Ubuntu :: Can't Boot Into Vista Partition

Jul 2, 2010

I've got a dual boot system with Ubuntu 9.10 on one partition and Vista on the other.

After selecting the Vista option within GRUB, the boot seems to start as normal and after the Dell scrawl screen, the machine just seems to restart and I end up back at the GRUB menu.

Booting into Vista recovery mode doesn't resolve the issue.

The only other oddity I could mention is that I believe an update I did after installing 9.10 updated the linux kernel, because there are now two sets of linux kernel versions available within GRUB, while there was only one present when I first installed, and Vista was still working.

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Ubuntu :: Vista Dual Boot - Partition Size Not Enough

Jan 6, 2011

Trying to boot alongside windows (just in case!). I downloaded the ISO from Ubuntu website before I saw the windows installer. After which I downloaded the windows installer! Now each time I try to load either one it tries to download the iso again. I'm only on a PAYG connection ATM so downloading again is not really viable this month!

I've tried to make a new partition using:
my computer/ management/ shrink

But the size that windows allows is 140MB which obviously is not enough, I tried burning the ISO to a CDROM and booting this way but windows did not bother booting the disc. I entered F2 BIOS and changed the boot order to my CDRW drive 1st but still UBUNTU did not boot. Windows recovery manager or something booted.

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Ubuntu :: Missing 'Boot' Folder From Vista Partition?

Apr 4, 2011

I have been foolish and accidentally deleted the 'Boot' folder from my Vista partition and now cannot boot Windows from the GRUB launcher. I'm not sure what to do next, since I can't find the recovery DVD either.

I managed to find a site with the 'bootmgr' file available to download but couldn't find anywhere to download the contents of the 'Boot' folder. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Is there any software that can be run in Ubuntu (which launches perfectly well of course) which might fix this?

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Fedora Installation :: Cant Boot Into Vista Partition?

Mar 27, 2009

I installed fedora 10 on my laptop as a partition with vista. However i'm now not able to boot into my vista partition as everytime I try it comes with an error saying "bootmgr" is missing. Below is whats in my grub.conf file. However I am able to access my vista partition through fedora.



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Ubuntu Installation :: Increasing Partition On Vista Dual Boot

Jan 17, 2010

I downloaded Ubuntu about 5 months ago and love it.Problem is, I didn't know if I wanted to make it permanent on my computer, so I used the option which allowed me to download it as an application on my Windows Vista Control Panel.How can I increase the partition (I think I only have 9 GB left on my home folder) without loosing all of the preferences, applications, and hardware solutions that I have put on there?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04.1/Windows Vista Dual Boot Partition?

Sep 18, 2010

Last week I installed Ubuntu 10.04.1 on his Windows Vista machine, it has a 200GB hard-drive and he wanted 100GB for Vista & 100GB for Ubuntu on there. So instead of selecting the default partition I split it to 100GB each.

Now, however, I can't boot back into Windows and when it loads I am taken to the 'Recovery Tools' options. Have I 'cked up his partition? I can still view all the files/folders on his Windows partition from within Ubuntu however, so maybe there is a chance I can shrink down the Ubuntu partition again and restore his Windows partition?


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Ubuntu Installation :: Resizing Partition - Vista Boot Stuck In Loop

Feb 19, 2010

I recently used a GParted CD to resize my partition with Vista installed on it in order to make room for another partition in which I installed Linux onto. I, unfortunately, did not back up my data. My Vista partition now does not show up in Grub and when I set it to just boot to the Vista install it will never boot and is stuck in a loop.

I tried using this guide to try to get it back. My problem comes about halfway through this guide when I go to repair my Vista installation nothing shows up under installations. I would really like to get my data from the Vista partition. I guess if I'm SOL then at least I'll remember to backup my data next time..

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Ubuntu Installation :: Salvaging Vista Partition After Failed Dual Boot Install

Jan 7, 2010

I wanted to start exploring web development and perhaps hosting my own server as well as learning about linux and all the things that go with it so I downloaded the ubuntu 9.1 Server edition and burned it to a CD. I thought to put it on my Dell laptop as it is newer than my main PC and I could bring it to and fro between class. It had Vista installed and I definitely wanted to keep that in the meantime until I got more familiar with Ubuntu. The laptop has a 320GB hard drive with a 10 GB recovery partition. I went ahead and formatted the 10GB to make room for ubuntu. Also I was able to "shrink" the main windows partition by 16GB to make even more room. I could not combine the two small drives but alas. I had hoped to use the 16GB partition for the main install and the 10GB for a necessary swap drive (I am completely new to all this).

