Ubuntu :: Boot Hangs When USB KVM Switch Is Connected?

Apr 14, 2010

Basically the situation is that the boot hangs if my USB KVM switch is connected. The keyboard works fine through the KVM switch to access the BIOS menu and in the grub2 menu, but as soon as it starts to boot, I get a black screen with a white cursor on top which never goes anywhere.The weird part is that if I disconnect the KVM and reboot, it gets past this point and I can reconnect the KVM and both the mouse and keyboard work normally.However, even if I plug the keyboard in directly but leave the KVM plugged in, the boot hangs. Something about the fact that the KVM is connected (rather than not detecting keyboard) is causing the boot to stall.

The even weirder part is that this worked fine on my previous build, which was 8.04 upgraded sequentially to 9.10. But my system drive died so I rebuilt directly from 9.10 ISO and now this does work. I have tried downgraded to grub .97, I have tried switching between server and generic kernels.This seems to be the same issue reported in[URL]

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Ubuntu Networking :: Auto Switch Wireless Off When Lan Connected?

Aug 21, 2010

I currently have a command line Ubuntu 9.10 installation.

I wish to be able to have either both wireless and wired connection working

For example: when LAN is connection the wireless is switched off, when LAN is disconnected the wireless comes up (WPA2)

I know that the Network Manager in Gnome does this auto switching for you but I need to know how to do this in command line only.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Switch Automatically Audio To Headset When Connected

Jan 5, 2011

Anyone knows a way to switch automaticaly the ouput device to bluetooth headset when is connected?I'm using Fedora 14.

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Networking :: Ping Hangs When Connected Over VPN?

Mar 13, 2011

I've configured an FC14 installation and have been able to do everything over the internet as needed. Then I added a VPN client and can connect to the VPN. I can't ping a server I know is available on the VPN. Ping hangs, not getting any response (including timing out).My other Linux box (running all of the same software) can get to the server on the other side of the VPN so I know everything is okay except for my configuration.I had the same problem when I originally configured the other system and remember that I had to manually edit some setting in a file but don't remember what it was.

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Multiple NICS In Same Machine Connected To The Same Switch?

Dec 8, 2009

I have a program that attaches to an interface. I can run two copies of the program on two systems (each running one instance), connect it to a switch, say & In this configuration two instances of the program can communicate and everything is fine.

Now, to reduce cost, it want to use only one system with two nics connected to the same switch, running two instances of the above program, each instance attached to two interfaces respectively on the system. I have the following settings:

eth1 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
eth2 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:


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Hardware :: Echo > /dev/lp0 Hangs When No Printer Is Connected?

Mar 17, 2010

I need to output a byte to LPT port. For this there's an option to program I/O ports directly (with ioperm & outb), but only if LPT port is a standard PC one (ports 0x378, 0x278, etc.). But i need a 'portable' way of doing this, i.e. which would also work on such interfaces as USB2LPT. I guess these adaptors will also have /dev/lp[0-9]* interface (am i right?). Here's what i get currently:$ echo 1 > /dev/lp0^CI.e. i have to use Ctrl+C because 'echo' never exits. When i had a printer connected to LPT, this did work

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Connected To A Fast Ethernet Switch Or Directly Into The ADSL Router?

Jan 5, 2010

Using SuSE 11.2 can anybody suggest a decent compatible Ethernet / Network Colour Printer. Just a printer not a multifunction device. The printer will be connected to a Fast Ethernet Switch or directly into the ADSL Router.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Connecting Two Computers On LAN \ Both Computers Are Connected To A Switch With Cables?

Jan 31, 2011

im trying to connect two computers on lan.One computer has: VMWare Workstation and has Opensuse 11.3 mounted in it.The other computer has: VMWare Player and has Opensuse 11.3 mounted in it.Both computers are connected to a switch with cables.I have followed this guide in both computers:Depanati singuri calculatorul!: Opensuse 11.3 - configure local networkin order to setup a network.In one computer, if i go to: Computer---Network---Network folder, i only see one machine. When in fact i could see both of them right

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OpenSUSE Install :: Boot From USB Connected External Hard Take Long Time From Loading INITRD Image To Start Boot Process?

Jul 18, 2011

I have installed "open-SUSE 11.4" on a "500GB Free Agent External Hard Drive". I didn't have any problem in booting since last week that I booted it from my laptop. Also I did it before several times from then when I try to boot it e.g. from an "Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q9400 @ 2.66GHz" PC the time between loading INITRD and starting boot sequence messages lasts nearly 30 minutes!(i didn't actually measure it but it take a long time in the same order). after starting boot sequence which is showed on monitor everything looks normal. e.g copy of files would be done by speeds between 2MB/s to 30 MB/s depending on the targets.I used to use the external hard derive to boot from different laptops and PC's from start but I didn't have such a problem anytime.

