Ubuntu :: Delay When Resizing / Maximizing Or Restoring Windows?

May 14, 2010

Every time I attempt to restore, maximize or resize a window, there's a noticeable delay (a couple of seconds) before it happens. This doesn't happen with desktop effects turned off, so I figured it's somehow related to compiz. However, I have no idea what it is..

Running new 10.04, using proprietary ATI drivers for Mobile Radeon 3650

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OpenSUSE :: 'maximize Window' Effect - Delay When Maximizing Windows (Gnome)?

Mar 2, 2010

Using gnome I love the desktop effects, except the 'maximize window' effect. There is an annoying delay when I maximize a window. Is there a way to turn this particular effect off, while leaving all the others on. I looked in control center>desktop effects, but the option is not there. The only way I could turn off the maximize effect was unchecking the "enable desktop effects" checkbox. But this turns all effects off. All other effects run smooth and snappy.

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Ubuntu :: Resizing Windows In Evolution \ Resizing Doesn't Work And It Only Moves Horisontally, Not Vertically?

Oct 28, 2010

maybe this is something extremely simple and my brains are just mush after a whole night of struggling (and succeeding) with wifi driver issues.i'm running a brand new 10.10 netbook on a brand new asus eee 1015. i am trying to set up my email in evolution and the evolution windows are larger than the netbook screen, which means that the OK, SAVE, etc buttons are outside reach. i tried to resize, move window - resizing doesn't work and it only moves horisontally, not vertically.

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Ubuntu :: Program For Maximizing Windows?

Jan 18, 2010

I am running Ubuntu desktop 9.10 on netbook and I wanted to know if I can use and what's the name of the program installed in Ubuntu netbook remix for maximize windows?

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Ubuntu :: Slow Down When Maximizing And Minimizing The Windows

Aug 27, 2010

When i minimize, maximize or resize a window, instead to do that instantly, it gets stuck for a second, i dont know why. I have disabled compiz and i have tried a few other things but is still not working as it should.

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Ubuntu :: Dragging Windows To Border For Maximizing?

May 22, 2011

I am looking for a similar thing from compiz/unity/kde for xfce: The thing where you drag a window to the left and it is shown on the half of the screen or drag it to a corner and it will be sized to a quarter of the screen, etc...

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Ubuntu :: Stop Unity From Maximizing Windows?

Jun 14, 2011

Unity always maximizes firefox when I open it, is there a way to turn this off?

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Ubuntu :: Stop Windows From Maximizing When Dragged To The Top Of The Screen?

Sep 1, 2011

One thing that really annoys me with Ubuntu 11 is that every time I move a window and it touches the top of the screen it maximizes

I have been looking for a while now to find a way to stop this from happening but couldn't find anything

I'm running version 11.4 with Unity in classic mode

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Ubuntu Installation :: Post-GRUB 2 Delay - Troubleshoot This And Determine What Is Causing The Delay

May 11, 2011

After GRUB 2 comes up (I'm running Ubuntu 10.10) and I choose the OS to boot, there is about a 5 second delay where nothing appears to happen after I make the selection -- no disk activity. It happens consistently every time I boot. Again, this is after I choose the OS to boot, so it shouldn't have anything to do with the standard delay to allow me to choose the appropriate OS.Is there a good way to troubleshoot this and determine what is causing the delay?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Resizing Windows Partition - Install Files On A Non Windows NTFS Partition

Jul 22, 2010

Now however its not letting me resize the Windows partition, mounted or unmounted. It currently occupies the whole disk. I would rather not reinstall the whole thing over again, but I will if I have to. Isnt there an easy way to shrink a Windows partition? I swear Ive done this before and it wasnt this hard. Could it be a problem with the Mint installer that now asks me if I want to unmount my disks before it goes into install mode? On this PC I would like to have

Windows XP
One of the E17 OSs
Puppy Linux (to create a remix)

I am probably going to put most of the linux partitions on the second laptop drive but I want to install files on a non WIndows NTFS partition.

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Ubuntu :: Grabbing Edge Of Windows When Resizing

Aug 17, 2010

I've got a basic install (i.e., nothing fancy, no compwiz or whatever) of 10.4 (64 bit) on my computer, running gnome desktop. I find it very difficult to "grab" the edge of a window, when I want to resize it longer or wider and frequently I just wind up selecting the window below it when I try to drag it wider or longer. Is there a way to increase the border area in which that arrow-pointing-to-edge (as opposed to the usual cursor) appears to make it easier to grab the damn thing?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Restoring MBR After Windows 7 Install?

