Ubuntu :: Copying Files To USB Flash Drive?

Nov 6, 2010

If you use Ubuntu - when you copy files to USB Flash Drive, is your CPU 100% loaded? On Arch it is.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Copying Existing 11.04 To A Flash Drive?

Aug 13, 2011

I have successfully installed 11.04 onto my existing Windows laptop as files contained in the windows system and have dual booting.I would like to copy this installation to a 5gig fast usb stick so that I can retain all my settings etc

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Debian :: Copying An Existing System To A USB Flash Drive?

Oct 21, 2010

I want to move my "currently installed Debian and its all settings" to a USB flash drive. I am wondering what methods are available out there. I looked into Remastersys but it failed on my system so I am wondering if there is another method available?

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Ubuntu :: Bash Copying Files From One Drive To Another?

Nov 15, 2010

I've got two external hard drives, a 2TB and a 320GB. I've recently come from Windows 7. On Windows 7 I wrote a batch file which checked whether both hard drives existed and then copied a couple of folders from the 2TB to the 320GB without overwriting. I've been trying to work out how to do the same under Linux without much luck. I've tried rsync but it looks like it overwrites. Does rsync overwrite?

If it helps, the batch file I wrote in Windows

if exist D:320GBDrive (if exist H:2TBDrive (xcopy H:2TBDrive* D:320GBDrive /I/E /-Y < C:decline_copy.txt))

Which basically checks for drive D:, checks for drive H: and then copies the contents of the folder on drive H to drive D and says no every time it asks to overwrite.

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Ubuntu :: Copying Files To External Hard Drive?

May 19, 2010

im trying to copy a file over to my external hard drive and its a 5.8gig file and i keep getting this error saying there was a file copy error and then i click show more details and says Failed to attach the file: File too large

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Ubuntu :: Copying Files From A Hard Drive Using Another Computer?

Aug 4, 2010

I got a problem with the motherboard of my computer and now I need to get some files out from the hard drive (an ext3 partition). I can access the files from another computer but because of the permissions of my user it doesn't let me copy the files over to another drive.

my computer was running Kubuntu 8.10 with a Vista dualboot. I also tried attaching the hard drive to another laptop, but because of the video drivers the display doesn't function properly.

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General :: Copying Files To An External Hard Drive?

Nov 21, 2008

I want to copy a .tgz file from my computer to an external hard drive. However, I get the following message:cp: cannot create regular file `/mnt/usbkey/ws_2008/misc/minipar-0.5-W indows.tgz': ermission deniedI get this error with any file I try to copy to the external disk. rnal disk is recognized, when I mount it, I can see the files and folder I have there, but seems that I cannot copy anything to it.When I try to copy the same files from my computer to a usb flash drive, everything works

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General :: Copying Files From One External USB Hard Drive To Another?

Jul 30, 2011

I have two USB 2 external hard drives. I want to copy about 30 gigs of data from one to another. What command line command do I use ? I was thinking of using cp with the -R and -n options, but I have no idea what devices to refer to. I can't find any external hard drives in /etc/fstab and I'm not sure what /dev device each USB external hard drive uses. I just want to copy the files and the directories that they are in just as they are. There are no links and I do not want to do a backup.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Copying Files Where The Machine Issuing The Copy Is A 32-bit Lucid And The Mount Drive Is A 64-bit

Nov 18, 2010

We are experiencing problems copying files from a server to server where the machine issuing the copy is a 32-bit lucid and the mount drive is a 64-bit server. I have no other information but the md5's are consistently different after doing a copy. The files are > 8mb.

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Ubuntu :: Deleting Files On Flash Drive

Jul 8, 2010

When I delete files from my usb flash drive on my Karmic laptop (press del key), the properties of the drive remain unchanged (available space/used space). It looks like the files/folders have been deleted, but when I go to my windows machines, the files and folders are now in a folder marked "Trash".Am I missing a step when attempting to delete the information when connected to my ubuntu laptop?

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Ubuntu Installation :: USB Can't See Flash Drive Files

Nov 23, 2010

I recently decided to install Ubuntu (ubuntu-10.10-desktop-i386.iso) to my 16GB flash drive (was fat32 originally, tried ntfs as well had boot issues,went back to fat32) to boot from it using the method on this page using the Universal USB Installer. Install worked great, Ubuntu works great, problem is I can't see the rest of the files on my flash drive.

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Ubuntu :: Files Locked - Can't Remove From Flash Drive

May 3, 2010

I want to use my flash drive, but I had files I put on using Ubuntu a few weeks back. Now I can only open them in read only copies and can't remove them, from the flash drive. I also have had some issues with file permissions on the hard drive. I was planning on reinstalling after a backup but now I don't know if that would be logical because the files might all be locked. I wanted to reinstall because I have issues with USB and these file issues.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Possible To Copy Files From 9.10s To USB Flash Drive?

