Ubuntu :: Configure The Samsung ML-1660 For CUPS?

Oct 10, 2010

I recently got a Samsung ML-1660 printer and while it worked fine with the unified linux driver provided by Samsung, I didn't really like how that driver did its business with regards to installing old static libraries and other stuff that I don't need and most certainly don't want going stale and causing problems down the track.

1) Download the Samsung unified printer driver from their website (UnifiedLinuxDriver_*.tar.gz)
2) Extract /cdroot/Linux/noarch/at_opt/share/ppd/ML-1660spl.ppd to a temporary directory.
3) For 32 bit: extract /cdroot/Linux/i386/at_root/usr/lib/cups/filter/rastertosamsung* to a tmp dir
4) For 64 bit: extract /cdroot/Linux/x86_64/at_root/usr/lib64/cups/filter/rastertosamsung* to a tmp dir


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Ubuntu :: Cups Does Not Start On A Fresh Natty Install On A Samsung N150?

May 14, 2011

sudo /etc/init.d/cups restart
results in


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Fedora :: Install The Printer With CUPS And Not With Samsung Unified Install Software?

Feb 19, 2011

I have migrated from Debian to Fedora 14 ( Problem is that I can't get my networked printer to work (which it did with Debian). The printer is Samsung ML-3561ND and I got all he drivers & PPD from Samsung support. I prefer to install the printer with CUPS and not with Samsung Unified Linux install software. I have to send my documents to a user's Windows workstation and print from there I have googled a lot but have not found any solution.


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Configure Samsung FX2490HD - Define The Screen Resolution

Mar 12, 2011

I'm trying to configure my display on Ubuntu, but I'm getting problems to define the screen resolution. The native resolution for FX2490HD is 1920x1080, but Ubuntu only recognizes 1360x768. Following a recipe[1] that uses xrandr I can setup 1920x1080, but the image looks strange. In this mode, I see shadows behind the blurred letters. This is the code that I typed to follow the recipe:


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CentOS 5 :: Configure CUPS To Print To PDF?

Jun 4, 2010

Cent OS 5.5

How do I configure CUPS to print to PDF?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Configure CUPS On 10.4 / Install A Driver For An NEC Superscript 870 Printer?

May 16, 2010

After struggling with a bad LP cable I have finally proven that the cable, printer and port all work. I booted in to another OS and was able to finally print. Now, I'm trying to get server 10.4 to recognize the printer and then I want to configure CUPs so I can run this machine as a headless print server, among other things.

Apache is running as I managed to get nagios to run and I can pull it up from another PC via a browser.

sshd is running as I'm logged in from another PC via ssh.

Problem number 1 is how do I install a driver for an NEC Superscript 870 printer? As it is lpstat returnes with :

karl@zeus:/etc/cups$ lpstat -t
scheduler is not running
no system default destination

Once I am able to print then I need to print to the server from other hosts on the network.

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General :: Rhel5 - Cannot Configure Samsung Syncmaster 632nw Monitor To Display Full Screen At 1360X768

Dec 15, 2009

I am new to this forum. I am a both rhel5 and fedora user.I can not configure my Samsung syncmaster 632nw monitor to display full screen at 1360X768.There is huge blank space on left and right portion of the monitor.The maximun resolution is 1024*768 and minimum is 640*480.

I have tried many times to solve it using xorg.conf but still unable to do it.

Here is xorg.conf's content :

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Software :: Setting Up CUPS / Configure Cupsd.conf For Security?

Apr 21, 2010

Using Debian Lenny.I am new to printing with Linux and would like some help with CUPS. I have CUPS set up to work with my printer.I read through the documentation, but still have some problems.

1. How should I configure cupsd.conf for security?



* By default, cups will listen on every interface. Unless you want to offer your printer to the world, you must block this.Although you can firewall this (and that is a good idea anyway),you can also not have cups listen on your Internet connection.This also prevents any possibility of a root exploit from the Internet. Of course, you still have internal crackers to worry about...

* In cups.conf, comment out the lines:
Port 80
Port 631
* Replace them with:

How do I create a symbolic link between programs?When I opened Xpp it said Printer:destination not available.

4. Can I adjust the text size on text, pdf or html files with Cups or do I need another program for this?

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OpenSUSE Network :: CUPS Does Not Recognize Ubuntu Cups Server On Intranet?

