Ubuntu / Apple :: Change Default Boot To Mac Instead Of 10.10?

Dec 22, 2010

Ive installed maverick meerkat on my mid 2009 mbp and now whenever i start the computer it automatically boots into ubuntu instead of my mac os 10. how do i go about changing the boot sequence without having to install refit and pressing the option key all the time.

p/s: i dont like using refit because it takes 30 seconds just for the option screen to appear on boot up. oh and yeah, go easy on me cause im a noobie

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Ubuntu :: 9.10 Won't Boot - How To Change GRUB Default Boot Choice

Jan 5, 2010

I tried to do my parents a favor by installing Ubuntu 9.10 alongside WinXP on their PC -- same configuration I have on my desktop at home. The install went fine, but since I made a poor buying decision on purchasing a MSI motherboard in the past, Ubuntu immediately crashes after boot (other MSI board users having the same issue, no help from MSI).

The computer tries to boot Ubuntu by default unless something else is selected from the boot menu. How do I change the boot preference from default (choice 0) to WinXP? I tried manually changing this (editing the grub.cfg file), but the file said not to edit, that it's generated by something else...How do I have WinXP load by default instead of the broken Ubuntu?

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Ubuntu :: Change The Default OS To Boot In Dual Boot?

Aug 9, 2010

My comp came with Vista and then I installed Ubuntu, so it's dual boot. When I start up the computer, it eventually opens a screen with the options to boot Ubuntu, Vista and 3 other partitions. Ubuntu is at the top, Vista at the bottom, and it gives you five seconds to pick an OS or it automatically starts Ubuntu. This is very annoying because I almost always need Vista and I have a habit of pressing power and walking away and letting the computer load. Is there a way to have Vista be the default selection?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Refit - Want To Change Windows Icon To Penguin On Boot Up

Jan 24, 2010

I got ReFit installed on my macbook but I get two icons: the apple and a grey windows sign. I want the penguin, so any ideas on how to change the horrendous Windows icon to the cute much-wanted penguin?

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Ubuntu :: Change Default OS To Boot From?

Mar 23, 2010

Right now I dual boot Linux and Doze 7. As normal, grub appoints Ubuntu to be the OS highlighted to boot from. Is there a way to edit the boot list so that my Windows7 will boot automatically. Reason being my wife tends to get a little grumpy because she does not know which to choose from and does not like Ubuntu,,,yet.

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Ubuntu :: Grub2 - How To Change Default Boot OS

Jan 6, 2010

How to remove OS's from the GRUB boot menu, and also, how can I change the default booter from Ubuntu to a different OS and edit timeout?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cannot Change Default Boot?

Jan 15, 2010

I have recently upgraded my ubuntu image to I upgraded the start-up manager dosent work any more. I even tried changing it manually in the ectdefualtgrub.cfg and it says boot from entry 8 (which is my windows partition) but it still defaults to 0 on boot

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Ubuntu :: Change The Default Boot Screen?

Feb 6, 2010

I have Ubuntu 9.10, does anyone know how to change the default boot screen (with the Ubuntu name and the light). Also, the sound that comes with this screen?

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Ubuntu :: Dual Boot: How To Change Default

May 7, 2010

I am now dual booting between Windows 7 and Ubuntu 10.04 When i turn on my computer it goes to a GNU Grub screen where i can choose an OS to boot, in 6 seconds it auto chooses default. How to i change the default from Ubuntu to Windows? I have tried to edit the grub.cfg file but it wont let me [URL] i need the .NET framework for a lot of my studies so i need to default into Windows

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Ubuntu :: Change The Default Boot Partition?

Mar 1, 2011

I have Ubuntu 10.10 and Windows7 installed as dual-boot on my PC. When the machine starts up, Ubuntu is first in the list of boot options. After 10 seconds GRUB automatically boots that partition. I want to make the partition for Windows7 the default. How can I do that? I know some Unix, e.g. how to cd, gedit, etc..

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Ubuntu Installation :: Change Default Boot OS From 9.10 To Windows XP Pro?

Feb 12, 2010

I want to change my default boot OS from Ubuntu 9.10 which is now o Windows XP Pro SP3.How can I do that?Grub 2 is installed

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Ubuntu :: Change Default Boot OS From To Vista In GRUB

May 25, 2010

I'm extreemly new to Ubuntu and installed 10.04 onto a partition this morning. When I boot up my PC a menu called GRUB comes up and the list of OS's has ubuntu 1st. If I dont change my selection to vista it automatically boots into ubuntu. How can I change the order or default booting OS? I have seen other people talk about it but I'm not sure if it's up to date.

