Ubuntu :: Can't Access My Grub Menu / Replace Latest Kernel With 2.6.31?

Aug 4, 2010

I can't access my grub menu (by pressing space bar on boot) to select a kernel to boot from, and I need to boot into 2.6.31 to fix an intel chip issue. How can I replace the current 2.6.32x kernel with 2.6.31, so it is the ONLY option grub can boot up with?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub Is Missing The Latest Kernel?

Feb 20, 2010

I'm running Hardy 8.04 LTS 64bit. The Update Manager updated the kernel and then asked if I wanted to use the local version of the grub menu. The boot menu was getting so long I edited it to shorten it. Other options were also offered, like the builder's version, but I chose the local version and since then the new kernel doesn't show up in the boot menu. Sudo update-grub doesn't restore it to the menu.

How do I undo the local version of the boot menu so I can see the newest kernel?

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Ubuntu :: Grub Broken After Latest Kernel Update?

Mar 21, 2011

Ubuntu 10.10 latest kernel 2.6.35-28.49 update is broken. update just stalls when it gets to this.Quote:

Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)...generating grub.cfg I have tried the following to no avail..Quote: sudo apt-get install -f sudo dpkg --configure -a sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade

I have not changed any hardware.

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Ubuntu :: Boot Your Own System Using Latest Its Kernel And Grub Form Cd / Usb?

Aug 17, 2010

I want to know how to use a grub with a compiled kernel...and perform the boot of the system using a Cd-ROM for this purpose.

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Ubuntu :: After Latest Grub Update - Unable To Access Windows

Jun 20, 2010

After doing my weekly update, I discovered that I am not able to access Windows.

My windows entry still shows in my grub list on the boot menu The windows partition is still there

However, when I select windows as the os from the boot menu, i get a black screen with a white cursor in the top left corner.

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Ubuntu :: How To Access Grub Menu

Jan 23, 2011

How do I access the grub menu from a computer running Maverick that was loaded from the Alternate CD ?

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Ubuntu :: New Kernel Not Showing In Grub Menu

Sep 2, 2010

Every time I update my kernel (today with 2.6.32-25-generic), I always have to manually run "sudo update-grub" or ells the new kernel does not show up on reboot??? Is there a config some place to get it back to automatic?

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Ubuntu :: Kernel 2.6.38-1 Showing Up In 10.10 Grub Menu?

Mar 3, 2011

Last week i decided to give the 11.04 alpha 2 a go on my laptop but compiz is currently too unstable for the OS to be of any use so I reinstalled 10.10. In doing this I deleted all partitions and started completely afresh. Strangely since then I have kernel image 2.6.38-1 at the top of my grub menu but if i try to boot it i get either a single blinking cursor or a kernel freeze. I cant find any reason why 2.6.38-1 should be in grub on 10.10.

removing it from the config files as im not used to Grub2 and have been told i cant just directly remove it from /boot/grub/grub.cfg.

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Ubuntu :: How To Access The Grub Boot Menu On 10.04

Aug 30, 2010

How to access the grub boot menu on ubuntu 10.04 cause due to a couple of days ago i had to reinstall ubuntu cause of this crappy program called STARTUP-MANAGER SCREWED my computer. and wouldn't let me start up. it kept coming up with a message saying input signal is out of range so i had to reinstall ubuntu losing EVERYTHING. i was thinking about rolling back to xp but i thought what the heck il give it another go. how do i access this grub boot menu. cause holding shift while starting the pc up does NOT work. im using lucid lynx 10.04.

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Ubuntu :: Any Way To Access Grub Menu From Windows?

Jun 15, 2011

I just installed ubuntu on a remote windows server, using wubi. How can I launch ubuntu? Restarting the remote machine obviously disconnects my session. Is there some way to access the grub menu from windows?

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Ubuntu Installation :: New Compiled Kernel Not In Grub-menu?

