Ubuntu :: CCTV SuperDVR Home Security Camera Install?

Dec 13, 2010

Has anyone gotten a DVR card to work with Zoneminder? I have a chinese DVR card in a Windows Box running 8 Cameras on software called SuperDVR. It seems all of these camera cards are the same, some made by Avermedia, or QSee. My card actually came with SuperDVR software that didn't work properly, the documentation was obviously bad chinese translation and I had a really tough time getting it to work on the Windows box initially. Finally I found that it just won't work with Windows 7 or 64 bit, so I reinstaled WinXP 32 bit onto the box and found an upgraded SuperDVR software on the QSee camera driver website. I've started using Ubuntu exclusively and would love to make the switch to Ubuntu for my Camera box. I'm wondering if Ubuntu will recognize the camera card. It's basically a TV tuner card, has 2 plugs that allow BNC pigtails to be input.

I was even thinking maybe running Virtual Box ontop of Ubuntu and run the DVR in Virtual XP. I'd really like to take advantage of the 64 bit hardware, so I was thinking about running Ubuntu Server 10.10 64 bit on this machine, is that a bad idea?

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Ubuntu :: 8.04 - Zoneminder Box Will Not Connect To CCTV Camera

Nov 11, 2010

8.04 permissions. I have had ubuntu 8.04 running Zoneminder 1.22.3 for over 2 years with a capture card and cctv cameras. I just bought a Trendnet IP512p camera. My zoneminder box will not connect to it. The main error I get is, [Restarting capture daemon for ipcam, shared memory not valid], I am wasting time with shared memory settings. I just booted a live cd of 9.10 with Zoneminder 1.22.3 that I remastered from another system and the IP camera works fine. (It ran all night in the live environment.) From that test I have concluded I have a permission problem in my 8.04 install that is not letting www-data (the ZM process) access what it needs to grab the stream. From the same box I can stream the camera to firefox while using vnc to connect to it.

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Software :: CCTV For Remote Viewing Of 8 Camera DVR Behind Router?

Aug 21, 2010

I need to get software for viewing my shop cameras from my laptop with wwan card. I have an ADT 8 camera DVR and a Motorola Netopia 3347-02 router from AT&T. My shop computer is running Windows 7 with RASPlus for viewing locally. I have a Dell Lattitude D520 laptop with Knoppix 6.2 and a WWAN card. What software do I need to view the cameras from the road? What do I need to do to get past my router? I hear that Zoneminder is not good enough to handle the 8 cameras.

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Software :: TV Tuner Card Connected To CCTV Camera - Segfaults?

Dec 4, 2010

I have a tv tuner card connected to a cctv camera for streaming, all works good in tvtime, cheese used to work but then I changed the resolution to a lower one and now it segfaults, purged reinstalled same issue, also I tried with mplayer, mencoder, mythtv (coludn't find any signal on the input) and camorama.
mplayer tv:// -tv driver=v4l2:input=1:channel=1:width=768:height=768:device=/dev/video0

And it displays lines through everything but I can see the messed up image, I believe this is due to the current input format being YVU420, I was able in another program to verify this by changing the input codec to yvuv i think it was, how do I change the in mplayer, mencoder, camorama has this bug too, how to change this setting ut codec in mplayer and mencoder, also canorama has this issue, but I can actually see everything, b/w and with lines through it. I am just trying to record video to AVI.

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Ubuntu Security :: Cloning An USB Install With Encrypted Home Folder?

Mar 18, 2011

I would like to give a few students a preconfigured Ubuntu USB stick with certain apps. I also encrypted the home folder in case of loss.

With TrueCrypt, cloning an encrypted container would be a big no-no because any one could just backup their header with a known pw and use it to decrypt anyone else's container due to each container using the same master key. I assumes the same applies to home folder encryption, yes?

Is there a way, other than creating a new user with home folder encryption, of forcing a master key change?

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Ubuntu Security :: Enable Encryption Of Home Folder Post Install?