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Debian :: Change The Default Kernel To Boot

Jun 20, 2015

So far I've tried to add a number to 'GRUB_DEFAULT=', but it wouldn't want to boot in anything other than Debian or Windows, same with StartUp-Manager...

I currently have the liquorix kernels installed, but I can't get to use them as the standard Debian kernel is always picked. So is there any way to change this behaviour?

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General :: Change Default Boot Order In 10.04?

Jan 13, 2011

How can I change default boot order in Ubuntu 10.04 from Ubuntu to Windows7? However, I already checked sudo gedit /etc/default/grub and modify the grub file to be GRUB_DEFAULT=4 and update the grup sudo update-grub I even install graph software to re order the book sudo startupmanager But still after restart the default choose for boot is Ubuntu ...

P.S: I am using Ubuntu 10.04 with grub version 1.98

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General :: Change Default Boot Options For Ubuntu Desktop

Mar 12, 2011

I have recently installed Unbuntu Desktop 10.10 on a partition alongside my normal Windows 7 x64 install. I expected to have only one OS boot menu which I would be able to edit via msconfig.exe in Windows. However I have two seperate sets of boot menus.The first one contains a bunch of different Ubuntu boot options and also contains an option to boot to Windows 7 (this is last in the list).

The first boot menu defaults to Ubuntu and is on a short timeout. I want to change this to default to Windows 7 and increase the timeout.Google tells me to edit /boot/grub/menu.lst and although I do have a grub folder I don't seem to have a file called menu.lst: Change default operating system at boot

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Ubuntu Installation :: GRUB: How To Change The Default Boot Option

Aug 9, 2010

I just got to finish installing ubuntu lastest version on my new netbook, im really exited about how powerful it can get. The thing is, I'm still keeping my old Windows 7 partition and data, and I want to access it faster, editing the grub options, to change the timer on it, and the default booting option.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Boot: How To Change The Default Option

Oct 3, 2010

I've installed Windows 7 Ultimate on a notebook which previously ran Vista. No problems there.I've now installed Ubuntu (now updated to 10.04)so that it can boot to either OS.

It all works fine and when I first power up, I get a screen which invites me to select the OS I want to use. There are however two problems:

1) it defaults to Ubuntu (whereas I would prefer it to default to Windows 7 (it's a work laptop and most of the applications are Windows-specific),

2) the list of choices is getting increasingly complex with an expanding list of choices (with each major update of Ubuntu adding more); it even seems to include an option to go back to Vista!As long as I move down the list and make the right selection quite speedily, I get to where I want to be (though, as I say, I would like to change the default option).Is there any way I can edit/shorten this list without damaging the functionality and how can I change that default?

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General :: Dualboot Sequence - Change Default Boot ?

May 19, 2010

I have a dualboot (Xp and fedora) system and would like to change default boot. How do I do this?

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Ubuntu :: Change The Boot Order To Make Windows 7 The Default Start Up?

Aug 5, 2010

I am running a dual boot with Windows 7 pro and ubuntu.

How do I change the boot order to make windows 7 the default start up??

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Red Hat :: Change The Default Text That Is Displayed On The Default BASH Logon (attached)?

Sep 12, 2010

How is it possible to change the default text that is displayed on the default BASH logon (attached)?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Apple Ibook Won't Boot

Dec 2, 2010

I have been given an Apple Ibook that wont boot

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Overriding Rm's Default Behavior

Jul 16, 2011

Within the last few weeks, I've been beginning to familiarize myself with Terminal. I know within the syntax, you can add options such as -i or -v.When I enter the command rm, I want Terminal to automatically go interactive (which would be the -i option) without me having to add it to the command. Meaning, I'd rather type rm Test.doc than having to include -i like this rm -i Test.doc. This way, whenever I execute the rm command, I won't have to worry about adding the -i option because I know that Terminal will automatically ask me if I want to delete the file or not before I do.

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General :: What Config File Do You Change To Change Default Run Level?

Aug 5, 2009

What config file do you change to change default run level???

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Ubuntu :: Change To Single Mouse Click / Make Icons Tinier Than Default / Change Icons

Mar 12, 2009

In Ubuntu 810.. how do you set the mouse for one click to open an item..?What is that software that sets Trash's empty feature at the bottom of the right click on trash..? I had it, but I can't find it for this new install.Is there a way to default the cursor to half its minimum size, and customize its color to blues..?Is there a way to force the desktop toolbar icons to half of their minimum default size..Is thee a way to change the "Ubuntu Icon + Applications/Place/System" to just three different colored tiny spheres, without the Ubuntu icon..?

