Ubuntu :: Can't Set Essid Or Anything Else With Iwconfig

Feb 3, 2011

I have a Linksys AE1000 wireless adapter. I managed to install the drivers and connect it to an unsecured network called "linksys" which I can access the internet with.

However, I now want to connect to a secured network but it won't let me!

For example, I've tried doing the following:

Code: sudo iwconfig ra0 essid "MyNetwork"

My commands. It should say, ESSID:"MyNetwork" on the top line.

I'm running Ubuntu Server 10.04 LTS.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Essid Never Set In Iwconfig

Jun 27, 2010

I recently got my Belkin USB wireless adapter working by following some other threads in these forums. Now I would like to connect to my access point. iwlist scan works great and I can see my AP along with others. However when I follow the step by step instructions here: [URL]... I fail during the DHCP request with no DHCPOFFERS. My AP is using WEP encryption for now (I've even tried it with open encryption). The thing that I'm seeing or not seeing is that when I set my essid using sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid "GimpsHouse" and then after that do an iwconfig it says off/any. Here is my iwconfig


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Ubuntu Networking :: WUSB600N V1 Install On 10.04 - Iwconfig Shows Wlan0 With An ESSID:"" And Nickname: "RT2870STA"

Jan 6, 2011

I've been trying now for 2 days to get my WUSB600N v1 adapter installed on 10.04. I'm a bit of a noob but have been able to follow some posts on here on getting it set up. This is what I've done:

Installed the Ralink RT2870 drivers. Changed the config.mk to enable some parameters. Compiled and installed. Added some entries to blacklist.conf. Updated network/interfaces to include my wpa settings and passphrase. Restarted/rebooted/reinstalled about 100 times!

Here's what happens: iwconfig shows wlan0 with an ESSID:"" and Nickname: "RT2870STA" iwlist wlan0 scan shows my router fine (although does not show Cell 02 which should be the 5GHZ range). So basically it's not connecting to my router. Not sure if I missed any steps. Will gladly provide some extra output if needed. Pulling my hair out over this now ready to throw the adapter in the trash.

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Ubuntu :: Wifi Essid Keeps Changing?

Jan 8, 2011

fixing wifi on my HP tc440. I am running Ubuntu 10.04 LTS - the Lucid Lynx.Here's the problem.My wifi adapter is:

# lspci | grep Wireless
10:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 2945ABG [GOLON] Network


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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Decode Hidden ESSID?

Sep 1, 2011

Running BT5, aircrack-ng v. 1.1, Alfa AWUS036NH.

My curiosity has been aroused by a local AP that is not transmitting an ESSID. It also is neither transmitting beacon frames nor data.
The channel shows a negative one, as does the power. Facts:

1. I know this AP is nearby because, before they hid the ESSID, the power output was fairly high.

2. Airodump-ng shows -1 channel, -1 power, and a hidden ESSID, although the BSSID is visible. Neither the channel nor the encryption scheme are being transmitted.

3. Neither beacons nor data are being sent. I can determine the correct name of the ESSID from the probe field in airodump-ng
but that is all.

4. All attempts in aireplay-ng to dissociate the client fail with the message that "No such BSSID" is found!?

5. Kismet, on the other hand, does not even see the AP.

6. Loading the .cap file in Wireshark reveals no information about those packets for which the source, or dest, is the AP.

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Ubuntu :: ESSID Configuration - Wireless Network With Static IP

Apr 3, 2011

The wireless network on my laptop is configured with a static IP. (not using nm). When I take the laptop out of the range of my wireless router the essid is becoming off/any therefore when I'm back in range the connection is not reestablished and to re-enable the connection I gotta do "iwconfig wlan0 essid <essid name>" otherwise there is no connection. Make sure that essid stays configured unless I manually want to change it?

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OpenSUSE Network :: Reinstall Wlan - No ESSID ?

Sep 30, 2009

I can't get my wlan running, although it already worked on my notebook (Dell Inspiron 1545) with opensuse 11.1. Then I installed debian and, I don't know how, it changed my kernel in grub from .pae to .debug (renameing in grub didn't help)

According to the messages scanning fails

My wlan-controller is:

Router is avm Fritz!Box and is working fine with other notebooks and the lan of the Dell

I loaded down and installed the driver from Bradcom (hybrid-portsrc-x86_32-v5.

dmesg came up with a failure: not ipv6 server found - so I deactivated it

Below find further info:

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Networking :: Wicd Won't See Router After Changing ESSID?

Mar 29, 2010

I'm using Slackware 64 on a HP dv2500 SE. I've been using wicd for my network connection. I have a Linksys wireless router. Recently I changed my ESSID to from the default linksys to something else. Now wicd, doesn't see my router as the new name. It still sees the linksys router but obviously can't connect to it. I have connected using the "find hidden network". Mostly i have to run iwconfig eth1 essid "newname"then dhcpcd eth1my question, how can i get wicd to see the newname and connect on it's own as it used to.