Jul 1, 2010

I was wondering how to activate encryption on my home folder, like sugested when creating the first user? in 10.04Also, is it any good to use?It's a work computer with sometimes private documents (cv, docs, etc) and i would like to be sure no one can access it, even as root.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Set Up As Security Camera On Computer?

Jan 8, 2010

I have a creative pc cam 300 that i have been trying to set up as a security camera, on a computer running ubuntu 9.10. I tried installing the spca5xx driver, but i can only find it for old versions of ubuntu and it doesnt work. Does anyone know how to get the driver working?

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General :: Security Camera DVR

Jan 4, 2010

I have a Swann DVR4-2500 Security DVR with a Seagate SV series 500 Gig hard drive. I'm trying to offload the camera footage. The hard drive is formatted with Linux but dont know what kind. Would any type be able to help?

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Ubuntu Security :: Security - Change Home Priviledges?

Jun 15, 2010

I have read that to improve security in Ubuntu a good fix is to make the /home folder tree non-executable by default. This would mean that malware could not run in the /home tree without changing the setup.Is this a viable change, or is it just icing on the cake, any one any thoughts on this.

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Server :: Connecting CCTV DVR To Router With Port Forwarding?

Jul 30, 2011

1. Need to connect 2 CCTV DVRs and view from remote. 2. Can get a static IP address. But I dont know if this is a secure way since any once can view if the know the ip address. 3. Question is : is it possible to connect the DVR( s) to a linux server which will get user name and password before letting us view the DVR. Currently there is one set as follows: 1. From location X a device is connected to location Y using leased line and static IP (12 kms distance). In location Y a router is placed and port forwarding is configured. From Location Z using internet and remote desktop concept the device at location X is viewed and data captured. Is it possible to use a similar concept but with some sort of security authentication procedure in place.

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General :: Which Camera Can Use In Laptop To Have More Better Quality Than Iphone Tiny Camera

Jul 17, 2011

I was looking to iphone and i was surprised the quality of such tiny camera.

Is there any alternative camera for my laptop to have similar or much better then the one in iphone? So that i can use it from my laptop, but have very sharp HD quality with maximum megapixel + highest frame per second.

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Ubuntu :: Install 64bit Home Over Previous 32bit /home?

Sep 26, 2010

I was previously running 10.04 32bit. Recently upgraded my cpu/ram, so figured I'd try 64 bit. On my previous setup, I had / in one partition, /home in another, plus a few other partitions (/backup, etc).

I did the install of 64 bit, but was too scared to point /home in 64bit to the previous /home. After the install, now all those previous partitions/mounts are on /media. I'd like to just point /home at the previous partition. Should I mess with /etc/fstab to do this or will it cause problems? Is the easiest thing to do reinstall, then point the new install to use the pre-existing /home? Wasn't sure if that would cause problems or not. I've backed up most of the previous /home area, so worst case, if it gets blown away, I should be alright.

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Ubuntu :: Any Way To Install Digital Camera (Windows) Software?

Jul 23, 2011

I bought a cheap digital camera and I am trying to download the pics on it but I must first download the software from cd to be able to view the pics. How do I install the software that is made for windows or is that possible?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Mounting Usb Camera And Usb Mp3?

Dec 12, 2008

mounting usb camera and usb mp3?


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Ubuntu Security :: All Of /home Is Gone?

Jul 24, 2010

I started getting some sort of error when I logged in saying "Could not update ICEauthority file." I tried to solve this problem myself by Googleing around and I ran across a message that said to type the following command if /home is encrypted:

sudo chomd 700 /home/danny

I did that and when I logged in I noticed that everything in /home was gone! I think it is still there somewhere because there still seems to be about 500gb of hard drive space that something seems to be filling. It must be my old profile, right?

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Fedora :: Folding At Home - Home To Install As A Service?

Mar 7, 2011

I am running Folding with the multi-core High performance client and would like to set this to be a service rather than have to run it by hand, so to speak, when the machine is booted.

How do I go about setting a service up for this.