Jun 8, 2010

Is it possible to copy files from Ubuntu Server 9.10s to a USB Flash drive?

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Delete Files From Flash Drive Without Reformatting

Nov 7, 2010

When I try to delete files form my flash drive, the file picture goes away, but the actual data does not. Lets say I put a 900mb file on my 4gb flash drive, then I delete it. It will still ll me that only 3100MB are left in free space. If I try to add more than that it tells me the drive is full. I keep reformatting and reformatting into all different types on file systems but nothing works.

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General :: Cannot Read Files From Flash Drive

Jan 20, 2010

This happens in my main computer with Slackware and Arch.


$ su
# cd /media/fl


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Fedora :: Shelf Life Of Files On USB Flash Drive?

Oct 16, 2010

still would like to see some actual LAB DATA - but the info here is satisfactory as a "general rule of thumb". I was wondering if I put files on a USB flash drive & left it sit on the shelf, how long it would be before those files would start to deteriorate? - This would have nothing to do with the read/write cycle as in the "shelf time" it wouldn't be used.

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General :: Keep A Backup Of A Bunch Of Files On A Flash Drive?

Apr 29, 2011

I keep a backup of a bunch of files on a flash drive, so that whenever I change distributions I can just restore all my Android stuff (saves on re-downloading everything). One of these is the Android SDK.

In my ~/.bashrc I add the paths to some executables in the SDK, only if the directory exists, and only if the path is not already in $PATH. For the Android NDK this works fine, but for the SDK I get this:

snfo@snfo:~$ adb devices
bash: /home/snfo/Android/sdk/platform-tools/adb: No such file or directory
snfo@snfo:~$ ls -F /home/snfo/Android/sdk/platform-tools/adb

Everything else is fine though, just that one path is causing trouble.

Now, I've saw something similar to this before whenever you move an executable from one place to another. If you don't re-source your bash config it will continue to keep looking wherever it used to be located. But I've never moved these files.

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Ubuntu :: Boot From Flash Drive And Save Programs/settings/files

Aug 17, 2010

I know it is possible to boot Ubuntu Live from a Flash drive. But it just boots up and runs like its a CD. When you shut down the computer, the changes are all lost.

Is there any way to use the flash drive as a Hard Drive? like install Ubuntu on the flash drive and have the flash drive act as a hard drive - so that if I boot with the flash drive in the computer I can boot of of the flash drive and it would act as a hard drive?

Could I just setup Ubuntu and select the flash drive as the install directory? would that accomplish this?

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Debian :: Flash Drive With Windows Files Not Showing In PCManFM

Feb 20, 2015

So I made a text file on a windows machine and brought it home on a flashdrive. When I opened it in PCMan File manager it did not show, but executing ls in a terminal shows the text file just fine. It is the only one that appears to be missing in PCManfm. I've had a similar problem going the other direction (Linux to Windows, but with pdfs) many months ago. here is ls -l

Code: Select all/media/FE32-A2F6/Translation/Kevin$ ls -l
total 2344
-rw-r--r-- 1 feelactthink feelactthink 2374182 Feb 19 11:19 Artigo 3-SAGE V4.docx
-rw-r--r-- 1 feelactthink feelactthink    3686 Feb 19 15:21 HP Cable Recall
-rw-r--r-- 1 feelactthink feelactthink    3686 Feb 19 15:21 HP Cable Recall.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 feelactthink feelactthink    4891 Feb 20 17:58 Translation.txt

The file is Translation.txt. What is different about this file that it would do such a thing? It doesn't look at all different from above.

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Ubuntu :: File Copying Freezes - Flash Memory Card

Jul 3, 2010

Using 10.04 Netbook version. I am finding on my Asus EEE 901 that sometimes file copy just seems to freeze - seems to happen usually when copying from the built-in SSD memory to the plug-in SDHC memory card. I have tried reformatting the card and using a different card. It is not just this computer since I found the same thing on my last Asus which was the 900 model.

I am told that there are issues with Nautilus. Is there anything which can be done to improve this or is there anything else which I can install besides Nautilus? I am assuming that there is some issue related to Ubuntu's handling of SDHC memory cards.

It is becoming annoying because it seems to work sometimes and then not. When it happens only option seems to be to turn the netbook off and on again. Even if the file copy is cancelled the card seems to be unaccesible until rebooted.

