Ubuntu :: CD-RW Drive Defined As Read Only?

Jun 22, 2010

I have Ubuntu 10.04 installed on an Armada laptop with a Teac CD-W24E installed. This drive can handle cd, cd-r and cd-rw, however the cd/dvd writer and hence Brasero detects it as read only. So no possibility to write!! Also, when I load a blank disk the cd drive icon disapears from the file browser page . The disk utility program detects the loaded empty disk, but can not format it (read only) With F3b I can write to the drive, but only once (takes up the total disc), no multiple sessions. So where does F3b gets its drive definition from? My question is, is this read only forced by the kernel, or is there a file that i can edit in order to make it read/write and usable by Brasero? I prefer Brasero, because with the latest update it now allows easely multisession while I can stil not achieve it with K3b

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Ubuntu :: Read A Usb Flash Drive In The Windows O/S I Want To Read Mp3 Player?

Aug 5, 2011

Ubuntu main O/S windows 7 running in Virtualbox how or can i read a usb flash drive in the windows O/S i want to read my mp3 player

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Installation :: 8GB Flash Drive Because My D Drive Doesn't Read DVDs?

Jun 20, 2010

I bought an 8GB flash drive because my D drive doesn't read DVDs. Anyway, my goal is to install Linux ubuntu and have it be my OS (replacing Windows XP). Last night I went to the Ubuntu homepage and downloaded the Ubuntu desktop edition 32-bit and put it on my flash drive. I followed the instructions on how to open and run it, but I was never asked about whether I want Linux to run side by side with Windows or if I want it to replace Windows. It downloaded the whole program, my computer restarted and then (on a black screen) it asked if I wanted to use Windows XP Home Edition or Linux Ubuntu. It's really frustrating because it took a while to download and install it in the first place AND to top that off, when I tried to use Ubuntu it went to a black screen and at the top said that there was an error. So I uninstalled all the ubuntu program and software and now I have a clean slate and want to try this again. I am a complete n00b. Could someone please walk me through how I can go about downloading (w/ links plz), installing and making ubuntu my ONLY OS on my computer via a flash drive? I'm desperate and I don't want to go through all of that and make the same mistake again!

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Ubuntu :: Hard Drive Set As Read Only?

Jan 19, 2010

I set up a server using ubuntu 9.10, with two hard drives in a hardware Raid 1 setup and with two more drives for recurring backups. The problem is that the two drives for backup are set to read only and won't allow me to change the permissions even when logged in as root. I have tried putting "rw" into the "fstab" file with no luck, I have also tried running "gksudo nautilus" and "fsck -r /dev/sdc" but still have the same message that I don't have the necessary permissions to complete the task.

**I just tried erasing the data on the disk and creating a new partition, the disk utility allowed me to erase the data and create FAT32 partitions with the same permission problems but would not allow an EXT partition or NTFS partition (it would give and error message stating:"Error creating file system: helper exited with exit code 1: helper failed with:mke2fs 1.41.9 (22-Aug-2009)")**

***I fixed the problem by fixing a formating problem in fstab and reformatting the drives to ext4.(the fstab had a problem with the way that I broke up the lines when I input the info for the new drives, and I didn't realize it until I maximized the window in gedit.)***

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Ubuntu :: USB Drive Appears As Read-only

Mar 6, 2010

I have a Coby MP3 player which functions as a USB drive. It has always worked fine, both on Ubuntu Karmic and on the Windows (booted from another disk).

Now, in Ubuntu, it appears as read-only (but it works fine when I boot into Windows on the same machine). How can I deal with this? It's not a matter of my fstab, which I have never manually edited; the USB device is always auto-detected.

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Ubuntu :: Burn DVD With A Read Only Drive?

May 3, 2010

Since I started using Linux I've learned that almost anything is possible with a little tweaking, so I was just wondering that if I have a CD-RW/DVD-ROM drive on my laptop, is there any way to make it write to a DVD instead of just reading it? I know it's a long shot, but since the drive can write to a CD, I don't see a reason why it couldn't write to a DVD somehow.

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Read USB Portable Drive

Jan 7, 2011

I removed my old 160Gb laptop drive to install a new 320Gb drive. The 160Gb drive is partitioned as follows: 20Gb unallocated partition, 115Gb ext3 partition (running ubuntu 10.04), and 5Gb swap.

I placed this drive in a portable enclosure so that I could retrieve data from it. The Disk Utility in Ubuntu recognizes the drive but the partitions are not recognized, shows unknown and the only option available is to format the volume. If I place the drive back into my laptop, the drive boots normally and data is accessible.

I have connected other portable USB drives and they work (NTFS formatted), so USB ports are not the problem.

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Ubuntu :: Find A Way To Read C Drive In Windows XP?

Jan 3, 2010

I've loaded Virtual Box on my laptop - - and would like find a way to read my C drive in Windows XP - - can anyone provide assistance?

