Ubuntu :: Desktop Customizing For Natty ?

May 17, 2011

First off I got to say that Natty is pretty interesting. I really like the space-saving techniques with the omni-bar, vertical app panel, and very fast omni search (similar to windows 7 but much faster). It will take getting used to but I think in the end it will eventually make working much easier and quicker.

It is in beta so I won't get ahead of myself and make assumptions but it seems like Ubuntu has sacrificed a lot of customizability with this release. A few things I've notice that maybe I can get some clarification on-

1. I cannot add panels or items to panels.

I would like to add the system-monitoring tools to my top panel so I can see when my CPU and RAM spikes.

In addition, pidgin no longer appears in my tasks bar. I'm guessing this is a bug? (I prefer it over Empathy. Rather not switch).

2. I cannot find a feature that leaves my vertical app bar visible all the time. When I make an application go full screen it pushes it out of the way. This is a bit annoying when I'm trying to find a file, folder, or application quickly.

Also when I open a file that I didn't mean to open I would like to see it popup in my app bar so I know instantly where to find it and close it. With this I will have to search for it.

Of course this all takes only a few extra seconds.

3. I cannot change the size of my apps in the app bar and it doesn't automatically resize. This might not be a big issue for some but I use my Linux OS solely for work. As a developer I often have upwards of 20 files open and it usually fills my screen when using my avant window navigator. This is significant since I have a wide and short monitor.

4. I am unable to change the orientation of the app bar. This goes back to the fact that I have a wide and short monitor. Because of this it may seem better to fill up space vertically by adding a vertical app bar, but I have so many apps and usually work in text-documents that it would be better for me to have a horizontal app bar.

5. Unable to remove unneeded buttons. My app bar is going to fill up very fast. I do not need a workspace switcher, a home folder, the applications button, or the trash visible in this app bar. I will use these rarely and I would rather make room for apps I use often.

6. Apps at the bottom of the app bar does not adjust context menu accordingly.

However I do like how Ubuntu is finally clipping unseen areas. I am using dual monitors and the one you are looking at is the short one. So when i take a screenshot I can see black area below. In previous versions I would be able to see the overflow. Does this also mean we are finally double image buffering as well?

7. I am unable to change desktop effects. I don't need a massive fancy shadow on every window. I prefer speed over desktop effects (but use Ubuntu for non-free software support).

8. I cannot move the Files & Folder button to the top. I would have use for this context menu since there is no longer a places button in the top panel. But I would rather have it at the top so I can access it easier.

9. Cannot clear recent file's history. As a developer I've worked on a couple adult entertainment related sites. I like to keep these hidden from my little ones for obvious reasons but now it seems there is no way to remove them from recent file history. There should be a context menu for this.

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General :: Customizing Desktop - Setting Limitations / Rights?

Sep 23, 2009

I am working on Fedora, I am trying to figure out if there is any way we can set limitations/rights to linux desktop, so that we can control which things user can access, like if i dont want user to have access to kde control center, and should not change the settings in it, or disable changing wallpaper,or disable changing screen saver. How that can be done in linux?

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Fedora :: Customizing The Login Screen - Sound - Default Desktop Environment

Aug 27, 2010

I have just installed Fedora (13) for the first time. It's great ! So thanks to all its developers !

I managed to do many tweaks I wanted to, in no small part thanks to this forum, but here's one that eludes me and my google-fu.

I'd like to customize the login screen (if I grokked correctly, that's gdm). I already saw how to change the background or how to enable automatic login, but what I'd like to do is this :

1. Disable that rather annoying "pong" sound when I select a user,

2. Set a default desktop environment. Gnome seems to be the default environment selected in the drop-down menu, but me, I'd like for it to be XFCE.

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Ubuntu :: Make The Desktop Taskbar Appear In Ubuntu Natty Of Unity Desktop As Previous Gnome?

Jun 21, 2011

1)If I installed the Alpha-1 11.10, is it easy to upgrade to newer versions later on until the Final Release?

