Ubuntu :: Recovering Private Data - Desktop ?

Jan 7, 2011

Since recently I have installed windows (dont worry I will be back to ubuntu soon enough but I've ran into some trouble), I had installed windows on my main hard disk (I couldn't install windows on my 2nd hard disk for some reason).

There were 2 partitions on the main hard disk, 1 which had all my data and another which had all the system fyles for ubuntu on it I believe.

Now I deleted the small system fyle partition and installed windows over it thinking I'd have all my data on the other partition when I needed.

But when I started up ubuntu with a live USB (I had made it prior to deinstalling ubuntu because I wanted to go back asap) and browsed my files, I noticed that I couldn't get to my private data anymore!

The /home/user partition is still there but it only has a file in it which says something like "recover-private-data.desktop" but when I double click it (made it executable) it just pops up a terminal real fast and disappears.

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Ubuntu Security :: UNABLE - Access Private Data Desktop

Oct 12, 2010

I have a seperate partition for my "/home" folder. Whenever I install a new distro I format my "/" folder.

This way I was able to access my old home data files since I install using a different username. Everything worked fine until last Sunday.

10.10, unlike other versions of ubuntu, has encrypted my old username in my home folder.

Then using this document [url]

I was able to mount my hard drive again. But all the file and folder names are like this.

Btw I don't remember selecting an option to encrypt my old home directory in the first place, what is this ?

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Ubuntu :: Recovering Data - This Directory Has Been Unmounted To Protect Your Data

Jun 3, 2010

Ubuntu 9.10 64bit. Acer Laptop

Using ubuntu 9.10 cd to access laptops hard drive.

foun readme file in /media/disk/mark


From the graphical desktop, click on: "Access Your Private Data"


From the command line, run: $ ecryptfs-mount-private

So I tried a couple of ways...

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Ubuntu :: Recovering The Data From Hdd?

Jul 3, 2011

My machine has dual boot windows xp and ubuntu 10.04. Today accidently i deleted two of my ntfs drive which contained vital projects of my college. Can anybody help me to recover my lost data.

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Ubuntu :: Recovering Data From Scratched DVD?

Jun 1, 2010

I have a DVD that I want to recover. The problem is that it will not mount because it has a small scratch at the beginning of the first track. Is there any way to force mount the DVD and recover at least the unscratched part of the DVD?

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Ubuntu :: Recovering Some Data From Raid 0?

Aug 11, 2010

So I've pulled two hard drives out of my busted windows xp system (dead mb) and I'm trying to get some data off of them. The drives are in raid 0, so my friend told me that I might be able to do something if I use linux. Some late night searching on the internet directed me to a few resources, one of which was this forum. I've tried 2 methods, neither of which have worked.

1. mdadm

ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo mdadm --detail /dev/sdb
mdadm: /dev/sdb does not appear to be an md device

2. dmraid

ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo dmraid -s
/dev/sdb: "sil" and "hpt45x" formats discovered (using hpt45x)!
ERROR: sil: wrong # of devices in RAID set "sil_agafdhcebccj" [1/2] on /dev/sda
ERROR: removing inconsistent RAID set "sil_agafdhcebccj"


I've got some files for work that I'd really like to get off there. I've played with unix a bit in college and I've ran ubuntu before, but usually using the GUI, so a lot of this stuff is over my head. But from what I gather, my system thinks that one of the drives isn't a raid drive?

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Ubuntu :: Recovering Data From USB Flash Drive?

May 27, 2010

A friend of mine somehow managed to accidentally format her USB key the other day. It had all the photos of her daughter on it and she's more than a little upset about it.

I've told her not to fret too much just yet and that I'll have a look to see if there's any way to recover any of the data (specifically the photo's, she's not overly fussed about the rest)

I've had a look through the web, and foremost looks like it's the most promising option but I don't want to start messing around with it until I've asked my fellow ubuntu users for advice and thoughts.

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Ubuntu :: Recovering Data From An Old Hard Drive ?