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Ubuntu :: Infected USB Pen Drive Read-only - Can't Format

Feb 1, 2010

I got some documents scanned today and had them put in a USB drive. The shopkeeper informed me that it has a virus, yet he transferred the files onto the USB drive. When I put it into my computer ten minutes later, the drive was not getting mounted. I read up and tried installing usbmount. After installing that, I managed to mount the drive. However, the drive was read-only on Ubuntu. On Windows, I found a virus and tried unsuccessfully to delete it (read-only). I tried again on Ubuntu, but didn't manage to delete the infected file (ReCyCleR/sEtuP.exe). I have now backed up all the files on the disk (except, obviously, the ReCyCleR directory). When I try to format the drive using gParted, I get:


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Ubuntu :: Thumb Drive Insert Cannot Read

Apr 6, 2010

i inserted a thumbdrive on one of the usb slots on my laptop upon inserting it shows:[sdb] Assuming drive cache: Write through[977.113519] sd 5:0:0:0: [sdb] Assuming cache: Write through

how to read the contents of my thumbdrive?Do i need to mount it first or what should be the procedure?

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Ubuntu :: USB Drive Read Only File System

Apr 25, 2010

I have a problem with my USB drive. When i try to make a file transfer, i get the error message which says that it is a 'read only file system' and i can not transfer any files. While looking for a way to solve the problem, i came across another case similar to what i have now which discussed in this thread: [URL]

However, i didn't understand how to resolve the problem from that thread.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Read Ntfs On GTP Formatted Drive

Jun 30, 2010

So I currently have OSX and Windows 7 install on my hardrive - I would like to add 10.04 in the mix, however it will not let me resize my Windows partition because it does not recognize it as ntfs. It will not let me mount it via cli or gui and gparted will only offer to remove the partition - not resize.

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Ubuntu :: Can Read But Not Copy Files From UFS Drive

Aug 15, 2010

My Freenas server is currently off line for the moment pending the arrival of some thermo paste and I need to get some files off one of the drives. The drive is formatted in the UFS file system.I am using a usb to sata converter to hook the drive up to my laptop which is running 10.04.I am then able to browse the files by going to my /mnt folder. The problem is I cannot copy any of the files. I get a permission error. I have tried chmod 777 command to change the permission but I get an error about it being read-only. I tried running nautilus as root to copy the files but I still get a permission error. Using nautilus as root to change the permission or alter any of the read/write options fails because the drive is read only.

From what I understand I can only mount the drive as read only because its UFS and I can't change the permissions because its read only. Sounds a bit like an endless loop lol.Running Freesbie (freebsd live cd) didn't do me any good as it didn't even detect my hard drive and I don't want to learn a new OS just to transfer my files.ny advice would be appreciated. I really don't want to wait until my thermo paste comes and I will be on the road for the next couple of weeks so I won't even be able to get it setup. I need these files now.

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Ubuntu :: USB Flash Boot Drive Goes Read-only

Aug 24, 2010

I have a linux server running ubuntu 10.04, kernel Linux server 2.6.32-22-generic #33-Ubuntu SMP Wed Apr 28 13:28:05 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux. A few months ago I installed ubuntu to a USB flash drive (Patriot 16GB) and was able to successfully boot off it, and everything was running fine. Then all of a sudden I noticed that the root filesystem was read-only, and I saw errors in the kernel log:

[ 725.528732] sd 2:0:0:0: [sdc] Unhandled sense code
[ 725.528742] sd 2:0:0:0: [sdc] Result: hostbyte=DID_OK driverbyte=DRIVER_SENSE
[ 725.528750] sd 2:0:0:0: [sdc] Sense Key : Medium Error [current]
[ 725.528759] sd 2:0:0:0: [sdc] Add. Sense: Unrecovered read error
[ 725.528768] sd 2:0:0:0: [sdc] CDB: Read(10): 28 00 00 1e 00 cc 00 00 d0 00

I tried reading the drive to see if there was a problem with the drive itself:

root@server:~# dd if=/dev/sdc of=/dev/null
dd: reading `/dev/sdc': Input/output error
1966184+0 records in
1966184+0 records out
1006686208 bytes (1.0 GB) copied, 2.12427 s, 474 MB/s

But the strange thing is that if I put that usb stick in a different linux server, I'm able to read the whole drive. If I run fsck, it fixes a bunch of errors, but when I put the drive back in the original PC it will work for a while and then fail with the same type of I/O error (not at the same offset though). I had this same problem occur on a different USB stick in the same server, I had thought it was bad media so I replaced it, but now the same problem is happening on a different usb drive. I have backups of the data, but I would really like to figure out what is causing this before I throw in the towel and buy a new PC.

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Ubuntu :: Read Ext3 Former Boot Drive?