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OpenSUSE Wireless :: Wicd Connect To Essid But No Internet?

Jun 19, 2010

I had a wireless connection to open suse from last year. I then had a problem with my Netgear 824 router.
I have reconnected to windows vista. Now I have to get opensuse working on wireless. I do not have much experience in opensuse I have read the forums and the sticky and also from wicd forums. I have checked the yast settings and it is for AR242x ath0 and Wired L2 100 eth0.

Opensuse version 11 ,2.6.25-1.1 default
Laptop ASus F5RL
Atheros AR242x
I have done the following:-


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OpenSUSE Wireless :: When Try To Connect To ESSID Via KnetworkManager - Asks For A WEP Key

May 11, 2011

Even though I am not new to Suse, I am still very inexperienced, especially when it comes to wireless. I am running Suse Linux 11.3 and I am having problems connecting to my wireless. My network controller is a RaLink RT2500 802.11g Cardbus/mini-PCI (rev 01). I am recieving a signal from my wireless router, however when I try to connect to my ESSID via KnetworkManager It asks for a WEP key. After entering the key, Knetnetwork manager will try to connect for a minute or so and then it will ask for my WEP key again. It keeps repeating this cycle without ceasing. How to configure the WEP so that Knetwork manager will connect or a way around WEP.

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Slackware :: AE1000 / Rt3572sta Driver Not Letting Set Essid / Ap

Oct 4, 2010

I recently got an AE1000 USB Wireless adapter... In researching how to get it to work under Linux, I came across some helpful information on URL... that advised on how to download the ralink ra3572sta driver, which I did, and managed to successfully compile and install (for sake of reference, I'm using Slackware 13 with the 2.6.33-4 x86_64 kernel)

Suffice it to say I tried several other combinations of ra0 up and down, etc. My best luck came from editing the /etc/Wireless/RT2870STA/RT2870STA.dat file as suggested by the readme for the ralink driver, which lets me successfully "set" the essid for the adapter, but it doesn't associate the access point or receive any data, etc... Basically the only function that seems to be working is scanning for APs. Apparently this driver works under other distros like Fedora/Ubuntu that use NetworkManager, but I can't figure out why its not working for Slackware. The thought occurred to me to try the driver under 32bit distro and see if theres any difference, but wondered if anyone here had any experience with this adapter or could offer some advice to point me in the right direction on this one?

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Debian Installation :: Mouse Doesn't Move And ESSID Is Wrong

Jul 14, 2015

Today I downloaded the last debian iso, i booted it from cd, and at first i tried the graphical install but the mouse was stuck in the middle of the screen, although the left click was working... So i started the normal install (with just text), while installing it said me that i needed a firmware "not free", installable by a usb o cd, it was something like "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.bin", so i skipped this step. Then when i had to configure the network, i typed my network's essid and the password, but it said that the essid was incorrect, so i skipped also this step... at the end i have debian installed without GUI...

My pc is hp 250 g3....

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SUSE / Novell :: Sharing Internet Over Wireless To Ipnone - Losing Essid

Jul 18, 2009

I have wired ethernet to my laptop. I want to be able to share my network connection with my iphone.

I have set up masquerading:

I have configured my wlan0 to a static IP - call iwconfig to configure wlan0

I see the network pop up on my phone, I configure my own statis IP there, as gateway

Success - I can connect to google for about 30 sec.

If I check iwconfig again, there is no longer a essid specified but a "CELL" value instead - and this is changing every 10 sec or so.

With the above I'm quite happy that I've configured everything OK except for iwconfig - why is it dropping my config?

I've a broadcom wifi nic and I'm using ndiswrapper.

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CentOS 5 Networking :: How To Create Wireless Network From Command Line With Hidden ESSID

Feb 27, 2011

I have a CentOS 5.5 server running currently with a Netgear gigabit ethernet card and for wifi I have a wi-fi card with the chipset: RT2860.Now I have gotten the ethernet card and wi-fi card working but my main question is: How do you bridge the connection between the ethernet card and the wi-fi card to create a wireless network with a hidden ESSID if possible and WPA encryption? (So the server basically acts as a wireless router as well as doing all the other stuff I need to do on it).

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Ubuntu Networking :: Iwconfig Key Not Working / What To Do?

