Ubuntu :: Can't Successfully Insert Images Into Evolution?

Jun 12, 2010

Using Ubuntu 10 (Ubuntu Studio) with Evolution 2.28.3 - i can LOAD images into Evolution and they appear while i compose the email but they do NOT appear in the recipient's email -- they do not appear even if i send an email to myself! I DO have "format messages in html" checked. I DO NOT have "always load images from the internet" checked because that refers to my inbox, not to me composing an email; instead, i have "load images in messages from contacts" checked; besides, these are local pictures that i am inserting, not from the web. Again, neither a friend can see the images (though she can when receiving them from other ppl) nor can i see them if sent to myself, or even in my copies in my "sent mail" folder. The emoticons behave similarly. Is this a glitch? I am new to Evolution, though quite familiar with Linux and with T-bird, K-Mail, Claws, etc.

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Ubuntu :: Re-insert Icons To Top Panel? (Specifically Evolution)

Nov 8, 2010

I'm really new to Ubuntu, and am running 10.04. Anyway, I accidentally got rid of the Evolution icon in my Notification Area. Every time I try to put an icon in that section, it will not let me, and makes me put the icon on the left side of it, like on the main part of the panel. I do not know if I just hid the icon, or if I actually removed it, and I am sure the fix is really simple, I just can't seem to figure out how to do it. Also, I opened the Universal Access program when checking out all the cool things in my new OS, but I can't figure out how to hide that icon.
So if you could tell me how to unhide Evolution and hide Universal Access, in the Notification Area, that would be awesome.
Here is an image if you do not know where I am talking about, or whatever

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Ubuntu :: Evolution Won't Show Images>

Feb 2, 2010

Evolution won't show any images no matter what format. This really bugs me as at least 95% of my mail comes with loads of pictures. I'm running Ubuntu 9.10/Karmic Koala, anyone else have this problem with Karmic and solved it?

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Ubuntu :: Evolution Doesn't Show Images?

Oct 1, 2010

I'm facing a boring problem and I cant understand why it is happening. Im running Evolution 2.28.3 on Ubuntu 10.04, and all the messages are not showing their images. I already did the following confs:

1) Change proxy to connect "Directly to the internet"
2)In Preferences, "Load images from contacts".
3)I tried the option "Load Images" ou CTRL+I.

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Ubuntu :: Images Available 2.6.31-17 Generic And After The Download Is Complete Both Images Exist?

Jan 6, 2010

using the update maneger to update on ubuntu new linux images available 2.6.31-17 generic and after the download is complete both images exist in the grub menu should i remove them ? or just remove them from the boot menu ? and if so how could i do each.

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Software :: Download Some Images From A Website - Single Column Of Links To The Images?

Jul 26, 2010

I am running Linux from a DVD, not installed. I am not good with installing software, but since the DVD cannot be corrupted, I am content to operate this way. Lately, I have been having problems that previously did not occur. When I try to click on the checkbox to get rid of emails, it doesn't register in most cases, or when it does, I am clicking multiple times so it registers twice, meaning it is unchecked again. Even more frustrating is some issues that are affecting my ability to update my business. I am trying to modify spreadsheets (text not calculations).

Whenever I try to click & drag to select something to change, it keeps jumping around to select only some of what I want, something else or some combination of the 2. When I try to copy and paste several fields from 1 column to another, everything from the several fields in the source column ends up together in the last field in the target column. I am also trying to download some images from a website. There is a single column of links to the images. I have to click on the link to get to the image in order to copy it, then back out to continue looking for more links to do the same.

My computer keeps jumping back 2 steps, then forward 2 steps, and sometimes I lose my place in that list. I could deal with it if it were a small number of links, but this is a list of probably close to 20,000 links. Again, i am operating off of a live DVD so this should not be corruptible, but this has just started happening, and has been an issue the last several sessions.

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General :: Concatenate Several Images Into A PDF File With Several Images Per Page

May 2, 2011

I know that ImageMagick's convert program can be used as follows to convert a collection of images -- say, in PNG format -- to a PDF file:

convert *png output.pdf

The problem with this is that each image is then stretched to fit on one page, whereas I would like to keep the original dimensions of the images and put as many as possible on one page in the PDF file before moving on to another page.

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General :: Replace DVD / CD Install Images With USB Images

Sep 21, 2009

I am just spent half an hour hunting for a thing that should be totally available already:USB install images of Ubuntu, knoppix and all the others.And, the only good way are so far complicated tutorials where you extract the stuff from an CD image. Why??Hasn't everybody notices that CDs/DVDs are vanishing big time? That more and more systems don't have the readers anymore? Instead of following a 10 point instruction list, it would be nice to just be able to download a Ubuntu 8.10 or whatever USB image and be able to beam that DIRECTLY to a USB stick with a dd command.