So I reboot on the server CD and get to the partition section. I was following this guide here: [url]

It seemed I did not want to do anything "guided" or "automatic" because the options were listing the entire drive and again i wanted to keep my vista untouched. So I go to manual partitioning and although the guide didn't go into enough detail I went ahead and assigned an "ext2" filetype to the larger partition and a "swap" to the smaller partition. Then I went to write changes to disk and after completing one of the two successfully the installer failed to configure the swap drive. I don't know why. I restarted to make sure windows was OK and surely it was not, as I got the dreaded "missing operating system" screen. I ran the windows recovery CD and lo and behold it could not find any drives at all, much less repair them. The data I had on the vista partition were not particularly vital, but it would be nice to have it back.

So my questions are, is there a way to recovery the windows partition? And how is the correct way to configure a dual boot system with Vista and Ubuntu 9.1 Server edition?

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Ubuntu :: Resizing The Partition Doesn't Allow Windows Vista To Boot Up - Denied Access

Oct 31, 2010

When I run out of space on my Ubuntu partition, which will probably happen with me being the untidy person I am, is there a way to resize the partition in Windows or Ubuntu that will allow the other to boot? As I've heard stories of using Gparted to resize a Windows partition doesn't allow Windows Vista to boot up as it removes a crucial part of the operating system? I have adequate space to give to Ubuntu on my NTFS partition. May I also add that to install Ubuntu I had to use the partitioner that came with the installer, because the Windows Disk Manager wouldn't let me partition the NTFS drive, because it Denied my Access.

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Fedora Installation :: On Vista - Keep The Windows Boot Loader And Also Install On A Usb Drive Or A Separate Partition

Aug 16, 2009

install fedora 11 on Vista I want to keep the windows boot loader and also install on a usb drive or a seperate partition that has 10GB free "install doesn't see partition's". Recently I installed ubuntu and had a major problem with booting, without having the usb drive connected I couldn't boot windows so uninstalled it. I'm trying to install now but install does'nt give me any option to select partitions from my drives one 320GB "portable, 3 partitions" and 80GB "main os 2 partitions one partition has 10GB free"

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Installation :: Unistall Windows Vista From An Ubuntu / Vista Dual-boot?

Mar 18, 2011

I have a single hard-drive on a spare computer and I decided to try out Ubuntu on recommendation from a friend. I really like it now but at first I just dual-booted it, and now I want Vista gone. I know it's unnecessary to have just one OS but my hard-drive isn't particularly big and I'd prefer to have Ubuntu by itself. Can anyone tell me how to eliminate vista and leave Ubuntu as my sole operating system (I've all my files from computer on another computer so I don't have to worry about losing anything).

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Ubuntu :: Dual Boot With Vista - Error "no Such Partition Exists And Then Grub Rescue"

Dec 23, 2010

I dual booted ubuntu with vista a while back, but I was running out of space on both partitions. So I thought I'd install ubuntu on another slightly smaller HDD from an old laptop. I thought all the ubuntu and grub stuff were on that one partition, so I thought if I just deleted it, all would be good. I isn't. Now when I boot up, I get a message saying 'Error, no such partition exists' and then 'Grub rescue:' and an input. So what I want now, is well, basically to be able to boot windows. I'm guessing I either have to remove grub, or just make it forget I ever had Ubuntu.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installed 10.10 Along Side Vista - Now Can't Boot Into Vista

Apr 6, 2011

I installed Ubuntu 10.10 on my PC running Vista Home Basic. I installed to run as a dual boot but now I can only boot into Ubuntu. I have tried to run the recovery disk for Vista and it errors out also..

