strange' typo's, my colleague typed it 'blind' from the screen)
The strange thing is that we never see a 'could not mount blabla' or similar messages. First we thought it was a failing kernel update by plesk, but even after manually updating the kernel with RHN RPM's, still the same message. Booting with rescue mode and then chroot the system works. After that we even can start things like plesk and so on.
We double checked things with another RHEL4 install, and at least two things were odd:
1: the working machine has /dev/dm-0 and /dev/dm-1, the broken one doesn't
2: some files on /dev didn't have group root, but 252
We tried to recreate the /dev/dm-X nodes with [vgmknodes -v], output:
A fdisk /dev/sda shows: /dev/sda2 XX XXX XXXXX Linux LVM (I removed the numbers because this line is from another machine, but rest was identical)
We have a copy of the boot partition so if one need more info please let me know.
last part of init extracted from initrd-2.6.9-78.0.8.ELsmp.img:
I am running an Hp Pavillion dv6000 with the Broadcom card that never seems to work for Linux. I recently talked with my friend who said he found a way to get it work.following his instructions I opened Synaptic and checked the package bmcwl-kernel-source to be installed.I went through the process of it all and it said it had install successfully. I restarted the computer and when I tried to enter my operating system I got this error "Kernel panic - not syncing : VFS : Unable to mount root fs on unknown - block(8,1)" I have previous versions of Linux on my computer so I can still get in to those if need be but I don't know how to undo what I did or why it isn't working for that matter. Does anyone have any ideas as to why I am getting this error and how I can fix it?
I have one machine where I have several versions installed on different partitions. The base partition (/dev/hda1) is Slack 12.1. On a spare partition (/dev/hdc4) I had installed Slackware64-current. Last week I slackpkg upgraded and installed the kernel, and now that partition will not boot. I know that with the new kernels the hd* designation has been removed, and have already redone that fstab (accessing it from a different boot) to reflect the sd*. Here is the slack64 section of my lilo.conf:
Code: # Linux bootable partition config begins image = /other/spare4/boot/vmlinuz
this is what i did i downloaded the latest stable kernel archive from kernel.org and extracted the archive into the download directory (i don't think that matters though) then i downloaded and installed the ncurses archive (needed for menuconfig) then i opened a terminal and navigated to the directory that was extracted from the archive and issues the floowing commands
I'm starting several VMs on a remote headless ubuntu server via ssh using:
Code: VBoxHeadless -s <vmname>
The VM starts up okay, and I'm left with an occupied command terminal on my local ubuntu machine. So, if I want to start up several VMs on the remote server, I have to open up several command terminals and end up with as many occupied terminals once they're all running. When the local terminal is closed, the remote VM is also shutdown.
Is there a better way to do this without the remote VM being dependent on the local terminal? I'd like to remotely startup the VMs and be able to close the local terminals without shutting down the VMs. I'm sure this must be possible, I just don't know how to do it.
I have been having some trouble configuring a means to remotely administer an Ubuntu Sever 10.04 machine i recently built and am hoping for some guidance. I'm sorta new to linux so please forgive my ignorance of conf files and the command line . I am looking to have this server serve as...VPN Server, Minecraft Server, KVM Server, Torrent and Dyn-DNS box.I have managed to install all the KVM settings including bridged networking running (Personal victory there) and sorta have Minecraft running (only need to figure out how to make it launch on boot). Torrents already taken care of since Transmission came along with the ubuntu desktop install .The big thing that is slowing me down is remote management. I installed ubuntu desktop (thankfully its Gnome 2), i know that most people don't like it but its what i'm most familiar with. I tried running VNC but always needed to login on the physical machine before I could use that which defeats the purpose. I am now using xrdp which frankly the performance is terrible compared to what i was getting with the built in VNC server and still needed the monitor on and active to connec
I have a cron job to start spideroak when the server boots code...
Command line arguments not allowed during New User Setup Interestingly enough.... the line saying "Command line arguments not allowed during new user setup" isn't from my script. Any chance that has something to do with it?
I've got a headless server (32 bit 9.04/9.10, can't remember) that started refusing SSH and HTTP connections a few days ago, and I'm just getting around to hopefully fixing it. The problem is that I can't even connect to the darn thing. I've plugged in a mouse, keyboard, and monitor, but the monitor tells me that it has no signal. I know the monitor works with the computer, as I used the same one to set up the server.
Just for kicks, I even tried to put in a live CD, but that didn't help. Any ideas on how I can connect to this thing?