Oct 11, 2010

So I upgraded my hard drive and went with a clean Lucid install. But now I want to get files off my old drive. When I re-hooked it back up (now 2 drives in the system), ubuntu refuses to boot. It kind of boots then just hangs. Never gets to the desktop, and the HD lite on my case is constantly flickering (what could it be doing??)

I have it set up correctly in my BIOS so that the new drive is the boot drive, not the old one. The only difference is that the new drive is sata and the old drive is old school pata (ide). I even tried pulling out the old pata drive and hooking it up to a USB adapter I have. Looking at it in the Disk Manager, it shows it as unformatted, and old faithful GParted doesn't even see it!

Now get this: I pulled out my new sata and put back in the old ide drive and guess what, now it wont boot! Grub (probably MBR) is screwed up also! Any ideas how I can read the data from that old drive? Ether by getting my new lucid install to boot with the old drive as a slave in the system, or by hooking it up externally using USB?

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Ubuntu :: Can't Read WD Hard Drive / Make It Possible?

Dec 26, 2010

I have a simple WD external USB hard drive, but when I plug it into my computer nothing happens. Not only is there nothing popping up, but I cannot access it through the file browser. The light on the hard drive turns on as usual.

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Ubuntu :: Flash Drive Error Says Is Read Only

Apr 19, 2011

I have a flash drive that I tried to drag a file to for printing later. I got error messages that this was a read only drive. I have 2 other flash drives that work. How can I make this usable again? Yeah Yeah why don't I just use one of the others you ask? well I can/did but I want to know if this one can be fixed as well.

I have the latest Ubuntu updates

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Ubuntu :: External USB Drive Suddenly Read-only?

Jul 4, 2011

Been happily going along with Lucid Lynx, locked in, no problems. Slowly sorting through many files on an external 500 GB USB drive, moving into useful sub-folders. Today, I cannot write to any folders on that drive -- read only. ?!?! I run nautilus as root, still no joy. (Using nautilus GUI to browse files to move to other folders.. how can I change these settings to allow me to be able to write to this drive again?

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Ubuntu :: Why Does Usb Drive Mount Read Only Mode?

Nov 29, 2010

I use to be able to mount a usb and stick and copy over files to it. Now when I plug it in it mounts as read only and I cannot change it. I did not change anything on the system. I have su access and really nothing is new on this laptop. Any thoughts one what i can look at? I need to write data to usb all the time. I rebooted too. same issues.

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Ubuntu :: Hard Drive Read Only After Backup Crashed

Mar 13, 2010

I was busy making backups to my external hard drive just now, but Ubuntu crashed 10 mins into the backups. After rebooting the affected folders are now Read only, and I cannot add or remove anything. This is extremely annoying, I already threw away two USB flash disks because the same thing happened to me in the past. I don't want to throw away the external because it's far more expensive and packed with backups.

Symptoms: I can write or delete a file to the hard drive, in any folder, accept the folders that was being accessed when the computer crashed. I have tried to change permissions, but I get an error. I tried opening a terminal and sudo rm -r that folder, but I get a input/output error. I'm running Karmic. Backups were made by Back-in-time.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Drive Will Not Read On TMac After Booting

Mar 21, 2010

Drive will not read on the Mac after booting in Ubuntu!I haven't booted Ubuntu in months (October?), but no hardware changes except for the expresscard. Ubuntu runs nicely in a virtual machine from the Mac side, so I made a fresh VM with Karmic. Couldn't remember the cool apps I had running before (it's been a while), so I booted into Ubuntu to check it out. The HDD was connected and on. (Oops.)It was fine last night on the Mac. I did not notice if it mounted this morning (still in OSX, 10.6.2, Mac sleeping overnight and HDDs on for an unrelated backup). So there is a very slim possibility this has nothing to do with Ubuntu.

Back to Ubuntu, the other external (Firewire 800, HFS+) mounted as usual. Again, I cannot recall if the Fantom mounted. I have not installed drivers for the expresscard/eSATA in Ubuntu (separate driver install is required on the Mac a rarity). I scribbled down the names of the apps I was looking for, and rebooted the Mac to OSX. Where's my HD? Disk Utility sees it as unformatted, and oddly enough, SCSI. If I plug it in via USB, it simply sees an unformatted disk. eSATA is OK with another drive on the Mac.DiskWarrior failed to see the disk entirely with either connection, same in Leopard and even Tiger.Could Ubuntu have confused the partition maps or something? Any thoughts on how I might get it running before I give up and restore the backup?

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Ubuntu :: Reformat Read-only NFTS External Drive?

Aug 30, 2010

Short version: How do I reformat an external hard-drive (read-only, NFTS) so that I can rw to it.