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Ubuntu :: Boot Hangs (sometimes) After Dual Boot Screen?

May 25, 2010

I'm running Ubuntu 10.04 and a small Windows 7 partition (cuz I can't get Ubuntu to run my MSI TV@nywhere plus card but that's another issue).I can log into Windows fine. If I choose Ubuntu, however, the boot process will go thru a few screen flickers. Then one of two things happens:1) I get a scrambled up pixelated image (not sure what it is) for about 3 second, then it goes into the login screen and I can log in normally.2) I get the scrambled up pixelated image and it hangs. This happens about 4 times out of 5 when rebooting.

I do have an nVidia card and a beta driver (they published it the 21st, I believe, of this month) but this happened long before that. It's happened ever since I installed any of the drivers (I've tried a couple different versions, hoping to fix this) for my card.

My system is a frankenputer:
Phenom II quad core 3.0 cpu
nVidia GeForce BFG 6600
500G drive

Note: I do have 3D rendering when I finally get into the desktop. Everything works great, except that when I'm playing my mmorpg, Regnum Online, it freezes the entire computer and I have to reboot (not sure if that has anything to do with it or not).In case it's needed, this is my grub:(Second note: I'm sorry for the length of the post but I don't know how to upload documents/files to show)

# from /etc/grub.d and settings from /etc/default/grub
### BEGIN /etc/grub.d/00_header ###


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Debian Hardware :: When Boot Plaptop Whith Memorycards In Slots Boot Hangs

Aug 28, 2010

When I boot up my laptop whith memorycards in the slots the boot hangs at "Wating for /dev to be fully populated", "Activating swap" or somewhere in between.If I take out the memorycards so the slots are empty, the laptop boots just fine...Its a CFCard and a SDcard in a PCIMAslot.Does anyone have a clue?Its not a big problem just very annoing to have to take out the memcards all the the time.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: GRUB To Dual Boot 11.2 And Windows XP But Hangs On Boot

Apr 20, 2010

HW config is: AMD Athlon 64 X2 5000+ Black Edition, MSI 785GTM-E45, 2X 1Gb Kingston HyperX PC2-8500. I have set up GRUB to dualboot openSUSE 11.2 and WindowsXP. Initially i had set up system with defaults: CPU@2600MHz (200X13) and therefore RAM@800MHz. Both openSUSE 11.2 and WindowsXP worked just fine. Memtest86 found no problems.

But after a while i decided to change this setup to: CPU@2500MHz (250X10) and therefore RAM@1000MHz, as it promised better overall performance. And now Windows still boots and works better then before. Memtest86 still can't find any problem. But openSUSE 11.2 hangs at boot. I've suspected cpufreq governor, but changing from Ondemand to Conservative in /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq doesn't help.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cannot Boot Without External HDD Connected

Feb 28, 2010

I just recently installed ubuntu. I had always used windows before, and I wanted to try something different. My laptop's internal HDD is pretty full so I decided to install ubuntu on my 500gb external HDD. It is connected via USB A to USB B. So I run through the installation no problems at all. I partitioned 200gb of the external HDD for ubuntu. After install I could run ubuntu just fine and I really like it.

However now it boots through GRUB. I am not really sure what GRUB is but it says GRUB loading every time I boot up and then lets me choose what os to boot, but if I do not have my external HDD plugged in then GRUB fails to start and I cannot boot at all from my laptop. Is there a way that I can get it to boot windows from the internal HDD without having the external HDD?

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Ubuntu :: Can't Boot When Wifi Card Connected?

Dec 19, 2010

i installed Ubuntu 10.10 on my desktop computer, the live cd worked fine. my wifi worked there. but after installation completion i didnt get any screen. all black. nothing after the grub menu. i dettached my TP-Link TL-WN353G wireless PCI card and it worked fine. now what to do?strange, the wifi card works fine on Ubuntu Live CD and on win XP. please guidei have tried deleting quite and splash during boot upduring boot i pressed 'e' and deleted quite and splash and then ctrl-X but still the same result. the screen goes black. no graphics after grub menu.

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Fedora :: Won't Boot With Second HD Connected?