Jul 4, 2010

I have recently gotten hold of a device that helps me plug my old ATA/IDE hard drive to my computer and view my old files that I wish to recover. I am using Ubuntu and the harddrive that I wish to retrieve the data from also has an Ubuntu install on it. The files I wish to recover are old .doc files, which I want to keep to remember my old writings.

The problem I have encountered arises when I wish to open some of the files. The icon for some of the files, which happen to be my best writings, has an X on the top right, indicating that I cannot view the contents. When I click on the files, the following error message pops up: "Access to /media/c885571b-a6e5-4a2d-937a-78af7050910/george/Courses/hist388/Passion.doc was denied."

Now, I am guessing that I need to be able to log in as superuser or something to be able to access these files, so I logged in my terminal as super user by following the instructions outlined on this page: [url]

I still did not have the sufficient access required to be able to open the files that I would like to retrieve.

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Ubuntu :: Recovering Data From Failed Upgrade

Oct 2, 2010

I've got 10.10 running trying to recover files from 10.04/10.10 I don't know what to call it. I did update-manager -d but all I get is a bunch of failed packages when I try to run it, so I downloaded the full RC iso. Now I'm trying to recover my stuff from the HD using a live-usb. The only problem is, when I try to copy the files onto my SD card, I do not have permission to access some of the stuff on the HD and some of the stuff like the "Desktop" I do.

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Ubuntu :: Recovering Data From A Formatted Partition?

Dec 19, 2010

I just installed kubuntu 10.10, replacing an older installation. I have three hard drives one of which had all of the data I wanted to save, about 500gb. I repartitioned and formatted the other two drives and made sure that the data drive would be mounted but not formatted. When I booted into my new installation, the data drive was blank. I'm not sure if it's relevant, but I had just upgraded the file system from ext2 to ext4 before starting the installation.

I've been trying to recover my lost partition with testdisk. The website has instructions for recovering a formatted partition. It looks like it's working until the instructions tell me to choose Boot and RebuildBS, which I don't see as options. Can anyone give me any advice on how to recover? How did this even happen? Has anyone had a similar issue with installation?

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Ubuntu :: Package Available For Recovering Data From The Usb Drive?

Mar 24, 2011

let me know is there any package available in ubuntu for recovering data from the usb drive

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Recovering Data From Old HDD

Mar 27, 2011

I've just got a STA/IDE to USB 2.0 gadgetas a quick and dirty way to get data off a HDD Plugged everything in hoping with no particualr reason that it would work like a USB stick. Device notifier spotted drive but wouldn't mount it

dmesg | tail
[20197.639369] sd 8:0:0:0: [sdb] Result: hostbyte=DID_OK driverbyte=DRIVER_SENSE
[20197.639373] sd 8:0:0:0: [sdb] Sense Key : Medium Error [current]
[20197.639378] sd 8:0:0:0: [sdb] Add. Sense: Peripheral device write fault
[20197.639383] sd 8:0:0:0: [sdb] CDB: Write(10): 2a 00 00 60 7c cf 00 00 08 00
[20197.639391] end_request: I/O error, dev sdb, sector 6323407
[20197.639397] Buffer I/O error on device sdb6, logical block 8210
[20197.639399] lost page write due to I/O error on sdb6

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Ubuntu Servers :: Recovering Data From Recovery Mode

Mar 12, 2010

Today I wanted to make a backup of my Ubuntu server. Since the program wasn't working for me, I rebooted my computer and right now it wont boot. Now I entered recovery mode and I'm trying to recover my /var/www and /etc/mrtg folders. I want to copy them to my USB-Stick but Ubuntu wont do this.

The command I tried: Code: cp -r /var/www /dev/sdg1/www I already created the folder via a other system. I also tried to mount the USB stick: Code: mount /dev/sdg1 /mnt/usbe But im getting the following error: error while loading shared libraries: /lib/libsepol.so.1: Invalid ELF header.

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Ubuntu :: Recovering Data Of Vista Hard Drive ?

Apr 25, 2010

I am trying to transfer files from a SATA hard drive with Windows Vista (Home Premium) installed on it. Some files I can easily copy over, others just say Access Denied.

