Red Hat :: Running A Process Behind The Scenes At Startup?

May 6, 2010

I have not been able to find any information on this, mostly because I am sure I am searching for the wrong terms. Let me explain what it is I need to do.I have a timeclock process that needs to be running all the time on my Red Hat server. Right now, I manually start the process from terminal:Code:# ./timeclockThis runs the process inside the terminal. The only problem is that if I close the terminal by accident, the timeclock stops working. This is all well and good for now, until I get more timeclocks.Then I will need to have one terminal open per. What I would like to do is to make this process run at start up, and run behind the scenes (no terminal). At the same time, I need to be able to re-run the process (again, hopefully behind the scenes) in case the timeclock goes offline or the process crashes.I know very basic things about Linux administration, and I know it is possible to do this (as there are processes now setup by someone else that do this), I just do not know how. EDIT: An idea I had would be to make the script run every minute, checking to see if the process is already running, and if it is not, then to start it. That way it would automatically correct itself if it went offline.

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Ubuntu :: Gnunetd Process Running At Startup?

Dec 5, 2010

I installed Gnunet (a secure P2P program) on Ubuntu 10.10 using Ubuntu software centre but had difficulties getting it to work so removed it. However, the gnunetd process loads at startup. It is only visible when typing 'top' in the console and not in the system monitor list of processes.gnunetd --version tells me that it is 0.8.1b sudo apt-get remove gnunetd tells me 'unable to locate package' why the process loads and how to remove it? I can kill it in the console but would like a way of getting rid of it permanently.

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Debian Configuration :: Running A Nondaemonized Process At Startup?

Feb 15, 2011

I have a script that needs to start executing on startup. Because I originally wrote it for MacOSX I never cared to learn how to daemonize it (thanks launchd!). Are there any relatively easy ways to run it on startup on debian to?

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Debian :: Running Same Process Multiple Times(from Another Account) / An Instance Of Newsbeuter Is Already Running Error?

Aug 6, 2010

Sometimes I connect to my Debian box from another computer (using SSH on Cygwin or Linux), and once ina while I want to run some console apps. And sometimes some of these apps might complain about "another intance, Error: an instance of newsbeuter is already running (PID: 2496)". Is there a work around for this issue at all(without killing the original instance") ? The reason I do not want to kill the app because there might be 2 users connected to the same machine that might be using the same app.

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Ubuntu :: Sometimes The Startup Process Fails

Mar 13, 2011

I recently got a new HDD for my laptop. Did a fresh install of Ubuntu 10.04. The install worked fine, updated everything with update manager. The problem: Sometimes the startup process fails, but this only occurs randomly. When startup fails I am left with a black screen with a line of strange pixelated red characters along the very top of the screen (they actually remind me of that old space-invaders game). This occurs before the boot-splash or login screen can appear. The system in this condition will not respond even to a REISUB command. It has to be hard-booted. Most of the time however, Ubuntu boots up fine with not a problem to be seen.

I also had this same error occur once when using the 10.04 live CD. (Please note: the cd is not the problem, I always check my md5 sums on downloads and verify burns).

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Fedora X86/64bit :: Very Slow Startup Process?

Aug 7, 2009

probably after an upgrade, my fedora 11 64 bit take about 1 minutes to start... if I press esc key during boot process I can see that it stuck when start "sm-client" for long tim

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OpenSUSE Install :: How To Make A Process Run At Startup

Mar 17, 2011

I am trying to make a file run at startup (e.g. runlevel 5). Here is what I done;

Copied file to /etc/init.d/rc5.d with these permissions:

-rwx------ 1 root root 274 Mar 17 08:33

Contents of this file is:

#! /bin/sh
# . /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions # uncomment/modify for your killproc
case "$1" in
echo "Starting noip2."


And the file this is supposed to run is in /usr/local/bin/noip2 with the permissions as:

-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 80431 Mar 17 08:16 noip2

However, this didn't worked for me. What can I do?