Or am a missing something here? Does this exist?It should by no means be mariginal, considering how important USB stick in specific and flash memory in general have become.

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OpenSUSE :: Version Of Evolution - Running The Evolution Mail System Under Fedora - 15 / KDE

Jul 26, 2011

I've been running the Evolution mail system under Fedora-15/KDE for about a month now, and it has some very serious problems. I just noticed that it is available for SUSE, and figured that since KDE is the principal desktop supported by KDE the SUSE version may be fixed. Before I go through the very tedious process of getting the SUSE version to compile on Fedora, I'd like to know whether anyone has seen these problems with the SUSE version of Evolution:It ignores font control from the KDE Settings->Applications Appearance window, both KDE font control and GTK+ font control, also its own internal font control window.

It has trouble sending messages to an SMTP server, sometimes taking a l-o-n-g time, sometimes timing out. This can be temporarily cured by restarting it It crashes when a filter attempts to refile an outgoing message. It often asks if I want to recover messages that have never been lost. It often locks up receiving mail from a remote POP3 server. I can live with these, except for items 1 and 2, since I have workarounds. If you are fairly sure that you have not seen these problems with the SUSE version of Evolution

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Fedora :: Error While Fetching Email. Evolution Version: Evolution 2.28.0

Apr 5, 2010

I had configured the evolution to send/recive email. After it had been configured, it could receive emails. Suddendly it can't fetch email anymore. In the inbox of evolution, there were about 200 emails. There are maybe 5K emails in the server, I guessed. I'm not sure whether it's the problem that there's one email in the server too big, so the evolution can not fetch it. The error of evolution is: error while fetching email. Evolution version: Evolution 2.28.0. OS version: Linux xxx2.6.32.9-70.fc12.i686.PAE #1 SMP Wed Mar 3 04:57:21 UTC 2010 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux I'm sure my network is fine, I use pop3 to receive email.

nslookup result:
$ nslookup pop3.163.com
Non-authoritative answer:
pop3.163.comcanonical name = pop.163.com.
pop.163.comcanonical name = pop3.163.idns.yeah.net.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Install Evolution 2.30 (after Removing Evolution 2.32.2)

Apr 1, 2011

i tried to update my evolution from 2.30.? to 2.32.1 usning


Because the exchange plugin didn't work i uninstalled evolution and removed the ppa. Now when i try to install evolution from the software centre i get this: Package dependencies cannot be resolved This error could be caused by required additional software packages which are missing or not installable. Furthermore there could be a conflict between software packages which are not allowed to be installed at the same time.
it asks me if I want to repair the catalog, i say yes.

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Run Any X-commands Successfully?

May 28, 2011

I had ubuntu working fine, but then I started tinkering with the DISPLAY variable and maybe some other xserver setting, and now the system is stuck at the login screen.If I type in my password and hit enter,it will go to a black screen, and then go back to the login screen.When I enter console mode with control-alt-F1, I can login fine, but I cannot run any x-commands successfully.

$ startx gives the error:xauth: error in locking authority file /home/system/.Xauthority
xauth: error in locking authority file /home/system/.Xauthority

Fatal server error:Server is already active for display 0.If this server is no longer running, remove /tmp/.X0-lock and start again

Please consult the The X.Org Foundation support at http://wiki.x.org for help

ddxSigGiveUp: Closing log
No Protocol specified
xinit: giving up
xinit: unable to connect to X server: Connection refused
xinit: server error
xauth: error in locking authority file /home/system/.Xauthority

I removed that file as directed, but it didn't fix anything

$ gdm gives the error:

** (gdm-binary:1668 ): WARNING **: Failed to acquire org.gnome.DisplayManager: Connection ":1.36" is not allowed to own the service "org.gnome.DisplayManager: due to security policies in the configuration file

** (gdm-binary:1668 ): WARNING **: Could not acquire name; bailing out

I've tried running the command:$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg,but it didn't change anything

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OpenSUSE :: Restoring Evolution Settings Into Evolution 2.30

Feb 20, 2011

I have been using Fedora 14, which has Evolution 2.32.1 but have recently also installed openSUSE 11.3, which has Evolution I would like to make openSUSE my primary distribution, and so I would like to restore my Evolution settings from Fedora, but Evolution complains that the backup file is invalid. I have tried copying the folders in the backup to their appropriate locations in openSUSE with no luck. I have also tried manually copying with instructions for older versions of openSUSE, but with no luck.

An obvious guess at what might be the problem seems to be that I am trying to restore settings from a newer version to an older version? An obvious thing to try would be to upgrade to Evolution 2.32, but Evolution has a long list of dependencies so before jumping into that fun I thought I would ask if anyone else has had similar problems and found a straight-forward solution. I still have access to my emails in Fedora so this is not hugely pressing, and if upgrading to 11.4 will do the trick then I can just wait for that.