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Ubuntu :: How To Change Key-mapping For Apple Keyboard

Jul 21, 2011

I have Ubuntu 10.04 (Netbook Remix) installed on Asus EeePC 1000. Sometimes I use Apple Wired Aluminum keyboard for comfortable typing. There is no problem for me with netbook's keyboard, but i want to change the keys for the Apple one. For example: make F1-F12 keys really work like F-keys, not control keys; make Fn key to work like Insert key, and swap Cmd/Alt keys.

So, the main question - is it possible to change the layout of apple keyboard without changing the behavior of netbook keyboard? If not, then maybe there are some "switchers" that can constantly change mappings from one to another and back? And, at last, if there is no such tools, then what is the easiest way to do it manually?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Change Username To One That Have Permissions For The Folder?

Feb 9, 2011

So I'm trying to put together a birthday present for my girlfriend. Here's the background. She just got back from a semester abroad in Rome. She's having a hard time getting used to living in the states again, so I want to make her a photo album with all of her pictures from Italy and the rest of Europe. Its a surprise, so I can't just get them from her. I've got her Time Machine, which has all the photos on it (I'm 'debugging' it for her, she's not so tech savvy). I've found the pictures folder, but I don't have the permissions to access it.

So the question is, I have her username and password, what do I have to do in order to read the file with all the pictures in it? I'm not a crazy stalker, in case you were wondering, I just don't know how to change my username to one that have permissions for the folder.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Change Mac User Files Read Permission?

Jul 13, 2010

I'm a new Ubuntu user, I just installed Ubuntu today and I'm loving it. But this issue has been driving me nuts all day, I've searched for hours for something like this and all posts were about external hard drives. I installed Ubuntu 10.04 on my MBP 13" then dual booted into Ubuntu. I can mount and access my MBP hard drive, but when it comes to the Mac home user files, I don't have permission to even READ.

How can I change that? I tried doing so by dual booting into Mac and changing the folder permissions and also making them shared folders but nothing worked.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Applescript To Change The Desktop Color Via Plist Edit?

Mar 26, 2010

so I found this applescript somewhere, and not knowing applescript I was wondering if someone could tell me what the edits I need to make to duplicate the functionality found in the perl script which follows the applescript. (ie. I want to cycle through the colors in the same sequence)

Applescript (written by someone else for OS X)

tell application "System Events"
set theDesktopPlist to property list file "~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.desktop.plist"
set theGivenDesktop to property list item "desktopCode" of property list item "Background" of theDesktopPlist
set theColorArray to property list item "BackgroundColor" of theGivenDesktop
on error


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Ubuntu / Apple :: Won't Change Display Resolution To 2560x1440 On An IMac 27"

Mar 28, 2010

I recently purchased an iMac 27" i7 with 8GB RAM, however after i installed UBUNTU i can't seen to find a way to set my display resolution to 2560 x 1440.

This is my second try on UBUNTU, the first time i was happy but disappointed on how difficult changing settings could be, this time seems not to be any different.

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Ubuntu :: Change Default JRE And JVM?

Jul 10, 2010


One of the greatest things about Linux, ( I'm currently using Ubuntu 10.04 LTS) is your ability to install more than one version of java. Ubuntu, and by default, comes loaded with OpenJdk, which is an open source version of Java. As I stated in a previous discussion, I had some issues to run glassfish with the OpenJdk, so I decided to install the "closed" version of Java directly from Sun microsystem's website ( Hosted by oracle nowadays).

After downloading the latest Java development kit(JDK) which also includes the Java Runtime Envirnonment (JRE), I installed it from the terminal. The java file I downloaded was a ".bin" file. I have explained in the previous discussion, how to install a .bin file.

The installer will extract all the contents of the ".bin" file to a folder in the same directory as of the ".bin" file. Assuming that you have extracted the contents of the ".bin" file to a folder on your Desktop called JAVA6, then the path to this folder would be:

after that go to your terminal window and do the following: sudo update-alternatives --install "/usr/bin/java" "java" "/Desktop/JAVA6/bin/java" 1

Then issue the following command:

sudo update-alternatives --set Desktop/JAVA6/bin/java

This should set your newly installed java as your default JVM and JRE.

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