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Ubuntu Installation :: Os_prober Calls The Vista Partition The Windows Recovery Partition

Feb 20, 2011

Two days ago I repartitioned my laptop HD and added the latest Ubuntu (2.6.35-25-generic) to the existing Vista and existing Ubuntu (2.6.32-28-generic via upgrades from 9.14(?)). Prior to this install it was using Grub with menu.lst from the old/upgrade Ubuntu. After the install the boot menu labels the partition with Vista as the Windows Recovery partition and the recovery partition item is no longer present.

At first I wondered how I could get Vista to boot. I found that SuperGrub cd would boot it OK. Then, it dawned on me that the boot menu item was not the recovery partition, but instead the Vista OS partition mislabelled . Vista loads just fine from it. The recovery partition is no longer listed as it was with Grub/menu.lst. SuperGrub will not boot the recovery partition, showing an error "missing BOOTMGR".

'os-prober' produces--
root@Toshiba:/home/deh# os-prober
/dev/sda2:Windows Recovery Environment (loader):Windows:chain
/dev/sda7:Ubuntu 10.04.2 LTS (10.04):Ubuntu:linux


I edited boot/grub/grub.cfg so the boot menu item is labelled correctly, but suspect that it will revert back when there is an upgrade.

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Installation :: Access The Windows Partition But In Vista Cant See The Partition?

Feb 19, 2010

I installed XandROS on my vista machine. I can access the Windows partition from Linux but in Vista I cant see the Linux partition...is there anything I can do about that?

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Ubuntu :: Can't Boot Vista After 10.04 Upgrade / Vista Ubuntu Dual Boot

Jun 30, 2010

I recently booted into linux from 9.10 and upgraded to 10.04. i was running a vista dual boot with 9.10 and everything worked fine. When linux asked where to install grub it said "if you dont know check all partitions "or something.so i did. i tried to boot back into windows and now it wont work, all i get is a blinking cursor.

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Ubuntu :: Recover My Ubuntu Partition After Resizing My Vista Partition?

Nov 7, 2009

I used to have a dual boot vista + ubuntu jaunty configuration. I installed ubuntu bootloader in the ubuntu partion not the MBR using advanced option during installation. Then i used Easy BCD to edit my Vista Boot Configuration and add an entry for Ubuntu.

Everthing worked like a charm, until one day i decided to shrink my vista partition to get some free space using Microsoft Windows Disk Management Utility "diskmgmt.msc".

Now when i boot into linux i get grub prompt only.

When i do this (to find out my linux partition):

Then i booted with ubuntu live cd

Same thing : file not found

And i dont see my Ubuntu partition in My computer under Live DVD session.

Then i opened Gparted it doesn't show any ext2/ext3 partitions instead it shows my ubuntu partition as Upartitioned. Now is it that my ubuntu partition is dead, i can never recover it back.

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Ubuntu :: Print From Vista Partition But Not From 11.04?

Jul 18, 2011

Bottom line: I was able to print to a network printer before. Now I can't. I can print from my Vista partition, but not from 11.04.

Level of Linux experience: Like listening to a conversation between a Brit and an American.


(1) HardwareDual boot on Dell Inspiron 530 (11.04 and Vista)iomega print server GPSU21hp Office Jet 5610 All-in-One(2) Test page: pdf file from a usb drive; other test pages produce same results

Installation of network printer:

I followed what I believe to be standard procedure: Using the Unity interface, I opened up the Printing application. I then clicked "Add". Then "Network Printer", then "Find Network Printer". I typed in the Host (; static assignment made while in Vista via iomega's software). Then it searches. It fills in its own blanks thus: Under the heading "Devices" > "Network Printer" it says, "JetDirect ( (". In the panel on the right it says, "Host:", then, "Queue: ipp". I click "Verify..." and an error message pops up that says, "Inaccessible The print share is not accessible"

If I proceed forward, I can install drivers, but nothing will ever print. Following procedure, I click to print a test page. The job is sent to the queue and then I get this Printer State message: "Stopped - Destination printer does not exist!"