2) How to make the desktop taskbar appear in ubuntu natty of Unity desktop as previous Gnome? Possible or not?

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Ubuntu :: Empty Desktop In Natty ?

Jun 14, 2011

I installed Natty in a VirtualBox VM (running in XP), and all I see is an empty Desktop with background. No Launcher or anything else to run anything.

It is obviously running, because I can right click on the desktop, create a folder and navigate round. If I navigate to an application I can run it.

Rebooting to Classic works (if maybe a little slower than 10.10).

I wanted to try Unity, and assume it is trying to run.

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Ubuntu :: Customize Desktop In Natty (11.4)

Aug 3, 2011

I just upgraded to 11.4 and was surprised to find my desktop completely changed. The main reason I use Ubuntu is because I could customize the desktop environment how I wanted. Now I can't seem to move or adjust anything. Does anyone know how to move the menu and launch bars? The biggest thing I want to do is move the launch bar to the bottom of the screen.

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Ubuntu :: Natty - How To Get The Old Desktop Back

Jun 18, 2011

Just upgraded to Natty and ... well my whole desktop changed, it has that weird menu on the side ... etc. Is there a way to get the old desktop back? (with my apps menu in the top bar like it was before)

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Ubuntu :: Upgrade To Natty Has Borked My Desktop

May 22, 2011

I'm was running 64bit maverick on an intel i3 clarkdale desktop; pretty much vanilla with the compiz spinning cube desktop displaying on my 720p HDMI telly. On 'upgrading' to natty my pc refused to display anything on the telly but can still be connected to via ssh. Assuming unity was the culprit I installed gnome and deleted unity; after plugging in a VGA monitor I finallly got an output onto a display device, then managed to configure the HDMI telly as a secondary display. Gnome is just a backdrop with no panels at all; I managed to get panels by ctrl-alt-T and typing 'gnome-panel &'; but this was only a temporary fix. If I try to run a terminal now it locks X and I can only restart via the ssh session.

Currently all I have if I boot is the gnome backdrop. The pc auto logs on (as it did under maverick) so alternate logon screens can't be accessed as pretty much all I can do is run stuff via an ssh shell on my other pc.

What I'd like to do is have my desktop how it was before natty trashed it. Preferably without unity or its very irritating scroll bar widgets.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Get UTorrent Installed On Natty Desktop Pc

Jul 1, 2011

I can't get uTorrent installed on my natty Ubuntu desktop pc. After downloading the file, I've copied all the files for the web admin to /var/www. When I run the executable, cpu load goes to 100% and nothing happens . When I go to localhost/ it says loading for a long time, and then " Can't talk to uTorrent client. Try reloading the page."

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Ubuntu :: Desktop User Passwords In Natty?

Jul 1, 2011

I just did a clean install of Natty yesterday and have been setting it up for my children and myself. I am trying to set up desktop user accounts for them without them having to put in a password for themselves but have not been able to change this via system/administration/users and groups. Is this a bug or is this feature (turning off passwords at login) turned off in Natty?

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Ubuntu :: Desktop Unresposnsive After Natty Upgrade?

Aug 5, 2011

I installed the upgrade today and it gets to the login screen fine, lets me login ans then when the desktop loads it just has "flashes", when i click the menu mar (which cant be seen properly it flashes up then disappears. was working perfect as my backup server before this. Any ideas? i can't even cet a command prompt up!

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Ubuntu :: Natty - Desktop Icons From Home Directory

Apr 18, 2011

I used the command "update-manager -d" to put Natty Beta 2 on my Acer Aspire One netbook. It worked perfectly, but took about 7 hours because the SSD is so slow. The upgrade replaces the Netbook Remix of Ubuntu 10.10. Now my desktop is full of icons that weren't there before. They are the files and folders in my home directory. Until yesterday, my desktop icons showed the contents of the subdirectory $HOME/Desktop instead. How can I restore the former behaviour?

