Ubuntu :: Changing Computer Name?

Apr 29, 2010

I just installed Ubuntu 10.04 today, and during installation, a box came up asking stuff about the name of the network and things like that. I'm on school internet, so it came up as the name, so I just let it be the default. Well, it turns out, this was for the computer name.I was wondering if there was any way I can change the computer name after installation?f I'm not being clear, here's what it says at the terminal:Code:zac@dhcp-presidents-87:~$The dhcp-presidents-87 is what I want changed. I want it to be my name "Zac", and not the network name.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Assigned Computer A's Static Ip To Computer C Without Changing Dhcp Setting?

Aug 18, 2010

I set up a dhcp server in the lan and assigned static ips to two computers, computer A and B, according to their mac address. Everything was running fine. But when I turned off computer A, connected computer C to the network, and assigned computer A's static ip to computer C without changing dhcp setting. Computer C was able to access the internet. When I turned on computer A, dhcp couldn't assign an ip address to it, and computer C showed an error message of ip conflict and failed to use internet. I wonder if dhcp server is able to prevent other computer from using the same static ip that is already assigned to a computer according to its mac address.

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Ubuntu :: Computer Will Not Boot After Changing Host Name

Mar 16, 2011

I'm very new to Ubuntu and installed it (10.10) just a few days ago on a laptop I got for my girlfriend. The problem is that she wanted me to change the username and computer name that I have set up when installing, which I tried to do. I followed the instructions on this link to change the computer name/hostname: [URL]. Obviously I did something terribly wrong, because after trying to restart my computer I couldn't boot it. It freezes immediately after the BIOS screen - just displays a blinking dash in the top left corner. The same thing happens when i try to boot from a CD (I tried both Ubuntu and Windows 7 CD's. Resetting BIOS to default also did nothing.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Computer Freezes When Changing Themes?

Dec 7, 2010

I have a wubi install on my windows 7 partition. Every time I try to change my theme in ubuntu 10.04 my computer freezes.

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CentOS 5 :: Changing The Resolution In My Computer?

Apr 4, 2010

I am having trouble changing the resolution in my Computer,I am new to Linux and somehow, Lucky, I got this program to install, I installed it on a Dell PowerEdge 1850 with a Radeon 7000 Video card,I had another one set-Up before which gave me a resolution of 1400 x xxxxx? Was great, this one only offers 800 x 600 and some other very low resolutions, The programing allows me to change it and demands I log out, Restart x and log in again, took me a day to figure out what was "x" and how to restart it, but no response. Still the same.

In reading the Forums I see this command allot "/sbin/lspci -m" But, too bad, nobody tells exactly where to type that series of digits to get any response,

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Ubuntu :: Keyboard Settings Always Changing / EMESENE Always Changing

Sep 1, 2011

is everytime i reboot , my keyboard is reset to USA. im in canada & it pisses me off each time i need to change it also.all my options on EMESENE is the same issue always RESET.it's like if nothing keeps the changes once rebooted.

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Software :: Access Computer A's Shares As Well As The Third Computer, The Aforementioned Computers Cannot Access Computer B

May 28, 2011

I have three computers in my network, but two will be mentioned. Computer A is a Linux Mint 9/Windows 7 dual-boot, and I have just installed Mandriva Free 2010.2, which I will call Computer B.

Now my main problem is that Computer B, while it can see and access Computer A's shares as well as the third computer, the aforementioned computers cannot access Computer B. The message was: "Unable to mount location/Failed to mount Windows share." Now, the SMB protocol was used because of the third computer and Computer A have Windows OSs installed in them.

What I originally wanted was that I can share Computer B's NTFS partition, namely Documents and Downloads, to the other computers. And I can't do that, because of the error message.

What I can do, however, is use Computer B to view shares from the other two computers (Computer A, as an example). By my experiences in Linux Mint, I understand that I'd have to mount my Windows partitions in order to share them. I don't even know if my NTFS drive in Computer B is mounted, though that is what was described.