I have a very specific requirement outside the typical use case of "enterprise server". If possible, I need to run a FUSE filesystem on a headless server, and share it via Samba.Physical security is a non-issue.I see two challenges with this, that Google and I have been unable to figure out: I'm assuming that in order to mount a FUSE system, a user must be logged in. (Hence the "U" in "FUSE".) So the first challenge is how to get Ubuntu to automatically login, on the physical console, to a user terminal session. (I know this can be trivially done in GNOME, but this won't have X-Windows or GNOME installed.) This has to happen automagically after boot-up; manually logging in locally or via SSH isn't an optin.Second challenge (?), how to share a FUSE file system via Samba?
I upgraded my Ubuntu 8.04 LTS server to 10.04 LTS - rebooted and things ran good. I knew I had a few problems, but DHCP and DNS were booting up and working fine for me.I went to take a look at Webmin, but apparently that's been removed from support for Ubuntu 10.04 - so I thought, I'll use eBox. I realized that Ebox didn't have the network module turned on, so I tried to turn it on. I found out the installation was missing scriptaculous, so I got that and installed that and then turned on the network module.I then rebooted the machine - and now nothing. It hangs when I get to the load for Apache. I would like to disable the network module for eBox, but can't find documentation for how to do that from the command line - which I have to use because the damn box won't boot and I'm running from a Live CD.
This is a silly question maybe, but how can I turn my passport drive off after has being unmounted? I am assuming that's the right order, before removing: umount and then turning off. By the way, I am talking about Ubuntu Server, not regular Ubuntu desktop via GUI.
I spent most of the day yesterday trying to make this work and haven't gotten really anywhere with it. Building from source quietly failed although it built without error and I got checkinstall to pack it up it didn't actually work.So I rolled back to the repository version of rtorrent.As I understand it, the things I need to do are (I am thwarted at every step):create user with --disabled-password optioncreating the user is no problem except they seem to have no shell, and running any command while su'd as that user throws an error like Code: Cannot open your terminal '/dev/pts/1' - please check.
I found somewhere that changing the permissions on /dev/pts/N solves this problem however N can change after a reboot, or probably following other events so that's likely not the right fix.create init script to run rtorrent as user in previous stepI found an example that seems like it works but I wont know for sure until I get the prior step worked out fully.
Background: I need some help regarding install X server/apps on a headless(ie. no monitor, no graphic device) server. The server is in fact a virtual one by Amazon EC2. So there's no monitor nor any graphics hardware. Fedora server (6, i believe) is pre-packaged. The problem is that I want to be running a server app with a GUI. The app won't start without the GUI (and I probably need to tweak a few things through its GUI too).
I plan on setting up very very bare minimal X on the server and then uses NX for remote access. Can somebody shed some light here?
Simply put, my questions are:
1) What would be the minimal list of package i need to install? 2) Where can I find docs about installing and setting up NX? I could only find very fragmented/outdated docs about it.
I have a CR-48 running Ubuntu 11.04. I've had some continual issues with it, along with other Linux distros I tried. There are times my laptop freezes completely during mid use. If I power off and back on, 70% of the time it doesn't detect the hard drive upon next boot. If I go into BIOS, no SSD detected. If I pull the battery, hit the power button, put battery back in, it'll run fine for a while.
I'm up in the air if it's a hard drive issue or motherboard issue. Once I got this kernel panic I sat here for a half hour on another system typing it up. I hope somebody can look at it and make sense of it and tell me what essentially is happening.
Edit: The PC is broken and I'll buy a new one. Don' bother reading this thread.
I have Kubuntu 9.10 installed on my Acer 7520g laptop. It used to work fine.
But recently my laptop has often went into kernel panic, sometimes at boot, sometimes after hours of normal usage. Today it has not been able to boot properly from HD a single time.
When I boot it up in recovery mode, it kernel panics and displays this (normal mode displays just the graphical progress bar, no text):
Code: 00010c0f [ 9.620019] TSC f0ed3f8e6 [ 9.620019] PROCESSOR 2:60f82 TIME 1270650316 SOCKET 0 APIC 0 [ 9.620019] This is not a software problem!
I'm sure this is a pure software problem, because Ubuntu 7.10 LiveCD boots up normally and I got X, Gnome and everything working. So CPU must be working perfectly.
I read the logs in /var/log but there were no error messages.
I decided to try Kubuntu (10.4 64bit) again today, it's been a few years since I last tried it. The installation went well, but now I don't seem to be getting past Grub. I get a message that says: Kernel panic - not syncing:VFS:Unable to mount root fs on unknown block(0,0) I tried to use the recovery mode option in grub but that gave me the same message.