Ubuntu :: Installation Of Exe Files With Wine?

Jul 10, 2010

I downloaded the new Notepad++ version 5.7 from the regular Sourceforge website and wanted to install it with Wine (Wine 1.2). So far, I always just doubleclicked on it and ran a normal Windows installation process directly in Ubuntu (10.4). however, now I get this crap:

The file '/home/XYZ/Desktop/npp.5.7.Installer.exe' is not marked as executable. If this was downloaded or copied form an untrusted source, it may be dangerous to run. For more details, read about the executable bit.

which links to [URL].

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General :: Wine Installation To Run Executable Files?

May 11, 2011

I recently got the information that Windows software do not run in Linux as such. In order to run these software (Running the software also includes installing the software by running the set-up executable file) I need to install 'wine' on my system and then run the set-up files from within this 'wine'. I therefore wish to install 'wine' on my system in order to run the corresponding Windows set-up files (which are executable files). I am running Linux Mint version 10 on my system.

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Software :: X Development Files Not Found During 'wine' Installation On Linux Mint9?

Sep 9, 2010

i tried to install wine using ./configure and ./tools/wineinstall and i got the following message:

checking for X... no
configure: error: X development files not found. Wine will be built without X support, which probably isn't what you want. You will need to install development packages of Xlib/Xfree86 at the very least.
Use the --without-x option if you really want this.

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Ubuntu :: Root - Run Exe Files Via Wine?

Dec 17, 2010

How do I give my user account all the permissions as a root user so i can run exe files via wine?

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Ubuntu :: .exe Files Won't Work In Wine?

Dec 28, 2010

I've been having problems trying to run my .exe files and windows programs through wine. I first had the error message about it being an executable file, but I fixed that with right clicking and allowing it. Though the program is still not coming up, does anyone know which direction I go now to fix it?

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Ubuntu :: Automatically Allow .exe Files To Be Run By Wine?

Jul 4, 2011

I've been using Wine to run some Windows applications (GraphicsGale, Angelcode Bitmap Font Generator, etc.) but it's a bit annoying to have Ubuntu always tell me that .EXE files are not executable, and a bit nonsensical since, by definition, they are.

Right now, every time I download an installer .EXE I have to first manually set the executable flag in the file's properties. This is a bit annoying. Is there some way I can set Ubuntu to automatically register .exe files as executables?

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Ubuntu :: Using Wine To Run .ISO Files In Xubuntu / Error?

Sep 24, 2010

I'm trying to install Fallout 1 by Interplay. I have the .ISO of the game.

I've mounted it to a directory I created (/home/temp), using Gmount

But, when I use the GUI, and right click on the "install.exe" and choose Open With Wine. It just opens a terminal, than promptly closes it.

So, I tried to run it in a terminal. I went to the directory where the ISO is mounted, and used the command

wine install.exe

and it gives me:

err:dosmemOSMEM_MapDosLayout Need full access to the first megabyte for DOS mode

Also, when I mount the .ISO using Gmount, I get the error;

An error occured
Murrine configuration option "scrollbar_color" is no longer supported and will be ignored.

I can also open the autorun.exe using wine. But when I click the install button in the autorun menu, it says I have to install DirectX. When I click yes, it gives me the generic windows crash.

"The program your using has encountered a problem and needs to close. yada yada yada."

Choosing 'no' when prompted to install DirectX, just gives me a blank screen, with no response.

Push ESC three times, and my desktop appears again, and everything is responding.

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Software :: Install Wine Got "Missing Dependency: Wine-gecko Is Needed By Package Wine"?

Mar 19, 2010

when I tried to install wine I got "Missing Dependency: wine-gecko is needed by package wine"so I looked for wine-gecko and download it but also when I tried to install it I got "Missing Dependency: wine-gecko is needed by package wine"it seems that I am in loop each package need the other what to do please?

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Fedora :: Edit Conf Files In WINE?

Aug 16, 2009

I need to change a game's screen resolution in a couple of .con files, but when I double click on them all I get is success in a little pop up window. Can I move them to my computer, edit them with a text editor, and reinsert them with read only privileges?

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OpenSUSE :: Remove Wine + It's Files And Setting?

Apr 2, 2010

How do I remove wine + it's files and setting?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Cannot Open ZIP Files With Wine

Nov 25, 2010

I can't seem to open up any .zip file with wine.

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General :: Opening Files With Wine From Desktop

Sep 10, 2010

'm trying to get wine to open .pdf files with Foxit.I have no problems running the following command in terminal wine "C:\Program Files\Foxit Reader\Foxit Reader.exe" file.pdf

When I try to open pdf files from desktop, I get a dialog box about how to invoke the exe file. How do I get the exe to register the list of files properly?Also, how would I pass command line parameters for Foxit in the desktop entry file?