Mar 3, 2010

I use iwconfig to connect to my networks cuz i have fluxbox as my window manager. At home my network key is just a phone number and i can connect fine. at my college campus the key is "thinkofspring" and every time i do
sudo iwconfig wlan0 key thinkofspring
i get an error that the key is invalid or didn't work. Do i need to use a different command for full text keys? I'm running ubuntu 9.10

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Ubuntu Networking :: Connect With Nm-applet But Not With Iwconfig

Feb 21, 2010

I have an Atheros AR928X Wireless Adapter (built in to laptop). I can connect to net works with nm-applet fine, but when I use iwconfig, There are no changes. Example:

$ iwconfig wlan0 essid Convery
$ iwconfig
shows no changes, not even when I set the access point to the right address.

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Networking :: Not Able To Associate With AP Using The Iwconfig

Jul 3, 2011

I have an IBM T60 with Intel 3945ABG WNIC:

Module for this WNIC is loaded:



If I execute "iwlist wlan0 scanning", I see the cell I'm interested in:


I'm able to connect to this cell using Gnome "Wireless Networks" manager, but not with iwconfig. At first I tried to connect to this "bq" network while wlan0 was active("ifconfig wlan0 up") using the iwconfig but this didn't change any of the wlan0 parameters.

Then I tried to shutdown wlan0("ifconfig wlan0 down") and executed:


Now the changes applied and "iwconfig wlan0" gives following:


Everything seems to be correct, but I'm still "Not-Associated". I have tried with "iwconfig wlan0 essid bq", "iwconfig wlan0 ap 00:24:14:F9:0B:92", "iwconfig wlan0 essid "bq" mode Managed" etc, but whatever I try, it does not connect. I even did "/etc/init.d/gdm stop" in order to be sure, that Gnome "Wireless Networks" is not interfering with "iwconfig", but this gave no results as well. I can associate with this AP using the Gnome "Wireless Networks" just fine, but for some reason I can't connect using iwconfig.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Setting Iwconfig Speed Automatically

Feb 26, 2010

i've had problems with a laptops wireless card (using 8.04).i can connect to my network but only at 1mpbs. so, searching through the forums, i found a post that said to issue this command: Code: sudo iwconfig wlan1 rate 11M and that seemed to solve my problem, temporarily.now i'm growing tiresome of doing disabling wireless, issuing the command, and then bringing the wireless card back up. is there a way i can do this automatically upon boot? i checked out my interfaces file, but it only has the loopback setting in there.is there a config file somewhere that i can set the rate of the wireless card manually?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Ra0 Ra3070sta Works With NetworkManager But Not With Iwconfig

Jun 2, 2010

I have a tenda W311u wireless with a ra3070sta chipset, i read a lot of tutorials to get it working. I recently had my wireless working but just in NetworkManager. I need to get working in console mode, for example when i make a:

Note: The Essid the same i added in the RT2870sta.dat file.

And therefore if i try a dhclient3 ra0 no dhcp offers received.

Rare, but if i start NetworkManager connected to azcor, and i make a dhclient3 ra0 i get an ip very fast.

I try with cnetworkmanager but is complicated and isnt working for me!

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Ubuntu Networking :: How To Make Persistent Iwconfig Settings

Jul 6, 2010

ubuntu is capping my wireless connection at 1Mbps, so everytime I boot up i have to type this:

"iwconfig wlan0 rts 2347 && sudo iwconfig wlan0 frag 2346 && sudo iwconfig wlan0 rate 9MB"

How can I make these settings persistent?

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Ubuntu Servers :: 10.10: Iwconfig Doesn't Install By Default

Oct 11, 2010

So I installed Ubuntu Server 10.10 64-bit for testing purposes. But when I went to connect it to my wireless network at home, it showed that iwconfig wasn't installed by default like it did in 10.04. Does anyone know how I can either connect my system to the network without using iwconfig, or how I can get iwconfig and install it from a flash drive or some other form of digital media? And I can't do apt-get since I can't get on my network. And I also can't plug in a ethernet cable because my network port is broken.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Iwconfig Rate Auto Too Low?

Dec 14, 2010

left to its own devices my wireless connects at too low a speed. I have a 20meg internet connection and my wireless is slowing it down to like 3meg. When I reboot into windows it's fine. When I run iwconfig eth1 rate 11M or even 24M the connection is much faster and runs fine, why won't it automatically go higher? Is this the fault of the driver? I am running Broadcom's driver compiled from source. Also, how can I set it to 24M at boot?

Edit: I guess I can put iwconfig eth1 rate 24M in rc.local, but I'd still like to get auto running higher, especially as my signal should be pretty good. Output from iwconfig white rate=auto:

eth1 IEEE 802.11 ESSID:"honeypot"
Mode:Managed Frequency:2.417 GHz Access Point: xxx
Bit Rate=1 Mb/s Tx-Power:24 dBm
Retry min limit:7 RTS thrff Fragment thrff
Encryption keyff


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Fedora Networking :: Iwconfig - Not Recognizing Key - KDE 3.5 ?