Feb 24, 2010

I have a printer configured on my Ubuntu server using CUPS amd made it available to the local network. The printer is recognized on my other Ubuntu machine without any problems.
But on my Suse laptop, the printer is not recognized. Using the YaST printer Configuations, I choose the option "Recieve Printer Information from Remote CUPS servers. But no printer is found.But... when I choose Do All Yout Printing Directly via One Remote CUPS server and enter the correct IP address (, the printer is found andI am sure the printer info is broadcasted because it shows up on my second Ubuntu PC. But why is it not recognized by default on my Suse machine

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Ubuntu :: Cups Password / Add A Root Users To Access Interface For CUPS?

Feb 26, 2010

I know this is listed somewhere but I cannot seem to find it -

How to I add a root users to access the interface for CUPS?

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Ubuntu Security :: 631/tcp CUPS / Close Port / Stop This Service / Tell Update Manager To Shove Cups?

Feb 27, 2011

Running: Ubuntu 10.10

I'm in a bind and I don't know how to get what I want. Nmap shows ipp running cups on port 631. Great, simple enough I uninstall cups, along with its dependencies. A new portscan reveals that the port is closed SUCCESS, but... Ubuntu Update Manager nags me @ every restart about the "important security" updates. I can't lock the version of cups in Synaptic, because cups is not installed! So you see I'm in a bind. If I have cups installed I have an open port, and if I uninstall cups the update manager nags me. What do I do? I've tried:

- stopping the cups service and issuing the chkconfig cups off command... (doesn't close the port)
- uninstalling cups... (update manager nags)
- fuser -k 631/tcp (great, but @ reboot the port is still open)
Please teach me how to close this port / stop this service / tell update manager to shove cups.....

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Ubuntu Servers :: CUPS Not Forwarding To Other Polled CUPS' In 10.04?

Mar 22, 2011

I've been trying to figure this out for longer than I care to admit. We upgraded our print server (sysadmin) to 64 bit lucid and that moved our cups server from 1.3.7 to 1.4.3. We have a remote server that is still 1.3.7 (printhost1) but version difference doesn't seem to be relevant to the problem.

If I'm on console on sysadmin and do an lpr to a printer on printhost1, everything is copacetic. However, If I'm on a host that specifies "ServerName sysadmin" in its "/etc/cups/client.conf" access_log on sysadmin shows: - - [22/Mar/2011:11:11:40 -0500] "POST /printers/103_hp4250 HTTP/1.1" 200 306 Create-Job client-error-not-authorized

and error_log shows:
E [22/Mar/2011:11:11:40 -0500] Returning IPP client-error-not-authorized for Create-Job (ipp://localhost:631/printers/103_hp4250) from

We've been using this method of sharing printers between locations for years and years so it not working now is a surprise.

cupsd.conf on sysadmin looks like this and is as open as I can imagine:

ServerName sysadmin
ServerAlias *
ServerAdmin webmaster
FileDevice Yes
SystemGroup staff
LogLevel info

Additional symptoms are that only printers locally defined on sysadmin show up when the client uses System>Administration>Printing in gnome. Same thing when you browse printers in windows on our samba domain controller that backends on CUPS.

I just know that it's something simple that's going to make me facepalm but I'm at a loss.

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Debian :: Cups Not Starting With The Server / Getting Error Unable To Read Configuration File '/etc/cups/cupsd.conf' - Exiting?

Feb 24, 2011

cups does not start with the server. When I try to start from the terminal I get the error message

cupsd: Unable to read configuration file '/etc/cups/cupsd.conf' - exiting!
cupsd: Child exited with status 1!

The log files show nothing. cupsd.conf exists. It is user - root and group - root with permissions set at 0644.

My interpretation of this is that the program is not launching from either boot or terminal for a fundamental reason. I do not quite see what that reason is .

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Slackware :: 13 And CUPS / Cannot Get CUPS To Change From 'Letter'?

Feb 12, 2010

I have installed Slackware 13 on one of the hard disks of my computer in order that I can get it working properly before changing over from 12.2.

My main problem is that I cannot get CUPS to change from 'Letter', which I presume is an American size, to A4, has anyone else had experience of this problem?

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Debian :: Can't Start CUPS Server With /etc/init.d/cups Restart "file Not Found"

Jan 21, 2010

installed lenny and am trying to install brother dcp7010 again:

1) i can't start CUPS server with /etc/init.d/cups restart "file not found", there is a cups@ link in /etc/init.d.