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General :: Wine - How To Isolate Home Files

Oct 24, 2010

How to isolate my home files from wine 'c' drive, i.e.,why does the 'up' gui connect the two?

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Software :: Cannot Read From Exe Files On A Cdrom (with Wine Or Cat)?

Aug 12, 2010

My fstab is basic,

/dev/cdrom /media/cdrom auto ro,user,exec 0 0
I've tried commenting out the line and mounting directly, and have also tried using


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Fedora :: About .run Files And Installing Windoze Software Under WINE?

Aug 21, 2010

How can I install software that comes as a .run file in a way that it is accessible at the command line and under the applications menu or the equivalent? I am aware that root privileges are required and know how to get them. The publisher of the software does not publish .rpm files.

The distribution I am using now, which will remain nameless other than it is not Fedora, is very secure, but nobody seems willing or able to tell me how to do this. There is an old version of the software for my distribution available, but it is three releases and likely a couple of years old. I looked around the file system, found the executable, but it was a small file that probably calls the real executable under another name.

The software in question is a electronic circuit capture and printed circuit board design program. I have numerous projects and a library I need access to.As for installing the Windoze (Quattro Pro) software, I couldn't get it to install at all, even with root privileges. (WINE complained I didn't have root privileges when I invoked it at the # prompt. I couldn't determine how to install the software on anything other than XP. ) I wasn't and remain uninterested in debugging multimegabyte spreadsheets a second time

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General :: Wine On Slackware 64-bit - Run A Windows Program (with Multilib Files)

Jul 19, 2011

I know the subject title makes it seem like this should be something on the Slackware forums but I think it can be generalized to other 64-bit Linux operating systems which is why I ask here. I'm running Slackware 13.37 64-bit and was wondering if I use Wine to run a Windows program (with multilib files), would it still run as if it had been used on a 64-bit computer?

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OpenSUSE :: Error: X Development Files Not Found. Wine Will Be Built Without X Support

Jun 16, 2011

i tried to install wine in SLED11 but i got this error : configure: error: X development files not found. Wine will be built without X support, which probably isn't what you want.You will need to install development packages of Xlib/Xfree86 at the very least. Use the --without-x option if you really want this.

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Fedora :: Installing Wine - Add / Remove Program Install Both 86_64 And I686 Files

Jul 7, 2011

When I install wine the add/remove program wants to install both 86_64 and i686 files. I have the x86_64 version of Fedora 14. I am having problems with counterstrike and have installed it using Wine, have noted problems when both types of files are installed.

I would like to have Fedora set up just right but as with all Linux distros, am having trouble keeping my head above water with fc14. I have success up to a point and then want to go back to Windows for its simplicity. Just this wine problem

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OpenSUSE :: WINE - How To Install Windows Media Player 11 - Read RIFF Tags From WAV Files ?

Apr 8, 2011

I want to install my favorite player WMP11 in Linux, but the Setup fails in validation! i there a possible to force install wmp11 with wine in linux ? I have a lot of music in WAV + tagged with RIFF Tags, wmp can read riff tags...Amarok can't! is there another player that can read RIFF Tags from WAV files?

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Ubuntu :: How To Uninstall / Purge Wine And Any Wine Installed Windows Programs

Apr 15, 2011

How can I uninstall / purge wine and any wine installed windows programs?I've tried deleting .wine (hidden folder)but in /usr/bin/ there are a number of wine related files.And wine sub menu still appears in Applications menu

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Debian :: Can't Remove Wine - Apt-get Bricked - Could Not Perform Immediate Configuration On 'wine-unstable'

Feb 16, 2011

while trying to get a game to work on wine I was surprised to find out that the wine version that ships with sid is 1.0.1 released in October 2005. So I installed the latest release I found at [URL] like this :

dpkg -i wine_1.1.42~winehq1-1_amd64.deb

The install failed, I think because I hadn't remove the old wine version, and that's when the joy-ride started. Impossible to remove wine to restart properly. (apt-get remove libwine wine and apt-get -f install didn't) After some googling I tried this :

dpkg -i --force-depends wine_1.1.42~winehq1-1_amd64.deb

This did install the wine version I wanted, and the game ran fine after that. However the result was a borked apt-get. Tried to remove wine again with the above commands, resulting in apt-get failing to do so because it tried installing wine-unstable and reported errors similar to these : E: Could not perform immediate configuration on 'wine-unstable'. see man 5 apt.conf under APT::Immediate-Configure for details. (2)

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Server :: Install Wine On Rhel 5 - Send Wine Installtion Command?