Apr 5, 2009

I'm running fedora 8 and i have a TEW-424ub. I recently ditched windows, and the only disk i could get was a Fedora 8 dvd. I used ndiswrapper to get my driver installed, then I used the iwconfig commands to hook myself up to my wireless. However, every time i do the command


My comp freezes up. I then decided to use the GUI to set it up, as it might be less aggravating. It found my network, i input the key, double-check, and it atttempts to connect, then asks me once again.'

Also, if I go to Network Configuration, and activate my ndiswrapper device, it gives me the error & my comp freezes up "Set Encode" (8B2A) SET failed on device wlan0:0 ; Invalid argument.

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Networking :: Save Changes With Iwconfig Permanently?

Feb 20, 2010

I am having some problems with my wireless card. If I ping my pc with no activity on it, it just won't respond to the pings. But if I start pinging from the PC and then from somewhere else, everything works perfect. I found out this problem since my ftp service was not responding sometimes. So looking for info and checking some parameters I found the "Power Management" option in the iwconfig command. It's value is "on" so I tried turning it off and It seemed to have solved the issue. The thing is that after a reboot, it returns to it's default value. Is there any way to make this parameter value permanent?

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Networking :: Iwconfig Reports Many Errors

Apr 16, 2010

I have one laptop running under Windows and another under Linux. I can access and surf the internet on both computers. But the Linux laptop is painfully slow.

If I ping my gateway the Windows lappy does in in 1 ms but the Linux in 20ms. iwconfig reports errors under Rx invalid crypt, tx excessive retries and huge numbers under invalid misc, and nothing on the rest.

The router is encrypted with WEP and iwconfig reports the correct key.

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General :: Configure A Wi-Fi Connection From CLI - Iwconfig Is Not Enough ?

Oct 4, 2010

Is there a command I need to type from the pure CLI other than:


To configure a WEP-enabled Internet connection from a pure CLI (no X running)?

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Slackware :: Iwconfig No Wireless Extensions?

Feb 22, 2011

I just installed Slackware 13.1 on my Asus 1215T, and I've been trying to get it to connect to my wireless network in my home. When I type iwconfig I get no wireless extensions, and ifconfig returns only lo, no wlan0. I read the Slackbook wiki and tried to configure the inet1.conf and wireless.conf but still no luck...

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OpenSUSE Wireless :: Wireless Can See Essid But Makes No Effort To Connect?

Jan 15, 2010

I just upgraded and then re-downgraded kde and wireless has stopped connecting (it still seems to be working, just not the way it should). Here's some info:

/sbin/lspci -v
06:05.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 2200BG [Calexico2] Network Connection (rev 05)
Subsystem: Intel Corporation Device


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Debian Configuration :: Iwconfig Freezing With Ndiswrapper

Jun 1, 2011

I have a Dlink DWA-142 usb wireless adapter that I am trying to configure on a Debian 6.0 system. I couldn't find any linux drivers for this card so I used ndiswrapper. The drivers (latest xp version from the website) have installed successfully as far as i know because I can see the card and scan for access points using 'iwlist wlan0 scan'.

I tried to use the card with both Wicd and NetworkManager, which both fail to connect to my WPA encrypted wireless router. So after this I went to the command line to find that if I try to connect to the accesspoint using Iwconfig, that the program hangs... as in my terminal does not write a new line because it is waiting for the above command to complete.

I have done:

And the terminal hangs on the above command, so I imagine this is where wicd and network manager were getting stuck too. ndiswrapper is the latest version, compiling from source and reinstalling it made no difference either.

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General :: Iwconfig - Can't Configure Wireless Network

Mar 6, 2011

I've beenhaving some trouble getting my wireless network card working on my Slackware 12 box. Currently it identifies the card and can scan for networks, but I can't seem to join a network. Here's some output:

{8:46:29}gibson:/lib/modules/ iwlist wlan0 scan
wlan0 Scan completed :
Cell 01 - Address: F8:1E:DF:FF:DA:39


It doesn't seem to be accepting the essid setting, and it's giving an error for the key setting. Also, I'm noticing an inconsistency in the wireless protocols. The AP claims that it's 802.11g with rates up to 54 Mb/s. But it should be 802.11n. It's an Apple Airport Extreme and the Radio Mode is set to Automatic and displays "802.11a/n-02.11b/g/n" on the Airport Utility. The interface also claims that it's 802.11g, though shows a rate of 300 Mb/s. It's a Belkin "Play" Wireless USB Adapter (F7D4101).

(Note: I'm using ndiswrapper and the WinXP drivers which were installed from the Belkin software.)

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