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Ubuntu :: Grub4Dos Error / Tried To Switch Back To Computer Control And Computer Went Black?

Jan 9, 2010

Here's the situation:

I have Ubuntu 9.1 with wubi and Vista on my laptop. I was playing my laptop through the TV, then I tried to switch it back to computer control and the computer went black. I had to hold to power button to restart, and suddenly grub4dos starts up when I try to launch ubuntu. I can still launch Vista. Is there anything I can do to save my system? At the very least, I would like to be able to copy data from my ubuntu system to my vista system. How can I do that? I can't find C:/ubuntu/disks. It doesn't seem to exist.

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Ubuntu :: Install Windows Xp On Computer In Virtual Machine - Watch Netflix On Computer

Jun 30, 2010

so here's my problem. I am trying to install windows xp on my computer in virtual machine so i can watch netflix on my computer. The disk will not start up, if I restart and try to boot from load i just sits there and says boot from cd. The disk drive plays music cd's fine, so i dont really know what the issue is.

I dont know that much aboutut ubuntu. a tech friend put it on hard drive he gave me after mine crashed. also i should ad that i took the disk to someone else's house that haswidnows installed and the disk worked just fine, so its not a disk problem

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Find A Way To Watch Videos From Main Desktop Computer On Another Computer?

Jul 9, 2011

I've been trying to find a way to watch videos from my main desktop computer on another computer I've plugged into an HDTV. I'm such a Linux newbie that I decided to give Mythbuntu a try. It was way to complicated for what I needed, and I'm sure that some more experienced people reading my first two sentences laughed to themselves at my naivety.

What I am trying to find is simple: browsing one computer's home folder from another computer, and playing the videos therein. If there's anything like Mythvideo that requires less than half of the skill requirements, I will telepathically send love to the person that informs me of it.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Stream Music From Computer (9.10) To Windows Computer Using Vlc

Jan 30, 2010

1. How can I stream music from my ubuntu computer (9.10) to my windows computer using vlc?

2. What nvidia driver should I use? The one found in "hardware drivers" is 185 but nvidia's site has 190! which one should I use?

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Ubuntu :: Way To Remotely Disconnect OTHER Computer's Pidgin / While Using Current Computer?

Aug 29, 2010

i have 2 computers.both have pidgin messenger with the same accounts (yahoo, msn, aim, facebook...). both can connect at the same time. both connect at startup.both work well.some of the chat protocols disconnect upon sensing multiple connections (as in, when one account signs in from two places).good.others don't.bad.

is there a way to remotely disconnect the OTHER computer's pidgin while using the current computer? while both instances of pidgin are running, the OTHER computer will see all incoming messages on pidgin. anyone at that computer will see a one-sided conversation.simple solution would be to stop them from connecting at startup. that still doesn't solves the problem of "what if i forgot to turn one off" or "what if someone runs pidgin on the other computer."

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Ubuntu Networking :: One Computer Sees Network, The Other Computer Doesnt?

Nov 11, 2010

My wifes networked computer connected to the network just fine when it was Win XP. Now that Ive converted it to 10.04 (completely) it can see the network, but it just wont connect to it. I had no problem converting my computer to Ubuntu and it sees the network and accesses it great. Files, folders and hard drives are all shared. So, one computer connects great, the other does not.**I dont know what to do at this point.Here is the layout:My Comp (10.04) ---------......Main Network Comp (XP)Wife Comp (10.04) -------/The main network computer is XP as it has software on it we need that does not work in Wine. The main computer will have to stay XP. I cannot get my wifes computer to connect to the main system, although mine connects just fine. I dont know what the problem is. Her computer sees the network, but when trying to connect, it times out and says unable to connect.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Computer Finding The Name Of Another Computer Under DHCP?

Sep 10, 2010

I have two Linux computers and one small home router with DHCP functionality. I configured the router with the "dynamic DHCP" setting, ie, the static DHCP with MAC-Address was not used. Before that, I used the manual IP configuration, defining the two computers' names in the /etc/hosts file.