2) when i install dcp7010 cupswrapper

dpkg -i cupswrapperDCP7010-2.0.1-2.i386.de
it ends with
" lpinfo: Verbindung zum Server nicht m�glich: Verbindungsaufbau abgelehnt
lpadmin: Verbindung zum Server nicht m�glich: Verbindungsaufbau abgelehnt"
(connection to server not possible, refused)

3)[URL] doesn't work.

4)foomatic-gui can't find the installed dcp7010 lpr-driver

brdcp7010lpr-2.0.1-1.i386.deb, (a couple of days ago it did)

This is frustrating because it worked in etch and worked for awhile in lenny. The dcp7010-scanner does work.

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Ubuntu :: Bash: ./configure: No Such File Or Directory When Run The Command ./configure --prefix=/usr

Apr 4, 2010

I am trying to follow this tutorial below so that I can get Text to the right of icons on the GNOME desktop. [URL] Everything so far has worked fine, except when I get to step 3 where I compile Nautilus. When I try to run the command ./configure --prefix=/usr It tells me bash: ./configure: No such file or directory

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Ubuntu Installation :: Configure Autoclicker In The Terminal - "bash: ./configure: No Such File Or Directory?

Mar 19, 2011

I found a tool made for Ubuntu called Xautoclick. I downloaded it and it is called "xautoclick-0.30.tar.gz" The installation notes say "tallatBe sure you have the proper development packages for your distribution installed (i.e. something like xserver-xorg-dev, gtk2-dev, et cetera). After that, run:

./configure make sudo make install" I have no clue what to do... I typed in "./configure" in the terminal and it says "bash: ./configure: No such file or directory?

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Ubuntu :: How To Connect With Samsung S5230

Mar 12, 2010

I've just gotmy new phone a SamsungGT-S5230! My problem is:I can't transfer any file from my ubuntu desktop over to my phone. On the CD it came with there is only a windows software called "PC Studio" and Windows drivers. As I plug in the phone via USB to the PC it offers 3 options: PC Studio, Media Storage, Background Storage. If I pick one of the first 2 options my phone says it is connected, and charges via USB. The third option says "Please Insert a MicroSD card". (I don't have such at home). Ubuntu can't see my phone, none of the options seem to work. Maybe I should buy a MicroSD card? Or is there a workaround for the windows software to run ubder Linux? I tried to install t with WINE, but it froze during the installation.

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Ubuntu :: Install 9.10 On A Samsung Q1 Tablet PC?

Apr 15, 2010

I am trying to install Ubuntu 9.10 on a Samsung Q1 Tablet PC but it reaches a point when the screen becomes smokey and then after a few seconds gets black, forcing me to abort.

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Ubuntu :: Using The Samsung N150 Netbook?

Mar 5, 2011

I have just purchased the Samsung N150 net-book. The reason for purchasing was so I could watch movies, listen to music and browse on the go. It came with windows 7 starter and a load of pre installed Samsung crap. I was wondering whether Ubuntu would be a better choice for me since I only really want, Chrome, VLC, Spotify, MSN and Dev++ compiler.

I am very computer literate doing programming at Uni, but have not used Linux before. Also there's loads of Samsung software for extending battery life or something. Will I be able to install that on Ubuntu or not?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Tether Samsung Exclaim On 9.04?

Feb 19, 2010

I'm trying to tether my sprint samsung exclaim. I've tried the ubuntu network-manager and gnome-ppp. dmesg seems to show the phone connected and the cdc_acm driver loading the phone as /dev/ttyACM0 . However running wvdialconf says no modem detected.Furthermore, when I specify the device in gnome-ppp I get an input/output error.how to get tethering to work in 9.04?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Can't Set Max Resolution For Samsung SyncMaster 943

Apr 30, 2010

I've a Samsung SyncMaster 943, widescreen I also have a GForce 8400 GS This monitor supports (as seen on website) a 1440*900 resolution. I've installed the nvidia driver (from homepage) with version 195.36.24 The NVidia X Server Settings shows only a 1360*768 as max possible resolution. So, I've edited xorg.conf, restarted PC but got no luck... here it is my xorg.conf


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Ubuntu :: Setting Up A Samsung ML-02851ND Printer?