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub2 Can't See Vista Partition

Jan 2, 2010

I have installed 9.10 to an existing Vista machine. Here is the fdisk

Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
/dev/sda1 1 9 72261 de Dell Utility
/dev/sda2 10 1315 10485760 7 HPFS/NTFS
/dev/sda3 * 1315 14031 102145543+ 7 HPFS/NTFS


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Ubuntu :: Current Root Partition Isn't Enough - Vista

Jan 26, 2010

I currently have a partition dedicated to Vista and a partition for Ubuntu, only I haven't used Vista in as long as I can remember and have no intention of doing so any time soon. I want to format vista, merging it into Ubuntu. However, I have also created a partition for Root and Home, 11gb and 76gb, thinking back I should have just put Ubuntu altogether on one partition, I intend on installing more software in the future an it appears my current root partition isn't enough. Other than starting from scratch and losing everything, I can't think of how I can tidy everything up, I don't want to be restricted in how much software I can install, but as long as Root is in a separate partition it looks like I'm stuck.

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Ubuntu :: Using DD To Clone Vista HD And Recovery Partition?

Aug 14, 2010

I'm using dd to clone a Windows Vista hard drive and recovery partition with zero luck. I duplicated the partitions with gparted then used dd to copy each partition and then the master boot record. Nothing............. no boot.

dd if=/dev/sdb1 of=/dev/sda1
dd if=/dev/sdb2 of=/dev/sda2
dd if=/dev/sdb of=/sda bs=512 count=1

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Ubuntu :: Mounting Vista Partition Through Terminal

Nov 27, 2010

I'm having trouble mounting my Vista partition through the terminal. I'm typing
sudo mount -t ntfs dev/sda3 /media
But that's where I'm getting tripped up, because I'm fairly confident that my mount-point is "40 GB Filesystem" and I'm unable to change the name. How to open files/directories that have spaces in them in the terminal. How to mount a DVD drive or USB from the terminal.

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Ubuntu :: Erase Vista And Integrate Partition

Mar 25, 2011

I am running a dual boot system under ubuntu and Vista on my laptop. Many months ago the Windows partition crashed completely so half of my computer is practically dead. I would like to erase Vista and integrate their partition in the Ubuntu one. The best case scenario would be if I could just merge the two partitions into one and just have one large Ubuntu partition. If this is not possible, could I create a second hard drive within the linux partition?

I would just erase everything and reformat the whole hard disk to run under Ubuntu, but unfortunately I need my computer on a daily basis for work and I have installed so many programs that it would be really painstaking to reinstall them all from scratch... I am not so skilled with informatics, and I'm really scared of losing data, so if anyone could spend some time for a step-by-step solution description I'd be really grateful! Or, of course, eventually write a link where the problem is treated. I am running under Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cannot Get To Boot Up / Show Menu On Dual Boot With Vista Initially

Jan 18, 2010

Have just installed 9.10, again, many failed attempts previously.Cannot get to boot up and show menu on dual boot with Vista initially,However when I delete the grubenv file the system boots ok and works fine.But does not show the grub menu to choose boot up choices.Got the information to delete the file on some posts elsewhere about booting problem, and tried a longshot and got into Ubuntu for the first time from trying to install now for 3 months!The problem is the file grubenv is created each time so on subsequent boot ups the sytem fails to boot again.The Grub version is 1.97 beta 4, most up to date for Karmic I think, I have seen a version 1.98 but dont think its for Karmic?

Is there a way to modify the grub.cfg file to stop this problem ( all posts say dont touch this file??Or install a script to delete the grubenv file on shutdown as a workaround for me, (I have no idea how to do this whatsoever, I'm not familiar with linux at all)I did read that this problem was fixed/patched in Grub version 2, but dosn't seem.so on my system afetr I updated it when I got into Ubuntu.I couldnt find the patch or fix, I got the information I am on about from this post:URL...It seems to say it was fixed or patched by Colin Watson reading through, but I don't really understand whats being said or how to get the patch on my system if indeed there is one?Sorry for being a bit thick about all this, its a bit beyond my brain now, hope somebody can help out as I have enjoyed my brief bit of fun in Ubuntu.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Boot - Vista Ultimate / 10.4 - Can't Boot Windows

May 7, 2010

I have just installed Ubuntu 10.4 x64 onto a machine with Vista Ultimate x64. When I boot the machine, the Windows option comes up in the GRUB menu. However, when I attempt to boot Windows, I receive the following error: No such device: de80ab9f80ab7d21. error: No such partition. Press any key to continue...