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Ubuntu :: Does Anyone Print Envelopes Successfully?

Mar 2, 2011

I have searched the web and the OpenOffice forum for answers to this and have come up empty-handed. I've also searched Ubuntu forums. The posts dealing with envelope printing are old AND essentially unsolved. Doesn't anyone need to print envelopes from Ubuntu? When I was using another OS with another word processor, envelopes were as easy as burping. They took 20 seconds to setup and they printed flawlessly.I hear OO on Windows is decent with envelopes, but I have no experience with that.

I have a Dell Laser 1720, using the Generic PCL 6 driver "ok'd" by Dell with this printer, and the printer works for normal prints. However, with envelopes, OO presents the WYSIWYG as fine, but the print is all messed up, text direction going 180 degrees wrong way, messed up vertically and horizontally. I suspect it has a lot to do with the fact that from OO my paper size choices are more limited than they should be for this printer. It only lists "letter, legal, executive, A4"--no envelopes and no ability to define custom size.What gives? Does anyone have any insight? I'm running OpenOffice 3.2.0 and Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid). I've spent hours on this and the only pathetic way I've come up with getting one to print...sort of good enough... is by exporting envelope from OO to PDF, then open in PDF software which DOES let me change printer settings, paper size to number 10 envelope. That's not what I call a solution though.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Evolution Mail / Setting Up Evolution E Mail Account / Enter Password?

Jul 22, 2010

I have wiped Windows and am running 10.04 exclusively. 32 bit, when setting up evolution e mail account i dont see where to enter password....where is it? anyone have link with screenshots? i know i can use regular hotmail but want to know how to use default ubuntu programs.

I still can't find a spot for password. options are, login, set preferences and a remember password checkbox but nowhere to enter a password

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Install And Successfully Run 9.10

Feb 1, 2010

I have not been able to install and successfully run Ubuntu 9.10. I am now wondering if I will be able to go from 9.04 to 10.04 this coming April. I think that somewhere I read it isn't good to do this, but I don't have much choice.

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Ubuntu One :: Error - The Process Did Not Finish Successfully

Apr 25, 2011

When I try to connect UbuntuOne, it gives an error -"The process did not finish successfully."

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Slackware :: Has Anyone Successfully Built GSB 2.30 On 13.1?

May 28, 2010

Iwhen I get my 32 bit build machine upgraded to 13.1 I was going to to try building GSB 2.30.

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Slackware :: Has Anyone Successfully Used PCI-E USB 3.0 Add In Card?

Mar 28, 2010

Has anyone successfully used a PCI-E USB 3.0 Add in card?I am looking at a couple, but they all look like they require special drivers...

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 Installs Successfully But Does Not Boot Upon Reboot

May 19, 2010

Recently I have built an old pc using bits and bobs that have been collecting in the garage for years and decided to try and turn it into a file server, and to get some experience in networking etc. Now I had a choice of 2 motherboards for the system:

1.)gigabyte ga-8siml
2.)elitegroup l7s7a2

I first built the pc using the gigabyte board,install was successful and ubuntu server booted on restart. The only problem was,there is no onboard lan on the board and the only spare wireless pci card I found was completely frazzled. Rather than buying a new wifi card to get the system running, I thought I would try the other motherboard since this had onboard lan. The elitegroup motherboard however does not have onboard vga, so I dug out an old agp ati radeon 9200se 128m ddr tvo graphics card and plugged her in. The install went fine,but after a restart, I'm left with a blinking cursor at the top left of the screen.

If I hold down 'shift' for long enough I can bring up the grub menu,but if I select anything I get no signal on the monitor. After a while on the blinking cursor screen the monitor will time out to no signal on its own. I have tried the installation using different combinations of the options given by F6 of the first installation screen but to no avail. I have also tried installing the generic kernel as opposed to the generic-pae.

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Ubuntu Security :: How To Prove Ipv6 Has Been Successfully Disabled

Jun 26, 2010

There seems to be much disagreement between distros regarding how ipv6 is disabled, even between different versions of the same distro. Rather than just follow instructions for disabling ipv6 for a given distro, I would like to also test that ipv6 is not used any more. Any software or executable that relies on ipv6, that I can use to confirm that ipv6 has been successfully disabled?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Successfully Use Bluetooth Dongle

Aug 14, 2010

I recently purchased an inexpensive bluetooth dongle for my laptop running lucid 64-bit. the device, however, doesn't seem to want to work in ubuntu. most functions (everything but turning the device OFF) fail, causing gui windows to hang, and i mostly receive messages relating to the device timing out.

Before you ask, it is not the device: the dongle works flawlessly in windows 7 after being autodetected and autoinstalled. i attempted to boot from the lucid cd, and the problem persisted.