Edit: I can run shell file by invoking it with terminal. So there is no problem with the file

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Ubuntu :: Keep A Process Running From Ssh

May 21, 2010

I recenlty set up a headless linux home server by my router will my spare computer parts. I have NFS and even a COD4 server running on it for my friends and me. Because the box is headless, I take controll over it with ssh and start the COD4 server from there, but the problem is, if I close the terminal I have the ssh running from, it closes my server, meaning my desktop needs to be up and running the entire time. That kinda ruins the point of my server

So my question is, is there a way for me to run the command so that it will not close with the terminal AND that I can still send commands to the server.

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Software :: How To Tell Which CPU Process Is Running On?

Apr 8, 2009

How do I figure out which CPU's a process has used recently or is currently using?

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General :: Ps Show Where Process Is Running From?

Nov 10, 2010

Is it possible, using ps, to determine where a process is running from? I have two applications, both are identical and running in parallel directories, such as /app1/ and /app2/ If I run ps -ef then I'm unable to tell the difference between the two

Using ps (or alternative), how can I tell that PID 123 belongs to app1?

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General :: Cron: Run A Process But Only If It Isn't Running?

Feb 10, 2011

Is there a way for me to tell cron to run an app BUT not run it if a process exist already?

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Ubuntu :: 140 Process Running On 9.10 Server?

Mar 5, 2010

I am running an Lamp ubuntu 9.10 server and are all these processes supposed to be running?


1829 www-data 209080 kB /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start
2052 www-data 207560 kB /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start


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Ubuntu :: Plymouthd Process Always Running

Jun 17, 2010

If I run top, there's a process plymouthd always running, often taking a few percents of CPU. I found that "plymouth" would be a splash screen. My PC is booted already though, I don't need a splashscreen once it has booted. Is this a bug? How can I get rid of this process that always uses %CPU?

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Ubuntu :: Unknown Process Always Running?

Mar 8, 2011

Maybe someone can shed some light on this process that is running. It is using my CPU about 100% since there are 2 instances of it running with about 50% used by each.abc_sieve_2.10_i686-pc-linux-gnuI've never noticed it running before and don't think I've installed anything except updates.

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Debian :: Switching Into Running Process?

Mar 9, 2011

if i start a program over ssh by 'foo &'how can i go back 'in' this process, so i could see the output and type in commands?

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Red Hat / Fedora :: How To Get Running Process State

Jul 2, 2009

I am writing network module (LKM). I got process information by current->pid and current->comm. But now i want current state of task. I want to know the state of running the process. I dont find any information in struct task_struct structure. how can i get the state of current running process.

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General :: Way To See Only Process Running In Background?

Feb 23, 2011

Is there some way to see only the process running in the background?

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General :: Get The Notification Of Process Which Are Currently Running?

Apr 7, 2011

How can i get the notification of process which are currently running?

We wrote one script which is being fired for every minute, instead of that is there any to trigger the event from linux core implicitly if there is any change in my process(pid)?

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General :: Running Process In Background

Jan 14, 2011

Is there any way to run a long process in background so that it still remain in running state even if the user logout the system.

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Fedora :: Stellarium - Destroyed While Process Still Running

Jul 11, 2009

I have stellarium 0.10.2 but whenever I run it, it does not save my settings. A look at its output is:

$ stellarium
QProcess: Destroyed while process is still running.
[ This is Stellarium 0.10.2 - [URL] ]
[ Copyright (C) 2000-2009 Fabien Chereau et al ]
Writing log file to: "/home/arthur/.stellarium/log.txt"
File search paths:
0 . "/home/arthur/.stellarium"
1 . "/usr/share/stellarium"
Config file is: "/home/arthur/.stellarium/config.ini"
Sky language is: "en_US"
Application language is: "en_US"
Loading Solar System data ...
Loaded 38 / 38 planet orbits
Loading star data ...
Loading "": 0_0v0_1; 5013
Loading "": 1_0v0_1; 21999
Loading "": 2_0v0_1; 151416
Loading "": 3_1v0_0; 434064
Finished loading star catalogue data, max_geodesic_level: 3
navigation/preset_sky_time is a double - treating as jday: 2.45151e+06
Loaded 10051 / 13226 NGC records
Loading NGC name data ...
Loaded 222 / 222 NGC name records successfully
Loaded 88 / 88 constellation records successfully for culture "western"
Loaded 85 / 85 constellation art records successfully for culture "western"
Loaded 89 / 89 constellation names
Loading constellation boundary data ...
Loaded 782 constellation boundary segments
Loading star names from "/usr/share/stellarium/skycultures/western/star_names.fab"
Loaded 230 / 230 common star names
Loading star names from "/usr/share/stellarium/stars/default/name.fab"
Loaded 3215 / 4359 scientific star names
Creating GUI ...
try_pbo_zcopy: failure 2
try_pbo_zcopy: failure 2
try_pbo_zcopy: failure 2
try_pbo_zcopy: failure 2
try_pbo_zcopy: failure 2
try_pbo_zcopy: failure 2
try_pbo_zcopy: failure 2
try_pbo_zcopy: failure 2
try_pbo_zcopy: failure 2
try_pbo_zcopy: failure 2