The desktop icons are being provided by Nautilus. I know this because I can drill down into the Nautilus options using gconf-editor and un-check the box that makes Nautilus manage the desktop. This makes all the icons go away. So I know how to get (1) lots of icons [the wrong ones] or (2) no icons at all. I'd like an elegant clean way to achieve (3) just a few icons [the right ones]. [My idea of "elegant": some way to inform Nautilus about which directory to look in for the purpose of generating icons for the desktop.]

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Ubuntu :: What's The Current (Natty) Full Desktop Stack

Apr 30, 2011

how the current full desktop stack looks like for Ubuntu Natty? I assume it should roughly look like this:


Is this correct? Any other levels that I missed? Where would Wayland stand (in the future) here? I assume it will just replace X?

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Ubuntu :: Can't Log Into Classic Desktop With XRDP In Natty / Machine To Use For It?

May 11, 2011

I am using xRDP to remotely log into my desktop. I have my user set up to use the classic no-effects desktop when logging into the console. Problem is, when I log in via xRDP, it uses unity. How do I tell the machine to use classic no-effects when using xRDP?

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Ubuntu :: Custom Launcher In Natty Unity Desktop?

May 19, 2011

I'm trying to put in an extra command on my skype.desktop launcher to make my webcam work properly, however whenever I add the ff. to the Exec line:

Quote: Exec=export LIBV4LCONTROL_FLAGS=3 && LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib32/libv4l/v4l1compat.so skype the skype launcher doesnt work. However, it works fine when I try to run the same command on the terminal.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cannot Instal OpenFOAM On Natty Desktop

Jul 19, 2011

Trying to install openFOAM on natty desktop seems to be a problem adding openFOAM to the repo and later some compilation error

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Ubuntu Installation :: Natty Desktop Installer Crashes - Freezes With AMD

Jun 13, 2011

Trying to install ubuntu 11.04 drove me nuts until I found this page .

My system is an ASUS moderboard with an AMD chipset. The solution came when I entered the BIOS and disabled the cool&quiet feature for the chipset.

After installation, I have to keep cool&quiet disabled in order to run ubuntu. Re-enabling cool&quiet results in ramdon restarts or freezing

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Ubuntu Installation :: Natty Upgrade Makes A Hash Of 4 Desktop Shortcuts?

May 10, 2011

For years I've had ctrl + alt + 1-4 (keypad) as shortcuts to desktop 1-4. It's worked flawlessly under everything from Slackware, through Debian and even the gnarled mess that Ubuntu is becoming.But now, ctl + alt + 1 dumps whatever window is active on my desktop to the bottom left corner of that desktop. Ctrl + alt + 3 dumps it to the bottom right corner;A7 goes top left and you can guess the rest.

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Ubuntu :: Natty Running Gnome3-team Ppa Showing Mounts On Desktop?

Sep 1, 2011

Running 11.04 with the gnome3 team ppa and runs as smooth as silk but cannot find a setting to not have two partitions mounted in fstab and Home and Computer from being mounted on Desktop?

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Ubuntu :: Crashed My Natty Desktop With Metacity - Never Get GRUB Screen That Allows To Boot Into Recovery

Jun 4, 2011

I seemed to have crashed my X desktop and I never get a GRUB screen that allows me to boot into recovery. Long story short, I accidentally used metacity --replace (out of habit) when I lost my window decorations. This caused the panel and dash to crash and I couldn't get a terminal. So I forced a reboot and now I boot into a black screen every time. GRUB doesn't even give me my normal recovery mode option. After my BIOS posts it just shows me the purple splash screen then blackness. I have a LiveCD standing by but don't know where to go from there.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install Natty Narwhal Desktop 32-bit On My Dell Dimension 4700?