Jul 23, 2010

I hope this is the right sub-forum for a question like this. It seemed like the best match from what I could find, but my issue stems from installing Windows 7 after I already had Ubuntu installed. I don't know what details are important, so I'll be as thorough as I can. I was running Ubuntu 9.10 on a machine with two SATA hard drives. I was only using one since Ubuntu kept complaining that the second drive was having some issues. The drive with Ubuntu had only two partitions, one tiny one for the swap and the rest of the hard drive was the second partition.

I needed to install Windows for my work, and since I was not very familiar with the whole partition thing (which is the reason why the hard drive was basically one huge partition) I decided to follow this guide: [URL]... I backed up my important data, I used a live CD to create a new partition for windows, I backed up my MBR using the command given, and installed Windows 7. Everything went pretty smoothly. Now, whenever I boot up I don't get a choice of what OS to boot, it just goes straight to Windows, as expected.

I used the same live CD to restore the MBR using the command given on the guide, but I get this error:
dd: opening `/media/sda/mbr.bin': No such file or directory


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Ubuntu :: Restoring Windows 7 Bootloader With WUBI?

Oct 14, 2010

I have a netbook dual-booting Windows 7 and Ubuntu Netbook Edition via Wubi. Ubuntu crashed on me while I was recording a screencast and I rebooted to find the Windows bootloader no longer works. It simply gives me an error ("cannot load bootfont") for a split second and restarts immediately. I'm able to access the grub menu with a bootable USB drive and access the Wubi partition, but I can't boot Windows, including the Windows recovery partition. I can still boot Ubunutu.

My question is: is there a way to restore the Windows bootloader in Ubuntu? If not, how can I replace it with a grub bootloader and keep my Wubi boot options intact?

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Ubuntu :: Restoring Grub After Installing Windows?

Jul 5, 2009

I had to install windows for my sister, and I had a 20gb partition there for backup ( /data/ ), and well, that's where I was going for. After reformatting and installing Windows, I try restoring grub and this is what I get:

Code: grub> root (hd0,5)
grub> setup (hd0)
Checking if "/boot/grub/stage1" exists... yes


Probing devices to guess BIOS drives. This may take a long time. /dev/hda: Not found or not a block device. Searching for an alternative way to install it, I found that if I 'installed' Ubuntu over my Ubuntu partition, it would automatically restore grub. But when I get to the partition tables, I get a message saying that "The computer has no operating systems on it" and it considers my hard drive as empty.

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Ubuntu :: Setup To Dual-boot With Windows - Resizing Partition?

Jul 26, 2010

When I installed Ubuntu I set it up to dual-boot with windows and didnt put much thought into the partition sizes, and now I want to make the ubuntu partition bigger. I shrunk the windows partition from gparted fine and then booted up off my ubuntu 10.04 disk to make the ubuntu partition bigger, but it won't let me do so from gparted. Attached is a picture of how my hard drive's currently set up.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Resizing Pre Installed Windows Partition (New NTFS)

Sep 2, 2010

I am not been able to re size the partition. Can anyone please help. I tried to re size and install ubuntu 10.04 on two machines but it did not work. Details are HP mini ( windows xp pre installed with new ntfs partition). Lenovo thinkpad ( windows vista pre installed).Is new windows partition is non - re sizable?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Restoring Grub Failed After Installing Windows XP?

May 21, 2010

I am pretty new to ubuntu, and not sure if this question has been solved by anyone, I tried search this forum, but didn't find enough information. The closest thread I found here was this one:[URL].. Here is my situation, I have installed Ubuntu 9.04 a few days ago with an old Live CD, after running it pretty well, I upgraded it to 9.10 with the online update tool. (I guess this makes sure I was using Grub 1, the legacy Grub). After updated to 9.10, I installed a Windows XP on my hard drive, obviously, it wiped off my Grub from the MBR. So I tried to restore the Grub back to the MBR, but failed, please see below:I first run the fdisk

ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo fdisk -l
omitting empty partition (5)
Disk /dev/sda: 500.1 GB, 500107862016 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 60801 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes


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Fedora :: Restoring Grub After Reinstalling Windows?