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Ubuntu :: Laptop Suddenly Didn't Successfully Boot?

Jan 15, 2011

I took a video of my laptop screen as I was trying to boot it. I've tried turning it off and on several times but still same thing happens. Will I be able to recover my files in there?

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Ubuntu :: Kubuntu Natty Successfully Runs Windows XP

Jun 27, 2011

I recently bought an IdeaPad Z570 laptop with Sandy Bridge Intel Core i5 processor, 3 GB RAM etc.I still have things that I am forced to go to Windows for, so I had to make it a dual boot system. And I went and installed Windows 7 because that's what Lenovo provides the drivers for.

But to my dismay, lots of stuff, especially my Keyman keyboards, didn't work on Windows 7. So I installed Windows XP!But there are no drivers for this latest hardware for Windows XP. So what did I do?Installed VirtualBox on Kubuntu and installed Windows XP as a guest system using it! Linux/Kubuntu takes care of the hardware (or something like that).Installing VirtualBox Guest Addons from Multiverse also enables me to share directories between the Linux host and Windows guest, so I can access the files on my Windows D drive by mounting it in Linux (which I do by default in /etc/fstab anyway) and sharing it via VirtualBox Shared Folders.Given that Intel Virtualization Acceleration technology is inbuilt into the new processor/chipset, I don't feel much difference in speed!

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Software :: Evolution Won't Use 'evolution' Directory

Nov 29, 2010

I moved all my files in my home directory to a new computer. This old machine is Ubuntu 9.10 and the new one is Ubuntu 10.10. These files included my original ".evolution" directory. But on the new computer, when I run Evolution, it seems to ignore or not understand this directory, and wants me to set up all new accounts. There is a lot of email saved locally in that ".evolution" directory I need to keep. How can I get this newer version of Evolution to use those old files?

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OpenSUSE :: Has Anyone Successfully Installed DockBarX?

Sep 10, 2010

I tried out DockBarx on my previous Ubuntu computer and really liked it. I installed openSUSE not too long ago and I just decided it's about time to get it back! However, I'm having some trouble installing it. My initial attempt was to simply download the tarball of dockbarx from GNOME-Look, untar it and run setup.py. Unfortunately, it will not run for me..not as root, standard user, anything. I do have Python-Base installed, and my "cnf python" does return a successful response. My PATH has /python's location in it and everything.I then tried the .rpm but I need to install python-keybinder, pyxdg and dbus, but I cannot find any downloads or repo's with it. I could simply be missing it though. So, basically, I'm asking all of you who have successfully installed it on your openSUSE system to inform me on how you did it.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Can't Successfully Download 11.4

Mar 29, 2011

I've tried downloading 11.4 64-bit about a dozen times, and it always failed to checksum comparison. I've tried downloading it directly using Mozilla. I've tried that from a mirror (several actually). I've tried using Download Them All to get it and is failed both the MD5 and SHA1. BTW, those fail the checksum as soon as the Download Them All window opens. I've tried bitTorrent. I've tried it on two different machines. I've tried it from linux through Mozilla and Download Them All just to be sure it's not my anti-virus or software firewall.

BTW, in the process of installing a new HD on my desktop, somehow my OpenSUSE linux install has gotten corrupted (or something), so I don't have access to a linux install. Any suggestions how I can get a good download? I'm hoping I can use it to repair my existing install, and to install openSUSE on my laptop.

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General :: How To Know New GCC Version Installed Successfully

Jun 11, 2010

I have already installed 3.4.6 version of gcc and i have installed older vesion 3.2. Now I want to check the version gcc-3.2 installed successfully or not? Second, I want to switch over the version gcc-3.2. What is the procedure require to be done?

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Server :: Apache2-mpm-itk Will Not Successfully Restart

Jun 15, 2010

I am having some problems after installing apache2-mpm-itk on my Debian 5.4 server. From my understanding apache2-mpm-itk will run child processes as root until a http request is received. It then suid's to the username in the VirtualHost directive. This is all working fine, as I can see a few apache processes started by a specific user.

However, the problem is when I try to restart apache. It will kill all the processes running by root but wont kill any of the processes that have been suid'ed to another username.

When i attempt to restart I get this error:

charged:/etc/apache2# /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
Restarting web server: apache2 ... waiting (98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address [::]:80
(98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address


If I do a "ps aux | grep apache" before and after I see all the root processes killed, but processes running as specified users from VritualHost directive remaining.

Now I am not an extreme linux power user, but I know a bit.

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Slackware :: Anyone Successfully Runs Xp / Win7 In VM?

Jul 19, 2010

I was just wondering if anyone successfully runs xp or win7 in a VM? I do a lot of .net and sql server at work, and therefore really need visual studio at home.I'm toying with deleting my xp partition and running it in a virtual machine, but part of me is saying not to bother.

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