Sep 25, 2010

After having patched the kernel with an ABI-patch I cannot find it in the grub2-Menu OS: Ubuntu 10.04 LTS in /boot I can see: the original and the new config-file



The original and new vmlinuz-file




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Ubuntu :: Can't Access The Grub Menu - Get A Blank Screen

Apr 25, 2011

i have 2 hard drives connected to sata ports randomly on my motherboard ( i didnt do it in any order )

1. Western digital 500GB - Windows 7
2. Seagate 500GB - Linux HDD - had ubuntu 10.04 on it before suse

Ok basically, ive been trying distro's by installing them on my linux HD, my favourite is ubuntu, but i wanted to see what else is out there so i tried out OpenSUSE, and with suse i unfortantly came across many problems with grub-legacy, and i solved that eventually by changing my boot hard disk in BIOS to the seagate, and installing grub on that Ive never had a grub issue in the past using ubuntu, only with suse Then i decided to go back to ubuntu because everything just works and i like .deb packages, so i installed 10.10 32Bit

Everything went fine, chose default install options, formatted the Seagate drive, and installed to the seagate, HD changedt the boot drive to the western digital in BIOS ( were ubuntu likes to install grub in the past ) booted fine, installed fine, grub showed fine, booted to linux then i went back to windows for a day of gaming and fun, i just rebooted about 30 minutes ago to play with linux, and i cant access the grub menu my pc goes to the POST screen and then were grub should show, i get a blank screen and the pc just reboots to the POST constantly this problem has never happened with ubuntu, ive had 10.10 before, this is all started after removing opensuse

ive tried F8 and booting from both drives, the seagate i just get a white underline for ages and nothing happens and i cant boot to windows on the WD Im currently on my livecd im using the 11.04 livecd, all my cds arent labelled, so i have no idea which is which, i just chucked one in to get a browser, but i gotta say natty 11.04 IS AWSOME

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Fedora :: Removing Old Kernel From Grub Menu?

Jun 10, 2011

How do I remove old kernels from the Fedora grub menu? I have three currently and I want to keep only one old version to fall back if I have any problems with the current one. When I was using Ubuntu, I had Ubuntu Tweak which had an option to clean up old kernels from the grub menu .. is there something similar for Fedora?

I'm using Fedora 15 32-bit with Gnome 3.

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Ubuntu Installation :: GRUB Can't Find Menu.lst / Can't Boot Kernel

Feb 10, 2010

I seem to have determined a few other things about my "only gets as far as a GRUB command line" problem:To recap, sda3 (GRUB hd0,2) is the main Linux partition; sda9 (GRUB hd0,8) is the boot partition.GRUB is 0.92.Installation was from an 8.04LTS live CD (at least, that's what the envelope says it is)/"/boot/grub" (i.e., "/grub" on sd9/hd0,8) contains a "menu.lst" file. I modified it (had to do a "sudo gedit" from a command line!) to (1) comment out the line that hides the boot menu, (2) change the timeout from 3 seconds to 90, and (3) add a menu line based on my succesful manual IPL of DOS.

It still boots to a GRUB command line. If I do a "configfile /grub/menu.lst," a boot menu comes up. DOS will successfully IPL, but Linux still gets a "no setup signature found," (ditto for "recovery mode"), which suggests either a bad kernel, or a kernel that's too big for the GRUB to handle.Why would it be finding its way to grub, but not finding the boot menu file?Why would the live CD come up just fine, yet the GRUB and kernel it installs fail?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installed RT Kernel But No Grub Menu Shows Up

Mar 8, 2010

I use Linux Mint, and I installed a linux-rt from the repository, but when I restart my computer no grub menu shows up. It just boots linux mint. How can I get it to show the menu so I can choose the real time kernel?

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Hardware :: Ubuntu 9.10 Does Not Start After Kernel Selection From Grub Menu?

Jun 27, 2010

installed Python 2.4 and then removed already present Python 2.6. After restart, when i selected the working kernel, that white ubuntu symbol splashed and screen went black with two small lines at the top.. it doesnt go beyond that. Please help me. I tried selecting other kernels. It did not work. I used "nomodeset" by editing the the kernel at the grub..

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cannot Access Grub Menu After Win7 Upgrade

Feb 6, 2010

My machine is an hp 2133 mininote. It came factory installed with Windows vista, which repeadtedly crashed on me. To compenstate for this i installed gOS to dual boot with Vista. This was working fine but I was recently given a Windows 7 install disk, so I decided to upgrade. Windows seven installed without a problem but now I can't access the GRUB bootloader, windows 7 just loads automatically. I tried to restore it using the Super GRUB Disk usb utility but it didn't work, windows 7 still boots regardless.

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Fedora :: Updated Kernel Doesn't Appear On Grub Menu?