Sep 1, 2011

I'm attempting to install Natty Narwhal Desktop 32-bit on my Dell Dimension 4700. I get to the screen with various options (Install Ubuntu, Test Memory, etc.) but on choosing boot from disk or install, I just get a black screen. Any ideas what might be the problem? I'm don't have much experience with Ubuntu, so a simple explanation would be preferred.

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General :: Restore Default Setting Of Desktop Of Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narhwal Unity

Jul 22, 2011

i have lost my setting of unity desktop and launcher is not seen on desk top as well as search barwhich use to come on pressing of meta window key.

how to restore launcher and search bar setting or u may say default unity setting

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Ubuntu :: Customizing Desktops In Different Ways?

Feb 6, 2010

I just want to know weather it is possible by some means to set different preferences for the two desktops that are available in ubuntu?? E.g.: different backgrounds, shortcuts etc...

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Ubuntu :: Customizing Touchpad On Startup?

Feb 18, 2010

So, in the system preferences there is a setting for the laptop touchpad. I never use it and want it deactivated. Unchecking the box and setting the program as a startup app isn't doing it. So how do i go about it? Correct me if i'm wrong, but i'm thinking the best way is gonna be to edit the startup command for the app from:

command: gsynaptics to command: gsynaptics + "whatever the commands would be to tab to the first item and hit space" I have NO idea what that command would be or if it's possible.

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Ubuntu :: Customizing The Name Of Partitions In Lucid?

May 30, 2010

In my menu bar under Places, I could see my Windows partitions being displayed as 20 GB Filesystem and 25 GB Filesystem which are basically C drive and D drive respectively. Is there any way I could change the way the partitions are displayed under the Places menu. I want it to be displayed as C Drive and D drive instead of 20 GB, etc.

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Ubuntu :: Customizing Indicator Applet ?

Jun 26, 2010

Is there a way I can customize what does and doesn't show on the indicator applet? For instance I *much* prefer the standalone clock application to the indicator applet version...

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Ubuntu :: Customizing - 10.04 - Server Edition ?

Jul 6, 2010

I'm trying to customize an Ubuntu 10.04 server ISO (I've done desktop CDs before) but the guide at[url]...DCustomization isn't making any sense to me.

I want to add new packages and update official versions with custom ones. Let's say I want to update/add my-util-package and plymouth-theme-ubuntu-logo.

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Ubuntu :: Upcoming Natty And Its "Unity" Desktop Environment ?

Apr 26, 2011

I've been reading a lot about unity, both very good and very bad so I'm a bit afraid! The last thing I'd like to do is to find myself another distro and opt out of Ubuntu after so many years!

One thing that I'm really worried about is the fact I've got really used to the nautilus capabilities, such as nautilus-scripts. What will happen with them on Unity?

Other thing I don't like is why Ubuntu don't give me another choice? What if I don't like Unity after all?

I already know I don't like Kubuntu, nor Xubuntu, so why don't they think about the long time gnome lovers and create a Gubuntu edition too?

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Fedora :: No GUI After Customizing

Jul 11, 2011

I decided I would try to custimize Fedora to my liking (which proved to be overwhelming). I installed Compiz-fusion and enabled "wobbly windows", which forced me to disable "snapping windows". After doing that, I rebooted to enable the effects and it starts up to a command line.I pressed CTRL+ALT+F2, logged in and ran "rm -rf .gnome .gnome2 .gconf .gconfd .metacity" which I was told would reset my gnome shell, which it didn't. I know Compiz Fusion caused this crash, how can I revert back or at least get my GUI back.

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Ubuntu :: Customizing A Window Sizing Hotkey?

May 5, 2010

linux newbie here -- there is a feature in windows 7 that I would love to make work here. I'm sure there is some way to do it, given how customizable linux is, but I have no idea how.

In windows 7, if you hit the Windows key + the left arrow, it will automatically resize the window you are looking at to fill half the screen, on the left side. Likewise if you push the right arrow, for the right side, Windows+up arrow maximizes, and windows + down arrow minimizes. Does anyone have an idea of how I can configure ubuntu to do the same thing?

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