I'm sure permissions is part of the issue, unofrtunately Windows is unable to boot at all (surpise surprise) so I can't adjust anything from within in. I know with XP drives I can easily copy and paste onto my Ubuntu machine. I'm using a SATA to USB converter that let's me plug it in and my desktop reads it like an external hard drive.

I've gone into the properties and under permissions it shows my account as having access to Create and delete files under folder access amd "---" under File access. My group and others show None and --- for Folder and File access. I can post a link to a screenshot tomorrow. I've tried to also select Read and Write for File access but it goes back to the dashes before I can apply it.

I am running 64 bit Ubuntu 9.10 and do not have the sharing aspect installed. Any questions please feel free to ask me.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Recovering Data From Old PostgreSQL Install

May 5, 2010

I was previously running postgresql 8.3, but upgrading to Ubuntu 10.04, has installed postgresql 8.4 and I'm now unable to start 8.3. I don't mind using 8.4, but I need to recover the data from my 8.3 installation, But I'm not sure how to do this as I can't start the 8.3 server, and 8.4 can't read my old data directory.

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Ubuntu :: Recovering Lost Data From An NTFS Volume?

Dec 26, 2010

You'd think that with two backups of all my data, which are syncronised twice weekly - that I'd be pretty safe. Fine and good until in a reorganisation of my documents folders,I delete a bunch of files - and don't notice until after I've run the backup - so they're deleted from the backups as well. Cue me beating myself around the head with the keyboard a few times about a week later when I realised.I'd advise against doing that if you have a keyboard like the IBM Model-M - it hurts.Okay, so I figure it's at least worth having a stab at recovering this data. The external harddrive's not had anything written to it since then, so is probably the best candidate. It's formatted as an NTFS volume (1.5Tb).

Now, I DO have a copy of R-Studio for Windows which I bought and paid for a few years agowhen XP managed to destroy itself and the file structure on the harddrive when it fell over installing SP2 (this was the event which lead ultimately to me switching to Ubuntu).I've found this to work quite well, though the initial scan does take a while.nfortunately, it does NOT seem to work from within Ubuntu through Wine. It runs, but can't see any drives. The only Windows environment I have access to now is Vista, andR-Studio seems to hang after running for an hour or so under Vista.

Are there any tools - preferably simple enough that I can get my head around them - which I can use from within Ubuntu to have a scrub through an NTFS drive to look for and otentially recover deleted data? I've found several tools which claim to recover things from ext3/4 drives from Windows - but not the other way around!There are a fair selection of filetypes involved here, some word documents, probably most of interest to me though are some old videos, mostly <5Mb taken on my old phone camera from university. Nothing really mission critical...but memories nevertheless.

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Ubuntu :: Recovering Encrypted Data From Corrupted Partition

Jul 20, 2011

I recently suffered a hard disk failure, meaning I had to replace the faulty device. After attempting to mount the old faulty hard drive using and external caddy, I got the following message... Unable to mount 144 GB Filesystem Error mounting: mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdb5, missing codepage or helper program, or other error In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try dmesg | tail or so

I'd like to attempt to recover what I can from my /home directory but unfortunately I use encryption (although I do actually know my pass phrase). What procedures and software can I use to try and recover data from this drive?

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Debian :: Recovering Data From Deleted Partition

May 16, 2010

I was trying to delete a logical drive in windows xp and the damn disk management tool in windows not only deleted my other windows partition but also my linux /data ext3 partition. Now I have a unallocated space in place of these partitions. The data is still there but the entries in the partition table have been removed. So how do I recover my partition. I was trying to use the following tutorial. [URK]

I used the sudo parted /dev/sda -- and then rescue START END command and could get back the /data partition. But it gives me the following error while mounting the partition. mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda7, missing codepage or helper program or other error. In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try dmesg | tail or so.

What does this mean. How to I fix this? Also when I try to recover my windows partition using parted it scans for a while and then does nothing. It doesnot ask for writing the lost partition in the partition table. What do I do?

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Fedora Installation :: Recovering The Data After The 'update'?