Aug 4, 2010

My Windows installation had a problem and I had to reinstall Windows. The problem now is that I need to get grub back so that I can boot into Fedora. I'm using a Fedora 11 LiveCD I had sitting around. Here are the results of the command most of the way down the first page:


Disk /dev/sda: 250.0 GB, 250059350016 bytes
240 heads, 63 sectors/track, 32301 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 15120 * 512 = 7741440 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x000f09ab


I'm tempted to try the grub-install command quoted near the end of the thread, but I don't want to do anything that will hose the system.

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Ubuntu Servers :: MySql Connection Delay With Windows Machines?

Mar 9, 2011

At first I thought the Delay was normal. After looking around it seems that it's not true. I made a post here. The Problem seems to be related to DNS.

The Server in Question is not Online (as in on the web), all machines are on local ethernet. From What I understand DNS is to mask the IP like a named variable for each IP. I am still figuring out the ins and outs of a linux server. DNS is something I have little or no grasp over. So I need help in setting up the DNS for this scenario case. All guides I have seen seem to be for web servers which is where I stop reading and look for other guides. I have webmin and Bind9 installed on the server.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Restoring Windows 7 Boot After Installing 11.4?

Mar 29, 2011

recently I've installed Opensuse 11.4 dual booting beside windows 7 . now I want to restore windows 7 boot to remove OpenSuse 11.4 ...I've tried many ways to remove grub and restore window's boot . I tried bootrec /fixmbr and bootrec /fixboot but in when it comes to the last step it says (cannot find system path )I also tried nt60sys method to restore windows boot and it failed 2 sound like the grub installed is rock solid one

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General :: Windows 7 - Bootmgr Missing After Restoring With Sysresccd

Jun 30, 2010

I backed up my laptop months ago. Today i repartition the drive and used sysresccd with partimage to restore the HDD. I got a success msg after restoring however when booting i get a bootmgr missing error. How do i fix this?

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Ubuntu :: Resizing The Partition Doesn't Allow Windows Vista To Boot Up - Denied Access

Oct 31, 2010

When I run out of space on my Ubuntu partition, which will probably happen with me being the untidy person I am, is there a way to resize the partition in Windows or Ubuntu that will allow the other to boot? As I've heard stories of using Gparted to resize a Windows partition doesn't allow Windows Vista to boot up as it removes a crucial part of the operating system? I have adequate space to give to Ubuntu on my NTFS partition. May I also add that to install Ubuntu I had to use the partitioner that came with the installer, because the Windows Disk Manager wouldn't let me partition the NTFS drive, because it Denied my Access.

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Ubuntu :: Installing With Windows Vista - Doesn't Give The Option For Resizing Partition

Dec 31, 2010

Does Ubuntu 10.10 allow you to resize your windows partition and install ubuntu on the resized partition? I'm trying to get ubuntu installed on my laptop but the only option it's giving me is to delete all partitions and install ubuntu. I don't want to delete any partitions because I have backups on my second partition and the first partition has windows on it and I would like to keep it.

I've tried 10.04 and it doesn't give the option for resizing but I thought that one of the versions gives he option for this, is it 10.10? I've tried to manually resize but it won't let me because I have to many primary partitions, so I would have to delete the last partition to get it changed to extended correct?

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Debian Configuration :: Restoring Lenny's GRUB After Installing Windows XP Elsewhere?

Feb 21, 2010

My computer initially had one hard drive, with Debian Lenny 5.0.4 installed. I haven't done any special configuration, so upon boot, I was presented with the GRUB kernel select menu, then gdm, etc. I think I used the Debian installer's 'use entire drive with LVM' configuration.

I then added a second hard drive, with the intention of installing Windows XP on it. After I installed XP on this second drive, I found out that it had overwritten the MBR on the first drive. (It was my intention do use the BIOS' F8-key boot menu to choose between the two drives, each with their own distinct boot loader. The two drives and OS's would be completely independent.)

Using my Debian installer CD, I think I have GRUB installed on the first drive again. I've found a number of tutorials which say I can use 'set' and 'linux' to boot the system, but the linux command always returns a file not found error.

I think my LVM filesystem is still intact, as the Debian installer's fdisk reports it, it can also chroot to it and my installation appears to be intact. 'ls' within GRUB shows (derek-swap_1) (derek-root) (hd0) (hd0,1) (hd0,2) (hd1) (hd1,1) (fd0) . 'derek' was the hostname I used.