Aug 12, 2010

Contents of grub.conf

# grub.conf generated by anaconda


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General :: Don't See The Grub Menu To Say Edit The Boot Kernel

Jan 31, 2010

In my Red Hat 7.2 , the /boot/grub/grub.conf has the following data :

But when I reboot my Red Hat server , I don't see the Grub menu to say edit the boot kernel .

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Ubuntu Installation :: GRUB Menu, And Can't Boot To The Real-time Kernel?

Mar 14, 2010

I'm a very new Linux user, so speak slowly and don't use big words. I installed Karmic from the Live CD. It is the only OS in use on this system. I then upgraded to Ubuntu Studio using the instructions found on the wiki.

On bootup, I get a brief message stating "GRUB loading" and then the system automatically boots to the generic kernel. No GRUB menu is ever displayed. I would like the option to boot to the real-time kernel, but I have no idea how to edit the appropriate files. I've done a fair amount of reading on the subject, but I find very little information relating directly to the real-time kernel, and so I still feel like I'm too green to do it without messing something up.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 9.10 - Black Screen No Grub / Cannot Access BIOS Menu

Jun 28, 2010

I just upgraded from 9.04 to 9.10 (using Update Manager) in an attempt to get to 10.04. Installation and upgrade seemed to go OK until reboot. Now I only get a black screen - I don't see the grub menu, I don't even see any way to access the BIOS menu- not even a blinking cursor. I can hear it start and I can see the numlocks key go on. Ctrl-Alt-PrtScrn-B does not reboot (nor does Ctrl-Alt-Backspace- but I didn't expect that would) Surprisingly Ctrl-Alt-Del does (or at least it sounds like it does) reboot the system. I do have a NVIDIA cards and after reading around I suspect that this is likely the problem but I have no idea what to do now..

Here's what I've attempted:
I figured since I wanted to get to 10.04 anyway and this was so troublesome I could just go do a fresh install with a Live CD or USB to 10.04. However, even with a live CD or USB I still just get a blank screen.
Continually holding down F2 (and other function keys to try to access Bios)
Holding down Shift while booting
Esc while booting
Moving the monitor to the VGA port (as opposed to the NVIDIA card).

Other information...
Previously I had tried to upgrade to 9.10, but ran into problems with it not recognizing my RAID, so I just found it easier to go back to 9.04. (So although this is likely a graphics problem I guess the possibility is that now it doesn't even see my boot drive- although- if that was the case, I'd assume I wouldn't have the same problems from the CD or USB boot.) My ultimate goal is to get this to 10.04, if I could do it with an upgrade instead of a fresh install I'd prefer that, but at this point just getting back to a functioning computer would be ideal. I see many options in other posts for how to get back once you can access a command line- but since I can't even see that, I'm not sure what to do now.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Xen-kernel Gives A Black Screen Just After Grub Menu?

Jul 17, 2010

After a fresh install of opensuse 11.3 and a xen-hypervisor and tools (all default install, nothing special) just get a black screen when I try to use kernel-xen. Default kernel runs like a charm. Xen-kernel gives me a black screen just after grub menu.

This is my menu.lst about it:

###Don't change this comment - YaST2 identifier: Original name: xen###
title Xen -- openSUSE 11.3 - 2.6.34-12
root (hd0,2)


I have no nvidia card...

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OpenSUSE Install :: Grub Looses Menu Entry After Kernel Update?

Oct 15, 2010

I have manually added an entry for Ubuntu in my grub menu, using Yast. But every time the kernel is updated, this entry disappears. On the other hand, the one for Windows, that was added during OpenSuse's installation, is still there. So how can I keep this entry for Ubuntu ?

Edit : when I save the menu configuration in Yast, I get the following message :
Connecting to deprecated signal QDBusConnectionInterface::serviceOwnerChanged(QString,QString,QString)
kbuildsycoca4 running...
kbuildsycoca4 running...


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Fedora :: Why GRUB Does Not Display Menu Based On Grub.conf/menu.lst

Jul 28, 2009

I am testing my crash recovery strategy for my linux system and I am having trouble with GRUB. I am basically restoring my backup (i.e. tar) unto a different hard drive, but I am having problems getting the machine to boot without me having to type the GRUB commands at the GRUB prompt that is presented when the machine boots up off the new hard drive. I have tried to restore the MBR in two ways (the 2nd one is the one that gets me to the GRUB prompt):

1. Get the MBR off the original drive and write it unto the new drive (all via dd), but that did not work at all: the machine hangs right away during boot up. It seems to hang right at the point where the BIOS tries to read the MBR.