May 21, 2010

i want to install wine on rhel 5.plz send me wine installtion command.

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Software :: Wine In Virtualbox \ Distro Which Runs In A Virtual Box An Starts Wine?

Mar 29, 2011

maybe my questions sounds funny: i'm looking for a very small (or better as small as necessary) distro which runs in a virtual box an starts wine.The reason is: we have new laptops in my school runnig windows7 64bit home and we have some software which runs only on WinXP. So why not take a virtualbox wich runs wine to start the old Software?

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General :: WINE GNOME Menus Won't Show Up After Re-install Of WINE?

Dec 18, 2009

Lot of questions about WINE... When I'm done I'm going to make a HOWTO so that others can do what I did It's hard work, but I'm nearly done.The last problem I'm having is the WINE menu on GNOME won't show up after a install of WINE from a .deb package (it usually does). This was after I compiled WINE from source and removed it with "make uninstall" and "rm -rf /.wine".So now I installed the WINE from a deb package and the Wine menu entry is not showing up.I've tried re-installing Wine and rebooting my PC but nothing seems to work.

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Slackware :: 64 Wine Running A Game Results In Wine Crash

Jun 24, 2011

I have a problem running a game on a fresh Slackware64 install.

Slack version is 13.37

I've followed alien bobs instructions for a multilib environment from here:[url]

And then used sbopkg to download and compile wine version 1.2.2, which went through just fine.

After that I grabbed cabextract from sbopkg and ran this: wget [url] sh winetricks d3dx9 To get the DX9.

But, when I try to run the game, this is the error I get:


The game it self ran perfectly on the 32 bit version of Slackware, tested with 13.0. So now I think I'm missing some libs or something, but I have no clue which.

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Ubuntu :: Access "Program Files" In .wine/drive_c With The Terminal?

Jan 13, 2010

How do I access "Program Files" located in ~/.wine/drive_c with the cd command ? when I try, this is what happens:

rrmendes Wed Jan 13 14:24:38 BRST 2010
[~]cd /home/rrmendes/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Okapi/Olifant
bash: cd: /home/rrmendes/.wine/drive_c/Program: No such file or directory
rrmendes Wed Jan 13 14:24:38 BRST 2010

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Ubuntu :: Firefox Default Action For MS Office 2003 Files With Wine And MS Office 2007?

Aug 7, 2010

I've ran into something rather odd. I've installed wine and Office 2007. If I am to open a office 2003 (doc) or office 2007 (docx) file, it will open wine and office 2007 to edit the file. This is the desired behaviour. If I am to open an office 2003 (doc) file in firefox, openoffice will be opened. If I am to do the same with an office 2007 (docx) file, wine and office 2007 will open.where to start to get wine/office 2007 to open files from firefox?

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OpenSUSE :: After Applying The Latest Wine Update Mouse Cursor In Wine Windows Is Now Purple/magenta/pink

Oct 19, 2009

I don't know if it's just my system, but after applying the latest Wine update, the mouse cursor in Wine windows is now purple/magenta/pink, whatever. Not a big problem, just annoying. I've looked through the various config files in ~home and /usr/share/wine, and can't find any parameter that might even remotely address this.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Get Rid Of WINE

Nov 25, 2010

I installed WINE via the software manager and then installed Civ 4. Then I tried to patch Civ 4 but it froze mid install so i restarted my comp. After it restarted I attempted to uninstall Civ 4 through WINE but it didn't work fully (i was left with a menu item under WINE in applications for it) I then attempted to uninstall WINE through the software manager, but WINE in the applications menu etc remained even though software manager says it is gone. I then tried to purge WINE which said it couldn't because WINE didn't exist - (sudo apt-get purge wine) and then I tried whatever this is (rm -R ~/*.wine*)

WINE still remains in the applications menu. I then deleted the folder from my home folder but the place in the menu still remains (the folder has gone).

How do I get rid of WINE and everything I brought with it completely? applications menu entry included as well as anything of civ 4 (i never tried to install anything else with it)

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Ubuntu Installation :: Wine Won't Run .exe?

Dec 27, 2010

I'm having a problem getting Linux/Wine to run any .exe or windows programs that I'm trying to get working. I've looked at many many tutorials and guides and nothing has worked for me yet. ere is my error message when trying to open .exe in Wine:"The file '/home/don/Downloads/rsclient.exe' is not marked as executable. If this was downloaded or copied from an untrusted source, it may be dangerous to run. For more details, read about the executable bit."

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