The failure continues for as long as the app is running.

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General :: Move Running Process To Background

Mar 10, 2011

How do you move a running process to the background? For example, type the command sleep 60 on the command line and try moving that process to the background.

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Ubuntu :: What Running Process As Root Actually Means

Apr 8, 2010

I just installed Wine (1.1.3* dev release) and installed Notepad++ (OSS) and Net Meter (Freeware, the latest beta is actually OSS too). I also intend to install a few other things later. The only failure so far is the latest WinSCP So it made me wonder about what running a process/software as "root" actually means. When I use U.S.C or 'apt-get install' to install software on my computer, and type my password, it displays that keyring icon on my systray.

Does this mean I am root at that moment? And how about running wine, the wine processes, and any windows *.exe I'm installing and running? I basically am afraid that I am running all the wine-related stuff as root, even though there is no indication that I at least have elevated privileges. What is/are the worst-case scenario(s) about wine?

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Ubuntu :: Firefox Keeps Freezing The Process Keeps Running?

Apr 23, 2010

Firefox keeps freezing.the process keeps running.I've uninstalled firefox, installed different versions, ie 3.6, 3.7 etc, I've removed my profile folder in my home directory.same results. I've ran firefox as a SU and I get this output from the terminal

(firefox-bin:28892): GLib-WARNING **: g_set_prgname() called multiple times
/home/josh/.gtkrc-2.0:2: error: scanner: unterminated string constant - e.g. `style'
(parent won, so we're not deferring)


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Ubuntu :: Running A Process Indefinitely As An User?

Feb 27, 2011

i am using Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS. i only ever contact my ubuntu machine through SSH. everytime i login, i do:

~/downloads/.dropbox-dist/dropboxd &

this launches the dropbox process and all is great. except when i log back into the ubuntu machine via ssh after a few hours, the process no longer exists. how can i get the process to run indefinitely?

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Ubuntu :: Script To Find PHP Process Running

May 7, 2011

I am trying to write a script that will look for a plugin and check that its running and if not start it
ps ax | grep -v grep | grep aseco.php
The above should list the process, if I put it into terminal this is incorrect?

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Programming :: Get List Of Thread In Running Process?

Jan 27, 2010

How to get list of threads of a process using C code in Linux?

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Programming :: Alter A Running Process Without Killing It?

Sep 7, 2010

In the comments section of this blog, the commenter "Pratik" claims that you can edit a running bash script, without killing it, and have the changes picked up by the running script. He claims you can do this by editing files in /proc. Now, I know how to find the /proc folder that contains the data on the running process, Code: cd /proc/`pgrep process_name` But I can't figure out what I should do if I want to edit a running bash script.

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General :: Change Cpu Utilization Of Running Process?

Apr 28, 2011

Can we change cpu utilization if its have very high in running mode without stop that process.

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General :: How To Rename An Already Running Script / Process?

Dec 22, 2009

Is it possible to rename a process that is currentley running i.e. from "" to "donotkill" etc

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Networking :: Forcing SSH Process To Continue Running?

Apr 27, 2009

running a large program on a remote SSH server the other day when I was disconnected. This is a large program, ~48 hours to complete, and I was disconnected around hour 40. I have restarted the program using the following (Note: I am already ssh'd into the server) ./20090427_9crossing > 20090427_9crossing.out & Now, I believe this will run the program in the background and output to the file. So, if I get disconnected again will it continue to run? If not, is there a way that I can get it to keep running?

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