Example: comp2 comp3

Now, with DHCP, the above example is no longer appropriate, because the DHCP server is supposed to tell the computer what IP number it will receive. However, I am missing something, because I haven't figured it out yet how to make one computer know the other computer's name. Is it that I haven't installed a name-finding package? Is there a simple way to accomplish this (one computer finding the other computers' names)?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Move HD To New PC - Can't Access Computer From Other Computer

Sep 21, 2010

I have ubuntu server installed on a pc. The motherboard died, so I switched the HD to another computer. Everything is fine except the network. I cannot access this computer from other computer (while it was possible before). I looked at the interfaces and everything seems fine. The nic itselft seems to work too.

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Ubuntu :: Make Traffic Pass Through Computer To Another Computer?

Mar 17, 2011

I am wanting to make traffic pass through my computer to another computer.

Here is my current network setup:

[WAN] > [MODEM] > [] > []

How can I make my computer ([]) forward incoming traffic on port 25 to []?

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General :: Lost Computer Login Password For Computer Model D250-1958

Jan 5, 2010

for christmas my parents got both my younger sister and i acer mini computers, model d250-1958. my sister was trying to change her password that lets herself as a particular user log in. somehpw she messed up the password and its not what she thought it was and now she doesn't have any way of accessing anything. i thought that there might be an ovveride system or a reseting trick. i've looked in the manual but cant find anything of the sort for either of the two options.

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General :: Scp Command - Copy File Into Local Computer By Still Sitting In 1st Computer

Jun 17, 2011

I am using fedora 10 in two computers. Just for my own practice I sent a file to my second computer.

1st computer IP is
2nd computer IP is


The file has been successfully copied to the second computer but I again want to copy that file into my local computer by still sitting in my 1st computer.


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Ubuntu :: X2x - Allows To Use The Keyboard And Mouse From One Computer On Another Computer

Feb 9, 2011

I ran across a cool program that I would like to try out called x2x, which for those who don't know allows me to use the keyboard and mouse from one computer on another computer. Just google it and you'll find explanations better than that, but you get the gist?

Anyhow, I've installed SSH server and x2x on the computer that I want to control (laptop) and on the computer that I want to use to control the laptop (workstation) I stuffed into a terminal the following:

Code: ssh -XC riley@riley-Eee x2x -east -to :0.0 which, riley@riley-Eee does in fact refer to the laptop that I want to control. All I get back out is: Code: ssh: Could not resolve hostname riley-Eee: Name or service not known even though both systems are on the same router. I would assume that it should work right away no problem, but it doesn't. I don't understand SSH very well (or networking in general) so I'm wondering if someone knows how to step-by-step me through getting it to work.

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General :: Cousin Unplugged The Computer - Freezes And The Computer Reboots Over And Over

Apr 17, 2009

I boot linux from a usb drive so I can carry my distro wherever I go - I've been doing it for quite some time now and it's always worked wonderfully. Problem: This morning my little cousin unplugged the computer WHILE I was booting into linux. Power loss has happened before, but with no ill effects. This time however, it's decided it won't boot. The screen clears, and just as GRUB is about to load, it freezes and the computer reboots over and over.

I booted to a LiveCD of Ubuntu to try and fsck the drive, but it won't mount the volume. I've worked with this install so long, and have customized it so much I **really** don't want to do a reinstall.. What can I do?

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Fedora :: Copy A File From 2nd Computer To Local Computer?