Jun 14, 2010

I run a couple Ubuntu machines in the house, my wife runs XP, there's an eee, etc. I got a Samsung ML-02851ND printer thinking that I could just plug it into my router and then install the printer on all of the various machines and I could print from them. I guess I realize that I can hook up the printer to a host machine and go that route, but i thought the whole point was to hook the printer up to the router.

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Ubuntu :: Samsung Galaxy I9000 Not Recognized

Jul 4, 2010

Just got my new Samsung Galaxy i9000 phone. When connecting to my laptop with an USB cable, the phone says "USB Connected", but Ubuntu does not see my phone. I am using Ubuntu not yet for a long time

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Ubuntu :: Samsung YP-K3 MP3 Player Not Recognizing Files

Jul 27, 2010

I am trying to use my Samsung YP-K3 player with Ubuntu 9.10. Many people report that Ubuntu fails to recognize similar players and some fiddling with Amorak is necessary. However, my system recognizes the player fine, and I can copy files to it without any difficulties. However, the player itself fails to recognise the files that are copied to it via Ubuntu. It will play the files that were previously copied to it via Windows fine, and I can go back and copy edit the playlist in Windows and everything works accordingly, it just seems Ubuntu is copying the files over in a non-supported format or something, which is weird, because they're all just standard MP3 files, many of which were originally created under Windows.

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Ubuntu :: Mount Samsung Monte Gts5620?

Oct 6, 2010

is there any way to mount a samsung monte gts5620 on ubuntu?

is that kind of support built into the kernel? or is there a driver for it?

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Ubuntu :: 10.10 On Samsung R530 Buggy And Freezing?

Nov 28, 2010

I bought a new Samsung R530 laptop, which is a 64bit, a few months ago and have been struggling to get the thing working properly since.I removed W7 and install Ubuntu 10.4, which I found was freezing periodically for five to ten minutes, then I installed 10.10 beta, finding that this too kept 'sticking'.I had hoped that the full release would have fixed the issues, but this too was slow, the mouse froze constantly and any video I played would freeze up with sound playing normally in the background.I have followed some of the threads here and none of these things have worked for me.

On my HP netbook, my old Acer laptop and my PC, everything works fine!!!I have since installed an older copy of Ubuntu 9.10 and this seems to be working fine. No 'sticking' mouse, no system locks.Its fast and smooth, just what I have come to love about linux.What has happened to the new versions of Ubuntu?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Samsung LED TV And HDMI Connection?

Jan 13, 2011

Just thought I might save someone some time if they are trying to use Mythbuntu with a Samsung LED TV. If you run into the issue where the desktop is larger than the screen even with everything set to 1920x1080i and you tried a customized EDID file to no avail. Go into the menu on the TV and select Source List, Edit Name, then chose the HDMI and change the name to be either PC, DVI or DVI-PC. Either of these three setting should correct the over sized display issue.

Now if you happen to want audio over HDMI and are using the HDMI Computer connector that Samsung so nicely provides. Make sure you don't choose either of the DVI options above as these mute the audio coming over the HDMI connector and instead enable the pin audio jack next to the HDMI connector.

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Ubuntu :: Samsung Wave Internet Tethering In 10.10?

Jan 25, 2011

I searched the forum but could not find anything to solve my problem. I installed Ubuntu via Wubi.exe from windows first time, before deciding to completely format and start with a Linux Ubuntu clean install (64-bit). When I installed it with Wubi.exe, I simply plugged in my Wave and it connected to the internet...no fuss!

Problem is, after clean installing Ubuntu, the same does not happen. I cant connect to mobile broadband. It is worth mentioning that this is my only internet connection available (mobile broadband) and I am thus unable to update, get necessary repositories from Linux etc.

I read something about usb_modeswitch being involved, manually did that, but I still cannot connect to the mobile broadband. Mobile broadband is enabled when I right-click the connections too. I set up the connection for CellC, removed the "Cellcis" username, added it and more, but it still does not connect.

Can anybody give me some pointer on how to go about fixing this connection, because as you can imagine, my Linux install is pretty useless without internet.

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Ubuntu :: Couldn't Install On Samsung Netbook

Apr 13, 2011

would like a word if it just simply doesn't work on a Samsung netbook? I tried both the netbook and desktop ubuntu using the provided ISO burner to boot in USB. Set the USB to be read first but it's just only a blank black screen. I've tried re-downloading and re-burning the ISO.

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