I would like to simply restore the system to the way it was before: with the standard GRUB that comes with Debian 5.0.4, which then boots into the debian with my LVM filesystem. Is there a way to do this from the Debian installer CD? (I was hoping there would be a 'dummy install' command which would install GRUB and configure it properly, but leave all my existing partitions and filesystems intact.)

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Ubuntu :: Stop Maximus From Maximizing Nautilus?

Feb 10, 2010

I like having Maximus working on my netbook for most programs. There are a few I found it annoying for and I was able to successfully tell Maximus to exclude them (Tomboy and the terminal).

However, I can't figure out what the window name for Nautilus is to tell Maximus to exclude it. I've tried Nautilus and nautilus (not sure if case matters)..

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Ubuntu :: Twinview & Maximizing Not Working Correctly?

Apr 18, 2011

I am having issues maximizing windows/applications on triple monitor setup. I would like to maximize wine, folder explorer, media players, and etc to one screen, instead of across both, which it is currently doing that. Using Separate X [xinerama] + twinview, but I have also tried without xinerama + twinview. When maximizing applications and such, it will only maximizes across both of the monitors in the twinview setup, not the separate X on the left. The separate x has maximizing working to that one screen. I have tried to add xorg tweets, but that's not working, and they are currently in my xorg post below. I had maximizing to one screen working perfectly with dual monitor setup. :S And, I am currently getting an error about " Xlib: extension "RANDR" missing on display ":0.0""

The following Xorgs show the differences, I guess if there is one between maximizing correctly to one screen.

Triple Monitor setup, maximizing across both twinview monitors, not preferred:

# nvidia-settings: X configuration file generated by nvidia-settings
# nvidia-settings: version 260.19.06 (buildd@yellow) Mon Oct 4 15:59:51 UTC 2010
# nvidia-xconfig: X configuration file generated by nvidia-xconfig


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Ubuntu :: Gnome Panel Ignored When Maximizing On Dual Screen?

Nov 24, 2010

I have searched long and hard for an answer to this one, only to discover that this is apparently a long-standing, unresolved bug. Therefore, I am looking for some sort of workaround that resolves the issue without having to revise my desktop layout in the process.I am running a dual monitor setup through nVidia's TwinView setting. The primary monitor is 1600x900, secondary is 1440x900, and the secondary is placed to the right of primary. I am running Lucid with the compiz window manager.

On the primary monitor's portion of the screen area, I have a right- and bottom-side panel, and the secondary monitor has only a bottom-side panel. When maximizingapplications on the primary monitor, the bottom-side panel area is taken into account and the vertical resize ends there. However, the application maximizes underneath the right-side panel to the monitor's full horizontal dimension and thereby becomes partially obscured. The issue, as best I can tell, is that the window manager does not recognise a panel that is officially positioned in the center of the X screen as being a boundary despite it being linked to the right edge of the monitor, which does qualify as a boundary.

Causing the application to maximize over the panel is not an acceptable solution, as it denies me access to the utilities I have set up there. The so-called "autohide" is also unacceptable, as that simply causes the panel to drift onto the secondary monitor and then enter a loop where it flips back and forth between monitors when I attempt to access it.

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Ubuntu :: Resizing Partitions ?

Apr 10, 2010

is this possible ? I have 3 partitions 2 different Linuxes on of which Ubuntu and one MS Windows. One of the partitions has come too small. Can I resize all in safe way when plenty of empty space on one partition ?

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Ubuntu :: Resizing The Usb Xfs Drive?

Jul 1, 2010

I have an external 1tb usb drive. It has 1 partition which is in the XFS format. I want to resize the drive to make it smaller, but I cant seem to find a way to do it without losing my data, I have tried using Gparted but the resize option is always greyed out and im not sure how else to go about it.

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Ubuntu :: Resizing USB Ext Hdd For Format?

Apr 4, 2011

I have an external 3TB hdd which is all NTFS formatted. I want to claim a portion of the drive for an ext2 partition.

I was hoping to resize my NTFS partition ... but it seems GParted on Lucid (even cd boot), doesn't list my external usb device at all.

Any idea why that might be? I read somewhere that the device should be unmounted before it can be detected but it makes no difference - even after a device list-refresh in GParted.

(I tried running the install/setup Windows software which came with the ext drive but there is no option for resizing it)

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