Jul 27, 2009

I started some months ago with Fedora 10, installed (on a barebones hardware package) from a DVD I got with a magazine. I liked it, and it worked fine. When 'Update Available' messages arrived, I installed the updates. When Fedora 11 arrived the same way, I installed that, a few weeks ago, and it, too, was working fine. A few days ago another 'Update Available' message arrived, and I installed it, unfortunately without backing up first. There was a message then that said to restart computer (which was still working fine).

I restarted the computer, and it would go as far as the moving blue bar across the bottom, then stop with a blinking cursor on a black screen. After trying several things, including the recovery part of the original DVD, I put a different, clean drive in the computer and reinstalled Fedora 10 from the original DVD. What I was hoping is that I could then install the original drive as a secondary one and get access to the files on it.

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Fedora :: Recovering Data From A Thumb Drive

Dec 3, 2009

The following quote is the sad, sad story of a thumb drive with the partition table nuked, as told by a friend of mine:


Data was recovered from an XP system by booting with a BartPC CD and copying onto a USB thumb drive. Nothing unusual.

System was rebooted into the XP install CD.

The first drive that was found was the 16gb thumb drive (AKA flash drive) and the person (re) installing XP didn't catch the fact that XP presented the 16gb thumb drive instead of the 160gb hard drive.

The drive partition function in XP deleted the partition table - on the thumb drive.

A freeware utility in Windows shows the data but can't recover the file names, so that everything is gobbledygook. Does anybody know of a utility or program under Linux that can help? I have a laptop running F 12 and can do the work if needed, but don't know what program to use.

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OpenSUSE :: Software For Recovering Lost Data?

Mar 15, 2011

A few days ago I accidentally deleted a video file from the trash and I am looking forward to recover it but google could not give me a hand. Even worse I don't remember the name of the file.
Is there any specific free software for this? Or command line? (I am not good at it but can learn fast).

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OpenSUSE Install :: Recovering Data From Drive ?

Jan 8, 2011

I've accidently begun installing Ubuntu Studio onto my OpenSUSE drive I stupidly forgot to to swap my hard drive cables around.

Luckily, the Ubuntu Studio install failed before I noticed the problem, but I need to access the SUSE drive to pull some date off of it. Whats the best way of doing this?

I used a program in windows XP to try and pull the data (mainly holiday snaps) off the drive, but it only works on NTFS file systems, so didn't get me what I need.

How can I access the data on the linux partitions? I'm fairly certain I was using 11.2, which after a bit of googling seems touse the EXT3 file format. Correct?

I'm in over my head here really, as you can probably tell, but what my limited knowledge leads me to believe is that the Ubuntu installer overwrote my partition table (is that right?) but left all the data there still.

Ideally I need a program very similar to the one that I used, but which works for the SUSE filesystem, and runs under XP (my only working OS at the moment)

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Hardware :: Dd Command - Recovering Data - Freezing Everything

Apr 29, 2010

I have foulty hard drive partition which would not mount so browsing internet I found out that it is posible to use Terminal I'm using mac, so hard is 1tb devided in 2 partitions 1st mac extended, 2nd FAT32 2nd would not mount, when try connect hard to windows pc it freezes everything so decided to use Knoppix from CD

using that OS I can see both partition but the faulty one is very slow takes up to 5min to open every folder so tried to connect other hard and copy paste folders but I can not create ot paste anything on new connected hard there is always Access Denied or Permition Denied found post on forume where someone used dd command and I tried that, data goes from sdc2 to sdc1 that's what's happend:


and I'm not shure, is it copying, is it still doing something or I should stop this and go to Data Recovery Specialists?

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Hardware :: Recovering Data From Disk Image

Jan 19, 2011

I have 2 RAID1 hard drives with possibly hardware errors, (when I tried to mount them in a degraded array, they won't start, throwing some Buffer I/O errors) So I used ddrescue to make a disk image out of one drive, ran losetup to use the image file as loopback device:

losetup /dev/loop0 imagefile.img

but when I tried to assemble a raid array including the /dev/loop0 device like:

mdadm --assemble /dev/md0 --force /dev/loop0

it will complain that no superblock is found on /dev/loop0 device. With desperation, I tried to create a legacy raid array with following command, of course, including one of the bad drives:

mdadm -B /dev/md0 --level=1 -n2 /dev/sdb1(bootable partition on the bad drive) /dev/loop0

I successfully created a new RAID1 array, but when I tried to mount it


Now the only thing I haven't tried is to clean the superblock by doing --zero-superblock, and not sure if that will solve the problem. Should I get a second drive to hold my broken drive image so that I might be able to assemble a good RAID1 array or should I continue working on the only disk image file I recovered from one of the broken drives?