Jun 20, 2011

I have two computers in my home running ferora . I want to copy a file from my 2nd computer to my local computer. Local PC:-

Remote PC:-
[root@localhost root]#scp file1.txt
root@ password:
scp: /home not a regular file
[root@localhost root]

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General :: Moving Data From Computer To Windows Computer

Jun 28, 2011

I have a situation where I am trying to move some data from a Linux computer to a Windows computer. In all there is 700GB of data to move in about 1.5 million files, so I don't want to do this over the network.My first thought was to use an external USB hard drive and create an NTFS partition and copy the files from the linux computer to mount on the Windows computer. After 4 days of copying without completion I abandoned that idea. I thought the NTFS might be slowing it down, so I created an EXT3 partition. 4 Days later it was still copying. I did some calculations and there was no way the USB 2.0 connection was that slow. I then used ddrescue and cloned the drive to be copied overnight and it took about 12 hours. i was able to mount the USB drive under Linux and access the files appropriately. The only problem is that I can not access that USB drive on my Windows 7 computer. I have tried Explore2fs, DiskInternals Linux Reader, and Ext2 Installable File System For Windows, but none of them is recognizing the external drive.

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Networking :: How To Find Ip Address Of Other Computer In LAN Network From Own Computer?

Jun 7, 2010

i want to find ip address of other computer which are connected in LAN..suppose ther are 5 compter in LAN and i want to find ip of all remaining 4 computer using my computer only in command or any other way is ther....

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General :: Redirect Serial Port From ONE Computer To ANOTHER Computer?

Feb 25, 2011

I need redirect serial port from ONE computer to ANOTHER computer, and at the another send this port to VirtualBox with WindowsXP.VB needed because i need to use software for windoze I do this:NE computer:socat tcp-l:54321,reuseaddr,fork file:/dev/ttyS0,nonblock,waitlock=/var/run/tty0.lock

ANOTHER computer:
socat pty,link=/tmp/ttyS0,waitslave tcp:ONE:54321
Now (at ANOTHER) i've set serial port in VirtualBox as


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Networking :: How To View Computer On Windows Computer?

Jan 1, 2010

I downloaded the vnc 4.1 on my linux computer which is running Ubuntu I'm not sure how to view it on a windows computer. I really have no idea what i'm doing so can anyone that answers please add as much detail as possible.

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Software :: Postfix - Send Mail From One Local Computer To Another Local Computer?

Jan 8, 2010

What is the minimum configuration to postfix that I need to do (i.e. to its main.cf file) in order to have the following:mail go from user1 on comp1 to user2 on comp2 on same landemonstration:

user1@comp1# Mail -v "" user2@comp2.somelan.com
hi there


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General :: Error - Could Not Desplay "computer:" - Nautilus Cannot Handle "computer" Locations

Sep 8, 2009

I get a Mount,Computer location error and will not mount any drives but boot! When I go to places->Computer on Linux Ubuntu 9.04 and I compiled gmp-4.3.1 and mpfr-2.4.1 last because I wanted gcc-4.4.1 to code and will not compile also gcc error not installed gmp-4.3.1 and mpfr-2.4.1. On screen is...

Could not Desplay "computer:". Nautilus cannot handle "computer" locations

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Ubuntu :: Changing OS Name On BURG?

Mar 14, 2010

I'm trying to make my BURG boot loader look better, right now it has the Ubuntu and Windows icons, but for name it has things like "untu 2.6" because the name won't fit. I am trying to change them simply to "Ubuntu" and "Windows 7", but I'm having some trouble. Using this guide, I am able to change the entries for GRUB2,but it has no effect on my BURG entries. Even if it was just removing the names all together, and just having the icons, that would be fine.

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Ubuntu :: SSH After Changing The Hostname?

May 14, 2010

I just have a simple question. When I installed Lucid a few weeks ago, I didnt feel very inspired, and thus left the host name at default. I just changed the hostname today, and I discovered that I can no longer resolve the host for ssh connections to the computer. When I changed the hostname files, I followed this guide: [URL].. Is there a file that I need to change regarding SSH that has a hostname in it?

Specifically, Im trying to ssh and VNC connect to the Ubuntu box from my iPhone. I have a PuTTY client installed on it (from the app store, called iSSH) and up until now, it worked.

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Ubuntu :: Changing The Language Of OS?

May 21, 2010

Can I change the language of the OS once installed?

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