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Ubuntu Security :: How To Remote Access Home Pc

Jan 29, 2010

how i can remote access my pc at home from work ? on different pc that has access to INTERNET. what software shall I install on my pc at home ? I want to be able to install software on my pc at home from my work place, my home pc has unbuntu Linux ubuntu 2.6.31-17-generic #54-Ubuntu SMP Thu Dec 10 17:01:44 UTC 2009 x86_64 GNU/Linux

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Ubuntu Security :: Encrypted Home On Karmic

Mar 15, 2010

During the installation of Ubuntu Karmic, I picked the option that encrypts my home directory.

A few questions:

(1) Shortly after installation, I was asked to run a command to print a key necessary for data recovery from a rescue CD. I didn't run it at the time and am now looking for the command to run. What is it?

(2) I think I read somewhere that this also encrypts swap. Great. Correct me if that's wrong.

(3) If I suspend the machine, is my home directory encrypted? That is, if I have this on a laptop and travel with the suspended laptop and someone steals it, are my data safe, or not?

(4) I assume the weakest point in the system is my relatively short login password (but I think the install tests it and found it okay). Is there a recommendation how long this should be?

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Ubuntu Security :: Home Decryption With USB Drive?

May 4, 2010

I have my home partition encrypted and would like to take the decryption out of the system. Such as when booting the PC it would say it can't find the keys so stop and wait for me to put my usb drive in to continue (reboot and try again). Is there some way to get something like this set up?

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Ubuntu Security :: How To Encrypt My Home Folder

May 11, 2010

I'm using lucid desktop edition, and I need to encrypt my home folder, but I didn't mark that option in the fresh instalation of lucid. I'd like the login screen to ask for the password and then decrypt my files.Is it possible to do without erasing my user?

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Ubuntu Security :: HOME - /bin Location In PATH ?

Dec 1, 2010

I installed Ubuntu 10.04 only be dismayed to find ${HOME}/bin FIRST IN THE PATH. I blogged about it at my blog (I sudo an xterm rather than just sudoing to get a different background for the sudo'd xterm): [url]

I agree that some new user should probably not be logging on as root. But if the replacement for 'ls' is in their ${HOME}/bin/ the sudo'd shell inherits the same PATH, umask, and everything else! In general I take a dim view of a sudo only way of doing things. It seems to cause more problems than it solves for disciplined, knowledgeable users. In the case of Ubuntu it caused me to create a /root folder for root to reset the umask back from 077 which is what I use over to 022 which is what root should use. The /root/.profile of course made sure there is no /home/me/bin in the sudo'd PATH. It didn't matter because somebody is not just SETTING the file perms and is instead calculating them based off of modifications to the umask. JUST SET THEM! I ran into a problem with GRUB getting things fouled up because I was having to remove the new kernels and instead of using the command line option (much prefereable) used Synaptic Manager instead: [url]

In fhe case of an infection living in a user's file space you really should want to go in to clean it out as some other user than the user that is infected. Having said that the hackers seem to be going for the whole enchilada right off the bat. A WARNING is in order here. DO NOT USE A ROOT ACCOUNT OR SUDO FOR NORMAL TASKS! But please put ${HOME}/bin last in the PATH or preferably don't even put it in the PATH at all. Let users add it themselves if they want it. Also once hackers figure out that hijacking a sudo tty (from what I just read else-where here I would say several hackers are working on doing that right now - sendmail my ****) is a dandy way of doing things you really will need to provide for ways of cleaning a user infestation out by going at it some other way than through that infected user. A lot of Ubuntu users have only one login account, the one they created when they set the machine up.

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Server :: Install Video Camera To Record Specific Place 24/7

Jul 15, 2011

I have an idea to install a video-camera to record 24/7 the place in the yard where the car will be kept. Can not say that I'll configure such a system for sure, but I have an interest to it. On the other hand I've never worked with such systems and I don't know what cameras are better, should they be IP-based or the USB-webcam will be OK, I also do not know much about the software. I've found that gphoto is a good software for such a purppose, and some photo-cameras can be managed remotely through console, I mean that we can take pictures/?video?