I looked around and found a similar issue at [URL] However, before trying to fix the issue by guesswork or via solutions that worked for a similar, though not necessarily identical problem. I've run the boot info script (see output below) mentioned several places on this site as a valuable input for boot problem tracking. how to get Windows to boot on my computer?


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Ubuntu Installation :: Vista Multiple Boot - No Boot Filename Received - No Bootable Device

Jan 2, 2010

i had a working multi-boot system, vista on sda1,2; swap sda3; ext=sda4; ubuntu sda5; fedora sda6; data sda7 - i mount the data partition when using all of the linux releases so i don't have to have multiple copies of music, docs, etc. everything has worked fine until yesterday. i tried to install fc12 on sda6, replacing fc11. it required me to format sda6 as ext4. i wasn't sure where i had grub installed, but have a backup of menu.lst in data (sda7), so figured i could let it install to mbr or wherever it wanted to by default. when the install completed and i reboot, i get a black screen and these messages: CLIENT MAC ADDR: 00 19 XX XX XX GUID: XXXXX PXE-E53:

No boot filename received
PXE-M0F: Exiting Intel Boot Agent.

No bootable device -- insert boot disk and press any key I tried reinstalling fc12, same exact errors. I then thought maybe the problem had something to do with ext4 partition mixed in with ext3's, so i installed mepis on the sda6, and let it write grub to mbr (i think, not really sure where it wrote it). anyway, i still get the identical black screen. no grub type menu or anything. the screen used to show "DHCP for a few seconds", but doesn't anymore after i disconnected the ethernet cable.........

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Ubuntu :: Vista Will Not Recognize NTSF Partition After Install

Jan 19, 2010

I have two hard drives, a 320GB and a 1.5TB. The first hard drive has two windows partitions. The first one is the main vista partition and the second one is one for factory restore (its an HP pavilion).

So wanted to install both ubuntu and ubuntu studio on the second hard drive, so I allocated about 1TB as an ntfs partition that I wanted to be accessible by both vista and ubuntu. So I have 400GB left for both distros. I have partitioned off two 40GB partitions for the two roots and I'm sharing one large home parititon and I put a swap partition at the end of the disk.

After I got through the second installation (ubuntu studio) vista no longer recognised the ntfs partition on the second disk. I thought maybe the install botched the boot sector, so I used testdisk to try to fix it, but it hasn't done any good. I do not want to format the second drive again because I have data on there I transferred over from an old hard drive before I installed ubuntu.

I tried to 'initialise' the disk in vista, but that just wiped the partition table so I had to fix that with testdisk on a live cd

Does anyone have any idea how i could possibly fix this problem or what winblows is thinking? I want to be able to read the partition in windows.


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Ubuntu :: Grub2 - Re-install Vista On Original Partition ?

Mar 31, 2010

I have drive C/ with Vista, D with as of now, nothing and a third logical partition with Ubuntu on.

I want to do a clean install of Vista on top of my current system, just on C.

Will this re-install the Windows MBR and prevent Grub2 from booting? If so, how to I re-set grub2 as the MBR?

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Ubuntu :: Using U9.04 - Can't Change Vista Partition With Gparted / Solve This?

Apr 13, 2010

I'm trying to install jaunty at the moment, running off of live CD, and for some odd reason, the excellent sliding partitioner in hardy has been removed and I have to prepare my partitions beforehand. Unfortunatley the reason I am installing ubuntu on this particular computer is because (surprise) windows failed. Basically this means, although I'd be happy to install 'buntu to my whole HDD, I, or more specifically, some relatives, have important data on the windows partition making this unacceptable. I tried changing the vista partition size via GParted, but all the options are greyed out and I can't even give myself a not so generous 100GB of space. (180GB~ free space on HDD). Any help would be greatly appreciated, but if I loose this data (and through extension, the gov't looses their precious income taxes).

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Ubuntu :: Wubi Install On Vista Partition - Cannot See Data

Jun 8, 2010

I've installed wubi on my D: partition of a vista os. Vista is installed on the C: I can see the vista partition if I mount it but can only see the wubi 10.04 system files on the data partition (D: ). No option to mount it either. Also curious to know if its possible to automatically mount the c: on startup.

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