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Server :: Recovering Of RAID5 Data Loss?

Aug 11, 2010

how to recover A mounted RAID5 data???

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Software :: Recovering Data From Flaky Floppy

Feb 27, 2010

I am kind of at a loss on how to recover data from a 15 year old floppy (Simcity 2000, bought the copy off of ebay thinking it was the cd version and well...). At first I could see the files on the disk, but couldn't read them. So, I ran chkdisk on windows and it couldn't fix the disk. I have heard things about dd_rescue, which I have tried, but it just produces an error filled image that I can't recover any data from. I don't think it really tried all that hard to read the sectors that have problems.

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Software :: Recovering Data From MD Array (using Knoppix)

Jun 2, 2011

I had a major OS crash (Gentoo) maybe 2 months ago and completely neglected my system. Now I want to recover all my mirror raid data back so that I can restore the system. My plan is this:

1) copy all data so that I can have a backup
2) rebuild system with some HW upgrades

First step is to get the data out. I managed to boot with Knoppix and I have full access to my ext2 partitions. My mistake was to create the mirror partitions and these are not working now. I copied my /etc/mdadm.conf into /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf in Knoppix and then tried to start the services. This is what I got:

knoppix@Microknoppix:~$ /etc/init.d/mdadm start
knoppix@Microknoppix:~$ /etc/init.d/mdadm-raid start
Assembling MD arrays...failed (failed to load MD subsystem).

I can see the partitions:


These are my current ideas:

1) Can I change the filesystem type from mdraid to ext2 or ext3 safely?

2) How can I mount these raid filesystems so that I can copy my data?

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Ubuntu Security :: Recovering Data From Corrupt Encrypted Partition

Feb 25, 2010

I have recently recovered from an HDD failure on my Drobo. One of the disks died and corrupted the entire array (which is not supposed to happen). I have since managed to copy the data off onto smaller disks and after replacing the failed drive, have copied everything back.

Now that im up and running again, i was wondering how this situation would play out on encrypted disks, or in the case of a drobo a large encrypted partition (as you cannot encrypt the entire array).

Would i still be able to recover the data if i were to encrypt it? It is a 4.2TB array, and i assume that I would need to copy the data in its entirety to recover it, so using multiple smaller disks would be out of the question right?

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Ubuntu :: Borked Hard Drive - Foxing & Recovering Data?

Oct 4, 2010

OK, was trying to make a live-usb boot partition on my 1.5TB HD; in doing so clicked a 'wipe disk' button.

A second later I realised what I'd done, clicked cancel (frantically), tried to unmount the drive but was told 'volume busy'. In a panic, unplugged the drive. Unsurprisingly, the drive is now a mess.

I'd had 1 30G FAT32 partition (empty) at sdd1, 1 1.5TB ext4 partition with about 500G of data at sdd2. Now according to gparted I have an unrecognised filesystem type; according to the 'Disk Utility' I have an unmountable 1.5TB FAT32 drive.

I know NOTHING about data recovery. If it's just a case of running a couple of magic 'check & fix' programs then I should be OK, but anything else and I'll have to take it to more skilled friends.

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Ubuntu :: Root - Recovering Data From Some Damaged Hard Drives

Jan 15, 2011

I am in the process of recovering data from some damaged hard drives.

I am copying the data to a recovery folder on the safe system disk where it is being sorted.

Some of the data/files I do not want to keep.

I want to delete them.

However the permissions are such that it will not let me.

I need to be root.

I don't really want to flaff about in the 1980's geek terminal environment ... just want to right click and select delete.

Is there any way within the GUI to be as one with Root, all powerful, all seeing ......

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