Also after a certain point it seems that when I try and copy new files to the card, they appear to copy ok but obviously are corrupt in some way - when you try to play videos for instance they are faulty.

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Ubuntu :: Image That Flash Drive To Another Flash Drive?

Mar 29, 2010

I made a persistent install of Ubuntu on a flash drive. I made changes to that installation. The software (Unetboontin) sets this all up. I think it partitions it for you. How do I image that flash drive to another flash drive?

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OpenSUSE :: Dolphin Losing Files When Copying Many Files Or Large Folders?

Feb 14, 2010

I've discovered that Dolphin seems to lose random files when copying many large folders.

I first noticed this a few months ago when I tried to copy my music library from one folder to another on the same HDD. It consisted of around 600 folders and 6500 files. During the copy there were no errors but after the copy I found that some of the newly copied folders were missing files. I put it down to human error or a glitch.

Yesterday I tried to copy 13 folders containing rips of some of my DVDs. Each folder basically had one film of either 700MB or 1.4GB. Again no errors showed up during the copy but I found 3 of the newly copied folders were empty.

It's not so critical with music or films but I can't afford to lose work data like this.

Has anyone experienced or seen a similar problem with Dolphin? I'm going to have to do some more extensive testing but this is not good.

The first time I noticed the problem I was running KDE4.3.4 (I think) and now the latest was with KDE4.4.0.

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Ubuntu :: Delete Files On Flash Drive "locked"?

Jun 6, 2010

I got a free flash drive from Columbia College that has some files I want to remove. I did the right click thing and they are read only. I tried to change to read and write but I got. Sorry, could not change the permissions of "ColumbiaCollegeViewbook.pdf": Error setting permissions: Read-only file system

Now this thing only shows up as 5.4 MB Yea that is right Megabytes! But I have a plan for it. So is there any way to get the files off so I can put mine on it?

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Ubuntu :: Don't Have Those Permissions To Copying .img To Drive

May 22, 2010

I accidentally wiped my 120GB external hardrive clean ( it was at about 95% capacity ) and I was able to recover 111.80GB back using ddrescue and all of those files now sit in a Recovery.img file.

1 ) I know I have to mount this file... yet every time I try to mount it back on my external HD permissions jump down my neck, and to add to it when I try to give my user full permissions for that drive it never works and resets to how it was.

2 )I have tried copying to .img to my drive so I could jsut worry about it later and free up some local HD space yet I don't have those permissions as well...

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Ubuntu Installation :: Copying Partition To Other On Same Drive?

Mar 27, 2010

I've got a problem I've been trying to work out for a while. I have a 160gb drive, and only 15gb dedicated to Ubuntu's installation because of a screwup. I have very little resources at my disposal, as I'm using a netbook with no optical drive, and I can't seem to get the liveusb to work. It just stalls after the menu with an error message. I have no way to connect my machine to the internet, and I've been forced to transfer files from a friend's computer. I'm running out of ideas, but one I thought of was to copy the install partition over to the larger partition. I'm not sure if it's possible, or if it would make a larger install or just a copy of the same size. I just want some clarification on how I would solve this issue, even if my idea doesn't work.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Randomly Copying MP3 To USB Drive?

May 6, 2010

I had a script before my machine broke recently that would allow me to select a folder then randomly copy MP3's from that folder to a USB drive. I cannot seem to find it again, the closest I came to is one called 'Randomcopy 0.6b' which has been modified for iPod Shuffle, and also the non-iPod version of the same script which appears to run fine but copies a bit too fast and nothing is placed on the device.

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Ubuntu :: Copying Home Directory To USB Drive - Error

Apr 15, 2010

I am getting ready to upgrade from Ubuntu 8.10 to 9,04 (I am a bit behind, I know). I just drag my home folder to a USB drive to back up and it should copy all the files (including hidden ones).

When I tried this, I get the error that Symbolic links cannot be created. Should I worry about this? Would this effect my backup in some fashion?

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Ubuntu :: 9.04 - Very Slow Copying Speed To Any Device / Drive

Jul 8, 2010

I have installed ubuntu 9.04 version. But now its too slow to copy files to any devices or even to other drives.

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Ubuntu :: Error While Copying From Hard Drive To Usb Stick?

Jul 11, 2010

when I am trying to copy any of my files to usb stick, it gives me this alert: the folder cannot be copied because you do not have permissions to create it in the destination.

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Ubuntu :: Error Copying File To External Drive?

Aug 2, 2010

i have this .mkv file of a movie which is of size 7.9GB and when i try to copy it to my external drive after some time it shows a error saying "Error splicing file: file too long" so how to copy help

my external HD's file format is vfat. and i am using ubuntu 10.04

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