Remotely, if the camera is connected to the Linix-box via USB. Another soft, which I googled, which (as I understood) is de-facto and which is powerful, is ZoneMinder. Today a friend of mine told me that many IP-cameras have everything inside them (a webserver, many tools for capturing video/photo and so on), so I just need to create some directory on the PC, where it will store all photos/videos. So, as you see, I know practically nothing about all this. That's why I decided to listen to you, what software and photo/video cameras would you recommend me.

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Ubuntu Security :: Encrypt Home Folder After Installation?

Feb 11, 2010

I have just installed Ubuntu Jaunty (I do not like Karmic, please don't try to make me upgrade) and after installing all my programs I realized I did not encrypt my home directory.

I know it's very simple to do this during the installation but I can't seem to find an option to do it after it.

Is there a way to do this?

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Ubuntu Security :: Encrypted Home Folder And DropBox

Mar 9, 2010

I just installed 9.10 on my laptop and selected the option for home folder encryption. I am running DropBox and placed the DropBox folder on my desktop (meaning it should be encrypted when I am logged out.) So I have two questions:
1) Shouldn't this setup cause my DropBox files on the server to be encrypted? Apparently they are not because they appear as unencrypted text using the DropBox Web interface.
2) If they were encrypted on the server (which doesn't appear to be the case right now), how would it be possible to share them with another client unless the encryption on both clients were set up identically?

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Ubuntu Security :: Can Encrypt Home Directory After Installed The OS

Apr 10, 2010

I recently installed Ubuntu Linux and did not encrypt the home directory during the install. Now I want to encrypt my home directory, or even better the whole hard drive.

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Ubuntu Security :: How To Recover Encrypted Home Partition

Apr 26, 2010

While setting up my laptop on a new hard drive (a bad mobo caused writes which pretty much rendered teh old hdd unusable) I was asked if I wanted to encrypt my home partition.

I've been wanting this for several years - even going as far as trying to get a copy of CheckPoint. That's waht my organization uses on all Wintendo laptops and is required.

In any case, I said "yes" and am happily using my laptop with an encrypted home partition. I'm assuming based on this - [URL] - that it is using EncryptFS as the scheme.

if I were to misplace my laptop, how easy would it be for a forensics team to retrieve my data. Let's assume I have a fairly strong passphrase, such as BisZumBitterenEnd3. [URL]

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Ubuntu Security :: Remove Home Folder Encryption?

May 3, 2010

When I installed, I selected the option to encrypt my home folder. I believe this is causing constant crashes now, since error message is user id/password related. Is there a way to remove the encryption?

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Ubuntu Security :: Recover Encrypted Home Partition?

May 3, 2010

I had some major problems after the recent Ubuntu upgrade and had to boot from a live cd. I have a separate /home partition, but it was encrypted using the default install encryption in the 9.10 install cd. How can I get to my files so I can back them up?

I have tried this but it did not work: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1337693

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Ubuntu Security :: 10.04 Installed - Home Directory Not Decrypting

May 5, 2010

I have a major major issue with an encrypted /home directory. I had used encryption on my home directory when I installed 9.10. However, I had not noticed that I needed to store the automatically generated passphrase anywhere. Now, upon installing 10.04, my home directory would not decrypt. I checked my .encryptfs directory and the wrapped-passphrase file is GONE. I only have the Private.sig files from my 9.10 installation and of course know the login password I binded to the passphrase. I can see my .Private directory with filenames starting with ECRYPTFS_FNEC_ENCRYPTED. Now, my PhD thesis which I have to deliver in 2 weeks is in there. With no backups. How to recover my data. If no 'normal' method would work, is it possible to use a brute force attack and feed it my login password?

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Ubuntu Security :: Loop Hole In Encrypted Home?

Jun 11, 2010

I'm using 10.04 with encrypted home dir. I think the behavior below is wrong:

I can log in as root and change user's password. After that the user can log in using new password, which is normal, but it can also decrypt its home dir using the new password, which is dangerous. Assume I lost my computer. This encrypted home dir will not protect my private data because whoever gets the computer can boot it up with a livecd and chroot to change my user's password and then boot up my system and log in using new password.

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