Nov 18, 2009

I wanted to set up a dual disk dual boot system with Fedora 11 on one SATA Hard Disk and Windows XP on the second. I installed Fedora 11 and it mirrored itself onto both disks.This wasn't what I intended, so I removed one disk and installed Windows XP onto the other with the intention of disabling the mirror on the Fedora OS.As expected, I found that Windows will boot up happily on its own, or with both disks connected, but Fedora will now only boot up if the Windows disk is not connected.But when I checked the LVM settings, I found that there is no mirroring set up. I also checked my BIOS and RAID is not enabled.Is there a way that I can get Fedora to boot up with both disks nnected without having to reinstall it?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Karmic Cd Won't Boot With Wd15ears Hdd Connected?

Apr 2, 2010

I'm trying to install ubuntu on a wd15ears hdd. Booting from the CD works fine when I don't have any drives connected, or some other drives connected, but if my new wd15ears 1.5TB hdd is connected, after the boot menu the pulsating ubuntu logo will pulsate for a while, and then I'll only see the blinking cursor in the top left corner of my screen. The hdd light is constantly on and nothing happens. Can anyone help me please? Is there a way to put the boot in verbose mode so I can see what fails, instead of seeing the ubuntu logo?

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 Freezes During Boot With USB Connected KVM Keyboard And Mouse

Aug 18, 2010

I have been battling this issues for about a year now. Kind of got tired of dealing with it, but inevitably I go away for vacation or something and I lose power at the fort then the system will not come back up on its own.

Every time (100%) I power my system on with the single USB cable connected to it, my system hangs. It did it on 8.x, 9.x and all versions of 10.x. I have asked the questions before, but never get anywhere with it. Finally I have found this Forum and figured out how to ask questions Weird, I know

The system goes through the BIOS check and gets to the GRUB loader. If I do nothing, it hangs with a black screen just after it says that it is loading the kernel.

If I change the kernel commands to include the noacpi=apic or most other common fixes for what I have been told, USB, I get to the same place seemingly.

In reading through the forums and a little testing, I find that if I remove the splash and the quiet commands (obviously snicker), I am able to see where it is really stopping, but does not make sense to me.

The last informational text that appears to be processed is one of

Registered Protocol Family 1

There is nothing in the SYSLOG, MESSAGES or DMESG at all for this boot. I would assume that the system is not to a point where we can log this data

This is an AMD Phenom II x4 running 10.04 64bit Ubuntu. The USB connected device is an Avocent KVM 4 port with Audio and USB.

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Ubuntu :: Boot Fails With Second SATA Drive Connected / Fix It?

Feb 23, 2011

Having an issue I've been unable to resolve for for a week now. I've 2 drives, SATA1 for OS and operating files, SATA2 for media storage. came home last week to an update manager window present and error in Transmission stating unable to second drive due to "Read Only" status. the drive was never set to read only status but following the update manager a reboot was needed. once rebooted, the GRUB menu came up (dual boot system), selected Ubuntu then booting stopped. blank black screen with blinking cursor. rebooted several times, checked bios recognition of both drives, replaced cables, switched power to drive to separate cables, used different SATA ports but nothing worked. finally removed the second media storage drive and Ubuntu booted normally. now any time i connect the second drive and reboot it fails to boot into ubuntu or XP. i removed the media drive and installed it in another computer and it worked normally. have searched everything i can but no answers have been found so far. wondering if anyone here has had similar trouble or has idea for what to try.

I'm using Ubuntu 10.04 64 bit with current 3.6.32-28 kernel

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Ubuntu Installation :: Won't Boot When Additional Sata Is Connected

Mar 8, 2011

1. I install Desktop 10.4 or server 10.10 on my 250GB IDE drive using guided partition structure.

2. I add SATA Drives (of varying types and sizes to test) to the system and create a raid.

3. When I restart grub won't initialize with the SATA's plugged in.

4. I have tried this in various ways, installing with the SATAs already connected, making the raid in the install process etc.

I have tried re-installing formatting the drives in windows, deleting partitions, making new ones, low level formatting. It appears to be related to an issue with GRUB re-ordering drives so it is trying to boot off the wrong drive - I would edit grub but it doesn't get that far into the boot. Just rudely flashes it''s cursor at me. Is this really so uncommon that there isn't a straight simple answer?

What makes me think it has to do with partitions and formatting is that when I first added new drives they worked on the boot. I even made the raid in Desktop mode in Server - Rebooted- Rude flashing cursor.

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Ubuntu :: 10.10 Grub Rescue (won't Boot) When External Hdd Is Connected

Jun 12, 2011

I have grub 1.98 and it boots fine with out my usb hdd connected but brings me to grub rescue when it is.