On original drive:

# dd if=/dev/sda of=mbr+part.bin bs=512 count=1

On new drive (new drive is now in place of original drive):

# dd if=mbr+part.bin of=/dev/sda bs=1 count=446 conv=notrunc

2. By using the FEDORA rescue CD, I installed grub unto the new hard drive as follows:


# chroot /mnt/sysimage
# grub-install --root-directory=/boot hd0

reboot and remove FEDORA CD Using the 2nd option above, I get the GRUB> prompt during bootup. I can then boot into the system by issuing the commands that are in the menu.lst file, followed by the "boot" command. However, I would like for those commands to happen automatically, just like in the original configuration. It seems to me that GRUB is actually finding all its stage files because I doubt the GRUB program (the one displaying the prompt) fits entirely in the 446 bytes it has on the MBR. So, it must be loading its stage 2 (and stage 1.5??) files from my /boot partition. However, if GRUB is loading its stage files off the boot partition, why does it not load/read the menu.lst/grub.conf contained in the boot partition also?


# ls -l /boot
total 22888
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 1274567 2009-05-27 16:39 System.map-
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1274538 2009-06-16 22:27 System.map-


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Fedora Installation :: Replace Grub 2 With Grub Legacy?

Jun 2, 2011

I had Fedora 14 (x86) and Windows XP with Grub Legacy (Grub) for dual boot in my desktop.

I installed Debian and Grub 2 replaced Grub in the MBR.

Must I reinstall F14 to recover Grub as bootloader or is there another lighter way to do it?

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General :: Edit Grub Menu From Initial Grub Screen - Possible To It's Own 'e' Option Or 'c' From Grub Command Line?

Nov 20, 2010

my Setup is Fedora 14 x64 + radeon hd 4830 i've downloaded .run package from ati site with latest driver for x64 systems. installed it, but didn't edited grub.conf becouse i didn't understood anything there (probably didn't spent enough time to get things understand) Now i've lost possibility to enter my Fedora system. during boot it lost it's modern blue boot screen (with filling drop), it was replaced by standard old boot screen with triple-color stripe. after this boot screen monitor start blinking going on and off. and on last step i'm getting "Fedora 14 boot bla bla bla something" on screen. nothing works except Ctrl+Alt+Delete. system reboots showing successful daemons shutting sequence. How can i edit grub menu from initial grub screen is it possible to it's own 'e' option or 'c' from grub command line?

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Debian :: Replace Grub With Grub-legacy?

Jul 19, 2010

how to replace grub2 with grub-legacy hassle-free? I mean, is there any danger in doing the following procedure: purging grub2 and installing the legacy version after that? I'm using Squeeze system with ext4.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 9.10 Has No Menu.lst - ESC To Grub Menu / Solve This?

Feb 15, 2010

9.10 has no menu.lst file and hitting ESC to does not bring up the grub menu. How can we set bootup options or boot an alternate kernel? I would really like to set the resolution at boot time so that my console (Ctrl-Alt-F5, for example) has 80 columns instead of 40. (What a stupid default, gigantic Commodore-64-like text!) It would also be nice if the Login screen could be set to the resolution that I want.

In previous releases, there were ways to do this. In 9.10, I haven't been able to figure out how.

Is there a document explaining all of the radical changes?

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Ubuntu :: Edit The GRUB Menu But Menu.1st Is Missing?

Apr 29, 2010

I want to edit the GRUB menu in ubuntu but Menu.1st is missing.When I open the /boot/grub.cfg from terminal I cant save it.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 9.10 Has No Menu.lst - ESC To Grub Menu / Sort It?

Apr 22, 2011

9.10 has no menu.lst file and hitting ESC to does not bring up the grub menu. How can we set bootup options or boot an alternate kernel? I would really like to set the resolution at boot time so that my console (Ctrl-Alt-F5, for example) has 80 columns instead of 40. (What a stupid default, gigantic Commodore-64-like text!) It would also be nice if the Login screen could be set to the resolution that I want. In previous releases, there were ways to do this. In 9.10, I haven't been able to figure out how.

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