Long version: I had a self-built Ubuntu desktop that is now dead. I have pulled out the hard-drives and have bought one of the connector's to convert the SATA cable to USB so I can put the data on my Mac. Unfortunately, my Mac is not able to read the hard-drive for some reason... So, I've decided to boot my old Ubuntu laptop to pull the files from the SATA drive to an external drive then hopefully connect that external drive to transfer the files to the Mac. The external drive is currently formatted as NFTS and I'm unable to reformat it with gparted--I'm guessing that's because it's read-only mode...?

Ubuntu ext3 SATA -> connector -> Mac OS X


Ubuntu ext3 SATA -> connector -> Ubuntu ext3 laptop -> external NFTS HD -> Mac OS X

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Format FC Hard Drive - Unable To Read

Sep 8, 2010

Below is results from attempt at formatting my hard drive. As you can see a driver is installed, but not working. Perhaps something is missing? Seems a bit odd that a "unable to read" comes back when disk data is reported. The drive just went through a low level format. BTW this is a fiber channel drive. Also on board are 5 scsi drives. Adaptec raid card. Not sure if that would have any relevance, but there you are.

barry@vm1:~$ sudo lshw -C disk
description: SCSI Disk
product: ST173404 CLAR72
vendor: SEAGATE
physical id: 0.0.0
bus info: scsi@1:0.0.0
logical name: /dev/sdb
version: 3A98
serial: 3CE0SRYL00007142FHAW
capacity: 67GiB (72GB)
capabilities: 10000rpm
configuration: ansiversion=3
barry@vm1:~$ sudo fdisk /dev/sdb
Unable to read /dev/sdb .....

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Ubuntu :: Read Windows Drive From WUBI Installation?

Oct 22, 2010

I installed ubuntu by WUBI on windows...now i want to read and write on my windows drive where ubuntu is installed... but i want to view other things like the softwares installed in windows.

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Ubuntu :: External USB Hard Drive Keeps Getting Read-only Permission

Feb 17, 2011

I have a computer with Ubuntu 10.04, with few disk space. For downloading some torrents, I've connected a USB hardrive, ext4 formated. But this idea wasn't a solution, because the drive keeps getting read-only permission... Is there any way of prevent this to happen?

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Ubuntu :: How To Change DVD Drive Properties To Read / Write

Mar 22, 2011

I am not the best with Linux but at the same time like to think I am not the worst, Anyways like stated above my dvd drive is saying its read only and i would like to make it read/write here is some info:

description: ATA Disk
product: ST3500418AS
vendor: Seagate
physical id: 0.0.0
bus info: scsi@0:0.0.0
logical name: /dev/sda
version: CC46
serial: 9VMRTLT1
size: 465GiB (500GB)
Capabilities: partitioned partitioned:dos
Configuration: ansiversion=5 signature=0005ce96

description: DVD reader
product: DVD-ROM SD-M1612
vendor: TOSHIBA
physical id: 0.0.0
bus info: scsi@5:0.0.0
logical name: /dev/cdrom
logical name: /dev/dvd
logical name: /dev/scd0
logical name: /dev/sr0
version: 1806
capabilities: removable audio dvd
configuration: ansiversion=5 status=nodisc .....

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Hardware :: Drive Can Read DVDs But Not CDs

Nov 13, 2010

The CD/DVD drive in a friend's Dell laptop can read data on, and boot, from a DVD disk, but cannot read, or boot, from a CD. This problem exists in both Linux and windows.

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CentOS 5 :: Unable To Read USB Drive?

Mar 27, 2009

when i put my USB HD in the box which has centos 5.2 it says Cannot mount volume The volume freeagent drive uses the ntfs filesystem which is not supported by your system.

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Ubuntu :: Xfce4. External USB Hard Drive Is Read Only Despite Efforts?

Jun 26, 2010

I am using Thunar and XFCE4. I started with the minimal install CD, so this is not exactly Xubuntu as I do not have Xubuntu-desktop package installed. I installed psydm to be able to easily edit and control mounting, fstab etc... Anyways, I can't figure out how to write to this disk. I have amended the Thunar icon to read "gksudo Thunar" as its command. It opens Thunar with whatever elevated rights that would come along with the command. I still can't write to the disk. If I change the permissions for the disk under the properties tab to be "read&write" for the user group, It asks me about something to be done retroactively to files. No matter whether I choose yes or no here, it still does not change the disk to a writable disk.

No love and no ideas. Can you help me write to this disk ? I run as a user called "user" so maybe I should not have made Thunar open as "gksudo" ?

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Ubuntu :: A Software Has Turned Flash Drive's Filesystem Into Read Only?

Aug 5, 2010

Some moments ago, I plugged my drive into a computer with some strange data protection software. It turned my drive's filesystem into read only and now it can neither be formatted nor mounted with write option. I've tried

$ sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb
but it doesn't work.

The problem is, the computer and the software that have caused this problem has lost forever.

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