It takes me to grub rescue and tells me that it cannot find device: "UUID"

This UUID is not even the UUID of the drive that I cannot plug in if I want my computer to boot to grub.

Here is blkid with the usd hdd plugged in after boot:

/dev/sda1: LABEL="System Reserved" UUID="BA56FD4B56FD0941" TYPE="ntfs"
/dev/sda2: UUID="E23E02D93E02A71F" TYPE="ntfs"
/dev/sda3: UUID="9579da2d-5ba0-407c-a95d-9f134a1417f3" TYPE="ext4"
/dev/sda5: UUID="caefabd7-c8f0-4fca-8005-d682ae939b91" TYPE="swap"


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: When Boot Up Laptop And Battery Is Not Connected?

Aug 1, 2011

I have a problem when I boot up my laptop and my battery is not connected. You can not hear audio from your headset. But when the battery is connected when you start up the system, the headset works.ACER ASPIRE 4750gi have followed this instruction:

wget[URL]-O alsa-info.sh && bash alsa-info.sh
and here is my
Uploaded Data.

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Fedora :: 11 Won't Boot Without A Monitor Connected?

Nov 17, 2009

lt a file server using Fedora 11, and it works great if the monitor is connected. If I disconnect the monitor, Fedora 11 won't boot; it hangs. I have found many people having the same problem, but no one seems to have a solution.

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Ubuntu :: Switch Between Multiple Os's On A Multi-boot Pc?

Apr 19, 2010

i just installed ubuntu last night, with dual boot towards xp and ubuntu 9.1 on my pc. But was wondering if there is a way to switch bettween the two withOUT rebooting.

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Ubuntu :: Switch Between Boot Splash Modes?

Nov 2, 2010

I'm using Ubuntu 10.10. How can I switch between text-based splash and GUI splash? My computer is currently showing a purple text based splash screen when booting Ubuntu. How can I switch it to GUI mode?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Switch From 10.10 To Dual Boot

Nov 13, 2010

i have my gf's acer aspire one and it is very urgent to put xp in that because her studies demand so. i have installed ubuntu netbook remix 10.10 using all the disk. and now i cant install windows because they don't recognize the ext4 format...

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Ubuntu Installation :: Meerkat Won't Boot With External Monitor Connected?

Oct 30, 2010

Have a Dell Studio XPS with 64 bit Meerkat on it. Whenever I connect my Samsung external monitor by displayport/dvi ubuntu no longer boots. Machine unresponsive and have to cut power and disconnect it. :/

Sounds exactly like this bug, no? [URL] Except for the fact I have ATI video card and the restricted drivers (with Catalyst control center, although it is useless).

02:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Madison [Mobility Radeon HD 5000 Series] Win7 install works fine.

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Ubuntu :: Won't Boot To The Internal Drive (with Vista) Unless The External Is Connected

Apr 27, 2011

I have an HP Pavilion that was/still is running Vista. I recently decided to dual-boot to Ubuntu from an external hard drive. Both systems will boot up fine its just that for some reason it won't boot to the internal drive (with vista) unless the external is connected. I just put the HD in another laptop only to have the same problem.

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Ubuntu :: Boot Splash Got Changed / Switch It Back?

Aug 19, 2010

I'm running Kubuntu, but after trying an Ubuntu tool to help configure Grub, my boot up plash screen (xsplash? My card isn't KMS compliant, so I'm not using Plymouth) now shows the Ubuntu splash.

Anyone know how to switch which boot splash is used back?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Switch Windows OS In 10.10 Dual-boot?

Dec 21, 2010

I recently bought an asus eee-PC 900HD set up by its previous owner to to boot to either ubuntu 10.10 or windows xp.how can I get rid of xp and install vista in its place? As a side-note; the eee-PC has no optical drive. It has USB ports and an SD card reader. Is it possible to install windows through one of these? I do have an old laptop optical drive I've been meaning to house in a USB enclosure. Is the cd/dvd route my only option?

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 LTS Hangs On Boot?

Aug 26, 2010

I upgraded from 8.04 to 10.04 LTS. Now when booting it hangs and drops me to a initramfs shell. This is a scsi machine with 3 drives. The error I get before dropping to the shell is that the drive with the uuid in menu.lst does not exist.If I type "exit" at initramfs, it finishes booting in a couple of seconds. The uuid is correct and maybe this is a timeout error of some kind. This is a machine that I would want to reboot without having to walk over and type "exit" at the initramfs prompt.

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